Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2643: Spiritual battlefield, collapse!

"All the soldiers of the Imperial Army - whether you were previously affiliated with the Thunder Fleet or the Four Electoral Family Fleet, or the Wanshang Commercial Alliance **** fleet, the local forces in the outer world of the Empire, regardless of your past position, you are now It should be profoundly recognized that the empire, the home of all of us, has ushered in its most critical moment!"

Lei Chenghu’s voice is like a thunder, and among the thousands of starships, the blood of every imperial soldier is stirring. “The emperor is in an unprecedented chaos, shrouded in evil that cannot be described by pen and ink. Once the emperor collapses, It means the collapse of the entire empire, which means that the homes of each of us collapse, and even the total collapse of all mankind!

"Besides us, there is no power to block the homeland and the abyss, for the glory of the empire, for our homeland, for the future of us and our families, and for the sacred avenues we have vowed to defend, we are duty-bound. We must fight to the end!

"The fate of the empire is destined to be mastered by us. It is us, us, us!

"not to mention……

"At this moment, the shameless person who stole the emperor, dare to take the world by fear, pretending to be the ancestor of our cultivator, the great founder of the real human empire, the black star emperor - is tolerable, unbearable!

"The true black star emperor, the greatest, noblest, purest cultivator, has contributed everything to his beloved empire and human civilization a thousand years ago. He died in the world, and the dragon lords return to heaven! The imposter is nothing but an evil, despicable, dirty demon. We never admit it - it is the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi!

"Gather your courage, clench your sword, and kill the emperor, and take this daring who pretends to be the great emperor of our great emperor out of the corpse, let it know, and provoke the end of the immortal!"

Lei Chenghu glared at the eyebrows and the steel arm was heavy. It seemed that the universe would be pulled out directly from a crack, a crack leading to the emperor.

Countless starships, ringing a fierce battle - entering the emperor and defending the empire, this is the true dream of every true imperial soldier.

"The future of the empire is in our hands."

"To win this battle, we are the masters of the empire!"

This kind of enlightenment is enough to stimulate every ambitious cultivator, to get rid of everything, and to fight with the gods and gods!

Lei Chenghu simply ended his mobilization. When he looked back, he just saw the deputy commander---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For the sake of "maximizing the unity of all forces," Lei Chenghu and Bai Laos did not kill the heads of the two big families after they broke the Yunxue Wind Fleet and Song Yushi Fleet, but they smashed them. come.

Through the "live broadcast", after seeing Wu Yingqi's plot in the Imperial Capital, the two top four family leaders are also stunned, with a lingering fear and cold sweat.

Wu Yingqi's conspiracy, the first target is the four family of the royal fleet, they certainly want to stop anyway.

In addition to the cooperation between Lei and Tiger, what choices are there?

It is because of the surrender of these two deputy commanders that the chaos in the Seven Seas Stars has been settled so quickly.

Of course, Lei Chenghu will not take it lightly. It is impossible to put these two people back to their own fleets, but let them stay in the "Ironian" as a hostage, according to the will of Lei Chenghu, to their The fleet issued an order.

"The devil who pretends to be squatting has been completely exposed."

Lei Chenghu stared at Yunxuefeng and Song Yushi, cold and cold. "All the evidence is in front of me. What else do you have to say?"

Yun Xuefeng and Song Yushi looked at each other, like two defeated cocks, shaking their heads.

"Good, then give orders to your fleet!"

Lei Chenghu said, "All starships will condense more than 70% of the psionic energy on the shield, and let all the crew members enter the protective gel to do the highest level of radiation and anti-magnetic interference. The emperor's capital is most likely still in the midst of a severe solar storm. We don't have to worry too much about enemy attacks, but we must be wary of the power of the sun."

Yunxuefeng and Song Yushi were led by several five-three-thick warriors.

After the two left, the white-haired thief’s eyebrows appeared on the communication light curtain.

"There is a clear guiding signal from the Imperial Capital, which is still growing. The Star Gate has been opened. It is expected that the large forces will be able to jump over in half an hour!"

White boss smiled and said, "My troops have already prepared for radiation and electromagnetic interference, ready to jump, General Ray, what about you?"


Lei Chenghu said, "My fleet will also complete all the preparations for the Xinghai jump in twenty minutes!"

"That's good."

White boss thought for a moment, coughed and said, "But, what, do you give all officers and men a 'anti-brasy preparedness'?"

Lei Chenghu said: "What is 'anti-shattering brain preparation?'"

Bai Lao Avenue: "That is, just show them the film!"

Lei Chenghu said: "What film to watch?"

Bai Lao Avenue: "What do you say?"

Lei Chenghu: "..."

