Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2642: Go to the gate of the emperor and open it!

Li Yao became more and more arrogant, and Wu Yingqi became more and more silent. After a long silence, he gnashed his teeth and said: "But you don't have a star gate. Even if Lei Chenghu can gather more stars, there is no way to jump into the system!"

"When you talk about the Star Gate, you must thank you!"

Li Yao laughed. "Original, this is the most dangerous point in the whole plan, because I am not sure of the elite assault squad that I have rushed to gather. Can I successfully win one or two Star Gates under your control? I believe At this moment, all the star gates near the celestial stars, including their ground control center, must be defended by you, not so easy to overcome.

"But you have to use what kind of 'large-scale 醍醐 醍醐 topping technology', so that all the defenders have entered the state of brainwashing, even being mentally broken, unable to extricate themselves, completely lost their fighting power, and what to resist my elite team Assault? You can't live, you can't live, you are talking!"


Wu Yingqi sneered, "Oh, the defending army is in a state of insanity, on the verge of collapse. Can your elite team escape the storm of solar storms and brainwashing?"

"Congratulations, you got it!"

Li Yao’s mouth is full of bright smiles. “Even if your brainwashing wave is increased ten times by solar energy, it will be completely ineffective for my elite team. At this moment, they should have already captured the Star Gate and will lead the way to the Imperial Capital. The star field is fully open!"


At the same time, the ground of the celestial star, a heavy military assembly, a defensive military base - here is a ground control center of a large star gate in low Earth orbit.

Surrounded by layers of steel warfare and dense battle shackles, it reveals a murderous taste, and there are countless soldiers armed to the teeth, filled with every space that can be invaded, and the flaws of the tip size are not left behind.


When the solar storm tears the atmosphere and sweeps across the surface of the entire celestial star, the soldiers in this military base, like the cultivators in the city, are first immersed in the sacredness, glory and greatness of Wu Yingqi, and then Li Yao’s unspeakable action movie has stabbed his eyes. In the end, Li Yao and Wu Yingqi’s spirits of the avenue of the avenue stirred up their minds and completely confuse their positions. They are on the verge of collapse, and both of them are holding their heads full. Rolling the ground, or simply fainting in the past, where is there a little fighting power?

Only relying on the battle of the brain and the spirit net to control the beasts and battle scorpions, still faithfully carry out the established tactics, patrol and alert around the military base.

On the high ground not far from the military base, two small figures of ancient spirits appeared.

Their faces are childish, but the depths of their eyes are blooming with non-human indifference and wisdom. They are covered with silver-colored radiation protection suits, which are like small dolls drilled directly from the crystal brain.

Not a new generation of information life, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, who else?

"This high-energy radiation is really interesting."

Xiao Mingdao, "I feel that this kind of special frequency radiation contains a lot of weird malicious information. Just like the brain brain virus, I am trying to get into my brain and tamper with me by engraving the cerebral cortex. Brain data!",

"Indeed, it is a genius idea to use a star as an amplifier to implant a brain-like virus directly into the human brain!"

Wen Wen also widened his eyes. "It’s so good. I can’t find a way to resist this 'brain virus' between the moments. It seems that I can only let it tamper with my brain data. What do you want? Ah, it wants to insert a 'super-privileged user' in my brain. Once successful, there is a guy who can remotely control my brain and insert his instructions at random, so I have to Execute his will first and unconditionally!"

"Yes, and there is a logic trap hidden here."

Xiao Mingdao, "This ‘super privilege’ is trying to hide itself. Let us mistake it for it to be a part of our brain's originality, and all the commands it receives from the outside world are thought out by our brains.

"Similar logic traps are common in crystal brain viruses, but in mental attacks, they are very rare. It's really interesting. It's worth studying!"

"When we have time to study it again, we have to complete the task that Dad explained!"

Wen Wen narrowed his eyes and looked at the poisonous sun in the sky. He said, "Our body and brain are too young and tender, and it is not enough to directly compete with this 'brain virus'. So, let The flesh and blood body enters the dormant mode, and the 'brain virus' is also sealed by the way, and then scanned and analyzed later!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Ming nodded.

The voice did not fall, the flesh and blood of the two little guys closed their eyes and fell back.

Before they fell on the ground, they were supported by two psionics engraved with the revolutionary emblem. More and more psionics appeared behind them.

A whole hundred psionic scorpions, fifty carrying the will of Xiao Ming, fifty carrying the will of the text.

"All the soldiers in the military base seem to have been affected by the brain virus and are caught in some sort of...wonderful chaos."

Xiao Ming manipulated fifty psionics and simultaneously made a sound. "All the people, including the soldiers who are responsible for manipulating the automated defense system, are crazy."

"Now, the only loyalty in this military base is only the psionics and the beasts."

Wen Wen smiled and said, "Let us and them, communicate well!"

The two little guys manipulated a hundred psionic scorpions, holding hands and walking toward the military base.

