Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2641: Double swords!

"Lei Chenghu..."

Wu Yingqi’s soul was once again hit hard, and he couldn’t believe it. Even the “imperial cultivator of the empire” like Lei Chenghu dared to betray him!

"Now you understand, why Lei Chenghu wants to communicate with you with the highest level secret communication channel suddenly and mysteriously, and he will not hesitate to tell me about the information to delay the time!"

Li Yao thief laughed, "not only to reduce your vigilance, but more importantly, through this communication channel, locate your secret command center, and open a breakthrough, let me brain and Spirit net experts can sneak into it, destroy it, implant what I want to implant!

"The most wonderful thing, do you know what it is? The best part is that the four magnetically disturbed ships of the Electoral family have been strongly interfering with your network and endless attacks, including your highest The level of secret communication channels, after being discovered by the four families, will also be devastatingly destroyed. Therefore, our cyber attacks are mixed in the cyber attacks of the four major families, and you will not be suspicious at all!

"Even if your core network defense is tight, but when you use the secret communication base station that connects the Emperor and the Seven Seas Stars to be destroyed, there will inevitably be a deadly gap on your indestructible network wall. That is a great opportunity for our brain brain experts!

"The things that follow are simple.

"When Lei Chenghu and you are pulling, our crystal brain experts have followed the highest level communication channel, sneaked into your secret command center, and hijacked several nearby crystal eyes and communicators, giving you There was a 'live broadcast'.

"So, just outside the Jinjing Tower, I deliberately seduce you to tell the whole set of plans. Every word you say will be heard by Lei Chenghu in the Seven Seas Stars within five to ten minutes, so that he can clearly recognize you. The true face, hey!"

In Li Yao's series of harsh laughter, the black sun of Wu Yingqi's soul is almost deep purple.

"Even... Lei Chenghu really knows, how!"

Wu Yingqi issued a roar of anger and anger. "The thundering fleet is still stuck in the quagmire of the Seven Seas Stars. Without ten days and a half, I want to defeat the four major family federations. Even if it is barely defeated, how much will it cost? In three or five months, there is no way to restore combat power, let alone jump to the emperor in time to solve the chaos!"

"So you are stupid, such a simple question, can you think that Lei Chenghu can't think of it? Since he dares to betray, naturally he has to suppress the whole Qihaixing domain!"

Li Yao laughed. "All the battlefield data you received in the past week is fake. It is what we deliberately want you to see, to mislead you to judge, the real battle situation - see it clearly!"


The second violent and unparalleled flow of information flocked to the depths of Wu Yingqi's spirit.

In the raging picture, it is the vast and exciting starry battlefield - the most intense moment of the Battle of the Seven Seas!

It can be clearly seen that there are countless spots of light in the picture, some of which are like flying without a head flies, others are like a bee like a uniform, advancing and retreating, condensed into indestructible Battlefield.

Thousands of light spots form a huge warhammer, and the hammer hits the most vulnerable parts of the enemy.

Each famous star has its own unique command style, such as the outstanding **** of war, such as Lei Chenghu. The command style is more vivid and profound. This kind of battlefield is as thick, solid and powerful as the hammer of Thunder. A unique sign, no one can imitate.

This is the picture of the thundering fleet breaking the cloud snow fleet.

However, Wu Yingqi’s attention was not completely placed on Lei Chenghu’s Quake.

Compared with the thundering fleet he is very familiar with, a mysterious fleet on the other side of the battlefield is even more shocking and vigilant.

Generally speaking, the control and command of the Xinghai battlefield is 100 times more difficult than the ground battlefield. When the battlefield reaches millions or even tens of millions of kilometers, the battle network will be destroyed by the enemy at any time. Any commander. It is difficult to effectively command every star ship on the front line. In many cases, both sides are like flying without head flies, competing for the quality of their own single ship.

Only a very small number of commanders, such as Lei Chenghu, can play styles and make formations, so that bystanders can see the existence of "fleet" and "formation" at a glance.

Wu Yingqi can be sure that no matter the Wanmeng Business League or the border warlords, there will never be a second such excellent commander as Lei Chenghu. In the battle between the two armies, they will be caught in a melee, and even dozens of giant warriors will be raging. On, it is still able to maintain a solid formation.

But - the gorgeous formations and tactics that could not be staged, but they were staged before his eyes!

If Lei Chenghu's formation is like "Thunder Hammer", then this mysterious fleet is like a ghost, a wretched mouse and a savage tactic like a wolf, let Wu Yingqi think of a ghost knife.

