Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2649: Open the darkness of the universe!

Li Yao took the madness and extracted various medical supplies and tools from the Qiankun ring.

He first tightened a silver-colored syringe, and injected a lot of fragrant green gel into the heart of the Liling Sea hole, sealing her blood from the heart.

Then, a round of nutrients were injected into the neck of Li Linghai. These medicines were used to build a microcirculation to provide oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

In this way, even if the body is completely damaged, the brain can remain the last awake.

After doing all this, he gently pressed the temples of Li Linghai with both hands, and entered a series of subtle currents to stimulate her brain cells, so that her spirit would not fall into a complete sleep.

Li Linghai’s eyelashes finally trembled again and opened his eyes slightly.

When she saw the look of Li Yao, she blinked shy, remorse, unwillingness, worry and relief.

"Don't talk, take a rest!"

Li Yao read the meaning of Li Linghai from his eyes and smashed the railway. "I will definitely rescue Li Jialing, and I will surely keep the heavens and the celestial stars!"

The ripples in the eyes of Li Linghai have been swaying for a while, gathering into two drops of crystal clear tears, slowly crossing the corners of the eyes, exhausting the last glimmer of strength, weak: "I am wrong, I... really wrong!"

"Yes, you did make an unforgivable mistake."

Li Yao also took out a can of frozen spray from the Qiankun ring. This spray can make the injured person's brain enter a temporary hibernation state, waiting for the rescue to come. "Those in the future, think about your initial heart, use the rest of your life. Come make up!"

Li Yao gently placed Li Linghai on the ground and covered her wound with a broken robes. Huo Ran got up and stared at the disappearance of Wu Yingqi's remnant.

At this time, Long Yangjun has also solved the last bald devil, and the two released the mind at the same time, searching for every inch of space in the Jinjing Tower.

They did not search for the remnant of Wu Yingqi, and there was no trace of it.

But I found a very fearful thing - the huge man who slandered Li Jialing, exploded from the inside out.

It is like an over-bloomed flower, the hard steel shell is twisted and twisted, but the inside is empty, and there is no figure of Li Jialing.

Li Jialing's body was taken away by Wu Yingqi's remnant!

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other with a deep fear of seeing the other's eyes, and gradually surpassing fear and burning.

"In any case, fix the Qiang Kun ring first!"

Long Yang Jundao, "Even if he is really on the body of Li Jialing, so rushed, it can never be too stable!"

Li Yaozhong focused on the head, and God read like an octopus to release it around, looking for the repair tools that had just been scattered.

Every piece of maintenance tool is his **** sacrifice, and his soul is deeply engraved in the inside and outside, and he has a mysterious telepathy, and he is quickly locked in and photographed back.

Taking advantage of Long Yangjun’s vigilance and patrol around, Li Yao sat cross-legged, calm and indifferent, and between the two breaths, the two Qiankun Rings were in front of them, and they became more and more transparent. Glorious.

Deep in the Jinjing Tower, there was another burst of laughter.

The laughter is somewhat like Li Jialing, and it is more and more like Wu Yingqi.

The **** waves of the sky, the boundless black fog, come back.

Li Yao has turned a blind eye to the innocent, and has turned a deaf ear to his heart. The whole mind has penetrated into the ring between the square inches. A glimpse of the silky mind quickly spreads the spirit pattern that extracts the obstacles and constructs a new space loop.

boom! boom! boom! Booming and banging!

The entire Golden Crystal Tower is full of earth-shattering shocks, like a huge and fierce beast that has been drilled from the bottom of the tower to swallow the Golden Crystal Tower, the Tianji Star and even the entire Xinghai.

"This power is not just as simple as winning. This is..."

Long Yangjun is fully guarded by the gods, and he perceives the ripples that are stirred up in the depths of the Jinjing Tower. His face becomes extraordinarily ugly, "Great God Soldier!"

Within the vision of Li Yao and Long Yangjun, there was a very strange scene.

The space deep in the Jinjing Tower began to distort, and there was a darkness that could not be described by pen and ink.

The dark edge of this piece is very vague, and it is constantly expanding to the surrounding area. When it expands to where it is, it will be dyed into a darkness. Any light will be absorbed into it, and any material can't escape the darkness!

It seems that the whole world was bitten by an invisible beast, missing one of them and becoming a black hole!

When Li Yao and Long Yangjun’s eyes, perceptions and thoughts are scanned into this dark area, they are like mud cows entering the sea. If they don’t go back, they can’t scan what is hidden in the dark, or nothing. The body is absolute darkness!


Long Yangjun slammed his feet and smashed hundreds of sword fragments from the ground, lingering hundreds of streams of light, shooting toward the darkness, and being swallowed up in the moment of contact with the darkness, as if he was caught in a very sticky Gummy, I can't look down on it.

Such a different phase, let Li Yao and Long Yangjun instantly think of a giant soldier, a super giant soldier who is absolutely qualified to rank in the top five in the history of human civilization war, the exclusive car of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi - - The heart of the black hole!

