Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2654: Wu Yingqi 3.0 (fourth more!)


Li Yao’s cervical vertebrae made a tough sound. He turned back in an inch, and he saw an equally illusory figure floating not far away. Who is Wu Yingqi who is not a ghost?

However, at this moment, Wu Yingqi and the two judges have just changed, and the temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He wore a white robe, his face was fierce, cruel and overbearing. He stared thoughtfully at the youth and the mob who threw himself into the crater. His eyes were unclear and clear. Translucent, even a little bit of a clear heart, the sacred wind bones, the meaning of the great understanding.

He floated in the smoke above the volcano, even in the smoke, he took the taste of ultra-dust, not like the world, but also completely controlled the entire memory palace.

He felt Li Yao's feelings at this time, and Li Linghai's first feeling to Li Yao was similar. The temperament was so crystal clear.

Think about it too, he is a half teacher of Li Linghai, so it is Li Linghai who studies him, not his spirit, which is originally another profile of his mind.

I don't know why, in the face of such a Wu Yingqi, Li Yao was completely unpredictable and did not feel any danger at all.

Despite this, Li Yao is completely mad: "Is there a mistake, big brother, how can you die and die? This is the transformation of your first few stages. We are two, who is the enemy, life. So hard!"

In the face of Li Yao’s aggressiveness, Wu Yingqi is a faint smile, calmly said: “Li Yao, you listen to 朕—”

The word "interpretation" was too late to export, and his shadow was completely smashed by Li Yao's shadow.

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen!"

Li Yao screamed, "I have hit the game with delays, you can beat me and even kill me, but you can't insult my wisdom like this!"

However, no matter how his shadow is sweeping, the shadow of Wu Yingqi is shredded over and over again, and no serious harm can be caused to Wu Yingqi. Wu Yingqi’s figure is re-aggregated again and again in the flood of hustle and bustle. Gazing at Li Yao calmly.

In the memory of the palace, the battle of two shadows will never have a result.


Li Yao is dumbfounded. "This, what is this, what is this supernatural power, what am I doing, what are you doing, bastard!"

"Don't waste valuable strength and time. You can't kill here. I am, because I am already dead, or in the process of dying, even if it is as strong as the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, it is impossible to die." Times."

Wu Yingqi smiled lightly. "This is me, it is not right. It is deep in your brain. I use the last trace of spiritual power to put some memory information into your mind. You now feel yourself. And me, just a series of data between illusion and reality, how can you completely kill a bunch of data?

"I will seal this space for the time being - this is the soul of my burning distraction, the last thing I did, how could it be easily broken by you? But you don't have to worry too much, this seal insists It won't be long before the time comes, and as my spirit is completely annihilated, it will automatically collapse.

"I am not malicious. The battle for this avenue is indeed that I lost. I am dying and struggling. It’s just a matter of adding laughter. Even if it drags you to the same place, what is the point? I burn the last glimpse of the soul, but it is If you want to be undisturbed, say a few words to you, thank you for your message, and send you something to inherit from my last legacy."


Li Yaofei blinked quickly and scanned the almost transparent figure around Wu Yingqi. "Is your IQ suddenly reduced, or is it mine? Isn't this really a resurgence of life, a resurrection of the dead, a devouring soul, and a delay in time?"

"You said that you are going to die. If I remember correctly, it seems that I was sung and sang by me. Then you have to thank me and give me some... The legacy of the Black Star Emperor? Hey, it’s illogical. Big brother!"

"When you hear the news, you can die in the evening. Now I have realized the real road. The realization of this moment is enough to make my life complete. Even if it falls between the stars after 0.1 seconds, what is the relationship?" ”

Wu Yingqi smiled slightly and looked at Li Yao’s gaze as if it were two tricks. "And my understanding is all thanks to you. You also helped me completely get rid of Wu Yingqi’s entanglement. I should naturally thank you. you.

"Moreover, my life and death is only a trivial matter, but my mission has not yet been completed. I still need to find someone who can pass on my heart. What is the current situation? Who are you?"

"and many more--"

Li Yao listened to it one by one, even if it was Wu Yingqi’s delaying time, he tried to recognize the ghost tricks that he wanted to win. Anyway, he was afraid that he would not be afraid of others to win, but he followed the thoughts of Wu Yingqi. "What did you say? You said that I helped you get rid of Wu Yingqi's entanglement? You are not Wu Yingqi?"


Wu Yingqi nodded. "Of course I am Wu Yingqi."

"You are Wu Yingqi, but I have helped you get rid of Wu Yingqi's entanglement, and you want to thank me?"

Li Yao was completely confused. "Is there a few Wu Yingqi?"

"At least three."

Wu Yingqi pointed to the youth road that was put into the crater. "The first one was hundreds of years ago. I spent the youth stage in the Wuying world. I was passionate about the road of comprehension, and even extremeized the road to comprehension. I thought that I was carrying something." The original sin', what kind of 'equality committee', and finally Wu Yingqi, who caused the civil war between the self-cultivator and the ordinary person, is called 'Wu Yingqi 1.0', can you understand?"

