Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2629: The art of lying

Li Yao’s remarks made Wu Yingqi and Long Yangjun’s face reveal an incredible expression.

"What? What do you mean?"

Long Yangjun flew to Li Yao’s eyes. "How can I get stuck in unrighteousness? Don't be bloody!"

"It's very simple, you are using such a sinister trick to directly attack the heart of your majesty, trying to kill people invisible!"

Li Yao coldly said, "It should be noted that His Majesty's 'Tomorrow Plan' is based on two foundations, one of which is '醍醐 顶 top technology', which is the advanced and powerful technology of large-scale powerful brainwashing technology. It is absolutely reliable and no one can resist it.

"Second, it is the wise and sacred martial arts, far-sighted, unpredictable, clear-cut, and accurately count all the forces and every link in the Xinghai. No accidental factors can escape the eyes of his old man!"

"And these two points are also the heart of the Majesty's heart--because his Majesty firmly believes in the reliability of '醍醐 顶 顶 top technology' and his wisdom and precision, so he has enough strong heart to promote 'Tomorrow's plan ', become the supreme commander of human civilization forever!

"All that is done by His Majesty is not for self-interest, but for the advancement of human civilization. Therefore, the heart of His Majesty must be indestructible, and there is no trace of doubt.

"In short, only if you believe in it first, can you use this strong and hot heart to use the growth of the sun to infect thousands of people. If you don't even believe in yourself, how can you "wash your brain"?

"So, if you really believe that your heart is absolutely correct, then his old man's squatting technology is invincible, and he controls all the links precisely, then how can I betray him, what reason can I betray him? I have to know that I have just talked with my Majesty and listened to the truth of the old man’s talk for several hours. If you can’t get lost in this way, isn’t the so-called '醍醐灌顶' a joke that is useless?

"In the case of knowing that I can never betray, I have to collect my giant soldiers. Isn’t it just taking off my pants and fart? What's more?"

This car circling around, I heard Long Yangjun stunned and couldn’t speak for a long time.

Wu Yingqi also fell into meditation, and there was a ripple in the eye.

Regardless of whether you are a self-cultivator or a cultivator, you must rely on a strong heart to support you when you cultivate to the extreme. Even if Wu Yingqi is really a crazy madman, he is also a madman with ideals, ambitions and hearts.

Moreover, such extreme fanatics tend to see the Taoism as more important than anything else, and it is impossible to easily distort and change.

"If the Majesty really seized the two giant soldiers of ours, it would represent two things. First, His Majesty had doubts about his own squatting technology and sophisticated control ability. Second, he was afraid of us, afraid. We have 'Tianjing' and 'Firer' - you talk about it, which ones are true?

Li Yao continued to sneer, "If you are really detained and accept our giant soldiers, then there will be two subtle cracks on the indestructible heart of his old man, so that the perfect soul will appear a deadly flaw.

"Perhaps in peacetime, this crack does not bring too serious consequences.

"But don't forget, your Majesty will soon pass through the Golden Crystal Tower, instilling the entire celestial avenue of his old man to the entire heavenly world.

"I think that even with the incomparable strength of Yuzhong, and the increase of the Golden Crystal Tower and even the stars, it is necessary to spread the boulevard to the depths of the brains of hundreds of millions of enemy soldiers. It is also very consuming spiritual power and even the power of the spirit. Right?

"In such a key, so on the eyes of the soul that consumes the soul, you have to create a crack in the heart of the road. It is like a crack on the dam of the flood, and it will collapse at any time!

"At that time, not only will the soul of the majesty be seriously damaged, but this gap of self-doubt in the heart is also very likely to be transmitted to the brains of all enemy soldiers along the turbulent brainwaves. How? "Toppings," how do you let these soldiers firmly believe in the glory and invincibility of their majesty?

"So, I said that you dug a pit to make a jump, is deliberately trapped in unrighteousness, is it still wrong? Um!"

Li Yao with his hands on his hips, his eyes stunned and angered Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun is helpless: "I don't mean this, I-"

"Don't say it, you are!"

Li Yao interrupted her excuses without mercy. "As long as you have a little bit of a brain, you can think of it with your ass. I can never betray my sire. Because the current situation is not stopping the majesty." The plan, or, if you say a big sentence, you can solve it.

"We are far from the strength of our Majesty. It is impossible to cause a little damage to our majesty, but even if there is really a difference in the majesty, then what should I do? I know that the biggest enemy at the moment is still the four major family fleets, and The main fleet of the sacred alliance that has not yet appeared!

