Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2648: Flowers on the cliff

With Li Yao’s arrogance, Wu Yingqi, Li Linghai’s expression is getting more and more distorted, and he is getting more and more struggling. He can’t tell him – who is she?

This face covered with ugly blood vessels first appeared the emperor's hegemony and coldness, followed by the cruelty and madness of the devil, but in the end, it was the tenderness of a woman's gentleness and mother.

He - her left hand is holding her right hand and going to Li Yao's neck. It seems to hold Li Yao's throat and not let Li Yao speak.

However, the right arm made a "beep" sound, and the bones burst into a few pieces, and the softness was pulled down, which was unwilling to attack Li Yao.

Even the long hair that was full of frenzied hair became two red and white army, and it was like two poisonous snakes belonging to different camps, biting each other and licking.

"Do you even have to betray you?"

He - in the depths of her throat, sent out to belong to Wu Yingqi, can not believe in roaring, "the ungrateful thing is to save you from the bitter sea, is to teach you a wonderful work, is to let you hurt quickly and revenge The person who hates it is that you have the opportunity to call the rain in the palace. You are so rewarded, how dare you dare!"

But then, in the same scorpion, it was sharp and sharp, and it belonged to Li Linghai’s scream: "You promised that you will let the spirit of Jialing be a horse, you promised!"

"That is all right!"

Wu Yingqi’s incomparably stern voice came again. “But now, our plans have been ruined by Li Yao. It’s all his fault. If you still want to keep your son’s spirit, then don’t stop it, kill it. he!"

"Kill your big ghost!"

Taking advantage of Wu Yingqi - Li Linghai fell into a struggle between the two sides. On the occasion of the war between the heavens and the people, Li Yaoyun was the last one to make a contribution to him - she slammed into the past, her head slammed into him - her chest, the surging spirit Can follow the roots, like a sharp blade into his - her body!


Wu Yingqi - Li Linghai's chest is deeply sagged, and the two souls are screaming at the same time.


Li Yaofei blinked quickly and hurriedly sweated. "His Royal Highness, tell me how can I help you and get rid of this bastard?"

"Oh, impossible!"

The ugly face covered with blood vessels, once again squeezed out the cruel expression, Wu Yingqi smiled and said, "The soul of the gods and the soul of this monk have been deeply intertwined. Killing the dragonfly is equivalent to killing her. You should How to choose it, the comprehension Li Yao?"

Then, as the face changed, the brilliance of Li Linghai emerged. The word was a word, stuttering, and it was difficult: "Kill... Kill... Kill me, kill me!"

Li Yao’s face changed and changed. The three-handed sword that had just been photographed from the ground with the technique of the airborne weapon was unable to survive.

He has no relatives since he was a child, but he is only dependent on the old man. Now he is sincerely treating Li Jialing as his own brother.

Although he and Li Linghai can't talk about deep feelings, the other party is the only woman whom the oldest loved, and the mother of Li Jialing.

The reason why Li Jialing is desperate to sneak into the emperor to take risks, isn’t it just to save his mother?

If there is no awakening, it is better to say, but now Li Linghai Mingming has awakened his self-will. For a while, Li Yao really does not know whether it should be started against Wu Yingqi, Li Linghai.

After a little hesitation, the chest was once again hit by a meteorite attack, but Wu Yingqi once again controlled the body and once again blew him out.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, this is the biggest problem of your comprehension - heart is soft, hesitant!"

Wu Yingqi - Li Jialing's **** long hair behind his head, gradually gaining the upper hand in the contest of will, swallowing and infecting the newly born white, his smile will almost tear the corner of Li Linghai. "You are so weak." The existence of the class is not qualified for the class civilization!"

"Yes, he is a fool who is soft-hearted."

A voice came from behind Wu Yingqi, "But I am not!"

It is Long Yangjun, who has rolled up hundreds of swords and flying swords with the technique of emptying the imperial concubine. All the magic weapons are burning with the most fierce flames, and they are shot by Wu Yingqi.

Wu Yingqi - Li Linghai's war between the heavens and the people has greatly weakened his control over the bald devils. These devils were just born, and they were not fully infiltrated by the solitude, losing Wu Yingqi's control, Daohe and The secluded energy conflict, I screamed with my head, where is the opponent of Long Yangjun?

Long Yangjun easily solved these devils, manipulated their weapons, and turned out the torrential rains of the sky, and did not mercilessly attack Wu Yingqi's vitality.

Long Yangjun is also a person who is also evil. He couldn’t be regarded as a comprehension. She and Li Linghai have no feelings and sorrows. Naturally, there is nothing to hesitate. One shot is the most fierce killing. The style.

