Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2650: Drunken fairy!

The black hole is also like a giant beast that devours the universe. It opens its mouth and swallows the "arsonist".

The "arsonist" who burned the fire of the original singer, after being swallowed up by the darkness, seemed to disappear from the world at once, whether it was its ripples, the flame of jumping, or the firepower that Li Yao madly bombarded. Perceived by the outside world.

Even Long Yangjun, who is close at hand, can't perceive the existence of Li Yao and Wu Yingqi, as if they passed the black hole and fell another battlefield, and all the information was erased by the world!

In the darkness, Li Yao seems to have fallen into a black hole. On the one hand, it bears the violent pull of tidal power, on the other hand, it consumes its own psionic power and ammunition at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What is even more depressing is that whether it is a sniper of a broken wing knife or a winged sword, or a bombardment of a honeycomb-type ultra-fine flying sword and a crystal magnetic cannon, all of them are not given a little feedback, just like a continuous blast. The hundreds of heavy hits in the chain, but they all rushed into the air - this feeling of fighting with nothingness is simply vomiting blood.

“Is it felt, this is the power of the heart of the Black Hole, and this is the realm of jealousy!”

Wu Yingqi’s voice fluttered from the darkness, and Li Yao completely couldn’t tell his direction, and he couldn’t lock his giant soldiers. “In the field of jealousy, there is no repression that can escape the embarrassment. How can you struggle again, it’s just futile."

"I bother!"

Li Yao did not believe in the evil spirits and waved his two-handed sword. In theory, Jianmang should completely cover the area of ​​hundreds of meters. Every inch of space was smashed by him numerous times, but he could not touch the half of the 'black hole heart'. Block armor.

Even worse, even if he returns the same way, he can't quit the darkness - outside the field of Wu Yingqi!

This piece of absolute darkness, which absorbs all light waves, radiation and information, seems to have replaced the real world and become a cage that traps Li Yao. No matter how struggling the "arsonist", there is no way to see a trace of light.

Perceived the innumerable data jumping in my mind, Li Yao instantly noticed the terrible situation of the "arsonist" - the "black hole heart" powerful magnetic interference and information warfare ability, the "arsonist" navigation system, scanning unit and even The optical monitoring components are all damaged, and even Li Yao’s visual and auditory nerves are once again distorted by Wu Yingqi’s field!

Distraction is distraction, the black star emperor is the black star emperor, no matter how despicable the personality, at least the strength is definitely the most powerful one in the numerous devils that Li Yao has encountered in hundreds of years, only relying on a remnant, You can fight with Li Yao, who is angry with the crown, to this extent!

"Lee Yao, where are you?"

Long Yangjun also drove "Tianjing" into the field of Wu Yingqi, bringing a glimpse of crystal to this absolutely dark world.

But this crystal-like radiance only shines for a moment, and is swallowed up by the darkness.

Li Yao did not get in touch with Long Yangjun, the communication between the two sides was eroded by the darkness, and the communication channel was full of Wu Yingqi's low laughter.

"I do not believe!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and stirred up the "arsonist" to launch all the ammunition carried by the giant soldiers. "To maintain such a terrible field, no matter whether you or the giant soldiers are constantly consuming, now we both beat you and see How long can you burn and give me a break!"

The two-handed sword once again fell into the darkness, and picked up a slightly lighter shackle, but after a moment of swaying, it quickly recovered to the original, and then could not distinguish the difference between darkness and darkness.

At the same time, the "arsonist" suffered a heavy blow from himself. Li Yao did not even distinguish the attack route. He took a nap and almost fell forward.


The "arsonist" came with a harsh alarm, not only because of the heavy blows in the back, but also because there was a very strange force in the surrounding area, which was constantly absorbing the "firearm" psionic shield. power.

"The heart of the black hole" can not only form an absolute dark shadow and interference layer, but also invisibly capture the psionic power of the enemy giant soldiers and use it for themselves. It is one of the strongest giant soldiers in the history of human war. The "human artifact" of the real human empire!

"I don't believe, I don't believe that I don't believe that I don't believe it!"

The "arsonist" hit the darkness again and again. But again and again, it was vainly bombarded to the emptiness. Gradually, the ammunition was exhausted, the fuel was almost exhausted, the psionic shield was absorbed and weakened by the enemy, and even the broken wing knife and the winged sword were splitting. .

"Cry, scream... scream... scream..."

Li Yao gasped hard and could barely hold the sword.

Before the battle, it was just a comprehensive overhaul by Xiao Ming and Wen Wen. The newly-created "arsonist" was as miserable as the storm that had just experienced dozens of meteor showers, just like Li Yao’s appearance at the moment.


There was another unbelievable power behind him. Li Yao instinctively responded with a sword, although it resisted the "black hole heart" will kill, the broken wing knife and the folding wing sword fly high in the air, After playing a few laps, it disappeared into the darkness.

Li Yao has launched all the things that the "arsonist" can launch.

The residual fuel is also far below the warning line, showing a dangerous red color.

This is the real bombing.

"Now, what do you still use for it?"

In the depths of the darkness, Wu Yingqi smiled faintly.

