Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2637: A **** like you!

"Li Yao, you dare to betray you!"

A flame tentacles of the black sun is like a thunder of millions of kilometers, whipping on the surface of the red star, picking up tens of thousands of kilometers of waves - this is a collection of Wu Yingqi's fury, "use Such a despicable way!"

"All said, this is what you forced, who told you to be bad and stupid!"

The arrogance of the red stars has turned into countless tentacles, deeply piercing the black sun, trying to further interfere with Wu Yingqi’s heart with Li Yao’s will. “I am a gentleman like me, I would never want to use such a mean and shameless trick. - In this way, even if you defeat, but my reputation and the world's name, are also destroyed!

"However, for human civilization, personal reputation and fucking, what is it?

"I have gambled on the glorious image that I have worked hard for a hundred years before I have built it. I have this kind of enlightenment. Is it that you can easily brainwash? Give me a defeat, Wu Yingqi!"

"Booming and banging!"

Along with Li Yao's roar, a series of red fireballs blasted on the surface of the black sun, and the black sun was blown up and smashed, like a huge deformed tumor!


Wu Yingqi’s spirit was greatly shocked, and he could hardly resist Li Yao’s indiscriminate bombing. Like the octopus entwined by electric gongs, he waved the tentacles of the will and sent Li Yao a stronger spiritual force. Yao brainwashing, "If it is for human civilization, you have no reason to betray it. You are the only savior. Only the "Tomorrow Plan" can save the empire and save everyone!"

"Let's come here, the facts are in front of you, you have completely finished, and you want to use this kind of puncture to break the ridiculously ridiculous argument to confuse all beings? Dreaming of you!"

Li Yao sneaked into the nose, the red star burst into a dazzling glare, and every ray of light contained his indestructible will. "As I said earlier, your 'Tomorrow plan' wants to be convincing, nothing more than two points. One is that you have no choice but to fight invincible; the other is the maturity and stability of 'large-scale brainwashing technology' and the minimum cost.

"But now it seems that these two points are not true!

"First of all, you haven't achieved anything at all, and you are absolutely in control. At least you haven't counted on countless calculations. I'm so mean. No, it's not that I will be so ingenious and witty!

"Secondly, there is a variety of loopholes in the 'large-scale brainwashing technology'. Not only is the Golden Crystal Tower vulnerable to intrusion and hijacking by foreign viruses, but it cannot instill two very different ideas in a short time. Otherwise, The brainwashed person is very easy to mentally collapse, and even you as a practitioner are severely countered, and the spirit is about to collapse!

"Hey, this immature technology, you are used as a life-saving straw to use it, have you made a mistake, kneel!

"So, oh, understand the logic circuit inside? The fact that I betray you is the reason why I should even betray you! As long as I give birth to the idea of ​​betraying you, this thought will be strengthened by some kind of self-induced reaction. Growing, expanding, and steadfast, until the end, become an indestructible armor, resisting all your brainwashing!

"If everything you say is true, then I should not betray you at all.

"But I have betrayed you, my soul is jumping and dancing in front of your spirit, which means that you are lying, your words are ghosts.

"If you believe that your ideas and methods are 100% correct, there is no mistake. If this is your heart, then the emergence of my ‘error’ should make your heart break instantly.

"However, you can still barely maintain your heart. Do you already know your own ideas and methods, not 100% correct and reliable? That is, you are also like the 'fake immortals' of the four families. Is it a bit of a disappointment, saying that a set of two-faced pies?"

The black sun was whipped by a series of flames of red stars, and it was crumbling, almost falling from this spiritual battlefield.

The souls of the two are still connected in the spiritual network that spreads the whole piece of the extreme heavens. The shackles of the thoughts and confrontation have penetrated into the minds of thousands of people, triggering a series of chain reactions and making them freeze the logical thinking ability. Thaw slowly.

In a lot of people's deep black eyes, a series of weak Mars reappeared.

Wu Yingqi was angry and anxious, and attempted to control the situation again, but it was taken by Li Yao first, and it was impossible to start.

Li Yao pursued the victory, and the thoughts of shining and shining were constantly bombarded.

"As you are so guilty, a big joke, I saw a lot before!"