Bai Bo: "General Lei, don't be impulsive, really, don't make such a fierce look. This matter has nothing to do with the commander. I really don't know in advance that Li Yao will adopt such awkward tactics. So... corrupt you. The reputation of the immortal, of course, I already knew that Li Yao was very embarrassed, but I did not expect him to reach this level.

"Actually, I am not very familiar with Li Yao. Everyone can't even count on ordinary friends. Even many of us here are very contemptuous of him, but they are forced by his arrogance, so after the war, no matter How do you settle accounts with him, we don't care, we even clap our hands and say it!

"In other words, the spiritual environment of the Imperial Capital is very complicated and super complicated. In many places, Wu Yingqi's brainwashing waves are still rogue and raging. It is still possible to be inadvertently inadvertently. In order to be safe, I suggest that you Before leaving, it is better to show all the officers and soldiers several times to the film that Li Yao sent. It is to give them a vaccination!

"In any case, my people have already seen it. Your people can't see it. You decide it yourself, but I want to remind you that these films have also been transformed into information flow, and the sun is increasing. It is in the vastness of the heavens. The stars are floating in the sea, even if your people don't watch now, and when they jump to the emperor's capital, their brains are very likely to receive some pieces of information. At that time, they were caught off guard and greatly stimulated. This, the consequences are unimaginable. !

"I am doing it for you. I really don't want to see the meaning of your jokes. Oh, sorry. Sorry, if you have better anti-braining methods, it will follow you, but rush. If there is no other way to find it, I think Li Yao’s shameless trick of this despicable villain is still worth trying!"

The white boss was red and red, and the two shoulders shrugged. Before the big laugh, he cut off the communication in time.

On the light curtain of the black scorpion, the face of Lei Chenghu’s volcanic eruption is reflected.

He tightened and loosened the two fists, loosened and tightened, staring at the light curtain for a long time, until finally, he broke through hundreds of cerebrovascular vessels and snorted: "Fuck!"

Then, I still have no choice but to open the communication channel again.

"All, all the soldiers..."

Lei Chenghu stuttered and gaslessly began the most difficult speech of the whole army since the two hundred years of fighting.


Extremely heavenly, celestial stars, deep underground, Jinjing Tower, spiritual battlefield.

"You are finished, Wu Yingqi, you are completely finished!"

Li Yao’s claws are extremely arrogant. “Your tomorrow’s plan is completely bankrupt. Countless people are waking up from your **** brainwashing, recognizing that you are incomparably evil, and our fleet and the fleet of the gods Lei Chenghu are also Jumping over, we can clean up the mess, we can dominate the fate of the new empire."

The extremely arrogant ideas have turned into a surging tide, sweeping through the entire spiritual network and striving to reach the depths of everyone's brains.

First and foremost, it is inside and outside the Jinjing Tower, as well as the celestial stars, the Yulin Army and the thundering fleet that are loyal to Wu Yingqi.

"Hear it, why are you guys, why are you still not awake, do you really want to sell this demon until you kill all your loved ones and destroy your home?"

Li Yaosheng yelled, this time not to attack Wu Yingqi's spirit, but to wake up more immortals. "Think clearly, what are you doing during this time, you are destroying the emperor, killing including relatives Hundreds of billions of people, including yourself! Is this really your intention? Is it really the way you want to innovate the empire?

"No, you have been deceived, hypnotized, and confused by this demon!"

"He is not Wu Yingqi. The real black star emperor Wu Yingqi died a thousand years ago. It is a demon. It is the demon that is the most powerful cult of the legend, and the demon polluted by the mad blood god. I took some of Wu Yingqi’s memories and turned them into Wu Yingqi’s appearance to deceive you!

"If you still remember that you are a cultivator, an Imperial soldier, you want to reform the empire, then wake up and fight against this demon! You can not believe me, but you must at least believe in 'God of War' Lei Chenghu Right? Lei Chenghu’s fleet has jumped to the Imperial Capital. He is the mainstay of the reformist, and it is the one who deserves allegiance!”

"Boom! Booming and banging!"

In the spiritual battlefield, countless deafening thunders, and hundreds of thousands of glaring lightnings, broke into the sorrowful spirits, so that countless people accelerated the speed of waking after a spurt.

As more and more cockroaches begin to shake and question, the black sun representing the soul of Wu Yingqi is getting more and more withered and shrinking, just as stars gradually enter the end of life.

At this moment, from the back of the black sun, an incomparable crystal streamer was shot, and the scorpion penetrated into the black sun.

"Don't think that I don't bother with the tongue, but when I don't exist!"

Long Yangjun issued the sharpest roar. "The heavens and the world, the infinite sea of ​​stars, no one can let me surrender, let's die!"

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