Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2657: Devil in the Golden Crystal Tower

"No, this time I don't 'wash my brain', just to help you see the truth."

Wu Yingqi 3.0's mouth was hooked up, and the face and white robes were filled with volcanic ash, which made him look black and white. "Oh, maybe this so-called 'help' is all in one fell swoop, because with your wisdom and You have a deep insight into the darkness of human nature, you should have known for a long time, your next fate?

"You can display such a mean means, then you should have the most sober understanding of the despicableness of the human heart. You know that you have no choice but to become the 'master of the Golden Crystal Tower', but you still want to deceive yourself and delay the time, no Willing to face this sad fact, am I right, Li Yao?"

Li Yao’s figure shook visibly, as if it were a reflection of a stone.

"I, I don't know what you are talking about!"

Li Yao bite his teeth. "I won't, I won't be the master of the Golden Crystal Tower. I want to destroy it. I want to... destroy it."

"No, you won't destroy it, you will take it, study it, upgrade it, make it part of your body and will, become the last line of defense between the Empire and the Commonwealth, the Immortal and the Self-cultivator, use it To protect your country and defend your avenue."

The smile of Wu Yingqi 3.0 is getting more and more splendid, and the volcanic ash dances beside him. It is like a thousand gray butterflies. "This is the only choice. It is the next time you go with Lei Chenghu's 'real cultivator'. The only cost of the game, you know, you always know.

"There is no way, you and Lei Chenghu, and Li Linghai, and Jin Yuyan, and the thousands of cultivators who are now ruling the central part of the Xinghai are always different, when the 'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi' is the extremely evil big devil. When you exist, you may be able to put down your mustard and hold your nose to cooperate, but this is only a matter of expediency. Everyone knows that it will never last long. At the moment when the big devil of 'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi’ fell down, The alliance between the self-cultivator and the cultivator has broken down, and you are destined to rekindle the war!

"People don't hurt the tiger, the tiger has a heart, even if you never thought about the disadvantages of Lei Chenghu, Li Linghai and Jin Yuyan, even these few who have been fighting with you, have been favored by you. Very loyal, don't turn your face, but what about other immortals? Thousands of cultivators?

"Now, it is no secret that you are the self-cultivator and the existence of the constellation of the Stars and Seas. No matter how you hide it, it will not take long before there will be more and more cultivators knowing that by then, you How to ensure that these cultivators will not give birth to embezzlement?

"Even if Lei Chenghu, Li Linghai, and Jin Yuyan’s stream are enough to be sensible enough to speak loyalty, can they stay forever, can they completely control the empire, can they rule the empire forever? If they change, they are old, they When you die, what about the new generation of immortals, how will you look at the constellation kingdom of the Xingyao Federation? Will you feel like you are in the throat and give birth to the idea of ​​'sleeping next to the couch?'

"Oh, you know very well that your motherland will not be able to suddenly develop the ability to confront the real human empire in the next three or five hundred years. The resources of the Star Beach are extremely limited. I think you will soon reach the stage." The bottleneck, can not always be in the golden period of rapid development?

"So, in the face of the beautious behemoth of the real human empire, in addition to the 'Golden Crystal Tower', a dagger that deeply penetrates the heart of the empire, there is something that is enough to serve as the first and last of the Starry Federation. What about defense?

"Only by using the Golden Crystal Tower to threaten the empire and reach a certain 'horror balance', can we achieve a fragile peace between the Empire and the Federation. If you destroy the Golden Crystal Tower, how do you 'convuse' those murderous and ruthless cultivators? Use your sincerity, use your kindness, or use your singing like a pig?"

Li Yao was speechless and lost in thought.

"Also, this is not only about the survival of the Starry Federation, but also about the road to comprehension that is vital to you."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 reached out and gently held a handful of volcanic ash, injecting the last life information into it. The volcanic ash was like a butterfly, and he blew a sigh of relief, blowing the gray butterfly to Li Yao and smiling. You are a true self-cultivator, a pure and firm warrior. Therefore, in order to eliminate the 'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi', you can't do it with the cooperation of Lei Chenghu and Li Linghai. Right? Because it is just replacing another demon with one demon.

"Li Linghai's idea of ​​'innovating the empire', bringing everyone 'open, fair and just', and Lei Chenghu's belief in the glory of the military is the key to impress you. You believe under the leadership of Li Linghai and Lei Chenghu The decaying empire will be born again in the transformation, and will develop in a brighter direction. Most ordinary people will live a better life, step by step toward the ideal society in your mind, and your self-cultivator, It can also help in the midst of it, subtly changing the nature of the empire.

