Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2651: Shocking songs!

"Asshole, asshole, bastard!"

In the heart of the "black hole heart", the golden lion of the "Golden Lion" first turned into an abyssal black, and then became a shocking red, but whether it was black or red, it was mad and trembled.

Li Jialing’s slightly green face reveals Wu Yingqi’s anger, remorse and even despair.

He should have thought that he has already thought of it!

If the time is not so urgent, if it is not Li Yao’s turmoil, he will definitely conduct the most detailed and comprehensive inspection of Li Jialing’s body, and observe the situation for ten days and a half, and then make a decision. In that case, Any ingredient in Jialing's body can be analyzed clearly and clearly, and it is never such a bad thing.

But he has no time!

Li Yao’s **** jealousy first destroyed his “Tomorrow Plan”, which made his heart seriously confusing and his computing power fell to the bottom.

Then he awakened Li Linghai's repressed spirit, causing serious interference to his soul, causing his wounded soul to be wounded and hurt, and his perception is slow to be added, and he will faint into such a faint trap!

Wu Yingqi felt a strong sleepiness hitting his heart, and the blood that was boiling all over his body gradually calmed down, as if he had entered a warm swamp. Every cell was whispering: "Sleep, sleep, sleep..."

Li Yao did not lie, this is really not a poison, just a kind of "potent hypnotic agent".

With the powerful realm of Wu Yingqi's divine level, the control of the body reaches an incredible degree, and it can freely manipulate the glandular secretory hormone, which would not be interfered by any hypnotic agent.

However, after the collapse of the "Tomorrow's Plan" and the resilience of Li Linghai, his remnant of the soul is only half, and it is a rush to invade Li Jialing's body. The control of this body has not yet reached the point of perfection. The degree of fingering, when stirring brain cells and secreting hormones to fight hypnotics, can not help but some strengths.

Although it is not really a deep sleep, but indeed, there is a moment of embarrassment.

The master has a trick, life and death, a moment of embarrassment, enough for Li Yao to send him back to hell!

"You are finished, Wu Yingqi!"

Li Yao whispered and screamed along with the roar of every joint of the "arsonist", and the "arsonist" attacked faster than sound waves. Wu Yingqi did not react from the faint hypnotic force. The "arsonist" continually slammed the ground, and the second heavy fist was mixed with the skyrocketing horror, bombarding the chest of the "black hole heart"!


It was like the main gun of a super arsenal ship, directly against the chest of the "black hole heart" to open fire.

Even the right arm of the "arsonist" could not withstand the power of Li Yao's violent violent, armored fragmentation, flying parts, and flames.

Not to mention the chest of the "black hole heart", deep depression, almost pierced by a punch!

Although Wu Yingqi was hiding behind the breastplate and was properly protected by the buffer, he was still swaying by Li Yao, and the five were burned, and he could not help but spurt blood.

The big steel **** demon fell out a dozen steps, but was pulled out by dozens of steel tentacles by the "arsonist" "nine-headed dragon attack system", entangled in the hands and feet, and once again smashed back.

"How dare you -"

Wu Yingqi’s face was astonished, and then he was furious. Although Li Yao’s heavy punch did not cause substantial harm to him, the humiliating experience of being vomited by the enemy was never seen in the past millennium. “So Awkward majesty!"

"Yeah, then?"

Li Yao used the "Nine-headed Dragon Combat System" to tie the "arsonist" and the "black hole heart" together. The two super giant soldiers can only carry out the most intense hand-to-hand combat in the most inferior posture, and Li Yao Obviously the first one is ready, the first heavy punch has not been recovered, and the second arm has been killed by the second fist. "I am not only guilty, but also insulted, come, make a fuck. Black hole!

"This punch is for all the underground people of the celestial star. Are you **** cultivators, what do humans think of as human beings, and do not see the worms of the day?"

"This punch is for the Xinghai Republic that was destroyed by you thousands of years ago. I represent all the survivors of the Firefly, so that you can also taste the suffering of their wandering millennium!

"This punch is for the innocent people who have died in the millennium under the hands of the immortals. You are the chief culprit of all this. This is just a deposit. When you go down to the deepest part of Jiuyou Huangquan, they will definitely find it for you!"

"This punch is for Li Linghai. For her love with my righteous father, I am rewarding you with my righteous father!"

"This punch is for Li Jialing, my dearest good brother, no one can take his body, your miscellaneous is even more impossible, get out of it and get out!"

"This punch... This punch... This punch and the next hundred punches have no name. It is purely my personal interest. Since the audience in Kunlun, I heard the existence of 'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi'. I will use my strength to blow your head, so I will remember it, and I will not resound. I don’t know you when I call you aunt today. How can I be worthy of my hungry iron fist!"

Booming, banging, banging, banging, banging!

Li Yao manipulated the "arsonist" to open the bow. The arms of the giant squadron first turned into two turbulent waves, and they upgraded from the turbulent waves to the super hurricane, and from the super hurricane to the overwhelming meteorite rain.

