Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2659: The task of the blood god!

In the memory palace, deep in the volcano, a gate covered by magma slowly opened, revealing a dust-filled base. Numerous silvery mechanical cymbals emerged from the hot stream of magma, which will be incomplete and almost coke youth. Wu Yingqi dragged it up and sent it to the base. He received a series of shocking and incredible transformations. He implanted a large number of artificial organs in his body and inlaid with black armor on his body surface.

The entire base, dead and silent, only a myriad of mechanical shackles, like the shackles of the clockwork, rigidly active.

“This is actually a recruitment base for the 'Human Expeditionary Army', which is dedicated to transporting fresh blood to the expeditionary force. Even if a person with no hand-binding power enters here, it can be modulated into a well-trained in a short time. The elite warriors, who originally had basic cultivators, not to mention."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 explained that “the so-called 'human expeditionary army' is the name that the blood **** son took for his own rebel army. The magnificent war of thousands of years ago swept the whole universe. The blood **** rebels and the army loyal to the emperor not only not only swept the entire universe, but also the army of the blood gods and the emperors. In the starry battlefield, the **** battle in the end, and on the surface of each planet, also launched a battle for the follow-up power, they even imagined that the war will last for thousands of years, even if all the two men are smashed, their flesh and blood Even the souls are annihilated, and their ideas will continue to pass on and continue to fight.

"This 'recruitment base' was born in this context. The blood **** is conceived thousands of years after the end of the war on the surface, even tens of thousands of years, even the Xinghai Empire and his 'human expeditionary army' have vanished, not even People know, but as long as someone discovers the existence of the 'conscription base', they can absorb his inheritance and become a new generation of 'human expeditionary soldiers'.

“So, this 'conscription base' uses a large number of unmanned, automated and semi-permanent designs, and has poured in a large number of mission modules. Even if only one 'Human Expeditionary Warrior' is born again, it can be carried out step by step. Discover and awaken more 'conscription bases', train more fighters, and finally, reorganize the 'human expeditionary army'."

Li Yao nodded thoughtfully, and the idea of ​​the blood **** was similar to Professor Mo Xuan’s “fire plan”, and even had similarities with the “civilization” of the bloodline family.

The war between the blood **** and the emperor is not limited to one place at a time, but for tens of thousands of years.

Even if the two men died together thousands of years ago, as long as the "conscription base" of the blood **** can exist for a long time, and the new expeditionary soldiers are trained after 10,000 years, it can be said that the blood **** wins.

"My luck is very good. This 'recruitment base' is hidden in the depths of the volcano. It relies on the thermal energy of the magma to maintain the most basic operation. Because of the continuous flow of energy, it has been shining for a long time, and all the instructors in it are still shining. It is also intact."

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "And, no one has been close to this 'conscription base' for 10,000 years, I am the first one, so the 'conscription base' gave me a very high authority and granted me the 'human expeditionary army' The school rank has made me a senior officer of the expeditionary army.

"The instructor has cured my physical wounds and trained me according to the methods left by the blood gods. The original 50 instructors corresponded to tens of thousands of recruits, but at that time, they only had one of me. Ten steel shackles really left a deep impression on me."

Behind Wu Yingqi 3.0, Wu Yingqi, a young man who has been transformed into a face-to-face by black organs and armor, began a brutal practice in the supervision, lashing and squatting of fifty steel shackles.

Even Li Yao, who is known as "cultivating madmen", was shocked and chilled after seeing the practice subjects of Wu Yingqi in the past.

"I have been in the depths of the volcano for three years. It’s really unforgettable, three years of unforgettable!"

Wu Yingqi 3.0 cold and cold road, "I have reborn after three years, completely different from the past, it is the end of the 'new recruit period'.

"I naturally want to go back to revenge, but on the one hand, I am alone, even if I am an elite warrior of the human expeditionary army, it is impossible to compete with two whole worlds, countless crazy ordinary people and evil Chiyou. On the one hand, I also received a new war mission.

"The military order is like a mountain. Under the gaze of fifty steel shackles, I have no choice but to drive a small shuttle ship with these steel shackles, leave my homeland and go to the Xinghai!"

The picture of the memory palace suddenly changed. The volcano, the conscription base and the entire Wuying community disappeared. Instead, the vast expanse of the Xinghai, Wu Yingqi 3.0 and Li Yao are like two shimmer, floating in the dark.

A needle-sized shuttle ship slowly passed over their eyes, leaving a long spiral trail behind them.

