Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2640: Li Yao's all cards, announced!

Wu Yingqi said that he could not export.

He is still immersed in the "virtual plan" thrown by Li Yao.

Although I don't want to admit it, the more he thinks, the more he feels that the plan is grand, brilliant, very feasible, and very suitable for his appetite. At first glance, he is the "final solution" that he will come up with!

Moreover, Li Yao not only throws a vain thought, he even sent a lot of detailed data about the "virtual plan" to Wu Yingqi through the excitement of the gods, and technically discussed the plan. Realistic steps and possibilities.

At least, at first glance, there is a nose and an eye, not a mad dream.

But how is it possible!

Is it that he--the dark star of the world, the "Tomorrow plan" constructed by the millennium crouching and the centuries-old effort, is really not as good as this wretched embarrassment, the short-lived "virtual plan" that I thought of with eagerness, that What qualifications does he have, squinting his face and claiming to be the commander of all mankind, the bright light of the future civilization!

Wu Yingqi’s soul was distorted to the extreme, and his self-confidence was severely hit and fell to the brink of collapse.

"If you want to vomit blood, you can vomit, not shame. In this universe, not many people can resist my ruthless road without vomiting blood."

Li Yao’s hands were carried, and the red star’s red flames were arrogant, gradually condensing into the wings of two torn spiritual battlefields. It’s a faint saying, “No matter whether it’s tomorrow’s plan or the “virtual plan”, it’s not worth refuting. We are not gods, no one can pre-design a civilization in the future, and no one is qualified to influence the ideas of hundreds of millions of individuals in a civilization. If such a person really has, he claims that he has mastered the absolute Truth can foresee the appearance of perfect civilization after 10,000 years, and ask others to give up their minds to absolutely believe in him, obey him, and sacrifice for him - such a person is not a liar, a madman, or both.

"The future has never been designed by a wise man, commander and god, but by the efforts of all the individuals in civilization, step by step!

"I have realized this, I never thought about forcing the design of the future after thousands of years, to throw out a plan that seems to be magnificent and full of loopholes. I just tried my best to start small things.

"I will defend the happiness of every insignificant individual. I hope to share more knowledge and wisdom to everyone. I will do everything to build a system in which everyone can seriously think and speak freely. Trying to reconcile sharp contradictions, I hope that my existence can make this second world better than the last second, and the next second is better than this second. In the end, such a beautiful world will be born. Smarter, stronger, better and more ethical newcomers than me, they will explore the crazy plans we throw out in a more comprehensive and wise way, including analysis of 'Tomorrow plans' and 'virtual spirits’ The plan's, the advantages and disadvantages of countless plans, and come up with the least costly way to achieve them.

"This is destined to be a very long process. I will not be able to see my efforts blossoming in my life, and I will not see the bright future of human civilization, but I believe that a new generation of human beings will do it. enough!"

"No...not enough!"

The dark light of Wu Yingqi’s whole body flashed in a hurry, just as he was making a difficult roar. “You are still escaping from doing this. It is leaving the problem to the next generation. We have no time, we must race against time, we must In our own hands, we will completely solve the ills of human civilization. This is our responsibility!"

"You are wrong again."

Li Yaozhen nailed the railway. "Your biggest mistake is to be too conceited. You don't trust others. You keep saying that you love human civilization. In fact, you don't love at all. You never loved it. You never believed in human civilization. Besides yourself. Any individual outside, you do not believe that they have the ability to think and solve problems independently, you despise them!

"Yes, our time is indeed very urgent, but the urgency is not a few hundred years apart. For the changes of the universe and the evolution of civilization, hundreds of years and even thousands of years are just a slap in the face, since the flood Since the war, human civilization has developed independently for at least 100,000 years. Can it not wait for hundreds of years?

"You should be very clear that the development of civilization has its objective laws. For example, the "Tomorrow Plan" or the "Evil Spirit Plan" is a grand plan for the overall reform of the entire civilization, and it should not be impossible or impossible in just a few dozens. Realized within a hundred years, so too eager for quick success, too many side effects, too many sequelae, and the possibility of failure is too high.

"If you really think about the whole civilization, you should plant seeds, loosen the soil, lay the foundation, throw out ideas, and wait for the latecomers to slowly turn them into reality.

"But you have embarked on a path of eagerness to seek success, because from beginning to end, you have never loved human civilization. What you love is nothing more than 'being the commander of human civilization and leading civilization to glory.' feel.

"Admit it, for you, the rise of civilization is just a game. Every individual in civilization is never a flesh and blood, but a piece of chess. A string of data is for you to satisfy your ambition and win. A toy of desire and accomplishment, and you are the only player in this game!

