Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2655: The war of 2.0 and 3.0!

"Wow, it's amazing!"

Li Yao suddenly realized that he had a heavy blow, "that is to say, except for Wu Yingqi 1.0 who was the first in his hometown, the current 'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi' has a dual personality, a just personality, an evil personality. Or a gentle personality, an extreme personality.

"All those evil things that are not evil, not as good as the beasts, including the detonation of the sun, and the burial of the entire heavenly celestial being, are all evil, extremely martial arts, and have nothing to do with your just, gentle Wu Yingqi. So you don't have to take any responsibility, you can put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha with a shot of your ass.

Even if Wu Yingqi 3.0 no matter how old the well is, it was refuted by Li Yao’s words, and a sigh of relief appeared on his face. “Believe it or not, anyway, the truth is in front of you – you really think, You, this little cockroach, and a common warrior who was inexplicably reborn to today, can fight against 'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi'? If it wasn't for me, Wu Yingqi 3.0 and Wu Yingqi 2.0 had the most determined struggle, consuming Losing 90% of his power and computing power, will you win so easily?"

"This one……"

Li Yao suspected, "Is it?"

"Of course, your so-called strategy is simply impossible to get through the uninterrupted 'Wu Yingqi 2.0'."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 faintly said, "You seem to honestly confess everything, including your plan and the general coordinates of the Xingyao Federation, and even open half of the keys at the core of the Emperor's tomb - but These things, even if you do not take the initiative to explain, I have the same way to squeeze out.

"And there are two prohibitions hidden in Li Jialing, and there are new traps hidden in the traps. This is even simpler. You can't simply play tricks. In any case, if you bring Li Jialing to the celestial star, it will definitely not match. Logic, there must be ghosts inside, as long as you can get this right, you will definitely not be fooled.

"If only Wu Yingqi 2.0, he will make the most reasonable judgment within half a second, and then kill you and Long Yangjun without mercy, will not give you a little nonsense.

"But you are lucky, really, your luck is so good, the key moment of the 'Tomorrow Plan' ready to go is the most intense moment of the fight between 'Wu Yingqi 2.0' and 'Wu Yingqi 3.0', my In the brain, there is no time to engage in the battle between justice and evil. This "righteous war" consumes 90% of my computing power, and will be misjudged again and again, so that you will be squandered and eventually kill me. ""

Li Yao once again stunned for a long time.

"That is -"

He frowned. "The black star emperor Wu Yingqi who we are confronting is actually in a serious ... schizophrenic state from beginning to end, and the two separated personalities still struggle with each other, so that he - you can only play 10% of the power and computing power, and we face 10% of Wu Yingqi, but also to exhaustion, almost jade and burn, in order to kill you?"


Wu Yingqi 3.0 said calmly, "It is with me that I have held 90% of Wu Yingqi 2.0, and you can overcome the remaining 10%."


Li Yao took a deep breath and looked at Wu Yingqi 3.0. He couldn’t help but exclaim, "I have defeated countless vicious and devilish devils. There are also many big devils who will swear after they fail, find face, blow leather, but I can't Don't say, your cowhide is really fresh and fresh, it's refreshing, it's speechless!"

"I understand what you mean, but I am only telling the truth, there is no such thing as an exaggeration."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 smiled. "And, I am not taking all the credit to myself - I admit that you are the key to this battle, even my greatest benefactor."


Li Yao is completely confused. "Since you have defeated 90% of Wu Yingqi 2.0, why am I the key, even your benefactor?"

"Because it is relying on your 'claws and tricks', I have completely defeated Wu Yingqi 2.0. I can even say that it is because of your illusion that I was born, from an artificially created 'pseudo-personality', Jumping into a real personality, even an overwhelming protagonist, can completely rid the evil Wu Yingqi 2.0!"

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "I have always been subordinated, controlled and suppressed by Wu Yingqi 2.0, but it is a kind of awkward existence, although I am very aware of his evil mentality, and the truth that he will use the 'Tomorrow Plan' as a scorpion. But I can't do anything about it. I can only harass him at most, just like the sorrows of many wicked people when they are doing bad things.

"Until you throw two 戒 戒 存储 存储 存储 武 武 武 武 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武 武It is a weak person who has no heart. I am the fact that I have a pure Taoist heart and a real Wu Yingqi. From this, I can borrow fake and practice the real thing.

