Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2628: It’s you, it’s over the fire!

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Long Yangjun’s words, like a clear sky, completely smashed the atmosphere between her and Li Yao.

Li Yao’s expressions of “loyalty, grandeur, and unreserved” all solidified on his face, and the forehead once again oozing cold sweat.

Li Yao stared at Long Yangjun, staring at Long Yangjun without a word, staring at Long Yangjun with great dismay.

Long Yangjun fluttered his eyes and said, "Ah?"

Li Yao also said: "Ah?"

Long Yang Jundao: "What do you mean by ah?"

Li Yaodao: "I mean... you have too much fun! Even if we really turn against each other, we can't wait to make each other a thousand knives, and they are all loyal to their majesty, and there is absolutely no falsification. But, but huge God soldiers are the root of our lives. Is it necessary to play so much? For example, I am loyal to my knees and even willing to sacrifice for the future of human civilization. But this does not mean that I am going to cut. Take your own life to serve you! Change to you, will you?"

"I... will!"

Long Yangjun applauded, "I have been an **** for nearly a hundred years, you don't know it!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and looked at the sky without a word, but found that his head was a black rock.

"In short, I am taking out the giant soldiers. I think this is the most direct and effective way to express your loyalty to your majesty. Only in this way, you can trust us completely, and you can say that you dare not!"

Long Yangjun held up the Qiang Kun ring and stared deeply at Li Yaodao. "I can't help you say that I used other dragons to quit the fish. I will summon the giant gods 'Tianjing' now, don't misunderstand, I am not in Prepare for the attack, even if you really want to attack, you will only step on the head of Li Yao’s dog!"

"it is good!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth. "You are a loyal minister, dare to summon the giant soldiers, and test the authenticity of the Qiang Kun ring. Can I not dare? I also summon my own giant soldier 'arsonist' to let the majesty see it. Of course, if there is a chance to blast your lower abdomen, I will not be soft-hearted, remember, it is the lower abdomen!"

Said, Li Yao also touched the ring, and the situation is to be launched.

"and many more!"

Wu Yingqi looked at him with a cold eyes and suddenly said, "Li Yao, you step back and let Long Yangjun come to you one by one, not both people to summon the giant soldiers at the same time."

Li Yao: "Ah?"

Long Yangjun: "Ah?"

The two looked at each other and couldn't wait to blow each other 36,000 big mouths. They said the same thing: "You ‘ah’ what!”

"Don't waste time, Jinjing Tower has been launched, we must race against time."

Wu Yingqi squinted at the two people: "If you really want to prove your loyalty, then let's get started. Long Yangjun comes first, and I really want to enjoy your giant soldier ‘Tianjing’ again!”

"...Yes, Your Majesty."

Long Yangjun’s eyes and mouth trembled together, and the eyes flashed with unknown color. In the end, she simply closed her eyes and took a deep breath, screaming at the space and extracting her own giant god. Soldier "Tianjing"!

The crystal clear and splendid brilliance instantly filled the vast caves.

However, Wu Yingqi’s attention seems to be completely absent from Long Yangjun. Instead, Li Yao is locked in a deadly manner. More precisely, Li Yao keeps rubbing his fingers.

It seems that as long as Li Yao has a trace of signs, to extract the giant soldiers on this section of the eye, then Wu Yingqi will not hesitate to attack him the most aggressive.

Li Yao can deeply perceive the chill of the frozen bone marrow.

Therefore, he did not dare to act rashly. He could only watch the giant soldiers of Long Yangjun gradually forming.

Unexpectedly, just as Long Yangjun’s giant **** "Tianjing" has just emerged from the void in the air, Wu Yingqi faintly said: "Enough, take it back, you have already experienced you." Loyalty, Long Aiqing."

Long Yangjun had not had time to sit in the cockpit of "Tianjing", and his closed eyes suddenly opened, just to see Wu Yingqi staring at her meaningfully.

This is a stage in which the Giants are the most advanced and retreating. At least it takes a few seconds to complete the equipment and stimulate the ultimate force.

Wu Yingqi is never able to give her a few seconds.

Long Yangjun can only interrupt the extraction process of the giant gods, and presses "Tianjing" hard and hard to go back.

"Now, it's your turn, Li Aiqing."

Wu Yingqi turned his head and smiled at Li Yao. "Is there a problem?"

"No problem at all!"

Li Yao raised his right arm, his face facing up, and erected in the direction of Long Yangjun... wearing the **** of Qiankun.

The giant squadron "arsonist" descends from the void!


Similarly, the "arsonist" has just revealed 30% of the form, Wu Yingqi interrupted Li Yao's extraction process, and did not give Li Yao the opportunity to completely extract the giant soldiers. "This is the three consecutive defeats." Is the super-powerful soldier of the great gods and the three giant gods? It is really sharp enough, but there will be time to study it again in the future, and now it will be collected first."