The battle squad and the fully automatic defensive turret, which were responsible for guarding the military base, discovered the eccentric "invaders" in the first time. The muzzle and muzzle of the black hole quickly moved toward the two little guys.

However, before they were ready to execute the "free shooting" command, there were already two lightning-like streams of information that invaded the military base's master crystal brain and issued new orders.


Countless fierce battles, the scarlet crystals on the chest turned green, and they did not say a word. They joined the ranks of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen and became part of the body of the two little guys.


The military base weighed hundreds of tons of alloy gates, and sprayed dozens of white air streams to both sides, slowly opening to the two little guys.


The starry battlefield, the low-Earth orbit of the celestial star, a gate of the starry sky belonging to the reformist, dormant.

When the tall and stalwart, like the overlord-like steel giant, the Yulin army stationed near the star gate was also in chaos, collapse and coma.

Similarly, only a large number of battle squads, scorpions and unmanned bee colony wars can barely support the crumbling line of defense under the ravages of the sun storm.

The steel giant stood alone in the void, and the cold condensation glared at this scene. On the hammer-like fist, the ten Qiang Kun ring was illuminated by the sun storm.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Above the iron fist, there is another space that swayed out, like a whirlpool, and it spread out like a whirlpool. It was extracted by him. It was extracted and suspended silently behind it. It became a steel army. The army named "Fist King".

The boxing champion and its one hundred avatars stalked and stepped on the vacuum and walked toward the star gate.

Every step of the way, the invisible ripples spread a point around, invading a large number of battle scorpions and the brain of the drone, turning them into their own hands.

When the boxing champion finally set foot on the star gate, the number of combat squats and drones controlled behind him has already broken.

Most of the defenders are still immersed in the whirlpool of insanity, and they are simply unable to stop the boxing of the boxing champion.

Even if a very small number of people can still maintain a clear-cut mind, they can only watch the steel giants of the boxing champion drive straight into the air, and they are unable to resist the most powerful battles in this Xinghai!

"Xiao Ming, Wen Wen."

Five minutes later, the boxing champion sent a secret communication signal to the surface of the celestial star. "I have already occupied the second star gate in the low earth orbit. How is your situation?"

"Uncle of Boxing -"

The voice of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen sweet silk came immediately. "We have also occupied the No. 2 Star Gate Ground Control Center on the outskirts of Blackpool City, and invaded the main control crystal brain, and obtained the authority to open the Star Gate!"


The boxing star gaze at the deep Xinghai, as if to see the chaos of the four major family fleets millions of miles away, calmly said, "Let's get started, it's the turn of the 'arsonist joint fleet'! ”


At the same time, the empire edged, the seven sea stars.

The two fleets, the Thunder Fleet and the Arsonist Joint Fleet, were supplemented by five King Kong-class super arsenal ships and countless main battleships. In just a few days, the strength suddenly increased several times. At first glance, one Demon knife, a warhammer, murderous, powerful tyrannical to no more!

Although the expansion is too fast, there are still problems such as indigestion and internal coordination, but the next task is to go to the emperor to clean up the mess, and the combat power is still second. The key is that there must be enough manpower to completely confuse the four major family ace. The fleet, as well as the Yulin Army and the Deep Sea Fleet, are all controlled.

Lei Chenghu was on the bridge and received the “live broadcast” from the Imperial Capital through the ultra-long-range communication channel. He also saw countless giant ships surrounded by himself.

His face was blue, and his hands, including the robotic arm, shivered a little, not knowing if he should be excited or angry.

"Li Yao..."

Lei Chenghu repeatedly chewed the name of the donkey. He did not expect that he would play so absolutely. It is true that the true face of Wu Yingqi was exposed, but it also deeply cherished the glory of the immortal, the glory of the empire. The image of the Black Star Emperor!

So, the things that cultivated the ancestors of the immortals played over the entire emperor over and over again, and told them how these cultivators would see people in the future. What a real love!

He had long known that Li Yao was not a good thing. Such a sinister and insidious tactic not only slammed Wu Yingqi’s heart, but also deeply attacked the beliefs of countless people on Xiuxian Avenue. After this war, I don’t know how many people cultivated. The person will be disheartened, the will will be shaken, and even turn to the road of comprehension!

I was really bombarded by all the main guns of the Super Mutual Ship, and I will be confused with Li Yao’s scum!

For a moment, Lei Chenghu was really gnashing his teeth, and he couldn’t wait to take Li Yao and Wu Yingqi as two wicked things.

However, when his afterglow swept over the light curtain and the combat power was no less than the arsonist united fleet of the thundering fleet, the only remaining reason came to mind.

Lei Chenghu sighed and slammed a face with an icy iron hand, re-invented the five senses to be cold, determined and calm, opened a public communication channel for the entire fleet, and released the last of all officers and men before entering the emperor. mobilization.

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