Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2653: The palace of death memory!

"Don't, don't sing!"

Li Jialing manipulated his body, his face was weak and painful, and he rushed to Li Yao. "It’s me, Yao Ge, I am normal now, completely regaining my body, please don’t sing again!"


Li Yao was overjoyed and hurriedly stopped. "Okay, okay, I don't sing. To be honest, I can't stand it myself..."

The distorted figure of blood and black fog is struggling, and I want to drill back into Li Jialing's body again.

However, Li Jialing's will has condensed into a golden flame, blocking the re-invasion of Wu Yingqi's remnant soul, and even vice versa, swallowing Wu Yingqi's remnant.

It is so dangerous that once the body's original owner is awakened, it is very likely that the power of the thief will be swallowed up - the former Li Yao, is the memory and power of the singer.

"I still want to get in? I don't think about it!"

Li Yao spent a lot of effort to force Wu Yingqi's remnant soul out, and he was allowed to retract him into Li Jialing's body, but it was to condense the spirit to the forehead, the eyebrows opened wide, and the mental power condensed into one. The huge hammer of the handle slammed into the soul of Wu Yingqi. "I am top!"


It seems that a big clock is ringing, and Li Yao and Wu Yingqi’s souls collide with each other and knock out the shock waves visible to the naked eye.

There is still a slight gap between the strength of the two souls, but the spirit of Li Yao has the protection of the original body. The soul of Wu Yingqi is a vainly exposed void. The two collide, just like the armored train hits the ordinary. The shuttle bus, who is injured more seriously, can be imagined.

Li Yao’s soul was only hit back into the brain. Wu Yingqi’s remnant soul was knocked apart, like a dark cloud blown away by the wind, and it could not be recondensed for a long time.

Coupled with the continuous release of brain waves from Li Jialing, it is like the blade of the sun, and it will make the clouds more and more.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Wu Yingqi has never been so embarrassed and desperate. The remnants of the four-part split are constantly twisted and struggled. They want to reunite and be deported by Li Jialing. They want to escape and are resisted by Li Yao.

Long Yangjun also took the opportunity to launch a final attack on him, and hundreds of fine-grained crystal sharp needles "咻咻咻咻" shot, all nailed into his remnant.


This maddening generation of heroes finally reached the end of the road. A word of "朕" reverberated in the distorted soul for a long time. They couldn't say the next words. They must be completely annihilated, and they must not be super-eternal.

However, the "black clouds" floating in the air in a group of clouds suddenly contracted and contracted into hundreds of round and deep black water droplets - just as Li Yao just saw in the illusion space.

"not good!"

Li Yao changed his face and suddenly thought of one of the most terrible possibilities.

Since the "Tomorrow's plan" fell short, Wu Yingqi has been devastated continuously, and has struggled all the way to the present, and has lost all opportunities for a turnaround.

But he still has the last choice, detonating his last spiritual power, "the soul is self-destructive", and Li Yao and Li Jialing are all gone.

In the depths of the Seven Seas Market, he once commanded Wu Yingqin's heart to explode his own brain, almost causing Li Yao to be hit hard. Now, although he does not have a real brain, the degree of the soul is far and wide. It is not the heart of Wu Yingqin.

"Be careful!"

Li Yao took the initiative and stood in front of Li Jialing. His soul is far stronger than Li Jialing. There is no reason for his younger brother to directly suffer the suicide attack of Wu Yingqi before his death.


Li Yao did not have time to completely block Li Jialing. The hundreds of black water droplets that condensed the power of Wu Yingqi’s remnants of the soul burst open, turning into black storms, black waves, black whirlpools, sweeping everything!

Li Yao was the first to be blamed, and was involved in the whirlpool of Wu Yingqi's violent consciousness. He felt the shards of Wu Yingqi's entire soul, will, heart and memory, like a small boat floating between the waves.

The real world disappears again, and countless memory fragments that are more real than real are coming in, like a lifelike world that captures his face.

This is the memory of Wu Yingqi.

Wu Yingqi's memory is like a hot bullet, piercing Li Yao's brain, so that Li Yao stood in Wu Yingqi's perspective, and he experienced a lot of things - the same as the memory fragments he used to accept Ou Yezi.

He saw that he stood on a huge star-studded battlefield and reviewed an infinite fleet of Xinghai through a 360-degree holographic light curtain. The capital of each starship was engraved with the real human empire. The Samsung Blitz emblem, the war emblem and the starship are as brand new, full of vitality, just like the rising sun.

This should be the establishment of the real human empire, the first grand military parade - also one of the most impressive images of Wu Yingqi's fragmented memory.

Subsequently, the fleet was distorted, the battlefield was annihilated, the memory was taken away, and it was relegated to a long, long time ago. In the darkness of another dark sea of ​​stars, he--Wu Yingqi was like a ruined smashed slab, but with Occasionally, I encountered a sinister shipwreck, and the depths of the wreckage actually rose up to a **** flame, and a smile was revealed to him.