The "heart of the black hole" is certainly not a real black hole.

But it has the strongest force field distortion, stealth system and energy absorption design of all the giant soldiers. It can shield more than 99.99% of the enemy's scanning and locking, and devour most of the destructive power that the enemy shoots at it. A black hole of death that can engulf all the creatures in the battlefield!

A thousand years ago, when Wu Yingqi was active, the emergence of the heart of the black hole represented the end of the war and the beginning of the massacre.

After the millennium, the flames reignited and the blood rain came again!


In the dark, Wu Yingqi’s frantic laughter came again.

"Get it!"

The black hole is in the head, Li Yao is ignorant, and drops two drops of pale gold heart blood on the two 乾 戒 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The space is rampant and flooded. Two super-steel gods, who are also qualified to rank in the forefront of the active giants, are arguing, and the "arsonist" and "Tianjing" are finally struggling to climb out of the void. world!


Li Yao is in the "firer" of the Lingfu, letting the "small black" turn into a liquid metal wrap around the body, and the infinite flow of information flows from the mind, like a lightning moment, the whole body, the limbs, the odd After the eight veins, the smoothness reached the extreme, and he was so refreshed that he was going to scream.

The "arsonist" is in the hand, even if it is a real black hole in front, it will be bombarded by him!

"Your stupidity is more than your shamelessness. Do you really think that your soul will be completely bound to the remnants of Li Linghai?"

In the heart of the black hole, the voice of Wu Yingqi gradually merged with Li Jialing. "The launch of the Golden Crystal Tower will greatly damage the body, especially the brain cells. Even if the strong gods can not withstand the star's anti-phagosis, I am prepared for it. After a large-scale sputum filling, replace a brand new body, and you will be able to send the body of Li Jialing to the door!

"Just, I was only delaying the time with you and speeding up the refining of Li Jialing's body. This body originally absorbed a lot of 'Dianhuazhu' power, and was modulated to the soul that is extremely suitable for accepting 朕. Coupled with the 'deformation of gold 俑', you can have a brand new, powerful, perfect body!

"Oh, hehehehe, now I have the ability to control the heart of ‘black hole’, ‘arsonist’? ‘Tianjing’? In the blink of an eye, it’s all scrapped copper!”

"Save the province and effort, everyone is the same person, there is no need to pull such low-level lies, insult each other's wisdom."

Li Yao faintly said, "There is no danger to the soul, but not to mention that you are not taking the complete soul, but the soul is attached to the body - or a soul that has been beaten by us, like a dog." .

"I don't believe that within a short half minute, your broken soul can invade the body of Li Jialing 100%. If it is so convenient, you have already started!"

"I am even more convinced that my brother Li Jialing will never be so easily suppressed by you. He will die to the emperor to save his mother. His determination is stronger than anything. He is our last. Secret weapon!

"Jialing, Big Brother believes that you will certainly hear it. We will never give up on you. You must never give up your mother. You will definitely live well and be brought together. Now, fight with your brother, let us work together. , this bomb is completely blasted!"

Along with Li Yao’s earth-shattering arrogance, the “arsonist” slammed on one knee and opened his arms. All the aggressive magic hatches that can be opened around the body were open, and hundreds of light cones gathered into a torrent of destruction, whistling Out, almost half of the Golden Crystal Tower, rushing toward the heart of the black hole!

However, the spurt of the flames did not emit a little sound and waves, and was completely swallowed up by the darkness.


In the depths of the darkness, Wu Yingqi’s scornful laughter came. “Don’t you know the characteristics of the 'black hole heart'? Even if it’s ten times stronger, it’s all ineffective for the 'black hole heart’. The strongest giant soldier in history!"

"is it?"

Long Yangjun’s “Tianjing” also joined the battle group, as if it had become a crystal-clear turret. The cross section of every crystal of the whole body spurred a dazzling arc and broke into the darkness. “I don’t believe it!”

"you guys--"

Wu Yingqi’s voice was obviously tense and rushed. The darkness that seemed to devour everything, and it trembled slightly, gradually separating the depth and the edge.

"Wu Yingqi, your blows are blown up!"

Li Yao keenly perceives the dark shudder, laughs, and wants to send every drop of blood in his body as a fuel to the power unit of the "arsonist". "The facts are in front of you, you are not a **** after all, just a mortal in the district." You are not really a black hole. It is just a giant soldier. The powerful giant soldiers have limits. They all need real power to control. You are not a real powerhouse. They are just a mean man. !

"Even if you are driving a real black hole, today we will be completely bombarded. Even if you can control the darkness of the whole universe, today I will open the light in this darkness and die!"

In the whispering sound, the arsonist swelled out the red flame that burned through the scorpion, and the arms were lifted up. The broken knives and the winged swords were fused together, and they were condensed into a giant sword of nearly 50 meters long. The entire Golden Crystal Tower is split in half.

Li Yao waved a giant sword and rushed toward the black hole.

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