On the one hand, Wu Yingqi has to fight against the rebellion of Li Linghai in the body. On the other hand, he has to suppress Li Yao. He has no spare power to guard against the dragon Yang behind him. When he perceives that Long Yangjun’s flying swords are killed, it’s too late. Can do everything possible, the left arm waved, 36,000 pores from the body to provoke a strong blood fog, like a shield like blocking in front of him, hard to live hundreds of flying swords and swords are fixed.

“Sweet and nourish!”

The glare of the arc, flowing wildly between the blood and fog, hundreds of flying swords are clearly fixed, but the tip of the sword is violently shaking, as if at any time will break the ban, continue to rush to Wu Yingqi.


The blood fog is like a very high temperature burning, and it is constantly dimming and shrinking, just like Wu Yingqi's soul at the moment.

The faces of Long Yangjun and Wu Yingqi instantly became pale, and the eyes of the two men exploded all around, and the cobweb-like gap continued to spread around, like two cracked statues, which would collapse at any time.

This is the purest soul, energy and even the competition of vitality. There is no such thing as a fancy, just as the two tear each other and roll toward the abyss of destruction.

Even Li Yao, who is not far away, can perceive that the vitality of the two people is passing through the visible form of the naked eye. No, it is not a passing, it is simply "arrogant"!

In just three seconds, it was as long as three years. The blood fog and flying sword between the two men finally blasted after a sudden contraction. The shock wave mixed with thousands of sword fragments almost enveloped the entire space. Even Li Yao was affected, and turned back several times.

"Long Yang Jun!"

After all, Li Yao was only shocked by the aftermath, and did not directly suffer from it. He released the search for the gods and quickly locked the position of Long Yangjun. When he flew past, he found that Long Yangjun’s face was pale and the crystal armor of the whole body was cracked. It is full of sword fragments and the atmosphere is extremely weak.

I hurriedly extracted a medical agent from the Qiankun ring, injected it along the spine of Long Yangjun, and used her own psionic energy to help her turn her medicine away.

Looking at the direction of Wu Yingqi, Li Yao saw an unforgettable scene.

The blood fog gradually spread, Wu Yingqi - Li Linghai is like Zhuo Li on the cliff, with regrets and decisiveness on his face.

Her long hair, once again turned into crystal clear, pure and flawless white, white without a bit of impurities, whether black or red, all are not.

Her eyes have also restored the purity of the past, pure to the most filthy and dark world, can see good and kind things.

This is not the eye of Li Linghai a year ago.

This is the eyes of Li Linghai, who is a girl more than a hundred years ago. It is the eye of a girl who does not know what she will experience in the next 100 years and what kind of fate she will bear.

She smiled, like a small flower falling from a cliff.

Her throat and chest had some strength to struggle, trying to regain control of her body, but she used her left hand to temporarily return to her control, holding her soft right hand and holding a sharp knife.

She glanced deeply in the direction of Li Yao, and her eyes were filled with regrets and apologies that could not be described by pen and ink.

"No -"

Li Yao scalp numb, subconsciously shouting.

However, Li Linghai was deaf to the ear, and the ten fingers were cut open by the blade, and the hot blood was flowing, so he smashed the blade and stabbed himself toward his heart.


She did not leave a little room for herself. The blade pierced from the heart, stabbed from the back, and even slammed the knife back and turned it around, completely destroying her heart tissue.

Her body originally consumed a lot of vitality in the turmoil of the Golden Crystal Tower, withered and corrupted to the extreme. Now even the heart is destroyed by the self, even if other organs are intact, it is unbearable to be the murderer of Wu Yingqi. use.


The silence and relief on her face was instantly replaced by shackles and pains, and Wu Yingqi’s screams were heard deep in the throat.

All the raised blood vessels in the body seem to break free from the muscles, smashing and smashing, and squirting numerous blood columns around them.

Even the sword that smashed the heart was pulled out, and a large plasma was ejected from the chest.

The blood column and plasma condensed into a **** fog in the air in a mid-air, gradually showing the big face of Wu Yingqi gnashing his teeth.

"This is the soul of Wu Yingqi!"

Long Yangjun cried hard, "kill him, don't run away by him!"

The voice did not fall, this **** big face stared at Li Yao, but it split into hundreds of **** streamers and fled to the depths of the Golden Crystal Tower.

Li Yao’s reaction was not unpleasant. The gods read and smashed thousands of swords and shattered the stream of blood, but only had time to cut off the thirty-five blood streams.

Just want to get up and catch up, the last batch of bald devils reappeared around them - although these devils lost Wu Yingqi's control, but the brain was severely distorted by the solitude, enough to delay Li Yao for a while.

Li Yao’s eyes were fast, and several demons flew out and snatched the broken body of Li Linghai.

"His Royal Highness, you must not die like this!"

Li Yao holds Li Linghai's body and madly enters psionic energy into her body. "Li Jialing needs you, the future empire also needs you to clean up the mess, and the secret of the emperor's tomb... Please, stick to it, but the heart The burst of the little injury is nothing, nothing!"

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