Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2658: Dragon Slayer (fourth!)

"I, I won't!"

Li Yao desperately wants to smash the volcanic ash that falls on himself, but they are above the crater. The ashes are like snow, like smoke, like catkins, how can they not go down, "No matter what you say, I am If you don't do this, there must be a better choice, a more perfect solution!"

"Where there are so many perfect solutions in the world, I have spent all my life looking for it, but no, really not."

Wu Yingqi 3.0's eyes with a trace of pity, sighed, "Even if you really want to destroy the Golden Crystal Tower, how should you do it? 'The arsonist' has been seriously damaged in the fight against the 'black hole heart' It is impossible to display the attack of destroying the earth and destroying the land. The same is true of Long Yangjun’s 'Tianjing', which is on the verge of collapse and urgently needs to be overhauled.

"This golden crystal tower was the last card of the Yi people in the past. It was designed with even the possibility of the Pangu raid and destruction. Therefore, it was built to be particularly strong. Even if the starship's main gun approached the attack, it might not completely destroy it. Just now, our three giant gods fought for a long time. Can you feel any influence on the Golden Crystal Tower? No, right.

"So, even the militia of the three giant warriors can't destroy it. You are now losing the blessings of the giant gods. How can you completely destroy it by flesh and blood? At most, you can destroy some core components, or Tampering from the data level, but that's something that's easy to fix.

"If you are afraid of being timid and unwilling to shoulder your own responsibilities, the Golden Crystal Tower will fall to others - most likely to be the hands of Lei Chenghu.

"After all, it is the imperial capital. It is the place where thousands of cultivators gather. Some of the comprehensions in your district are only passengers. It is destined to occupy this place for too long. In the end, it is necessary to rely on Lei Chenghu to clean up the mess, and most of the cultivators You will also choose to be loyal to him, right?

"So, guess, with the character and style of Lei Chenghu as the 'last empire of the empire', will he completely destroy the Golden Crystal Tower, or will he turn his mind and become another ‘Golden Crystal Tower Master’?

"Even if it is not Lei Chenghu, but Li Linghai, Jin Yuyan or other cultivators, no one can resist such a big temptation, especially after witnessing it destroying the four major family fleets. After the power, all the cultivators will be desperate to become their masters, and even for the control of it, set off a series of endless storms!

"Tell me, Li Yao, do you want Lei Chenghu to become the master of Jinjing Tower, or Li Linghai, or another cultivator who you don't know or know the other character and means at all, you hope to give this power of destruction to Anyone other than yourself?

"Very good, your eyes have already told me the answer, then, if you don't want Jinjing Tower to fall into the hands of any cultivator, there is only one way - the army of Lei Chenghu has not yet occupied the surface of the celestial star. Here is still in a state of chaos, seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, absorb my inheritance, get the crucifixion of 'Feng Shen Tian Shu', inject your genetic information and spirits into the Jinjing Tower, you become a new generation' Master of the Golden Crystal Tower!

"But this is the only way to dispel the ambitions of all the cultivators, in order to prevent the Golden Crystal Tower from falling into the hands of the heart-threatening generation, in order to avoid the tragedy of the destruction of the heavens to the greatest extent, and to bring about ... long-lasting peace."

Li Yao repeatedly stepped back three steps, his face pale and crumbling.

"It doesn't matter, although it's okay to show your shakes and embarrassment, it doesn't matter. I am not laughing at you, not revengeing you. I just want to talk to you, as a 'predecessor, Dragon Slayer', and A 'new generation of dragonslayers' chats about the past, talks about the past, and talks about the pain of being a dragon."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 floated up again, holding Li Yao’s shoulder and giving him a tolerant and understanding look. “The dragon is never the end of adventure, but the beginning of a long journey. This is often the case. It is full of scales, and with claws and fangs, it will be unforgettable.

"Do you know, Li Yao, I was like you a thousand years ago, is a confident full of dragonslayers, I have killed countless dragons and demons - that is the same as Wu Yingqi 2.0, no Humanity, the heinous guy.

"I have killed countless corrupt members and evil generals of the Xinghai Republic, those who are swearing by the self-cultivating people, believe me, when they are destroyed in the Xinghai Republic, in order to save their lives and property, the animals are not as good as they are. Nothing is better than Wu Yingqi 2.0.