"Since you are a gamer, you naturally have no time to wait for tens of thousands of years to wait until the game wins, but you have to shorten the game time regardless of the cost, no matter what the price, but it is not what you are paying!

"I have no doubt that you are really trying to lead the human civilization to glory, but this does not mean that you love our civilization. You just want to win, and you want to have a good time."

"If unfortunately, you fail, I also believe that you will accept the fate of defeat. As hundreds of millions of people are buried for you, I believe that you will not care, never considered. After all, as a gamer, you are dead, The entire human civilization has no need to exist, right?

"This is the biggest difference between you and me - I am fighting for civilization, you want civilization to fight for you!

"And this is also doomed to use all the despicable tricks you have today, and you will not get the support of the vast majority of people. Even if you do not stand on your side, you are enemies with the entire civilization. Your end is destined to be defeated, destined to die without a burial place!"

With the screaming of Li Yao's screaming, the light of the red star has already reflected the whole battlefield, and the dark universe is burning.

Even in the black sun, symbolized by the soul of Wu Yingqi, a huge erythema appeared, and the violent magma was continuously sprayed from the deepest.

"No matter what you say, it's nothing but vain!"

Wu Yingqi issued a twisted roar. "If you say it better, you can't solve the mess of the emperor's capital. Only you can only see the "Tomorrow Plan"!

"At this moment, the emperor fleet of the four major families is still in extreme chaos, and will soon become a warrior who is loyal to the shackles and the empire. But if the Jinjing Tower stops launching at this time, they can be confused for up to three or five days. Slowly recover and attack the celestial star again!

"But it was destroyed by you, the Yulin army and the deep-sea fleet of the squadron also lost their establishment. Morale and solidarity have disappeared. They may not recover within three or five days. How can they resist the four major family empire fleets that have been regrouped?

"Without any strength, I can reach the Imperial Capital in just three or five days, and stop the four major family empire fleets, let alone the sacred main fleet that is still in sight in the dark!

"How can you solve this mess? Isn't your morality a plan to ruin your shackles, and then watch the four major family empire fleets raging on the celestial stars, and even the entire empire is swallowed up by the sacred squad?"

"Oh, Wu Yingqi, your stupidity is beyond imagination. Until now, you still haven't found anything unusual?"

Li Yao’s face reveals a mysterious smile, a strong spiritual tentacle, deeply penetrated into the depths of Wu Yingqi’s spirit, and injects a turbulent flow of information into his distorted mind. “Since you want to stop your evil plan Of course, we have a more secure plan, let me uncover all the mysteries, and smash your self-righteous heart!"


Numerous pictures and sounds, instantly injected into the soul of Wu Yingqi, almost to explode his spirit!

Appearing in the first picture is a person that Wu Yingqi absolutely can't think of - "God of War" Lei Chenghu!

The time was seven days before the location was the hangar of the flagship "Iron Stream" of the Thunderbolt, and Li Yao and Lei Chenghu were negotiating.

"In any case, without any unequivocal evidence, I would not doubt his loyalty to the empire and the entire civilization."

In the picture, Lei Chenghu is cold and cold. "Unless, let me see the whole truth, otherwise, it is difficult for me to cooperate with a self-cultivator like you."

"no problem."

Li Yaoshuang said in the picture, "I can let you see the truth, even a live broadcast is no problem, but I believe that the emperor at this moment must be tightly sealed, any information is difficult to penetrate the Ling network interference, transmission come out.

"The spiritual network blockade of the four major families, we naturally have the traitors who have come over there to solve - oh, that Yongchun has no high abilities, and he has a very high authority, but the Black Star Emperor must turn the celestial star into The wall of the copper wall, especially related to his most secret card.

"The only way is to invade the core network of the Black Star Emperor and hijack the crystal eye and communication equipment on his side, but this requires an interface, a very critical and secret interface, and it takes time. You must at least help me. Crystal Brain and Ling Net experts, fight for half an hour!"

"This is acceptable."

I saw Lei Chenghu hesitated a bit, biting his teeth. "Between me and my Majesty, there is a dedicated communication channel with the highest level of confidentiality. If I have the means to open this communication channel, I will go down for 40 minutes to an hour. Dialogue, enough for your crystal brain expert, follow this channel, sneak into the core network of your Majesty, and do small tricks?"

"Exclusive secret communication channel, 40 minutes to an hour?"

Li Yao in the picture, with a treacherous and wretched smile on his face, "Enough, enough!"

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