Li Yao roared, "You **** are the same - first erect a seemingly grand, great, sacred goal, use this huge size to contrast the individual's smallness; and then paint some of these small to self-contained individuals It looks like a bright and beautiful future picture, and further deceives people into five fascinations; then they dress up and dress up, dress up as a commander, true God, savior, such things, like a **** The human civilization is not the same as you can; in the end, you can pull the banner of the tiger Pyla, use this great goal to cover up your ambitions, and feel at ease to sacrifice everyone except you to create an ideal that belongs to you alone. country!

"Perhaps your philosophy is not wrong. There is nothing wrong with the future you describe. Even the bloodshed and sacrifice are correct. But the mistake is that you are too eager for quick success and self-sufficiency. First, regardless of the actual conditions, you will infinitely raise your target. The attempt to complete the evolution that should have been completed in tens of thousands of years and thousands of years in a few decades; then the subconsciously expanded the meaning of 'sacrifice' - ten soldiers died to protect one hundred people. Calling sacrifice, the ten soldiers slaughtered a hundred people for their own survival, and even ate the bodies of these people. The name is 'save a living force'. Does this **** you have a face called 'sacrifice'? Finally, No matter how spoiled and brilliant you are, you never dare to accept objections, or even dare to bring your ideas to the public and discuss them, to absorb the wisdom of thousands of people to modify, to optimize, to continue Exploring and experimenting, you will only sneak a sneak peek, do tricks, and even despicable to use the method of 'brainwashing' to forcibly instill your own reason. !

"As you as a bastard, I have seen more than three or five, and have killed more than three or five. I tell you that among all the bastards, you are the most jerk, so go die, die. Let's die, let's die!"

Li Yao’s rise to the rise, regardless of the loss of his own soul, but the burning of life to the limit, the release of billions of spirits of the blade, deeply penetrated into the black sun, the soul of Wu Yingqi’s soul was twisted A mess, a mess.

"How can it be?"

The soul of Wu Yingqi smashed an incredible wave.

It’s not because Li Yao has caused a heavy blow to his spirit, but because he really can’t believe it. Li Yao’s small “蟑螂”, “mouse”, “蚯蚓” and even “dust” have such power. Will, such courage, can launch this level of attack on him, the only commander of the human civilization, the true God and the Savior!

"朕 is the country, I am the sun, you are actually-"

"Accepting the sound, you are a personal scum, and you want to hypnotize other people's **** after self-hypnosis!"

Li Yao simply interrupted Wu Yingqi’s indoctrination. “Wake up, see yourself. You are neither a sun nor a god. No one is qualified to be the sun and **** of the entire human civilization. You Like me, we are like thousands of people, we are all human beings, ordinary humans!

"Even though we can cultivate psionic energy and even sigh the solitude, even though we can open mountains and even fly in the sky, our strength and wisdom have limits!

"Perhaps in front of ordinary people, we can deceive ourselves and claim to be 'disintegration', 'distraction', but in the face of the society, the country and even the entire civilization where thousands of ordinary people are united, we are proud of our gods, The calculation power of distraction series is still as small as a needle tip. We cannot always be correct. It is impossible to predict the direction of civilization development after 10,000 years. It is impossible to replace hundreds of millions of people in the entire civilization to think, and it is even more impossible to deprive. Their thinking ability and free will, to become the **** 'the only true God'!

"You think that your failure to plan is accidental. It is your bad luck. I suddenly got out of this wonderful moment? Then you are wrong. It is a big mistake!"

"Your failure is inevitable, because no matter how many brilliant and correct flags you put on yourself, how well you dress yourself, after all, you are only a mortal, you have limited power, limited wisdom, and limited imagination. You can't count all the information that the whole civilization is constantly changing. You can't control everyone's thoughts. There are always unexpected factors. Some whimsical madmen will drill out. It's not me, there are others, not this. Kind... Please look at the way of the action movie in the whole world, there will be other ways that you and I can’t think of, and your plan seems to be interlocking. In fact, the fault tolerance rate is too low, as long as a certain point is wrong, Will inevitably lead to a total collapse!

"You still keep saying that I am obsessed with it. The person who really obsessed with it is you. Wu Yingqi, from the first step of your mistake, the ending is already doomed, you are doomed to defeat!"

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