Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2636: Unbearable consequences!


The black sun continually ejected a surging flame, but the flame lost its domineering and sweeping domineering, becoming scattered and weak. It was not like the extension of Wu Yingqi's steel will, but it was like he vomited blood.

It is impossible to blame Wu Yingqi’s spirit for being too “fragile”, mainly because the “Tomorrow Plan” has just progressed to the most critical moment. He is relying on his own strength to convince hundreds of millions of people’s loyalties, even if there is a sun as an increaser, The impact and counterattack can also be imagined.

What's more, no one can think of it. In this decisive battle between the empire, the human civilization and even the future of the Pangu universe - such an impassioned and at least serious serious occasion, Li Yao would have made such a tactic of being indiscriminate!

It is no wonder that Wu Yingqi’s sturdy souls have a glimpse of the gap between the claws and the claws of the claws.

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, the ancestor of the immortal, the blood **** passed on, his heart, shaken!

Exhausting the computational power of his distracted series, no matter how many times he repeated the entire plan, he did not expect Li Zhi to have such a wonderful existence!

"What ‘you, me, me,’, ‘oh oh ah’, there are a few films of pure love in the district that can’t stand it. How do you learn to be an emperor?”

Li Yao screamed, the red star continued to expand, and the source continued to send out more exciting and unpleasant information flow in all directions. "This way you can't stand it, then the next heavy taste is not to look at your dog's eyes!" ”


Numerous streams of information, with the help of the Golden Crystal Tower and even the Sun's supreme power, are shot into the entire Xinghai, the brains of hundreds of millions of immortals.

The first to bear the brunt is the hundreds of bald heads around Li Yao and Wu Yingqi.

These strong players are also the "pre-guards" carefully selected by Wu Yingqi. After repeated "squatting", they have no faith in Wu Yingqi's philosophy, and loyalty is definitely not a problem.

But even if their loyalty doubled again, suddenly their brains were filled with incredible images and the sound of the nine bends and eighteen bends. This level of stimulation is also... too exciting.

Think about it, in the last second, they are still full of grand, brilliant, long-distance, deep things, the future of mankind, the destiny of the universe, and the one above all else, full of holy glory and demon The domineering statue - Wu Yingqi wields a long sword and opens the image of the road ahead.

But in the next second, such a magnificent image, together with the picture of the universe, was smashed and replaced by something that could not be resorted to the pen.

The commander of mankind, the supreme master, the only true God, like a hairless monkey, is entangled with other hairless monkeys, as if they are fighting.

Moreover, the commander, the master and the true God are still the ones who lost.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

The deepest part of the souls of hundreds of bald-headed people, all screams of heartbreaking.

Accompanied by the unspeakable cry, Wu Yingqi repeatedly instilled the mark on the depths of their brains, gradually loosened, shaken, and collapsed!

"Fake, fake, all fake, is the enemy's scam!"

"Of course it's fake, of course it's a scam, but the supreme and omnipotent squat, why do you allow such a **** illusion to emerge at the most critical moment of our grand career?"

"How can you allow, how can you tolerate?"

Such doubts, such as a bright arc, repeatedly wandered between hundreds of heads.

Wu Yingqi did not wash away the normal logical thinking ability of all bald-headed people.

What he needs is an elite warrior who is loyal but has self-judgment and execution ability, rather than a blank flesh and blood in his brain. Logical thinking ability is essential and cannot be completely washed away.

However, in the past, he used the method of “crowding the top” to bring the thoughts of these strong people into their own rhythm, so that they can only think according to their own orbits. Of course, no matter how they think, they will eventually come up with It is the conclusion of surrender to him.

But now, his rhythm has been chased by Li Yao, and the pre-determined track is all interrupted by Li Yao’s shameless, insidious tricks!

The bald-headed person who is qualified to become the "pre-guardian" has at least the strength of Jindan and above, and the logical thinking ability naturally does not need to be said. When they suddenly jump out of the framework of Wu Yingqi's presupposition to examine the current situation, they immediately discover the natural situation. contradiction.

A commander who is unscrupulous, even a omnipotent god, is it possible to ignore such a despicable engraving of the enemy?

These are the "pre-guards" that have been brainwashed by Wu Yingqi for a long time, not to mention the four family-cultivators who have just received brainwashing and are still unstable in the starry battlefield.

