Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2661: Born for conquest!


Li Yao finally understood, "The blood **** is lost like this, and the fall becomes the 'doomsday madness!'"

"No, it's not lost, it's his nature. It's like this setting that he was 'made'."

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "You should be clear that the blood **** is not a human being born naturally. He is very likely to be a replica of the emperor's artificial breeding technique that was passed down from 100% of his own genes. In the brain of this replica, the Emperor poured into the part of his personality that was inclined to explore, conquer, kill, and destroy.

"The blood **** started from the fall, just for the sake of war. War is his fate. He is the commander, the general, the rank-ranking officer, and the best soldier. He is destined to fight, fight, fight, win. Lose, no matter life or death, all the way to the end of the day!

"But at that time, the Xinghai Empire had been established, a type of human being regained control of the Xinghai, and the second type of human beings - the demon family retreats, collapses into a military, and sees the complete destruction in front of them. Nothing can stop the complete victory coming, blood The Son of God has to face a cruel problem.

"If all the enemies are destroyed, the whole universe will be discovered and conquered, and all mankind will usher in a permanent, at least peace calculated in 10,000 years. Then what is the meaning of his existence, why should he live?

"For a soldier who is fascinated by war and who is best at war, except for war, where there is no other thing in life, how unbearable peace is. At that moment, before he discovers the secret of the woman, Before the demon began to whisper to his ears, he even prepared for the battlefield. In the last war, he was killed by the last bullet. This is his best destination.

"But the door opened, and the road leading to the endless universe beyond the black wall shone brightly outside the door, and at the end of the road, between the distant mountains, the infinite treasure was calling him. For a war madman like Blood God, is there any possibility of not stepping on it?"

Li Yao took a long sigh of relief: "Then, the blood gods betrayed the emperor."

"No, not yet, not yet."

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "Since the Emperor dared to create twenty avatars, and appointed one of the strongest ones to be the commander of the expeditionary army, of course, there is some way to control these avatars, to ensure that the avatar is absolutely loyal to him, at least At that time, the blood buddy's ambition did not completely erode his loyalty. He reported all his discoveries to the emperor, and pleaded with the emperor. After the end of the annihilation of the demon scorpion, please Don't give up the pace of the expedition and continue to explore the field.

"Civilization stems from war. Human civilization cannot be separated from war. Permanent peace will only lead to permanent degeneration. Only by continuous exploration and conquest can we bring a courage and will of a civilized positive force to inject fresh blood and keep civilization forever. Youth, long-lasting existence!

"The blood **** is so pleading to the emperor. He asks the emperor. After the demon annihilation is completely annihilated, he will lead the expeditionary army to continue to rush out. If the financial power of the Xinghai empire is insufficient to support the exploration of the levy army, then give Half of him, as long as half of the fleet can do it; if even half of the expeditionary force does not work, then one-tenth of the scale, as long as one-tenth of the starships explore the foreign domain with him; if even ten If the fleet of the first one cannot be satisfied, then give him a starship. No matter what kind of starship he can, he will personally drive a lonely boat, cross the endless black wall, rush to the brilliant universe, and find a way out for human civilization. !"

Even if the story was told by the notorious black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, and the characters he spoke of were more fierce, the last days of the mad blood god, Li Yao was deeply shocked by these words.

A lonely boat, breaking through the black wall, for human civilization, killing a **** road!

Even if the front is the end, it is necessary to fight blood in the end until the last battlefield, was killed by the last bullet!

"The emperor... did not meet the requirements of the blood god?"

Li Yao asked a nonsense with a slight trembling voice.

This is of course. As early as in the "Fireman Alliance" "Panggu Cosmic High-End Abnormal People Summit", he discussed this issue with Bai Laoda, Long Yangjun and others.

If there is a horror flood that devours countless civilizations outside the black wall, then as long as a starship goes out, it is possible that the floods will swallow up all the information of the Pangu universe, and then bring all the creatures of the Pangu universe to the top. The disaster.

In order to put an end to this possibility, the Pangu people of the past have ruined their super-advanced crystal brain and spiritual network technology, obliterating the emotions, desires and curiosity of all ethnic groups!

How could the emperor rashly act and let the blood god's reckless move?

"Of course not, the requirements of the blood **** can not be satisfied, because you have to figure out what state the emperor was in at that time."