"I also led the army to kill the Wuying world in their hometown, and attacked the neighboring Shaman community through the Wuying world. Revenge is of course one aspect, but more importantly, it is to annihilate the extremely evil 'Yu Youdao'. At that time, the souls of countless believers and priests were condensed, and the magical creature known as 'Chouyou' was summoned. I chased this magical thing in the Xinghai for half a year, and finally killed all of its 72 pieces!

"I even completely destroyed the body of the surviving madness of the Doomsday War, so that the soul of this great demon 10,000 years ago flew away, and there is no way to ravage the world.

"Every time, every time I kill these big devils and stop them from destroying the world, I think that is the end of the game. I have already ushered in the final victory, especially the madness of me and the Doomsday War. After the decisive battle, I confirmed that his remaining body was really gone, and my inner ecstasy could not be described with pen and ink. I ushered in an eternal victory. There is no horrible demon head that can ruin my world, my civilization. .

"Results, huh, the result...

"So, I said, 'You are not the first one', this is not shameful, really, plucking up the courage to meet your fate, calmly facing the looming scales and minions, waiting quietly for the next dragon slayer. Come, drain your blood, pass on your destiny, it’s not shameful."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 said here, silent for a long time, watching the still solid in the center of the crater, the youth version of the falling magma, stunned.

Li Yao looked at his hands and arms.

Those ash, the morphing of the volcanic ash, flickered into his palm, his arms, quickly blended into it, between the cockroaches, it really seems that he has a faint, almost invisible gray Scales.

"Now, the young dragonslayer, are you ready to listen to this dragon, the story of a lifetime?"

Wu Yingqi 3.0 finally opened, faintly asked.

He did not force Li Yao to listen. It seems that as long as Li Yao does not speak, he will really bring everything to nothing, including the secret of the Golden Crystal Tower.

Of course, the manipulation method of the Golden Crystal Tower will not be in a hidden way, and there is still a "backup" somewhere, it is not known.


Li Yao is hard.

He felt that not only the skin, but also his own internal organs, and even above the heart, they all grew a layer of fine scales.

Wu Yingqi 3.0 smiled and did not pursue Li Yao’s shake, as if he really didn’t care about Li Yao’s change, just remembering the past before he died.

"Where to start from, the ridiculous things in the Wuying world in the early years, need not say more?"

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "I believe that you must have learned from many channels. Although the propaganda texts have many elements that exaggerate the truth and distort the truth, it is not too much black and white. The ordinary people in Wuyingjie are really ignorant. Shameless and ruthless existence."

"That's because your road to comprehension is wrong from the root!"

Li Yao couldn't help but refute. "From the very beginning, you have treated the ordinary people with the method of loving children. They never pay attention to the education of ordinary people. They just raise ordinary people as ignorant children. After all, you don't think ordinary. People can contribute to civilization, you simply look down on ordinary people!

"After hundreds of years of such ‘love', the ordinary people in Wuying’s circles have of course been loved by lawlessness, and the existence of Hu’s non-existence, and ultimately the whole civilization, is not taken for granted?

"In our Stars Federation, after a series of improvements, and still a new generation of self-reflection and adjustment, it will never be like this, and will never repeat the mistakes of the Wuying world!"

"that's great!"

Wu Yingqi 3.0 smiled. "Then you should become the 'Golden Crystal Tower Master', and spread the upgraded version of your Stars Federation to the entire universe as soon as possible, awaken more people - spread one day earlier, one more point Strength, less killing, maybe more than a million people, isn't it?"

Li Yao was speechless and decided not to make a pointless struggle with this guy for the time being. Those who are dying, let him be the first!

"Then I will start from the moment I was thrown into the crater."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 once again gave up the pursuit of victory, Gu Zi said.

As he snarled, the originally solidified memory palace slowly flowed again. The youth in midair fell into the magma, wrapped in a thin layer of spiritual shield, sinking in the magma, and desperately struggling. The psionic shield quickly melted away, and the magma made a "squeaky" sound, ruthlessly eroding his body and turning him into an orange-red human-shaped coke.

"There is a detail, I have never said to anyone."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 recalls the scene he struggled in the magma. The corner of his eye twitched like a needle. "I did find a secret base in the depths of the volcano, and then found a small shuttle ship, fleeing the Wuying world, but then It wasn't the 'coincidence' that discovered the inheritance of the madness of the Doomsday War, all of which were designed.

"In fact, the secret base hidden in the depths of the volcanic crater of the Wuying world was originally part of the blood **** rebels who were 10,000 years ago. It is part of the huge plan of the blood god."


The fourth is sent, I hope that the brothers and sisters like it, and support the old cows ^_^!

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