"This should be the blood god."

While reading the memory fragments of Wu Yingqi, Li Yao thought for himself. "It is Wu Yingqi who is in the depths of the Xinghai and encounters the scene of the madness of the Doomsday War. This is the moment that changes his destiny. It is naturally unforgettable, even if it dies." will not forget.

Then, Wu Yingqi's memory fragments all the way back to the past, and experienced countless grotesque and mottled pictures, slowly settled in a gray rainy day.

There was a torrential rain outside, and there were countless flaming torches in the rain, which were lifted by thousands of fanatics like wild beasts.

Those thugs are like being possessed by the devil, completely losing the human rationality, and screaming and rushing over.

The next picture is a bit ambiguous.

Because Wu Yingqi's main perspective was soaked in tears, he was covered by a pair of warm and rough hands.

"Mom, I am wrong, I am really wrong!"

Li Yao heard Wu Yingqi’s remorse and dryness. “I shouldn’t believe these ordinary people. They were so kind, just because they haven’t got the strength. Once they get the uncontrollable power, they instantly Can become more cruel than our comprehension!

"I was wrong, Mom, I ruined the world, what should I do now, mother!

"If I can escape, I will not make the same mistake again, I will not believe them anymore, Mom, I don't want to be a self-cultivator, I want to be an avenger, I will avenge you, Mom, me. Swear, I swear to God, I will kill all the ordinary people who hurt you!"

"Stupid, fool..."

Then, Li Yao heard the masters of the big hands intermittently saying, "You made a lot of mistakes, but, but don't go from one extreme to the other, the self-cultivator or the ordinary person, we are all the same human beings. We will make mistakes that humans will make.

"What is important is that don't lose confidence in human beings, don't hate humans, save the world, don't give up on it, don't give up the path of the self-cultivator, and if you are tough, keep going.

"Remember, Archie, no, no shortcuts, anything that looks like a shortcut is astray, both..."

The warmth of the sound came to an abrupt end, the rough big hand slipped from the face, the tears and the rain mixed together, so that the ordinary people who rushed toward him were like black waves, and the huge waves instantly drowned him, swallowed and shattered. .


Wu Yingqi in his youth made a painful cry.

Li Yao slammed a spirit and awakened the meaning of this memory.

This is Wu Yingqi has not escaped from the Wuying world, Wu Mingming was destroyed in the memory of the civil war?

The master of the warm voice who died in his arms should be his mother.

That's right, this is what Li Yao had never thought of.

Wu Yingqi also has a mother.

Moreover, from the early education of Wu Yingqi, his mother should be a standard self-cultivator, even a self-cultivator who is too pedantic and a woman.

Therefore, Li Yao’s voice just provoked Li Jialing’s feelings for his mother, or awakened the memory of Wu Yingqi’s memory for hundreds of years. His memory of his mother led him to become a cultivator. The heart of the road is completely broken?

This is a certain degree of beating.

This memory picture is extraordinarily long, but it is also particularly distorted and vague. From Wu Yingqi, he was caught by the mob on a squally night, until he suffered numerous tortures and tortured him to hand over the secret of the comprehension, and then he was The mob locked the meridians, tied the five flowers, and put them into the hot crater. Finally, the picture solidified at the moment when he fell to the crater, horror, despair, anger and remorse.

Then, Li Yao discovered one thing.

His consciousness was trapped in this frozen memory palace and could not go out!

He is like a shadow of emptiness, swaying over the crater, but he can't find a way to get rid of this memory.

The mob on the edge of the crater and the young Wu Yingqi who fell to the crater were all motionless statues and could not help him.

Such a strange scene, even when he is consuming the memory fragments of Ou Yezi, is rarely encountered. No matter which direction he sprints, it is like bombardment on cotton. Then the big power will dissipate and even be bounced. come back.

"No way!"

Li Yao’s scalp is numb. “Is it really being smothered by Wu Yingqi’s dying spirit before the death, bursting a small life, and holding his hands together to go down nine secluded Huangquan?

"No wonder I will float and see the memories of Wu Yingqi's life. When people are at the moment of death, they will see these things like a lantern!"

"Don't, a superhero like me who is just, shiny and witty, has just saved the world, so it's so inexplicably dead? It's not fair, it's totally unreasonable!

"Escape, I must rush out of Wu Yingqi's memory of dying!"

Just as Li Yao was so anxious that he had to turn around and bite his teeth to rush out, there was a faint voice behind the dead.

"Thank you, Li Yao."

This sound made Li Yao's pupil shrink into a needle tip, his shoulders rising high, and all the hairs of the whole body were erected.

Yes, yes, it is the voice of Wu Yingqi!

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