"This is why you can maintain the heart of the self-cultivator, and do not change the color and cooperate with Lei Chenghu to save Li Linghai.

“The idea is good, but how to practice it?

"How do you ensure that Li Linghai can truly fulfill her promise? How do you ensure that Lei Chenghu can really become a soldier fighting for civilization? How do you guarantee that their so-called 'renovation' will develop in the direction of self-cultivation according to your will? ?

"If they repent, or from the beginning, what you said is the "innovation" is not the same thing, if they push the three resistance is not to liberate the original people living in the bottom of the celestial star, if they are especially Lei Chenghu and for some For the purpose of planting, to sacrifice thousands of ordinary people, what do you do, how do you supervise and interfere with them?

"Only the Golden Crystal Tower, yes, you know very well, only control the Golden Crystal Tower, control the magic star that is enough to destroy the Imperial Capital, you, and the self-cultivator behind you, can form a empire that is above the Senate. The supervisory body is involved in the great cause of the revolutionary empire.

"Of course you can impulsively destroy the Golden Crystal Tower, but in this way, your self-cultivator will lose the only weapon that restricts the cultivation of the immortals. If you want to cultivate the immortals in the future, what can you do and control the giants? Shen Bing, a cultivator who kills a fairy, kills an original person and an original person to save?

"Awaken, Li Yao, don't deceive yourself any more, don't evade yourself any more. This is your responsibility. This is your mission. This is your own, the most glorious authority! You must let all the cultivators know. You have the ability to destroy the entire heavenly and celestial stars. You can irritate the sun, swallow the entire emperor in an instant, and your mind is as hard as iron. If necessary, you will not hesitate to use this power.

"But this is the case, you can shock all the cultivators to keep your small federation in front of the empire's pressure, and then ensure that the empire's innovation advances in your direction, in order to save the thousands of imperial empire that are suffering at this moment. people!"

"Do you really... treat me as your demon? No matter what happens, I will not destroy the extreme heavens and the stars!"

Li Yao rushed to the crown and screamed. "This is not only the capital of the real human empire, but also the most prosperous world of human civilization. It is the main thoroughfare of the three thousand worlds. It is our most precious home and wealth. I will never Will be like you, crazy to destroy the extreme heaven!"

"The anger of being too arrogant, like the sound of too much blood, is just hiding your inner weakness and panic."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 once again set off a volcanic ash. From the ashes, he turned out a gray-white flower. He sighed softly, and the petals fluttered and swayed. If the life was shining, he stared for a long time. With the trajectory of the petals, I smiled. "Maybe you won't, but you must let all the cultivators believe that you will. If you can make your heart more comfortable, you might want to treat the whole thing as a whole." Strategic Fraud - The starting point for fraud is that you must first become the 'Golden Tower Master'.

"And, one thing is very ironic, do you know what it is?

"I don't remember what I said to you just now. The standard of the Pangu Civilization Alliance to absorb new civilizations is that the other side must have the ability to destroy oneself. This is the real civilization.

"However, among the thirteen carbon-based lives that make up the alliance, none of them have the ability to destroy themselves. They were invented by the 'devil'. These tearing the earth's crust, destroying the earth's surface, changing the magnetic field and even manipulating the horror of the stars are all Some wise men, some geniuses, some peace-loving people invented, and they invented these abilities capable of destroying their own civilization. Their original intention was to protect their own civilization, to destroy evil enemies, to protect their homes and relatives, and even forever. End... an ugly war.

"Intelligent life creates the ability to destroy one's own civilization in order to protect one's own civilization. It sounds ironic, but always, always.

"So, even if one day you really get out of control, from the Dragon Slayer to the Devil in the Golden Crystal Tower, you are not the first one, and will never be the last one, never."

Li Yao looked at it with a sigh of relief and wiped a volcanic ash that fell to his face.

This ashes are like dirty snowflakes, melting in his palms and infiltrating into his body.

"Reassured, these are just ashes, just snowflakes, just illusions, and there is no spiritual power."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 smiled. "It is useless to use mental power to erode to people like you. It will only arouse your vigilance. Moreover, I am already weak to this extent. I really can't do it with you. Spiritual contest, I only look forward to, and firmly believe that you will understand and understand your own unique fate."

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