"I have no ability to calm down the chaos of the emperor, and my Majesty is the only one who has this ability. No matter what position I stand, what choices can I have in addition to surrendering to my Majesty? I am a self-cultivator, not a A madman who is totally reckless!"

Long Yangjun was smothered by Li Yao and stunned for a long time: "Unless -"

"Unless, I have a way to solve the chaos of the emperor after the monarch, right? But how is it possible!"

Li Yao sneered in a sneer, watching Long Yangjun's gaze is like watching an idiot, "Unless, I have a way to hijack some of the crystal eye and crystal brain here, and penetrate the double shield of the innovation and the four families, give Lei Chenghu, who is far away from the Seven Seas Stars, came to a 'live broadcast' to let him realize what was happening in the emperor.

"Unless, before realizing this, Lei Chenghu solved the snow snow, Song Yushi and eight King Kong fleets in an incredible way, and brought over a dozen diamond-class super arsenal ships and countless warlord star ships. Under the bag!

"Ah, even this will not work, because His Majesty now knows the heart of Lei Chenghu's innocence. When Lei Chenghu sends a 'recruitment request' to the emperor, he will never send a stargate signal to him. Star Gate, how did Lei Chenghu’s fleet jump into the formation? A ship jumped over and landed, purely looking for death!

"So, unless I have an elite combat squad that has secretly sneaked into the emperor, ambushing next to a nearest star gate, and at the most critical moment, God does not know how to hijack this stargate, and stargate to the seven starfish. The domain is slowly open.

"Right, before so many 'unless', there is a big 'unless', that is, I have mastered some kind of unconscious thoughts, and the extremely high-spirited method of mental immunity can actually immunize the underarms. !

"Hey, so many key factors that can never be achieved, have all happened? Do you want to be so exaggerated! Even the worst novels can't be written like this!"

"You know this, but you don't care about pouring dirty water on me, making up such ridiculous things to smear me, it is simply insulting me, wrong, is insulting the wisdom of your majesty! You don't care if you filthy, but you are so insulted The wisdom of His Majesty, but also the attempt to shake the heart of the majesty, is too sinister, and his heart is awkward!"


Long Yangjun trembled and shivered. "Your Majesty, don't listen to this despicable villain. I don't have any idea of ​​the ability to squat under the slogan. I just hope that my plan can be reinsurance. a little!"

"What do you mean, if we have two giant soldiers in our hands, what is your plan?"

Li Yao sneered at the nose. "Herald has carefully planned the grand plan of nearly a hundred years, and it has been completely destroyed by the two giant soldiers in the district?"

Wu Yingqi is silent, his eyes are like the flames in the wind.

"of course--"

Li Yao took the initiative to hold Wu Yingqi, who stored the "arsonist". "You have smeared me again and again. In order to prove your loyalty, I will hand over the giant soldiers to the custodians. What relationship, I believe that my Majesty will definitely give me a fair!"

Long Yangjun snorted, and he also took his own ring.

The two glanced at each other and then looked at Wu Yingqi's hands.

Wu Yingqi narrowed his eyes, staring at the Qiankun ring in their hands, thinking about it for a while, or connecting the two shackles to the past.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun died and died. Under the control of amazing control, the physiological parameters did not change much, but the pupil and nostrils expanded at the same time by 5%.

Wu Yingqi put two 乾 戒 戒 in the palm of his hand, wrapped in psionic power, like two small meteors, chasing each other and entangled, while playing casually, watching Li Yao and Long Yangjun, as if to The two men’s heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney all see the hole.

In the end, he smiled and took two of the shackles into the palm of his hand. He slammed it and threw it back at the two.

"The gentleman does not take advantage of others, and he is rich in the world, and will he covet your two small giant soldiers?"

Wu Yingqi carried his hands and shoulders, and his eyes were filled with strong self-confidence. He said, "Li Aiqing said that it is true that there is no possibility of a little omission. The 'Tomorrow Plan' is the only solution to save the empire and human civilization, no matter you. What position should you stand on, you should support it without hesitation!

"Hey, the topping technology, it is even more difficult to find the way to crack, so no matter whether Li Yao or Long Yangjun, you two can not betray.

"If Li Aiqing, who is connected to the top of the house, can't believe it, but also deprive you of the giant soldiers to control you, then what is the face to implement the 'Tomorrow Plan', and the heart of the road, where should it be? !

"Put the Qiankun ring all the way, see, the sky has cracked, the moment of sunshine is coming, and you will soon enter the Jinjing Tower and go to see the brilliant sun!"

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