Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2652: The strongest punch of the sound!

A Li Yao's brain magic sound, a constant source of Wu Yingqi's remnant.

The black star Emperor Wu Yingqi is a thousand-year-old star, and has experienced tens of thousands of battles in magnitude and magnitude. He and the most powerful cultivator who has ravaged the universe in the past can talk and laugh and even swindle. It can be said that there are many big winds and waves, but they have never met before. So... the outrageous scene!

The two things that happened today are absolutely unimaginable for his exhausted brain cells.

The first thing is that his near-perfect, "unfinished plan" will be interrupted by Li Yao with a series of unsightly dirty pictures.

The second thing is that Li Yao sings and sings too hard to hear. He has never heard such an unpleasant song!

"Stop, stop!"

Wu Yingqi felt that there was a deformed bubble in the depths of his brain. The soul of the soul would burst open. He couldn’t concentrate on driving the giant soldiers, but he was arrogant. What is this broken song, so ugly! Stop talking, don't sing, howl you don't sing!"

"That is impossible. Even if the darkness and coldness of the whole universe are exhausted, I will stop thinking about my passionate singing!"

Li Yao continued to sing high songs. "There are only mothers in the world. No mother's children are like root grass. I leave my mother's arms. Where can I find happiness? Where can I find where to find?"

The songs are getting louder and louder and more and more harsh. It’s getting harder and harder to hear. Wu Yingqi’s eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth all overflow with the pale golden blood. The long hair that has just turned into a scarlet is gradually glowing, even the blood. In the depths of the eyeballs, there are also two flashing golden awns, and there is a force that is ready to move. It wakes up from the deepest part of the body and struggles to come to mind.

"This is impossible……"

Wu Yingqi was very painful and low-lying. "Why, the immortal hegemony of the shackles, how could it be defeated by a broken song in the district, this is impossible!"

"Until now, are you still obsessed with it? It is not the song that beats you, but the strongest emotion of mankind. It is the thing that you and the All Saints all despise. It is the most precious and powerful thing. It is the reason why human beings are human beings. The reason why civilization has become the core of civilization!"

Li Yao was deeply touched by his own voice. He even shed tears of hot water, and screamed at the Li Jialing, who was under the suppression of Wu Yingqi. "Jia Ling, have you heard the voice of Yao Ge? This song is On behalf of your mother sang to you, and she just told me a lot, I hope I will convey to you!

"She said that she knows the wrong thing. She really regrets a lot of things, including doing so many bad things by Wu Yingqi, but she does not regret two things. The first is to love with your father, the second is to give birth. The crystal of their love is yours!

"She said that she really loves you very much, but I am worried that you have been discovered by Wu Yingqi, so I have never dared to recognize you, including saying that you want to 'destroy' you are acting, and you want to escape to the ends of the earth. Going safe and peaceful for a lifetime!

"She said that she was tempted and coerced by Wu Yingqi. Wu Yingqi threatened her with all her children, including your life. She was forced to cooperate with Wu Yingqi, but she did not live in remorse, fear and inferiority one day. Among them, she feels that she is not qualified to be your mother at all, so after I recognize you, I deliberately use the cold shell to cover up the inner heart of her, to cover up her strong love of fire and weakness like water!

"She said that her biggest wish in her life is that one day I can hear you really call her a 'mother', and she can hold you in your arms and lick your hair!

"I have never lied to you. I lie to you as a puppy. Although these are not her words, the meaning of the lines between her words is absolutely the same. I just reorganized it with my own words.

"If you want to hear her, if you want to hear what she said to you, then wake up and take back your body and kill this mess!"

Wu Yingqi Li Jialing's body violently twitched.

It is like tens of thousands of gold and red and black arcs madly flowing between the internal organs and the limbs, making him dance, jumping up and down, fighting each other, more intense than the battle of Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai.

His whole body hair turned red from time to time, and turned black from time to time. In the end, all the golden flames were burned. The flame burned all the hair and restored the appearance of standard humans.

The bottom of the eye is bleeding and tears, and the blood and tears contain gold awns. The screaming black gas is spurting in the seven scorpions and every pore, as if an evil force is being forced out of the body.

"Impossible, you can only have a maximum of Yuan Ying realm, how can you overcome the soul of the gods!"

The expression of Wu Yingqi Li Jialing is sometimes firm, sometimes angry, sometimes confused and embarrassed, and the voice is shaking. "How can you get rid of the crackdown!"

