Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2644: Why not communicate again?

The black sun is like a strangely infected crystal virus. It begins with the wounds of Long Yangjun and spreads out. It turns into glass-like materials and bursts apart to form fragments of the goddess.

Li Yao took the opportunity to condense the most powerful spirit of the gods, smashing into the past, using his own red color burning like blood, the black crystals that turned out the souls of Wu Yingqi were burnt into ashes.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

After being attacked by the two masters of Li Yao and Long Yangjun, Rao was the remnant of Wu Yingqi who had been repaired and reorganized by the blood god, and it was inevitable that he would scream and sway.

This shake, immediately a chain reaction, surrounded by endless black, gradually torn by the golden light, the entire spiritual battlefield is immersed in the collapse of the landslide!

"You, can't-"

Wu Yingqi’s roaring sound just sounded, and it was covered up by the deafening roar of Li Yao and Long Yangjun. Both of them attacked Wu Yingqi’s soul at all costs and completely tore the spiritual network.


Li Yao felt a whole universe, blasting in front of himself. There was a powerful force that pushed him and pushed him out of the spiritual battlefield and returned to the real world.

"Wu Yingqi's massive brainwashing was forcibly interrupted!"

Li Yaoqiang vomited his vomiting sensation, and wiped away the bloodshot blood from the nose and mouth. He looked at the world around him with excitement.

Long Yangjun is also like him. Although his eyes are cracked, his nostrils and ear canal are blocked by blood, but his face is not half-divided, full of ecstatic expressions, and apparently also got rid of the **** "topping" state!

In front of them, Wu Yingqi smashed the crystal throne among them, and there were criss-crossing spider web cracks. The cracks also expanded in a series of "咔嚓咔嚓" sounds, and the image embedded in Wu Yingqi was particularly embarrassed and distorted. .

Originally hanging from the dome, piercing the black nerve bundle behind each bald head, like a venomous snake, "squeaky", screaming, throwing a black The smoke gradually withered and broken, turning into nothingness.

Hundreds of bald heads slowly opened their eyes.

Although the face is still full of embarrassment and confusion, but the former enthusiasm for Wu Yingqi's absolute loyalty has disappeared without a trace, watching Li Yao and Long Yangjun's eyes, full of intricate light.

Their brains have also been severely affected. Most people have severe cerebral hemorrhage and concussion symptoms. They bleed on the ground and screamed on the ground. For a while, they could not exert their fighting power.


The vibration of the Jinjing Tower has not ended, but it has become more and more fierce. The violent spirit of the continuous source can shoot through the spire to the sun!

Without the manipulation of Wu Yingqi, Jinjing Tower is moving from orderly to out of control. No one knows what state it is in at the moment, and what kind of consequences it will have on the sun and the entire extreme heaven!

"what happened!"

The heart that Li Yao just put down was once again high, and he hurriedly contacted the **** demon who should be patrolling nearby. "Are you not interrupting the operation of the Golden Crystal Tower?"

"I do not know!"

The screaming scream of the **** demons sounded in Li Yao’s mind. "I just stopped the Jinjing Tower from sending Wu Yingqi’s brainwashing waves in an orderly manner. But now it seems that Wu Yingqi is desperate to launch into the sun. All sorts of undulations, he seems to be restoring the initial setup of the Golden Crystal Tower, allowing it to return to its original design use – completely irritating the sun!”


Li Yao was shocked. The scalp was like 10,000 ants crawling, numb in a burst, "stop him!"

"From me, I can't do it!"

The **** heart screams, "I just invaded, it was only the brainwashing module that Wu Yingqi later built. This module is probably written by himself. It has the same meaning as the method of Lingwang Tianmo, so I can crack it so quickly. .

"But the initial system of the Golden Crystal Tower was designed by the Houyi people. I don't understand the crystal brain design language of the Houyi people. Even the most basic logic loops are very ugly, and how can it be forced within a while? Crack it?

"Not to mention, 'recovering the initial settings' was originally a very high-priority command, unless it directly blasts the core unit of the master, otherwise it is difficult to shut it down from the virtual level!"


Li Yao’s face is ugly, "Wu Yingqi, this mess, what to do!"

boom! boom! boom!

Three sounds were heard in the crystal throne, and the explosion broke out completely. Wu Yingqi opened his hands and slowly suspended in the air under the black mist.

Just in the spiritual battlefield and Li Yao to carry out the avenue of the road, especially in the end by Li Yao and Long Yangjun, the two souls have invaded the soul, it seems to have a great impact on him.

At this moment, he described the dryness, the eye sockets deep, and spoiled the skin of the good spirits into a non-adult shape. It was like a zombie that had just climbed out of the millennium tomb.

Compared with half a day ago, the black flames lingering in his body were wilting and faint, but another unpredictable blood light slowly flowed in the depths of his eyelids and turned into thick blood vessels. From the eyes gradually spread to the whole face, and spread from the face to the whole body, the whole person reduced the domineering of three-nine-five, but added the evil of the seven-point abyss.

"No way!"

