Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2647: The contest of will!

Tianjixing, underground, Jinjing Tower.

"Hey, hey!"

Wu Yingqi's throat is full of inspiring laughter, overfilling the nearly swollen body, and gradually reveals a red line, as if the whole person is immersed in the blood and fire of the demon.

His long red hair is like a manipulation of the puppets, directly piercing the back of the bald head and the meridians of the limbs, so that the speed and agility of these devils are at least three times higher.

Hundreds of bald devils launched a wheel battle against Long Yangjun, and more devils were completely robbed of their minds by the solitude, twisting the stiff limbs and emerging from the black fog.

Even if Long Yangjun is not disturbed by the ecstasy, the physical damage still greatly weakens her fighting power, causing her to fall into the vicious circle of left and right.

"Is it better?"

Long Yangjun vomited blood while waving a crystal whip sword that would break at any time, and he did not return to Li Yao’s head. "How long will it take to repair the Qiang Kun ring?"

"Immediately, right now!"

Every phalanx of Li Yao’s hands was shaken, and finally he bypassed the psionic trap set by Wu Yingqi. He couldn’t help but sigh and shouted. “Give me another half minute, half--”

The voice has not fallen, Wu Yingqi has a long hair, but there are thousands of red hair condensed into a scarlet viper, stabbing his eyes!

Li Yao feels that his eyes are like being hit by dozens of lightning bolts, subconsciously leaning his head and blinking.

It was this blink of an eye, his hands hurt, and he was stunned by Wu Yingqi’s **** long hair.

Li Yao’s heart screamed and hurriedly reached for the cost of paying for the wounds of dozens of deep-visible bones on his arm. At the end of the day, he did not let the two squats fall into the hands of Wu Yingqi, but sucked back into his own hands.

But all the repair tools were crushed and bounced by Wu Yingqi's long hair one by one, flying to all directions.


Li Yao was dumbfounded, and under the chaos of the mind, he could not stop Wu Yingqi’s blood waves from invading. The thirty-six blood fingerprints that were condensed by the other side’s void were printed on the chest, and he could not stop even a dozen steps. If you have a broken kite, fly out and kneel on the wall.

The balance of thirty-six blood handprints has not disappeared, just like the conversion of thirty-six poisonous scorpions into Li Yao's limbs, the five internal organs and the eight classics, and licking his flesh and blood and even the soul.

He felt that every pore in his body was turned into a **** mouth, and the blood was removed from the body within half a second.

What is even more frightening is that Wu Yingqi’s body shape, which was covered in blood, was chased by thirty-six blood handprints in the form of “Meteor Moonlighting” and flashed to Li Yao.

Wu Yingqi’s eyes are blooming with a smile, and the right arm covered with red lines is lifted up. The red lines are flowing out of the skin, entangled in each other in the air, condensing into a sinister complex and luxurious to the extreme. .


This **** blade is like having his own life, the blade is squeaky, and it is like a kind of singing voice, and the last drop of blood left in the heart of Li Yao is hooked up.


Li Yao’s brain is blank, and he can’t think of the way to crack it.

The operation of the Jinjing Tower could not be stopped, the solar storm was infinitely upgraded, and the fleets of Bai Laoda and Lei Chenghu were jumping around here without knowing them. They were just like the hundreds of billions of residents living in the Imperial Capital.

The only way is to kill Wu Yingqi and stop the operation of the Golden Crystal Tower!


Li Yao glanced at Long Yangjun. She was still entangled in dozens of bald-headed devils. The other side was not afraid of death. She consumed her power with her life. Without the blessing of giant soldiers, she could not immediately The strong man who solved hundreds of madness rushed over.

On Li Yao’s side, the last step of the maintenance of the two Qiankun Rings is left, but all the repair tools have been taken down by Wu Yingqi. Li Yao himself was beaten by Wu Yingqi to go to the building, and the five were burned. Under the guise of the other side, where can I calm down and repair?

This time, Li Yao was really exhausted and tried his best. He could only watch the strange **** demon knife falling.


Looking at Li Yaozhen’s eyes, it’s like a rat who is still looking for a gap in his life. Wu Yingqi doesn’t talk nonsense with him, even if he still has more secrets, or seduce again. The conditions of man are useless, Wu Yingqi puts all his strength on the knives, and then, oh ——

An incredible scene happened!

The stiffness that had just appeared in Li Yao, but at the moment it appeared in Wu Yingqi very abruptly!

He clearly has mobilized all the solace, and Li Yao’s carotid artery will fall off the knives, but the knives that connect the arms are hard and live in the air, and even the shoulders and the arms are heard. The explosion of the scapula and the bones of the arm showed that it could not be moved like a statue.

"What is the situation?"

