Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2660: The transformation of the blood god!

"The avenue of the avenue?"

Li Yao’s heart was moving, "Does the war between the Emperor and the Blood God not really fight for the highest power?"

"Of course it is not just for power."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 smiled and said, "If it is only the embarrassment of the supreme power, it will absolutely not support the powerful ambition and strength of the blood god, even the emperor can not completely suppress, he will lift the flag of the rebellion, It was easily crushed by the emperor.

"No, not power, at least not in the world." This is suppressed into the incomprehensible little universe, the insignificant power, but the broader, unknown outer domain."

With the explanation of Wu Yingqi 3.0, the blood clot that rises and jumps like a demon fire in the blood pool suddenly expands, covering the whole world, splitting into thousands of blood drops, and each blood drop is transformed. Into the appearance of a Star Warship.

This is a fleet of blood, a vast, unprecedented fleet, the blood of the gods expeditionary army!

"When the Xinghai Empire was just established, the standard 'one-type human' regained the entire universe, and the "two-type humans" that were being smashed by the stars, that is, the demon of the demon lords, as the blood **** of the expeditionary commander, there was no supreme power. I have a bit of a heart, and I have never thought of betraying his body, the emperor."

Wu Yingqi said, "At that time, the demon scorpion who was beaten to the steadiness of the squadron did contact him three times and five times, trying to provoke his relationship with the emperor and inciting the civil war of the Xinghai Empire. The Yaozu tempted him as long as he could rebel against the emperor. All the demon people will obey his command and become his most loyal minions.

"But he is not moving - he was originally the emperor's strongest killing and conquering desires. As long as he can constantly explore the new world, conquer the new world, kill all enemies, his mind will be the biggest. Satisfaction, he enjoys the process of killing and conquering, but has no interest in **** and power. There is no need to play any tricks of betrayal.

"In this way, the blood **** is a big world, a big world search, a planet and a planet's destruction, like a perfect killing machine, all the two types of human beings hidden in the gap of the universe - the demon are looking for One by one, even the embryos that have just been bred are not let go, and in this **** killing, they are greatly satisfied, and the mind becomes stronger.

"With the escape of the Yaozu, the expeditionary army is getting farther and farther away from the glory of the emperor, gradually entering the darkest of the stars, the supply line is getting longer and longer, and the communication between the branches is from time to time. It was interrupted by the Xinghai storm, and the war gradually did not go smoothly.

"This unsuccessfulness did not cause any trouble to the blood god, but the things seized from the high-level demon's hands made him open a new door, which made him think deeply, the meaning of life, the meaning of war, civilization. The meaning."

In the picture behind Wu Yingqi 3.0, there is a human figure formed by blood condensing, sitting in the encirclement of countless jade slips, and sinking into deep thoughts.

Li Yao listened to God and couldn't help but ask: "What is that?"

"It is about the origin of the Yaozu and the mission of the Yaozu."

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "Who am I, where do I come from, where will I go?" These problems, even if the type II human being named 'the demon' is also wanting to make it clear, 30,000 years of darkness In the era, the Yaozu ruled the entire Xinghai Sea, and naturally had a strong interest in their origins. The monarchs of almost every generation of the Yaozu dynasty were tirelessly searching for their origins. The origin of the 'Chaotic Holy Water' that originally created the Yaozu ,do you know?"

"Slightly know one or two."

Li Yao remembered some of the research results of the federal government in Kunlun, Shen Shendao, "The demon family 40,000 years ago was born in the hands of a monk called "Bayan Straight". It was the first to find Bayan. The long-storing chaotic holy water, a mysterious black liquid, can activate the controllable mutated genes in the human body and turn people into demon.

"But Bayan is just the 'discoverer' of the chaotic holy water, not the 'inventor'. Its origin should go back to the floods of hundreds of thousands of years ago, when the Ladies created the first group of demons, and They were put into a special force called 'Lei Zhenzi'."

"Yes, your knowledge is profound, and it is really beyond my expectation. It seems that you are really destined to become the 'Lord of the Golden Crystal Tower'."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 smiled. "In the era of hundreds of thousands of years ago, thirteen carbon-based lives for a variety of purposes, or to modulate a perfect tool, or to unify each other's form, further Consolidate the alliance, or prepare for the long-term resource shortage in order to conceal its own civilization fire. In short, they have gathered their own genetic essences and created a new species of 'human'.