"I have to say that your plan at the time was completely successful. - Although Wu Yingqi 2.0 has destroyed the extraction of your Qiankun ring, you can't summon the giant soldiers, and almost killed Huangquan, but this has also exposed. His inner fragility and his distrust of his own strength, charm and appeal, even he does not believe in himself, give up on himself, how can he defeat all mankind, defeat the whole piece of Xinghai, and defeat me?

"So, in an instant, I completely got rid of the control of Wu Yingqi 2.0, and has an extremely strong self-will, which has elevated Wu Yingqi's spirit to an unprecedented situation, that is Wu Yingqi 3.0!

"In a sense, you are my creator, at least the promoter of my birth. Why shouldn't I thank you and leave some of Wu Yingqi's legacy to you?"

Li Yaozhen heard the oil in his ears and couldn't speak for a long time.

"So... mysterious?"

He muttered.

"It's not mysterious."

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "In a few terms of the era of ancient times, you can understand that Wu Yingqi gained a new sentiment when he battled with you. The breakthrough broke into a new realm, and the soul changed earthshaking. Is this easier to understand?"

"Great, probably."

Li Yao opened his mouth for a long time and finally closed it. He thought, "Well, if this is really a ghost trick that delays your time, I will recognize it when you are so creative."

"So, Wu Yingqi 2.0, the evil guy, is completely replaced by you, is it gone?"

"No, I just said that I got rid of his entanglement and didn't say that I had wiped him out."

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "I am his heart, he is my heart, how can the heart be so destroyed?"


Li Yao was nervous again, and his vigilant eyes stalked around. "Where is he, willn't he suddenly come out from behind my ass?"

"Do not worry, no, there are only two of us here, I have already driven the nuisance away."

Wu Yingqi had a meal and said, "More precisely, he took the initiative to leave. No matter how powerful he once controlled, he has no support. He is always a coward, a weak, a coward, he is afraid of you, afraid of you. Although this is mean and shameless, there is no bottom line and it is very embarrassing, but after all, people who have a firm heart, he does not dare to break into your brain to die, so he chose Li Jialing.

"In the moment when the soul blew itself, our two personalities were completely split. I got into your mind, and he got into the mind of Li Jialing.

"Our three-four have once cultivated the power of the Emperor Flame. Yes, the original Emperor Flame is a complete one. I broke one of them to cultivate and then handed the rest to You are just to dilute our spirits between the subtle and subtle, so that our souls can be coordinated as much as possible.

"If people's blood types are different, they can't just transfuse blood. God's soul also has its own 'model', and it is 10,000 times more complicated than blood type. Diwang flame beads can make our 'soul model' closer to each other and improve the success rate of winning. Even if there is only one last soul, even a little bit of life information, it can be fully integrated into the brain of the target."

"Is there something wrong!"

Li Yao was shocked. I really wanted to grab the collar of Wu Yingqi 3.0 and shake it. Unfortunately, the two shadows only shook a circle of shackles. "So important things, you have to delay until now, What do you want to do with Jialing, don’t you hang around so badly!”

"Not us, just him, is the foolish Wu Yingqi 2.0."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 looked at Li Yao indifferently. "Why should you be so anxious? Do you have no confidence in Li Jialing? I don't believe that he has completely awakened. He can rely on his own strength to resist and even swallow up Wu Yingqi 2.0. The broken soul fragments?

"Reassured, Li Jialing will not have anything. When I was on him, I also felt his soul in close quarters. His potential is far more than everyone's imagination. How sorrowful and smashing his spirit is, how... ...perfect, it’s completely different from your messy, messy, distorted and deformed spirit.

"Wu Yingqi 2.0, what? The weak, from beginning to end, he is a ridiculously poor and shameful weak person. He just got the inheritance of the madness of the Doomsday War by chance, this inheritance gave him a powerful Power, but never gave him a strong mind, when the seemingly indestructible carapace peeled off one by one, his soul is deepest, just a soft caterpillar.

"This kind of Wu Yingqi 2.0, there is only one twisted piece of broken soul, how can you once again win the Li Jialing? In my opinion, he painstakingly wants to linger, but it is time to trample on his dignity as an emperor, in the end Still can't escape to die in the most shameful way, even Li Jialing swallowed up all his memories, experience and strength!"

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