"I still have this -"

Li Yao roared, stepped, stepped, and rotated. The "arsonist" fist was like a drill bit that broke through the celestial pole and waved toward the darkness. "It represents the fist of justice and blood!"


Wu Yingqi seems to be teased by Li Yao’s words.

But the laughter came to an abrupt end after 0.1 seconds. Instead, the collision of metal and metal was the cracking sound of the fist that hit the door and fell into it.

Under the dark distortion of the "heart of the black hole" and the interference of Wu Yingqi, all the sharpest means of the "arsonist" have all been lost. It is reasonable to say that this unremarkable right uppercut is not even awkward. One may hit.

However, it hit the target incredibly, and suddenly rushed in from the head of the "black hole heart", and no matter what the magic weapon in the head of the "black hole heart" was seized, The other side pulled the upper body down.

The "arsonist" jumped up, and the main gun of the knee, such as the super arsenal, opened fire and slammed into the chest of the "heart of the black hole."


All of Li Yao’s anger, war and depression are all condensed in this battle, and turned into the destructive power of the bombing of the planet, and all the brains rushed into the chest of the "black hole heart."

“Sweet and nourish!”

The head and chest of the "heart of the black hole" were severely damaged, and the broken chest spewed out a glaring arc, which outlined the appearance of a giant soldier in the dark.

The absolute darkness that could have swallowed everything has gradually become sparse and clear, like a black fog that is thick and can't be opened. When it comes to the rising sun, it will disappear!

Losing the protection of absolute darkness reveals the "black hole heart" of the body, and there is no imaginary embarrassment and hegemony. It is just a giant soldier who is less than 30 meters high and has a silver-like body like a mirror. .

Li Yao has just locked in its existence, and it has destroyed the interference on the head and chest and the hidden unit, which has greatly reduced its main combat performance. At this moment, the "black hole heart" is thinner than the shelled shrimp. More fear!

In the place of thirty or fifty meters to the left of the "arsonist", "Tianjing" also got rid of the dark invasion. Although it was as good as the grain, it was bruised and bruised, but there was still a fist!

"This...nothing, how can you lock the heart of the black hole? For thousands of years, no one has been able to lock the heart of the black hole, it can hurt you!"

Wu Yingqideng gave a meal and issued a hysterical roar. "Oh, your body! You have actually moved your hands and feet, your despicable embarrassment, what did you do on your body!"

"Nothing, just taking the medicine and putting in a potion called 'Drunken Immortal'."

Li Yao did not panic and acted on the two iron fists of the "arsonist", faintly said, "You don't have to search for the intestines. This is a pottery that was circulated in the age of 40,000 years ago. Destruction has long since been lost, and you have no reason to know.

"Reassure, this is not a poison. If it is really a poison, with your keen sense of flesh and blood, I am afraid that the upper body will smell bad. In fact, this is a calming, assisted meditation. And the remedy of the big remedy, when dealing with the high-ranking monks, is even more miraculous. It is the sacred master and elder of the dynasties of the dynasties, and they are eligible to enjoy the medicine. I have the raw material warehouse of the entire Wanjie Shangmeng. They all turned to the bottom, only to find enough Tiandi treasure to refine it.

"It's no special effect, but it can suppress your violent psionic power, calm your brain cells, let you relax your muscles and nerves, and enter a state of extreme relaxation and drowsiness. Of course, I am taking medicine. When the hand is loose, the dose is much lower, but rest assured, in addition to letting you sleep beautifully, there will be no sequelae, and when you wake up, you will be especially refreshed and refreshed. Can fill, a pillar of the sky!"


Wu Yingqi was furious and added, "In addition to the ban on the hindbrain, it is still in the body of Li Jialing!"

"Is this not taken for granted?"

Li Yaodao, "Everyone knows that you want to take Li Jialing's body to serve as a new carrier. At this time, we still have to take Li Jialing to throw the net. If you think about it, you will know that there is definitely a problem! You are stupid, but also It’s impossible to be so stupid. I have to carefully examine it carefully before I go to him.

"The idea of ​​installing a ban on the body and burning with your jade is initiated by Li Jialing, but I think you can't be fooled so simple, and it is too unworthy for you to be buried with such a person, so I modified it a little. Under the plan, the ban on the back of the head is nothing but a scorpion. It is deliberately let you discover that this kind of intoxication, innocence and even the sensation that the psionics can't perceive is the real killing trick.

"The best thing is that this medicine was originally used to prevent the fire from entering the magic, calming the anger, and I specially adjusted the formula, so the little guy of Li Jialing will not be activated when he is in a calm state. It's like an ordinary fortified pharmacy—to the extent that we practice to the extent that we devour dozens of messy potions every day, and you won't be suspicious at all.

"When you stir up the power of the gods and even the distracted series, ha, that's wonderful, because according to Li Jialing's body, he shouldn't have such a powerful force at all, so he seems to have entered. Something... the state of fire and magic, the state of strength deformed, naturally activates the potion.

"The more violent you are, the more powerful the force is, the faster the force will flow through the body, so the two of us just jumped into your field and said so much **** shame, it is not stupid to die, just To lure you to display the ultimate power, by the way, let the medicine infiltrate every cell in your body, stupid!"

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