Li Yao’s eyes turned and nodded.

"The second one is to witness the destruction of Wu Mingming, was thrown into the crater, and finally escaped. In the depths of the Xinghai, he accepted the inheritance of the madness of the Doomsday War, and finally usurped the supreme power of the Xinghai Republic. 'Black Star Emperor', the Wu Yingqi who established the real human empire."

Wu Yingqi said, "It is based on the 'Tomorrow's plan', and it is necessary to regain the highest power. It is necessary to rule the whole mankind. If it does not, it will break the jar and want to carry the whole pole. Wu Yingqi, who is in the same league as the heavens, Wu Yingqi, who is dark and evil to the extreme, is called 'Wu Yingqi 2.0', can he?"

"This is acceptable."

Although the other side said that there was some swearing, Li Yao still understood what he meant.

With the destruction of Wu Mingming and the rebirth of the deep volcano as the boundary, Wu Yingqi’s two periods of life have indeed undergone a reincarnation, and the change of death and resurrection is two personalities that are completely extreme.

The former is an absolute fundamentalist self-cultivator, and the latter is a super-cultivator who has completely swept into the abyss and was swallowed up by the darkness.

But what is the third Wu Yingqi, or Wu Yingqi’s third personality?

"The third one is to firmly believe in the 'Tomorrow Plan'. I firmly believe that I am fighting for all mankind. Once I find that my crazy actions will hurt the interests of all mankind, I will repent, stop in time, and even do my best. To stop 'Wu Yingqi 3.0' of 'Wu Yingqi 2.0'."

Wu Yingqi laughed. "That is me, a Wuzhiqi who has just been born, but the purest, most unselfish, and noblest."

Li Yao looked at each other for a long time.

"What is it, I really don't want to believe you."

Li Yao is hard to set the channel. "But this kind of drama of repenting and refining the heart is too old-fashioned. It is too exaggerated. How much boiling water does my mind have to enter, I will believe that Wu Yingqi is so mean and shameless. If you eat people without spitting bones and long heads without long tails, you will have a ... good and noble personality? Sorry, I did not deliberately insult you, well, I am deliberate, because this is impossible!"

"It doesn't matter, if you switch to anyone, you won't believe in the existence of the third personality, because ‘Wu Yingqi 2.0’ is indeed a beastly and unrepentant animal, as you said.”

Wu Yingqi 3.0 calmly said, "When he escaped from Wu Yingjie, he was completely engulfed by the hatred and turned into a selfish and devil who hated human civilization.

"After that, he met the same nature as him, but he was more evil than him. The madness of the gods, the two demons stirred together, how could it be possible to cultivate a savior who fought for civilization?

"Whether the 'innovation empire' or the 'Tomorrow plan' is the guise of regaining power and even permanently ruling the Xinghai, it is an excuse and a tool that can be discarded at any time. He has never believed in these things for even a second.

"So, my third personality, not his natural discovery, is naturally formed, but artificially made."


Li Yao opened his mouth. "What is ‘man-made’? Big Brother?”

"That is to say - Wu Yingqi 2.0 has mastered the method of large-scale brainwashing, but if you want to brainwash others, at least let others believe that he is sincere, so he must first brainwash himself and deeply brand himself in his mind. The firm confidence of the 'Tomorrow plan' and the unselfish love for all mankind, and so on."

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "As you said before, the most powerful liar must first deceive yourself. If you don't even believe in yourself, how can you convince others? So, Wu Ying is strangely in his own soul. Deeply opened up a small area, planted an indelible mark, ready to use this brand to trigger the 'Tomorrow plan'.

"He thought he could control this branding area, and then seal the branding area even after the incident, but he was wrong, he really underestimated the power of '醍醐 顶 top technology', a new personality 'fake it into reality', He was inadvertently created, and that is me, Wu Yingqi 3.0."

Li Yao was a little worried, his mind turned for a long time, and he barely turned this corner: "Wait, wait, my brain is not enough, let me comb it in a more common language."

"What you mean is that the extremely evil Wu Yingqi wants to fool people all over the world. If you want to fool others, you must first fool yourself, you must hypnotize yourself, believe that you are a good person to save the world, but he flicks himself. It’s too hot, I’m stunned myself, and I’m fooling you out?”

"Although your statement is indeed vulgar, but it is true."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 solemnly nodded. "It is such a thing. I am not him. It is not the evil, selfishness, and no trace of the heart. It is a hateful and shameful demon. I have been through thousands of years of hard work. I have seen the most extreme goodness and created the most extreme evil, suddenly and cheerfully, and thoroughly realized, the heart is indestructible, and ultimately Wu Yingqi!"


The fourth, which has not appeared for a long time, is dedicated to everyone. While the code is screaming, the code word is passionate. The ultimate version of Wu Yingqi will bring you the ultimate choice. Dear book friends, stay tuned!

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