Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2646: Unable to stop jumping!

"Give you, my best!"

In the face of the group of magic, Long Yangjun took the opportunity to remove the Qiankun ring from his finger and lost it to Li Yao. "Three minutes, I try to help you for three minutes, fast!"


Li Yao's ten fingers flashed, dozens of grotesque, thin, flap-like, fork-fork repair tools rolled at the fingertips like liquid metal, two 戒 戒 被 被 银 银 银 , , , , , , , , , Float up and down.

If there is a layer-by-layer scan of the molecular level, repairing the Qiang Kun ring is just a piece of cake, but in such a simple and dangerous environment, he can only do his best and fight!


Wu Yingqi, who is not far away, seems to have been guessed by Li Yao. He is still in the conflict period between the two forces of "cultivating immortality" and "cultivating the devil". Not only can he not do it himself, even his giant soldiers can’t summon it. Can cold and cold spit out orders, driving the devil to attack.

Dozens of bald devils have a **** body, such as a wolf like a tiger rushing over to Li Yao, trying to **** the ring in his hand, at least to interrupt his emergency repairs.

The eyes of these devils have turned into two blood springs, and the screams are screaming deep in the throat, and the brains of the brain release an extremely frenzied brain wave, unscrupulously releasing the virus at the spiritual level.

If ordinary practitioners, they will be assimilated by them and become devils who are out of control.

It is a pity that the realm of Li Yao and Long Yangjun cannot be measured by the ranks of ordinary practitioners.

Li Yao has a **** demons, and he is also a descendant of the gods Mo Xuan. He has strong adaptability and immunity to Yu.

Long Yangjun does not have to say that she is the inheritor of the female Yi nationality, and she is a great master who manipulates the ecstasy.

"You can?"

Long Yangjun smiled slightly, wrapped in a layer of crystal clear crystal armor, holding a crystal long whip in his hands, but under the perfusion of the flame, he could change from the soft whip at any time. Unbeatable sword.

She is not affected by the faint energy of those bald devils. Instead, she is like a fish, and her footsteps are lightly shuttled among many devils. The crystals are shining, killing the broken limbs and flying, and the heads are rolling around.

Even the fierce devil, who lost his head and cut off his limbs, could not continue fighting.

"This power!"

Wu Yingqi’s face changed greatly. Looking at Long Yangjun’s body, he was more sinister and chaotic than the psionic energy. His face was gloomy and almost dripped. “Since you also cultivate solitude, why should you stop it? plan!"

"Because you haven't realized the true meaning of Youn!"

Long Yangjun's arms are intertwined, and the crystal long whip illusion turns out the illusion of the sky, and the last few bald devils are all twisted into pieces. "It is that you are eroded by the eclipse without knowing it, and the desire and ambition are inflated infinitely." The existence of the guy, from Pangu to humans, will regard the ecstasy as the power of taboos, and even if it is far from being completely isolated, dare not explore its mystery!

"If you want to introduce the ecstasy into the whole civilization, you must first remove all the guys like you. Is there any problem?"

Long Yangjun squats deeply, and the rounded and strong legs erupted with the power of bombing the ground, turning into a crystal streamer, and shot at Wu Yingqi.

The light of blood and the crystals are constantly interlaced. In just a few seconds, they collide for thousands of times. They can’t see the figure of the two. They can only see that they are centered on the ground. Shocking spider web cracks.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Li Yao is kneeling on one knee, and his hands and the air are super-high-speed friction. It is almost necessary to wipe out thousands of degrees of high temperature. It is really pouring all the life into the ten fingertips, and scrambling to repair the array destroyed by Wu Yingqi.

However, Wu Yingqi’s technique is very concealed and sinister. Even in the two Qiankun Rings, there are still two dormant forces, like two very high-sparence spar bombs. Destroying the extraction mechanism of the two Qiankun Rings, the giant **** soldiers are trapped in it, and they are unable to extricate themselves.

No matter how worried Li Yao is, he can only control the trembling nerves as much as possible, and smother the skin and slowly "exclude the bombs."

Time passed by, and when Long Yangjun and Wu Yingqi were separated again, it was as long as it was a whole year.

However, the real time passed only a minute, Li Yao just groped for the residual power of Wu Yingqi.

Long Yangjun had already flown out and squatted on him, and both of them almost broke.

"Be careful!"

Li Yao ignored the pain and first protected the two Qiankun Rings. If the two final cards were finished, they would only surrender. "You are not saying to help me fight for three minutes?"

"You also said that this plan is foolproof and easy!"

Long Yangjun's whole body crystal armor splitting - this crystal armor is not a foreign magic weapon, but a part of her body organization, equivalent to a natural enhanced exoskeleton with a keen sense and powerful psychic passability, body bone Cracked, natural pain does not want to live.