Perceived Wu Yingqi's breath gradually became weird, Li Yao almost did not bite his tongue, can't believe his eyes, "I just smashed the heart and soul of this **** in the battle of the avenue, there is one In an instant, his strength is weak enough to be added, and the distance between me and Long Yangjun is infinitely close, how can it, and a new power is born out of thin air!

"Transformed, it is a transformation!

"Why are the big devils in this year, each one will be transformed, and there is nothing wrong with it!"

Li Yao and Long Yangjun gave each other a glance at each other and gave each other a "sickness and illness".

Although I have just been hit hard by the spirits, I haven’t spit the blood clean yet. The two are still screaming that Wu Yingqi has not yet raised the strange blood color strength to the limit, and it has attacked and left, and then... ...rewind back.


Li Yao and Long Yangjun were bombarded by the blood of Wu Yingqi, and both of them squirted a blood.

No, it’s not a “one bite”. Wu Yingqi’s offensive contains some kind of magical powers. It’s like being inexplicable attraction to the blood in their bodies, sucking their entire body blood out of the body, how Can't stop it!

"Hey, hey!"

In midair, the shawl was scattered, the black mist shrouded, and the **** Wu Yingqi gave a low laugh. "I didn't want to exert the power of this taboo, and I didn't want to make the 'Tomorrow Plan' completely a...the end of the catastrophe, But it’s all your **** arrogance. This time, the dead and mad people may be ten times more, you are the culprit!”

In the laughter, the end of his long hair, there is a third color other than black and white - shocking red!


Li Yao reacted instantly, suddenly it was cold, and even the heart was about to be frozen into hail and then shattered. "The power of the mad blood **** of the end of the war!"

"Now know, it's too late!"

Wu Yingqi sneered, and there was a **** lotus flower in front of the emptiness in the air. He walked on the blood lotus and walked toward Li Yao and Long Yangjun.

Every time you step on a blood lotus, the lotus will spread out to the surrounding **** ripples, eroding the brains of the powerful bald heads.

These bald heads have just recovered half-awake and have been hypnotized by Wu Yingqi again. This time their symptoms are more serious - from the fanatics who have heard the words to the beasts who only kill the instinct, no, not the beast, but the beast More terrible demons!

"I... wait, wait!"

When Li Yao saw it, he made a decision and made a decision. He lowered his heart and raised his hands high. "Your Majesty, what is it, it does not contradict each other. You have the magical blessing of the mad blood **** of the last days. I also have a negative name called 'Bloody Heart Devil'. Personality, so each has a lot of common language! Everything that happened just now, oh, in fact, it is a misunderstanding, it is a small minister too impulsive, can you focus on the overall situation, look at it, see everyone is so **** four Splashing, bloody, bloody, we sit down and communicate with each other calmly, turn it into a jade, and make it expensive?"

Long Yangjun: "..."

Scarlet Devil: "..."

Wu Yingqi heard the words, the ugly face of the vascular burst revealed a mysterious smile: "Li Yao, look at the world, the past and the present, your shameless is really no one can, but, I really want to start from the overall situation. Give you the last chance and give you two ways.

"Either, you will hold your hand and take your **** heart to the side, don't stop you from completing the ‘Tomorrow Plan’!

"Otherwise, you will let the Golden Crystal Tower completely out of control, shoot all the energy into the sun, and increase the number of solar storms to no more, and the entire solar active cycle will be extended to hundreds of years or even thousands of years!

"As a result, the four major families of the Royal Fleet will be destroyed, the Deep Sea Fleet and the Royal Forest will be destroyed. The thundering fleet, the warlord fleet and the Wanshang Commercial Alliance **** fleet will be destroyed. The entire Tianyuan and Tianjixing owners will be destroyed. Will die.

"Even if some of the strongest people are lucky, they will be under the influence of the frenzied brainwaves. The deepest part of the brain will burn the most violent energy and become a magician!

"This is not an embarrassing plan, but who told you to be so mean and shameless, everything is forced by you, you are smart, and get everything to the worst situation!

"But now, you still have a chance to remedy, choose, whether it is to help you complete the ‘Tomorrow plan,’ or watch the whole heavens being swallowed up by violent stars and become a paradise of ecstasy and devil!”


Li Yao’s pupils contracted and his lips trembled fiercely. It seemed to fall into deep despair and struggle, and his hands trembled more and more.

However, in the next second, his eyes burst into a very determined war, and the trembled hands painted a perfect extraction gesture, activated the Qiang Kun ring!

"I chose the third road and beat your dog!"

Li Yaoqi smirked, "So you are really stupid, stupid, arrogant, and brains, so let us keep the giant soldiers, which is destined to make the biggest mistake, come out, arson!"

Along with the extraction of gestures and voiceprint passwords, Li Yao’s Qiankun Ring stirred up a circle of colorful hustle and bustle, and various sound and light effects appeared in just 0.1 seconds, even filling a stream of radiance. He is whole body, then -

There's no after that.

The Qiankun Ring is like a rusted door. No matter how Li Yao injects the psionic power, it can't be opened, let alone the summoned giant soldier.

Li Yao still maintains his arms high, and he is very handsome.

The confident smile is frozen, and the forehead permeates a drop of soy-sized cold sweat.

Wu Yingqi was at the top, looking at him with compassionate eyes, like watching a poor idiot.

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