Li Yao looked at Wu Yingqi with a stunned look, and even a drop of cold sweat leaking from the tip of his nose refused to wipe.

Wu Yingqi did not feel the pain of the broken bones in his right arm. His face was full of contradictions, hesitation and struggling expressions.

Like the frozen lake, the lake is sprinkled under the ice, and a circle of life is full of life.

The rock-solid legs trembled a little, and Wu Yingqi lost part of his control of the body, especially the two eyeballs, which turned in different directions and looked strange and sultry.

It seems that there are two different forces in his body, one of which wants to kill Li Yao simply and neatly, but the other one has to leave the knife at all costs!

The **** long hair ends of the claws and claws gradually become crystal clear, like a frozen waterfall, and this shocking white is still spreading, spreading toward the roots and brain!

"Do not……"

In the depths of Wu Yingqi’s throat, he again angered and unwilling to bark.

"Do not!"

The second screaming, but replaced with a familiar and strange, but also a bit stern voice, like a white sword, stabbed from the chest, heart and throat!

"this is……"

This voice caused Li Yao’s pupil to shrink suddenly and reacted instantly. “It’s the Queen’s Highness, the Imperial Queen’s Li Linghai!”


In Li Yao’s mind, a slap in the face, blasting all doubts.

He understands why Wu Yingqi clearly holds the power of the madness and blood of the Doomsday War, and he is not daring to use it!

The inference he just made should be correct. There is a deep gap between Wu Yingqi, who is a cultivator, and the blood god, who is a cultivator. The avenues of the two have mutual use, but there is also irreconcilability. Contradictions.

The first time he entered the Golden Crystal Tower, and when Wu Yingqier was deceiving, Li Yao had tentatively asked him whether he had killed his teacher's doomsday war madness, and Wu Yingqi did not deny it.

But suppose Wu Yingqi really killed the blood god, Li Yao estimated that there will be no cost, perhaps some of the blood gods will remain in Wu Yingqi's remnant, it will not let him live so happy.

However, at that time, Li Yao also counted a factor - Li Linghai!

Wu Yingqi is not manipulating his own natural body, but living in the body of Li Linghai, belonging to some incomplete state of seclusion.

Under normal circumstances, he can of course hypnotize and even forcefully suppress the spirit of Li Linghai, so that Li Linghai will act as his minions.

However, Li Linghai itself is also a super-class master who is close to the peak of the gods. When Wu Yingqi has to divide most of the power of the remnant soul to control the remains of the blood god, will it leave a precious opportunity for Li Linghai to let her Can the free will come to the surface?

This is the biggest obstacle that Wu Yingqi can't use the blood **** to inherit as much as he wants!

It is also Wu Yingqi - Li Linghai's direct cause of such strangeness at this moment!

"No... no... no!"

Wu Yingqi - Li Linghai, like two conjoined infants who were brought together by the dead and the dead, controlled half of the faces, squeezed out half of the anger, half of the stern, half of the sly, half of the expression of remorse.

The left hand slammed the uncontrolled right hand, and the fingers fell into the wrist like a red iron tongs, almost tearing the palm directly.

The left leg is also holding the right leg, not letting his body close to Li Yao step, Wu Yingqi - Li Linghai is scattered with half red, half white long hair, jumping wildly.

"His Royal Highness, is it really you?"

Li Yao was deeply touched by Li Linghai's courage and will, but he couldn't help but know how to help Linghai. He could only yell at the scorpion. "I know that this is not your intention. You are forced by Wu Yingqi. And deceiving, I believe that you are not so cold and ruthless, and not crazy enough to destroy the entire imperial capital!

"I believe that you really want to innovate the empire, let the smoky star of the Xinghai Central renewed, and guess that Wu Yingqi is threatening you with your child, and you are forced to become his minions."

"But look at everything around you and see what Wu Yingqi is doing. He is not a real reformist at all. He just wants to change the empire from the country of 'cultivating the immortals' to his own country, such an empire. It will only be worse than it is now!

"If he threatens you with the life of your children, you don't have to be afraid of him - Li Jialing is now imprisoned in the big tank behind him, and the rest of your children should stay in the Imperial City. Inside and outside, if the solar storm is really infinitely upgraded, all your children will die, and no one can escape.

"If you want to save your child, you have only one choice - do everything you can to drive him out of your mind!

"Wake up, Your Royal Highness, wake up! Now all your children, our life and death, the fate of the empire, really have to be decided by you! I still remember the words you said to me when you first met, you It’s so arrogant to point to the country and describe to me how beautiful the empire is. Even if I am a self-cultivator, I’m deeply attracted by your idea at that time. It’s true that your heart is right, you don’t have it. Deceive me, you are still you, is that one year ago, even the one hundred years ago, Li Linghai?

"If it is, wake up, wake up, wake up!"

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