Li Yao was helpless, and he had to slam the "arsonist" back.

"Right, there is something that has always been very curious. Since both Ai Qing are so frank, I will not hide these little things."

Wu Yingqi looked at Li Yao and looked at Long Yangjun. "I remember that we had a big battle at the bottom of the Silver Moon. You Ming Ming will beat your giant soldiers and break the Li, and Li Yao will be exhausted. In the short half-month of the collapse, your giant soldiers have been renewed, and Li Yao’s strength has also advanced by leaps and bounds. He has raised several levels in one breath. What new adventures seem to be there?

"Long Tianqing's ‘Tianjing’ can roughly see the past appearance, which is still within the reasonable range of maintenance and transformation.

"But Li Aiqing’s arsonist is reborn and reborn. It’s like a big explosion of technology. What is going on?"

This question will be thoroughly asked by Li Yao.

It was like a huge hoe, licking his nose and licking his nostrils to the back of his head.


Li Yao’s eyes turned around and I didn’t know what to explain.


Wu Yingqi’s eye murder again, his face is cloudy and uncertain.

"Lee Yao, now, are you still not saying anything about ‘magic civilization’?”

Long Yangjun blinked. "When are you going to hide it?"

"Yes, magic civilization!"

Li Yao's eyes wide open and blurted out. "Chen is using the dragon and civilization technology of Long Yangjun, coupled with the technological transformation of magical civilization, has turned the 'arsonist' into this unrecognizable virtue, and at the same time, helped himself. The fighting power, the little one has improved!"

"Magic civilization?"

Wu Yingqi suspiciously, "What is that?"

"It’s just what Mr. He said just now, from the outer multiverse, and we are comprehending, oh, it is the civilization that corresponds to the immortal civilization!"

Li Yaofei quickly said, "When he just jumped to the empire, he was forced to land in the poisonous star cluster. As a result, a magical civilization starship wreck was found on the edge of the chaotic cluster. There were all kinds of strange things in it. Chen also unknowingly swallowed up a lot of inheritance, and did not know the mystery of some great universe.

"These inheritances are stagnation in the body of the court and deep in the spirits. The ministers try their best to unlock them, but they are always in vain. Who knows that they have been carefully taught under the silver moon? Wow, it’s like '醍醐灌顶', In an instant, all the veins in the body are not open, and the court has realized a lot of mysterious and mysterious, and can't use the ink and ink to describe the inheritance. Therefore, all of this is given by the worship of the beggar. Of course, it can be said that it is Hongfu Qitian, the plan has not yet When launched, it has brought a great fortune to human civilization!"

"It turns out, magical civilization?"

Wu Yingqi has also been exposed to some intelligences of heterogeneous civilizations in the multiverse. Li Yao’s words are faintly matched, and I can’t help but believe a few more points. “It’s really interesting...”

"If you don't believe in your majesty, you can now read a few words of magical civilization to prove it."

Li Yaoqing cleared his throat and shook his head and sang, "abcdefg, hijklmn, opq..."

"Enough, stop."

Wu Yingqi gently glared at the temple. "Li Aiqing said, "I naturally believe it. You don't need to prove it in this way."

"Thank you!"

Li Yao sighed and wiped the sweat. "Not a small minister wants to deliberately conceal the magical civilization. It is not a big deal with the decisive battle. The young minister did not say that it was a waste of time. Originally, there was a chance. I have to tell you slowly.

"So what, now that we are all loyal to our majesty, and our sire is also trusting us, then it’s okay, it’s raining, the sky is dark, what are we doing now, kneel, as long as you say a word Going to the fire, you will die!"

Li Yao snored while holding the hand wearing the Qiang Kun ring back.

But it didn't work. Wu Yingqi's eyes were still stuck on the Qiankun ring of their storage giants. They didn't even interrupt for half a second. It was impossible to display "drops".


Li Yao said and said nothing.

"We seem to be handing over the giant soldiers to the majesty."

Long Yangjun reminded.

"Crap, I am not handing over the giant soldiers to your majesty?"

In Wu Yingqi's half-burning, half-cold gaze, Li Yao can only take the hand back and retract it, and store the "arsonist" ring slowly, slowly, slowly. In the hands of Wu Yingqi.

"Tell you, you really think about your squatting too shallow, too simple!"

Li Yao stared at Long Yangjun with a smattering word, and squeezed out the steel nails from his teeth. "Even if we are willing to hand over the giant soldiers to our majesty, the old man will be broad and broad-minded. Will not accept it.

"And, I highly doubt that this is your traitor, the trap that you use to fight your heart. You are in this way, trapped in injustice, completely destroying your "Tomorrow plan" and even making the whole empire And human civilization is destroyed once!"

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