"Idiot, the soul can have a realm of distinction, but what is the realm of humanity's most noble emotions, human beings can overturn the soul of the universe, and what is the realm of the realm? Even if you can control the stars, it is impossible. Deprive a son of his mother’s love completely!"

Li Yao once again took a deep breath and took a deep breath. The psionic power of every cell in the body was condensed into the chest and throat. The neck was three times thicker and the throat was rolling like a spar bomb. Jialing, let Yaoge upgrade the war songs, and use the thick and unspoken songs to help you!

"The stars in the sky don't talk, the dolls on the ground think of mothers, the eyes in the sky are screaming, my mother's heart is Lu Binghua, ah! Ah! I remember the words of my mother, the glittering tears, Lu Binghua!"


In the "heart of the black hole", Wu Yingqi's blood is mixed with blood and black gas, and the chest is sunken at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Don't sing, really don't sing..."

He completely lost the domineering of the Black Star Emperor and the madness of the Doomsday War, like a dying dying person, making a scream.

"Li, Li Yao, or else don't really sing!"

Long Yangjun manipulated "Tianjing" not far away, and it was like a drunkard. The station was unstable. "Your mental attack has deeply disturbed my heart. It is really difficult for me to lock in the target. I, I am about to vomit, you really don't know that you sing very hard, this is killing the enemy eight hundred self-damaged one thousand!"

Not far away, Li Linghai, who is concentrating on tempering, even turned his eyes in the shallow hibernation state, shaking his eyelashes, being deeply shocked by Li Yao’s voice, and whether the brainwaves are extremely disordered or moved or disgusting. Know.

"I... I... cough, cough, cough!"

The two war songs almost smashed the iron shovel. Li Yao did not pick up the breath and tried to cough up. Some of them didn't quite get their own voice.

"Call you to stay!"

Wu Yingqi is already a dying person, but it is a returning light. At the moment when Li Yao coughs and bleeds, he rekindles a dark magical flame and manipulates the "black hole heart" to blast the last force, which will surround the "arsonist". "The three hundred and sixty-degree stereo super invincible big speakers" all around!

However, the fragmented big horn and all the fragments of the phonogram array inside are all condensed on the broken arms of the "arsonist", starting from the elbow and turning into two high-energy metal torrents!


Li Yao stirred up the power to tear the chest, folded his arms, and the two metal torrents gathered together, his psionic power, his blood, his strength, his will, his soul, his life, all Infused into it, the metal torrent is instantly heated to thousands of degrees of high temperature, and the emotions contained therein are not enough to describe the high temperature of 10,000 degrees.


The song of Li Yao broke out to a brand-new realm. The star-studded magic weapon created by the entire Jinjing Tower was filled with strong turmoil in his singing voice and emotion, which triggered the resonance of countless symbols.

This song, this resonance, this torrent of emotions ran straight into the surface of the Jinjing Tower, straight into the sky, straight into the universe, in the entire heavenly world, all in the depths of the extremely frenzied demons, deep in the soul, memories In the depths, the cockroach blasted.


Whether it's a ruthless cultivator, or a madman who kills madness, there are mothers who give birth to them.

Even in the future, he grew up to be a notorious, sinister and sinister murderer. However, when they were born, still babies and innocent children, they always had a wonderful and precious memory with their mother.

This memory may be something called "humanity."

The mother of the sun who gave birth to life and civilization, still unselfishly and eternally released its light and heat, and brought the radiance of humanity to the celestial surface and the starry battlefield, all in the heart of the "quasi-magic man" who was on the verge of collapse.

For a moment, all the madmans stopped killing and destroying, but they quietly listened to the songs from the deepest part of the heart.

"Hey, mom!"

Li Yao infused all the most brilliant songs into the metal torrent, and slammed into the center of the chest of the "black hole heart", "Mother in the candlelight!"

"Boom, hey, hey!"

The breastplate of the legendary strongest giant "Black Hole Heart" was finally pierced by Li Yao's "Sound of Sound".

Destroy the spirit of the ruin, instantly fill the entire spiritual house, and repeatedly smash the body of Li Jialing... and the eardrum.

Wu Yingqi Li Jialing issued an earth-shattering scream, the ten fingers deep into the head, the whole person stretched into a bow that is about to break, almost endless black flame and blood fog, violent from the body.

His eyes turned into a stubborn gold again, full of the unyielding and angry of the teenager.

The black flame and the blood mist were lingering around him, forming a huge figure that was vague, fangs, and dying.

This figure is the remnant of Wu Yingqi.

He was once again forced out by Li Yao’s singing and Li Jialing’s will!

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