"I originally thought that I had to perform routine tasks - I trained many times, searched for coordinates of other recruiting bases, opened recruitment bases in various worlds, and recruited more recruits to reorganize the 'Human Expeditionary Force'. such as."

The sound of Wu Yingqi 3.0 was a little trembling. It was obvious that the scenes of that year left him with a deep impression. "I didn't expect that my mission was far more advanced than that. After a long journey of hibernation for hundreds of years, when I was awakened. I found myself sailing to the unknown place in the depths of the Xinghai, and in front of me is a huge star ship wreck, which is the flagship of the blood god, 'the end date'!"

In front of Wu Yingqi 3.0 and Li Yao, a pile of broken starship wrecks slowly emerged from the dark universe.

Rather than saying that this is a starship, it is better to say that it is a star-shaped war-torn in the shape of an adult head. It is only riddled with holes and plaques. The three huge holes are like the inverted "goods". Torn apart the Star Wars, it is like a gimmick.

Even if it is just memory, even if it has been thousands of years, even if it is a cosmic vacuum, Li Yao can still "listen" to the roar of this space.

Although there is no celestial body as a reference object around, it is impossible to measure how large the starry sky battleship is, but the shuttle ship that Wu Yingqi is riding in front of it is really as dusty.

Li Yao took himself into the role of Wu Yingqi. I imagined that he was at the end of the most desperate life. He inadvertently became a "human expeditionary" fighter. Now he crossed the billions of stars and came to the darkest place in the universe. Seeing the commander of the Human Expeditionary Force... This kind of suffocation can't be described by pen and ink.

Under the guidance of Wu Yingqi 3.0, Li Yao, along with the perspective of young Wu Yingqi, slowly entered the Star Wars Fortress from a hole that looked like an "eye socket."

This starry sky battle, really like a long-dead head, empty inside, nothing, the shuttle ship drifting in the dark for a long time, only to arrive at a palace-like space, empty black meteorite ground, There is only one huge blood pool.

Surprisingly, there is no loss of temperature and pressure, no air, no difference from the cold vacuum outside, and the destruction of the "doomsday" has passed at least eight or nine thousand years, but this huge blood pool is still The freshest blood is rushing!

The horror picture attracted the young Wu Yingqi and the onlookers Li Yao. Even though the blood in the blood pool swelled out and condensed into a huge figure in the air, they never thought about fleeing.

"This is the last sacred body of the Doomsday War."

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "The world is legendary. On the celestial star of 10,000 years ago, the emperor and his strongest blood-splitting sons fought together and lost both sides. As a result, the emperor had to enter the 'golden sanctuary' that was almost solidified. Sleeping, while the blood **** escapes to the sea of ​​stars, I don't know where to go.

"In fact, as a detachment of the emperor, the strength of the blood **** is still slightly inferior to that of the emperor. That war will bring the emperor to sleep for a long time, causing more serious damage to the blood god, not only the flesh and blood. As a pus and blood, even the souls are sealed in the pus in the pus, can not escape, cultivated for seven or eight thousand years, only to recover a little bit of energy, can call the "recruitment base" all around the Xinghai, Let a new generation of expeditionary soldiers come here to find their commander.

"And when I entered the 'conscription base', it was exactly the time when the blood **** suddenly regained consciousness, and it became the first and only new generation of expeditionary soldiers who heard the call and came to the end."

Li Yao looked at this group of trembling, the blood shadow of people, ghosts and ghosts, and the scene of the war between the emperor and the blood god, thousands of years ago, is really fascinating, can’t wait to go back to 10,000 years ago, witness the destruction of the sky The battle of the land!

"At that time, although I was completely disappointed with ordinary people, I was completely resentful to the whole Wuying world and even the ordinary people of the whole universe. I completely abandoned the road of comprehension, and also accepted the training of the human expeditionary force for three years, but The horror of the **** **** of the 'strongest cultivator' of the past, still deeply engraved in my heart, made me a great vigilance and deep resistance to him."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 recalled, while saying, "In the beginning, I thought that my life was not long, and the blood **** called me here. I must definitely enjoy my fresh body and turn my body into a container of his soul." ”

Li Yao couldn't help but say: "Like you want to do with Li Jialing?"

"Wrong, it is Wu Yingqi 2.0 to do the same for Li Jialing."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 smiled a little, said, "However, the blood **** can not do it, he is naturally not a man of heart and soul, but most of his soul is broken by the emperor, even entangled by the emperor's power. It can only be delayed in the form of a mass of blood clots, and it is difficult to win others.

"So, he can only retreat to the next level and hand me a new task. I hope that I will carry out the "road dispute" between him and the emperor thousands of years ago!"

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