Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2639: Righteousness is strict!

“The ridiculous, it’s ridiculous!”

Wu Yingqi also gradually recovered from the initial horror and shock. He was able to adapt to Li Yao’s continuous spiritual attack and ridicule the uneasiness of repentance. “The law you said, the name of the 'moral', also Isn't humanity invented in order to survive? Only by doing everything possible to live first, to wait for the gas to come down, can we talk about other things, if human civilization is ruined, what is the meaning of the old morals and laws?

"In any case, everything you do is to defend human civilization!"

"This is the biggest difference between you and me - we all think that we are fighting for human civilization, but our definition of 'human civilization' is really different."

Li Yao’s figure stood in the center of the red star, and the star became his armor. He became the **** of the gods. He opened his hands and stirred up hundreds of thousands of kilometers of flames. The wave is opposite to the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi. "What is human being, appearance, language, genetic or spiritual? Perhaps in the past, as long as it has human appearance and genes, it can tell human language and embrace human beings. Culture is human.

"But in the future of technology, genes can be freely modulated, activated and dormant. Humans will change their various forms according to the environment and activate various dominant genes derived from the thirteen carbon-based life of the flood era. It becomes a new face of the demon, even further, completely abandoning the flesh, uploading the soul to the spiritual net and the crystal brain, and the so-called **** soul is also very susceptible to modification of various data, and it has been transformed beyond recognition!

"If such an era is coming, no, it has already arrived. No matter whether the highly genetically modified Yaozu and the ghosts who have abandoned the flesh, they are not traditional, narrow humans, but we still recognize that they are civilized ones. Member, our kind.

"So, if human beings are not determined by genes or spirits, and what should be decided by, what can prove that they are human beings, not demons and devils?

"Besides what I said earlier, above the rules of life and death, beyond instinct, above all else, what else is enough to serve the essence of mankind?

"In my opinion, if today, people like you can do nothing for your interests, killing tens of billions without hesitation, madness of tens of billions, and tens of billions of people. Becomes not thinking, only knows the obedience, you and your minions are no longer human, but draped in human skin, mouth spit, pretending to be human beasts, demons, bugs!

"The civilization consisting of thousands of animals, demons, and worms is not worthy of ‘human civilization’, but ‘animal civilization’, ‘devil civilization’, ‘Zerg civilization’!

"The real human civilization, at the moment when the celestial star was destroyed by you, also sounded its own death knell. When your demon occupied the three thousand worlds, the real human civilization was completely dead, and it was smashed by the 'devil civilization'. Occupy the nest!

"Even hundreds of millions of years later, your descendants of the devil really occupied the entire universe under the banner of human civilization. That is not the continuation and victory of mankind, but the continuation and victory of the devil, and today's human civilization. The slightest relationship! This kind of billions of minds oscillates the same kind of thinking. It is easy to sacrifice the race of tens of billions of people for the purpose, never want to be a real human being, and even more worthy of being called a real civilization!"

"Booming and banging!"

Li Yao’s ideas gathered into countless flying fireballs and attacked the black sun.

But this time, it was blocked by the tentacles of the black sun dancing, and even swallowed and absorbed directly.

"Hehehehe, big words, said for a long time, you will only stand on the commanding heights of morality, and say nonsense that is useless and useless!"

Wu Yingqi issued a low-pitched laugh. "At least, for the future of human civilization, I have deliberately thought about the 'Tomorrow plan', and you, except for a naive high school student, use such awkward means to destroy. What else can you do? You are a hypocrite of this famous reputation. It is a typical lack of success. You can think of a more reasonable solution than the 'Tomorrow Plan' to guide the future of human civilization. There is no new solution. How is the light-fixing plan and how to save humanity!"

"I don't think that I am the smartest guy of hundreds of millions of people, and I have never been interested in guiding the future commander."

Li Yao said faintly, "However, if it's just a 'morning plan', it's crazy and stupid, the little child is the same thing as the family, I can pat the **** and think about it, I can think of it in half a minute. !

"Don't believe it? Then I just barely spent three or five seconds thinking about a plan, letting you see what is the power of the gods and the incredible ability to deduct!"