Hundreds of fast attack ships, regardless of collision and shield interference, contracted each other's distance to the limit, condensed into a thin, flap-like knives, cutting into the most vulnerable parts of the prey again and again, and unguarded the magnetism interference ship and The integrated supply ship smashed into pieces, and rushed to the arsenal before coming to the arsenal. The mysterious fleet used this tactic three and five times to beat the enemy and smashed it. It was a lot of killing.

Although this light and insidious style is quite different from the rich and solid style of the thundering fleet, the commanders of both sides have undoubtedly possessed incredible commanding power.


Wu Yingqi has a feeling that the commander of this mysterious fleet is still above Lei Chenghu in some areas.

How can it be!

The senior commander of the large fleet is harder to train than the giant warrior's driver. The empire has never been such a wretched and vicious fleet commander. Who is he, is it falling from the sky!

To make matters worse, at the beginning, the commander of this mysterious fleet joined forces with Lei Chenghu to give Yun Xuefeng a set.

At first, the mysterious fleet still stood on the side of the Yunxuefeng Fleet, helping the cloud snow wind to resist the attack of Lei Chenghu. After two or three encounters, it gained the deep trust of Yunxuefeng and was able to penetrate the core of the cloud snow fleet. Go to arming.

In this way, when the mysterious fleet came to the center of the fleet of Yunxuefeng, there was a "central blossom", and there was a thunderous bombardment of Lei Chenghu, and the complete collapse of the Yunxue Wind Fleet was the only ending.

There was no time at all, and no cost was paid. The commander of the mysterious fleet, together with Lei Chenghu, broke the flagship of the four family federations.

This is not the end.

Their goal is not only the snow and the wind, but also the Song Yushi of the old tycoon - or the latter is their main prey.

Through the flow of information transmitted by Li Yao, Wu Yingqi immediately understood their tactics.

While breaking the Snow and Snow Fleet, Lei Chenghu and the mysterious fleet commander implemented a full range of Linguin interference and information shielding on the battlefield to ensure that Yunxuefeng could not send out the real situation.

In the name of Yunxuefeng, they sent a request for help to the Song Yushi fleet.

"The Yunxue Wind Fleet and the Thundering Fleet meet in a narrow road, and they are struggling to fight. They look at the empire and pull the brothers!"

Such news, as well as well-designed battlefield data, was transmitted to Song Yushi's flagship.

There is a gap between Song Yushi and Yun Xuefeng, but after all, they belong to the Allies. They don’t want to see the fiasco of the Battle of the Seven Seas.

What's more, now the cloud snow and Lei Chenghu's fleet are entangled together, exhausted, and both lose, Song Yushi is not cheap at this time, but also when?

So, Song Yushi came, war, and finished.

The way he finished his death is almost exactly the same as that of Yunxuefeng. First of all, he believes that the mysterious fleet and the so-called "cloud and snow remnants" are on their own side, so they are confident and bold, and the thundering fleet of "damaging the soldiers and destroying the grain" will start the attack. When the mysterious fleet showed sharp fangs behind him, it was too late to wake up.

Lei Chenghu and the commander of the mysterious fleet joined forces. As a result of the combination of the two swords, they successfully defeated and captured the Yunxuefeng and Song Yushi fleets, including the flagship, in a short period of three days. The main battleship, and even the two commanders have been oysters.

The fiasco that failed to guard against it completely overwhelmed the resistance of Yun Xuefeng and Song Yushi. Of course, it is more likely that Lei Chenghu and them have reached a deal that they can’t see. In short, these two family-family cultivators have not killed themselves. courage.

The next thing is simple.

"The two soft eggs of Yunxuefeng and Song Yushi don't want to die. Is there any other choice?"

Li Yao smiled and said, "The two battles have not caused much damage to our fleet, and there are still seven King Kong-class super arsenal ships that still maintain basic combat effectiveness. After a few days, Lei Chenghu has been busy gathering and reorganizing. Scattered in the entire seven-sea star field, when I set off and jumped to the Imperial Capital, he had already packed up seven or eighty-eight, ready to go!

"The most difficult point is not to defeat the fleet of Yunxuefeng and Song Yushi, but how to tamper with the battlefield data sent to you. If you want to, completely want to forge an all-encompassing battlefield data, it is too expensive to calculate. Force is almost impossible to accomplish.

"Fortunately, the blockade of the four major families on the emperor is very strict. We need to send you a data every other day. The excuse of the battle network of the Seven Seas Stars is also seriously disrupted and destroyed. A lot of data cannot be synchronized. Errors and contradictions can barely be said.

"Sometimes, it is too late to falsify the data, we will launch several empty traffic boats, deliberately let these transport boats be discovered and destroyed by the four family's royal fleet, pretending that countless precious and detailed battlefield data are enemies. Destroyed, you have no doubt at all, right?"

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