At first, you can see the silver armor of the "Black Hole Heart" and Wu Yingqi's repeated teething attempts to restore the absolute darkness.

But every time the silver armor just had a dark atmosphere, it was interrupted by Li Yao’s burning meteorite rain. In the end, the “black hole heart” was completely overwhelmed by the “arsonist” fist.

Numerous times of bombardment, the "black hole heart" is perfect, the natural silver armor has become pitted, the surface of the energy absorption and interference coating gradually peeled off, revealing the patchwork of composite armor material - regardless of its armor is Several layers of materials were repeatedly forged, and they could not withstand the anger of Li Yao, and numerous parts burst into bursts, revealing complex and ugly components.

There is no cost to anger. The arms of the "arsonist" are also damaged or even melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, just as the meteorite gradually burns out in the intense friction with the atmosphere.

However, Li Yao took a lot of magic weapon fragments from the surrounding area, and swayed around the bare arms, and quickly circulated, forming two arc-entangled, savage drill bits, bombarding again and again!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

For thousands of years, since Wu Yingqi accepted the inheritance of the madness of the Doomsday War and became the "Black Star Emperor", he has never tasted such humiliation and despair.

Although the "black hole heart" of the Lingfu was the most closely guarded, it was still difficult to maintain the final defense, so that his body was not directly exposed to Li Yao's iron fist.

However, Li Yao’s anger still penetrated the layers of armor and buffer, directly bombarded his face, in his cerebral cortex, in his mind, his soul is deepest!

The soul of Wu Yingqi has been hit harder than ever. It is just like the appearance of the nose and the face is swollen, and the wolf is extremely embarrassing.

If Li Yao’s bombardment can last for a minute, no, half a minute, it is possible to completely blast the chest of the “black hole heart” and take Wu Yingqi out of the spiritual house.



The dull bombardment stopped, and the "arsonist" suddenly waved and took a nap.

It is its arms, which are completely shattered in the bombardment of endless meteorites, and can no longer support the anger of Li Yao.

Li Yao was crazy, and the double fists of the giant gods were all alive!

"Call! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Li Yao's eyes are deep and his breath is like a cow. Every muscle in his body is shaking wildly, and every cell is almost exhausted.

In order to reinforce the power of the peak of the gods, forcibly suppressing a distracting eccentric – even if it is only a remnant, it will pay a terrible price.

Now, he has rushed to the full force, when it is time to pay back.

In addition to the serious damage to the arms, the "arsonist" almost exhausted the fuel, and even the "super-Galaxy destruction gun" at the bottom of the pressure box could not be displayed.

Wu Yingqi still retains the last strength.

On the defensive side, the psionic energy consumption is always slightly less than the attacker.

The peak of the drug power of "Drunken Immortal" was also smashed by him. He could feel that every drop of blood in the whole body was re-salted from calm to boiling.

"Oh, it seems..."

Wu Yingqi laughed again, and the iron claw of the "black hole heart" slammed the broken arm of the "arsonist". "You have nothing to do!"

"Who said, I have the last move!"

Li Yao bites his teeth, and the "arsonist" flashes around the body. Numerous round magic weapons with a honeycomb metal mesh are summoned by him, and they rotate around the "firer" and "black hole heart" at high speed.

Wu Yingqi stunned: "This is --"

"Three hundred and sixty degrees without a dead angle super invincible big horn!"

Li Yao took a sip of blood and laughed. "I didn't expect it. This is the trick of my bottom of the box - singing!"

"Sing... song?"

Wu Yingqi looked at Li Yao’s eyes more complicated.

"Yes, no one can beat me in my songs, no one will be impressed by my passionate singing voice. Countless times, I use songs to motivate people to fight with me. This time, I I also want to use a passionate battle song to wake up my dearest good brother, Li Jialing. Our brothers are united and blow your dog!"

Li Yao’s body is full of magnificent brilliance. It’s like a foot star. The superstar who is playing a concert in the universe, the “Three hundred and sixty degrees of no-dead super invincible big trumpet” comes with a deafening prelude, accompanied by him. The spirit of the turmoil, a wave of waves into Wu Yingqi - Li Jialing's ears!

"Jialing, have you heard the voice of Yao Ge? Don't sleep, get up and sing together! This song is specially delivered to you by Yao Ge. You are not so hard to save your mother, you are here. To be successful, Li Linghai has got rid of the control of Wu Yingqi, your mother is waiting for you to wake up to reunite!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and his chest swelled high. As the same 10,000 spar bomb exploded inside, his mouth opened, and the depth of his throat was like a volcanic eruption, ejecting a passionate flame, strong and unrivaled, penetrating the soul. The song that shocked the soul came suddenly. "There are only mothers in the world. Mothers with mothers are like treasures. They are thrown into the arms of their mothers. Happiness can't be enjoyed..."

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