"Let me think about it... With you, the biggest dilemma of what you call human civilization is nothing more than lack of resources and people's hearts. Both of these can be solved by ‘human virtualization.’

"The explosive development of modern crystal brain and spiritual network technology has already made a deep scan of the brain, and the complete dataization of the soul is possible. I believe that under the conscious guidance and cultivation, it will take a long time for the human spirit to completely shake off the brain. The limit is completely inhabited in specially designed biomimetic wafers.

"At that time, the consciousness of thousands of people exists between the square inches, and the body only uses the gene that preserves the most important genes to continue the organ, even retains a few cells, and also stores them in a unified manner, unified and bred, and uniformly uploaded to the spiritual network. In this case, human needs for resources and environmental requirements are greatly reduced, even in the depths of the earth can be free to 'live'.

"What's even better is that in the virtual world, humans are almost never going to die. Resources are just a few lines of data. There is almost no selfishness. Those who are the most selfish and unwilling to work with their peers. It is entirely possible to open up a space on its own, claiming to be king and to enjoy it, while others can throw away most of the material stimuli, focusing on the development of civilization and exploring the mysteries of the universe.

"I call this virtual world a 'spiritual world'. The new human beings are called 'spirits'. When these new humans want to change the face of the material world, they can choose a variety of similar spiritual meanings. The body - the body can be divided into two types: 'tactical shell' and 'strategic shell'. The tactical shell as small as three or five meters high, as large as a starship or even a 'strategic shell' composed of a starry sky battle, can be A spirit is controlled, and even if the body is damaged, as long as the network is unblocked, the spirits can escape to the 'spiritual world'.

"This new human being has strong survivability and consumes less resources. It is difficult for each other to have conflicts due to lack of resources. It can easily enter a dormant state when sailing for a long time in the sea, but in different virtual worlds. Repeatedly deducing the optimal strategy of civilization evolution, trying thousands of times tens of thousands of times, after finding the correct answer, it is implemented in the material world, it is not too perfect!

"Oh, this is the ‘human future solution’ that I patted my **** in three or five seconds. I named it the illusory plan. How, no worse than your ‘Tomorrow plan’?”

Wu Yingqi heard it one by one.


He couldn't believe it, "Is it really what you came up with in a moment?"

"Crap, on this pediatric plan, do you still have to think about it for ten or eight years? When you touch your lips on your upper lip, you're done!"

Li Yaodao, "So, don't think that you will blow a few cowhide, what a great thing, not to think that human civilization must rely on your madman to lead. I am crazy when I am blowing cowhide, it is more than a hundred times more terrible than you! Come, you touched me and told me that the solution I just said has flaws. Why is your 'Tomorrow Plan' the only correct path, and my 'virtual plan' will not work?"

Wu Yingqi fell into meditation.

Of course, he can directly crush it with the arrogant spirit, but this kind of violent solution is really impossible to convince everyone in the spiritual network. However, between the haste, Li Yao said so much, how can he catch it? Live a flaw?

"Nothing to say?"

Li Yao sneered, "In fact, no matter how much you have spent decades working on the 'Tomorrow Plan', I still want to come out in ten seconds with my superb imagination and computing power and deductive ability. The 'virtual plan' is the same nonsense. You can't find flaws because they have reached the point where they are flawed, but there is no flaw.

"Perhaps on the scale of the millennium, in the long run, these two plans have certain merits, but in reality, they face numerous technical problems, ethical influences, moral risks, and the price paid. And a remedy after failure.

"Only by taking the trouble to explore, explore, try and experiment on a small scale, we can gradually turn the illusory plan into reality and gradually let tomorrow come. On the contrary, we irresponsibly blow the cowhide, and touch the upper and lower mouths. 'Tomorrow plan' or 'virtual plan' is released, but you have to solve the technical problems, do you think about all kinds of unexpected problems, can you afford the failure of failure?

"In short, you are such a typical high-skilled person, Zhida is sparse, paper talks, arrogant to not know who his name is, who is a few pounds, think that one or two **** solutions can be the savior - so Low-level program I can think of ten or twenty in minutes, I am crazy, can I be a savior, I am as stinky as you, ah? Speak!"

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