Speaking of it, these four family cultivators are also very miserable - they first lost a wave in the raging sun storm, and then in the massive brainwashing, a wave of madness and a blast of the brain, followed by In the mutual killing of each other, countless deaths and injuries, this time finally managed to settle down a little, can calmly listen to the "Sunnah" of "His Majesty", I did not expect that the brain is filled with such stimulation So violent, so dirty stuff!

The cerebral cortex, which has just been poisoned, has ushered in a new round of devastating. The heart that has just turned a 180-degree turn has ushered in a hundred and eighty degrees of rotation - just in a vertical direction. In short, the hearts of these cultivators have been distorted into grotesque existences, and the reverence and belief in Wu Yingqi have been severely embarrassed, and it is almost impossible to return to the state before the moment.

"Eyes, my eyes!"

Numerous cultivators screamed at their own eyes and cried their wolves, spurting thick blood into their fingers.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Even the madman who had just gone mad, the madman who had a mental breakdown also screamed and rolled his head around the ground.


There are quite a few senior commanders who have just been brainwashed by Wu Yingqi. Five minutes ago, they ordered their own starships to kill those stubborn flagships. They took a "name" for Wu Yingqina, and then they saw Wu Yingqi. A bumpy, phoenix, vivid picture.

After many people were stunned for a long time, the dark black eyelids gradually recovered, but it was a long time. After shaking, the short-tube squirt gun that was pulled out of the waist, stuffed into his mouth, and sweared with ambiguity. , 狠狠 buckle the trigger.

The four major family empire fleets that were originally chaotic to the extreme were even more chaotic.

The same scene is also staged at every asteroid base, the deep sea fleet, the various corps of the Guards, and the hundreds of celestial celestial celestial celestial beings. The entire empire, no, has never been staged in the history of human civilization. Such a ridiculous farce!

Even if you exhaust all the words that humans have used in the past, you can't accurately depict Wu Yingqi's mood at the moment.

The horror, shock, fear, and fury of the billions of souls are clearly and clearly fed back to his soul, turning into a twisted ripple on the surface of the black sun.

The magnificent "Tomorrow Plan" is experiencing the failure of the collapse mode.

His "spiritual plague" has encountered a more powerful "spiritual plague", and the most ambitious plan has been defeated by the most primitive instinct!

When Wu Yingqi finally managed to stop the urge to vomit blood and reorganize the chaotic heart, he wanted to prevent the Jinjing Tower from continuing to emit twisted ripples to the sun.

But the level of trouble is far beyond his control.

First of all, the mysterious force of the opponent's intrusion into the Jinjing Tower's master crystal brain is too strong, and it also faintly carries the taste of the extraterrestrial demon with him.

This makes the two sides have high compatibility with the control system, and the other party is using this to simulate his ripples to obtain the control authority of the Golden Crystal Tower.

Within ten minutes, it is difficult for him to regain the Golden Crystal Tower.

Secondly, the so-called "massive squatting" is originally a high-risk operation that is no less risky than taking over. When more and more people's brains generate new storms, the power of this storm is also eroding his soul and causing him to suffer. After two consecutive years, there is no end to the impact.

Finally, Li Yao! The **** Li Yao is like a mouse that can't die, and once again stinks to his soul!

When Wu Yingqi mobilized a large amount of spiritual power to deal with Li Yaozhi, his control of Jinjing Tower could not help but relax. The other party’s invasion of Jinjing Tower was deeper, and even wanted to sneak into the core database of Jinjing Tower to activate the thoroughness of Jinjing Tower. Stop mode!

Jinjing Tower certainly has its own control personnel and even crystal brain experts.

It is a pity that these control personnel and crystal brain experts have just been caught in the state of squatting, and they also shared the information that Li Yao has spread out. This is holding his head, his eyes open, his face pale and doubtful about life!

Wu Yingqi can only go into battle in person, with one heart and two minds, while competing with the **** demons to control the Jinjing Tower, while destroying the **** Li Yao.

For the distracted strong in normal state, dual-use is the most basic supernatural power.

But Wu Yingqi at the moment can not talk about the word "normal".

In the spiritual battlefield, the black sun gradually shrinks like a deflated ball, while the red star is more and more inflated.

Under the circumstance, the gap between the two sides has been sharply shortened, almost in the same order of magnitude.


Two suns, one red and one black, and the cicadas collide together. Each sun is waving hundreds of flame tentacles, each of which is condensed into the thoughts of countless Li Yao and Wu Yingqi. Together, tear, melt and devour each other.

From this perspective, their souls are not like two stars, but white blood cells and invading bacteria.

It's just hard to tell now, who is the white blood cell, who is the bacteria that will eventually be swallowed up!

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