"And the chief designer of ‘humans,’ is the sorcerer.

"The original human beings, of course, are not what we are now. At that time, the genetic essences of the thirteen carbon-based lives have just merged, and the perfect genetic chain form has not yet been found, so there are countless countless 'experimental humans', including The countless demons that we are familiar with today, even the horror that we see as the aliens of the stars, are all such abnormal "experimental humans", which is our previous failed version.

"Until the end, the genetic engineering engineers and life designers of the Lahu people, after thousands of failures, finally created two models, relatively successful humans.

"A type of human being, the genes of most of the wilderness races are deeply hidden in the deepest part of the gene chain. Usually, they do not reveal too much ability. The combat power is almost zero, but it also consumes the least amount of resources, even without the slightest As long as there is air, food and water, you can live healthy and healthy for nearly a hundred years, spreading your own genes.

"And once a seemingly unremarkable type of human being is placed in a privileged environment, it can activate the strongest potential in the body through various cultivations, to the extent that it is comparable to the strong.

"It seems to be some kind of... spores, able to switch freely in aerobic and anaerobic environments, especially in the 'invalid area'. It is a characteristic of long-term survival. It is a wilderness that cannot survive without psionic energy. Nothing can be done, so this is a very successful basic model, which is our predecessor.

“After completing the design of the basic model, the female Yi people went one step further and designed an upgraded model that can survive in the extremely scarce state of resources and even exert a strong combat power. That is the second type of human being – the Yaozu.

"This time, the design of the female Yi people is not completely successful. The second type of humans pay too much attention to the development of flesh and blood, but inhibit their potential, and their gene chain becomes extremely unstable, in the process of gene transfer. Malignant mutations often occur and are clearly not suitable as mainstream models for long-term reproduction.

"However, compared to other more bizarre failed versions, the defects of type 2 humans can be tolerated, especially on the battlefield. Type 2 humans can exert powerful combat characteristics without much training, and even make them Become a grassroots soldier who is superior to a type 1 human being. When the war between the Li and the Pangu people broke out, the Lizu people produced a large number of Type II humans and acted as their own commando. What you call 'Lei Zhenzi' is A very famous special force consisting entirely of two types of human power.

"I said so many seemingly irrelevant words, I want to tell you that compared to us - the standard type of human beings, the demon - the second type of human beings and the female Yi people are closer together, so the demon high-level In 30,000 years, I collected countless secrets about the female Yi people, and finally they all turned to the hands of the blood god.

"The Blood God read these inheritances from the Ladies, including those fragmented pieces that were once called 'Feng Shen Tian Shu', and finally knew the truth, the truth of the universe, or in your words, 'multiverse 'The truth.'

Li Yao took a deep breath and cautiously said: "The blood **** finally knows that there is a universe outside the universe. There are almost no black walls outside the world. But as long as this black wall is crossed, it is unknown, embarrassing, brilliant. The endless star of the sea is our civilization... the way forward?"


Wu Yingqi 3.0, "This is also the reason why the former women and the tribes fought against the Pangu people. The female Yi people want to rush out. The Pangu people want to stay here, at least tens of millions of years - this war is destroyed. The wild civilization, but did not destroy the ambition of the female Yi people trying to rush out, this ambition to go around, drifting along, and finally deeply embedded in the chest of the blood god.

"More than that, while the female Yi people passed down and unveiled the truth of the universe, the blood **** also heard the call of the heavenly demon.

"We have just said that the so-called "out-of-domain demon" is the last words of the ruined civilization outside the black wall, or contains their most precious techniques, or contains their greatest ambitions, or their infinite anger and revenge. The crystallization of the will, these things all got into the mind of the blood god, all the time, shouting to him, 'Come out, here is the home of all civilizations', 'Go ahead, march toward the big universe', 'All our treasures Come here, come and take it, come and conquer, as long as you have the courage to climb over the black wall, all these treasures are yours, the treasures of countless civilizations, all of you human civilization!

"The general comprehension, the spirit is too weak, the realm is too low, can not understand the information hidden in the depths of the heavens and the devil, or go crazy, or simply treat them as 'devil' and kill.

"But with the inheritance of the female Yi people, the blood **** can understand some of the words of the extraterrestrial demon, and further understand the vastness, richness and splendor of the great universe, which gave birth to a very strong sense of exploration and conquest!"

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