Sure enough, Wu Yingqi 3.0, "The emperor is of course a great hero. Even if we cultivate the immortals, I admit that he is the pioneer of modern cultivation civilization, but in the age of his life, the demon's cruel rule against the Terran is the ultimate, in order to To overthrow the demon, the emperor can not help but use a lot of cruel, tyrannical or even extreme means.

"In the intricate personality of the emperor, there are too many dark gullies and even abyss hidden. On his way to power, he constantly erodes his heart and makes him swing between the Holy Emperor and the tyrant.

"In order not to let himself be swallowed up by the darkness, he used the supernatural powers to split twenty different personalities. He injected the too extreme and emotional personality into the avatar, and the remaining master is absolute. Calm, full of reason, and a leader who fully considers all factors and takes care of the overall situation, almost perfect.

"So, the emperor has poured all his conquest, exploration, and killing desire into the body of the blood god. The emperor is naturally not easily tempted by the demon and convinced by the blood god.

"In a big way, even if the multiverse is really there, it should not be rushed out and explored overnight. It will take at least a few hundred years or even a thousand years to prepare. This is necessary to be conservative.

"The emperor did not promise the blood god's request. This incident caused the emperor to wake up to make a great mistake. He really underestimated his own body, which was condensed by the desire to conquer and kill. This is in the dark. The battle of the universe has become too powerful and gradually uncontrollable. At the end, it is very likely that his orders will be forgotten and he will lead a fleet to the outside world.

"The emperor must not tolerate this happening. He decided to recall the blood **** from the front line, make new modulations to the blood god, and even swallow the blood god, and reintegrate with the strongest body."


Li Yao is unbelievable, "swallowing the blood god, reintegrating together? This can be!"

"Since personality can be split, nature can also be integrated. Why not?"

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "One day, if you can cultivate to the realm of distraction, you can initially peep into the mystery of this magical power, and then realize the infinite excitement of life.

"However, the emperor wants to fuse the blood god, but the blood **** does not necessarily think so.

"Perhaps in the eyes of the emperor, it is natural to recombine the two personalities. It is to re-establish the life of each other. But in the secret of the son-in-law and the whisper of the demon, the blood **** of the heart has been further strengthened. Think of yourself as a unique, true, complete life, he lives, he exists, he has never been so real, he is no longer the avatar and shadow of anyone, he is him, the doomsday war mad blood god, a real People!

"So, after receiving the order of the emperor to return him to the emperor, the blood **** inherits the inheritance of the son-in-law, listens to the call of the demon, accepts the devotion of the demon family, and uses the expedition originally used to crusade the demon. The army, adapted to the 'Human Expeditionary Army', counterattacks and declare war on the emperor!

"Even if I met him a thousand years later, he didn't think it was a betrayal, nor did he show a little bit of embarrassment about the highest power. For the blood god, the three thousand worlds we live in are too depressed. And the dark cage, the "highest" rule of power for this cage has no meaning at all, even ridiculous, from beginning to end, he just wants to rush out and look for ... new hope!"

Li Yao heard this, it is really embarrassing.

In all fairness, the thoughts of the Emperor and the Blood God cannot be wrong. The idea of ​​the Blood God to explore the Outland is certainly right, but the Emperor's prudent behavior is taken for granted!

If the blood **** is not so extreme, and the emperor is not eager to re-swallow this avatar, but can communicate well, perhaps the pattern of the future will be completely different.

Thinking of this, Li Yao was laughing and laughing, laughing at his childishness.

Yes, communicate well, there are so many things in the world that you should sit down and communicate well.

If Pangu and Lahu people can sit down and communicate well, if the emperor and the blood **** can sit down and communicate well, if the comprehensible and the immortal can sit down and communicate well, if the Terran and the Yaozu can sit down and communicate well...

Unfortunately, it’s a pity!

"The process of war, naturally, needless to say, there are many books on the market like "The History of the Xinghai Empire", I believe you have seen it."

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "At the end of the Civil War, the reason why the emperor and the blood **** were killed in the celestial star was indeed to compete for the control of the Jinjing Tower. The secret book of the blood **** passed through the female Yi people knew Jin Jing. The existence of the tower, at all costs, must overcome the celestial star, the emperor did not know at first, but the celestial star is the emperor, the sorrowful blood **** sneaking in the ground to engage in small movements? Emperor discovered the conspiracy of the blood god, this That's why the two of them made a big fight and ended up losing both."

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