She almost vomited all the internal organs, no sound, "I can't keep up with the changes, I have any way, or else we will replace the role, you go to deal with the madness of the blood of the gods Wu Yingqi, I will repair乾坤戒!"

"No need to fight, it's the same."

Wu Yingqi, like a blood burning flame, extraordinarily distorted and sinister figure, once again emerged from the black fog, his voice became more hoarse and low, really like the deepest part of the nine clear yellow spring, the waves are surging The slang between the blood and the sea, "In any case, you are going to die. Today everyone in the extreme heavens will die!"

During the speech, the red awns of the hair tip continued to spread upwards, turning the hair completely red. The black nerves that had just withered and broken also squirmed and swelled again, but they also became red and scary.

Wu Yingqi's spiritual network is constantly being repaired, and it is transmitted to all directions in an incomparable frenzy and completely out of control.

Dozens of bald devils were killed by Long Yangjun, but more of the devils emerged from the black fog, revealing sharp fangs toward Li Yao and Long Yangjun.

“Sweet and nourish!”

With their brainwaves as fuel, Wu Yingqi's brainwaves are mixed with frenzied solitude, and they are once again transmitted through the Golden Crystal Tower, turning into a **** lightning bolt with a claw and a claw, and shooting at the sun!


In the starry battlefield, the sun's dark spots have gradually faded and solidified, but under the **** turmoil, the devastating chain reaction has been restarted. The black spot has a smeared blood color, and the intensity of radiation and high-energy particle flow has once again increased. !

The sun just now is like a black eye, and the cold condensation condenses the whole piece of the sea of ​​stars.

The sun at the moment is like a black eyeball rupture, blood like a fountain, raging between the heavens and the earth!

Many of the starships of the four major family fleets were originally exhausted in the psionic shield. The various magic units were all overloaded, and they could not withstand the sudden rise of the solar storm intensity. It became a terrible crematorium, and the flames followed one after another, squatting one after another, burning all the mad, mad, crazy cultivators into ashes.

The starship that still maintains the minimum psychic shield is not much better. The solar radiation is like an invisible sword that can penetrate the iron wall of the copper wall. It directly penetrates the crew's brain and stirs the last sense of reason. The sore line of the sore hole completely collapsed. In the laughter of "嗬嗬嗬嗬", the life and the psionic power are mixed together, turned into the solitude of horror, and it is only known to destroy and kill, the lowest level Demonizer!

The four major family empire fleets have been devastated continuously, completely losing the possibility of restoring combat effectiveness.

But this does not mean that Li Yao and Lei Chenghu can be cheap.

Because Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and Quan Wang, the three major information lives and the psionic powers of their men, also suffered the ruthless erosion of the solar storm.

Information life is originally dependent on the brain and the spiritual network, and is also the most vulnerable to undisturbed magnetic interference.

At the beginning, Wu Yingqi's magneto-magnetic interference released by the sun's growth mainly tends to attack the human brain, and there are subtle differences in the pattern of attacking the crystal brain. Together with Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and Quan Wang, they fully optimize and defend their own systems. So, I can barely resist the first round of solar storm.

But now, Wu Yingqi has been enchanted. It is simply irritating the sun, releasing a storm that sweeps everything, interferes with everything, and destroys everything. Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and Quan Quan are naturally spared.

“Sweet and nourish!”

There are only serious disturbances in the communication channel. Xiao Ming and Wen Wen on the surface of the planet and the champions on the starry battlefield have lost contact, and they all feel extreme repression and severe erosion, measured by human condition, just like It is in a secret room with no oxygen but full of deadly poison!

"So sad……"

Xiao Ming said, "Our 'virtual neural network' has been attacked by a wide range of indiscriminate attacks. It is difficult to maintain basic information interaction capabilities and can only exist in the 'single machine mode'!"

"We are all like the protection of the atmosphere. The situation of the uncle of the boxing must be even worse."

Wen Wen also worried, "I don't know if he can still insist on the control of the Star Gate?"

"It doesn't matter if you can control the star gate."

Xiao Mingdao, "The solar storm is getting more and more intense. The magnetic environment of the extreme heavens is too complicated. Now jumping over is a dead end. No matter how brilliant the fleet is, it will be smashed by the sun storm. Overwhelmed!"

Star Gate is just a lighthouse. The lighthouse is brighter and can only guide the route at most. But if the storm is too strong, the fleet will not be able to reach the port safely.

"You must tell the White Boss and General Lei to let them stop jumping."

Wen Wendao, "The starship and the crew are in the weakest state when they are just out of the four-dimensional jump state. Unless the intensity of the solar storm stops increasing and slowly lowers by at least 30%, they will definitely not be able to resist it!"

"Impossible, the jump has started, I have detected anomalous space from the vicinity of the Star Gate."

Xiao Mingdao, "The interference is too serious now. We can't transmit the information to the white boss and General Lei. They have already skipped it!"

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