Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2662: Psychic temple

Li Yao nodded. This point was inferred by him and Long Yangjun. It is not surprising that Wu Yingqi’s confirmation was obtained at the moment.

As a result, the illusory and eccentric legends of 10,000 years ago have a reasonable explanation. Although it is no longer so romantic, everything makes sense.

"The result of that war, it goes without saying that the emperor and the blood **** replayed the tragedy of the floods of hundreds of thousands of years ago. Like the Pangu and the women of the past, both of them lost their lives and were loyal to the emperor. The army and the 'human expeditionary army' loyal to the blood **** are also falling apart, annihilated in the endless war and the cold universe, and the newly reborn human civilization has once again been hit by near destruction, and has spent another million years of chaos."

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "Emperor broke into the 'Golden Holy Ghost - Ling Yujie', the **** **** turned into a **** residual body also hid in the flagship 'the end of the day', sleep for a full nine thousand years before reluctantly recovering a trace God read, trembled and re-aggregated, summoned to the Xinghai square's conscription base, summoning a new generation of human expeditionary soldiers to come to loyalty to him.

"But the time passed is too long. Most of the conscription bases are destroyed by war, or the energy is exhausted in the passage of time, turning into a cold and dead steel tomb.

"And the power of the blood **** is too weak, his gods are seriously disturbed in the process of penetrating the major worlds, and may not be able to successfully reach each recruiting base. Perhaps only 1% of the recruiting bases have heard his call. .

"In the end, the expeditionary soldier who appeared in front of him was the only one of me, and it seems that for a long time, there will be no second.

"The blood **** can't help but can only pin all his strength and hope on me. He taught me all the lifelong lessons, and taught me countless strange knowledge. Those human wisdom can't understand. Things, including the renovation and operation of the Golden Crystal Tower, etc., I hope I can complete the task smoothly."

Li Yao raised his ears and knew that the key came. He said: "What mission?"

“First of all, nature is sneak into the extreme heavens, find the Golden Crystal Tower, and carry out large-scale renovation and upgrading, and then launch the ‘Tomorrow Plan’.”

Wu Yingqi 3.0 is not concealed, refreshing, "but the extreme heavens are not so good to sneak into, even if you really sneak into it, it is impossible to make a large-scale transformation under the eyes of others. Besides, launching the Golden Crystal Tower also needs to collect the energy of a whole planet. It!

"The collapse of the Xinghai Empire has been more than nine thousand years. With its unique astronomical features and geographical environment, it must be the capital of a powerful force. Unless it is completely controlled, it is impossible to launch the Golden Crystal Tower.

"To discover, transform and use the Golden Crystal Tower, I must first capture the Tianji Star. If I want to capture the Tianji Star, I must first defeat the powerful forces that use the Tianji Star as the capital. To do this, I must have one first. A strong, loyal army!

"Also, the method of transforming the Golden Crystal Tower was studied by the blood gods according to some of the residuals left by the female Yi people, and the records on these fragments were derived from some of the Houyi who defected to the son-in-law camp. It seems that the conspiracy of the Houyi fanatics to use the Jinjing Tower to deter the Pangu people was discovered. These later Yi people’s fanatics were chased by the Pangu people and could only be turned to the women’s camp, while the son-in-law The family does not want to use the Golden Crystal Tower to destroy the sun, nor does it want to use the Golden Crystal Tower to wash the brain. It only wants to use the Golden Crystal Tower to release the demon to the greatest extent, and to spread the call of the extraterrestrial demon to the brain of every carbon-based intelligent life, so I came up with this. Transformation.

"All the transformation methods are based on theoretical possibilities. Whether it is feasible in reality or not, it is necessary to do a series of experiments and master a large amount of experimental data.

"In short, I must first find more human expeditionary conscription bases, or find more "Psychic Temples"."

"and many more--"

Li Yao raised his hand. "What is the temple of the Spirit, "Psychic" seems to be the unique magical power of the Holy League. It uses a special frequency to stir the brain waves and communicate directly with brain waves?"

"Yes, but it is not the sacred magical power of the sacred alliance, but the unique supernatural power of the Pangu civilization alliance, which is the cornerstone of the alliance."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 faintly said, "As I said before you, 'language' and 'text' are two kinds of communication methods with very low information transmission efficiency. They are only suitable for the backward communication form of planetary civilization, and the knot rope. The notes and the beasts of the beasts are not much different.

"Interstellar civilization, especially the multi-ethnic coexistence of diversified interstellar civilization, is bound to communicate with the transmission of various energy ripples, mainly the transmission and fusion of brain waves.

"On the language and the words, how can the Hou people tell other races that they have seen the grandeur of the solar storm in recent orbits; how can the Rong people tell others about the tens of thousands of flames and the fact that they read through the burning All the information contained in the material; how do the Communists tell others that they are gradually melting in the boundless sea, melting life into every element of the water, the mysterious and mysterious, and the feeling of integration with the sea?

"These things can't be described by pen and ink, they can't be expressed in words, but they are the foundation of every kind of carbon-based intelligent life. They are the core of them. If they can't understand each other, the alliance can't be established. Unable to be stable, the war will eventually be four, destroying all living beings.

"So, after the establishment of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, a large number of 'Psychic Temples' were built on various planets and living bases. You can understand it as something... 'Brain-wave-enhanced architecture', a social center, an education center, and an administration. At the center, all members of the Alliance must regularly enter the 'Psychic Temple' to exchange their insights with other carbon-based intelligent life of other races, deepen their understanding of the nature of life, and achieve great harmony in the universe.

"You can understand the 'Psychic Temple' as a special religious building. Here, you can breathe the flames of the fire. You are good at reading the material information in the burning of the raging flames. Only then can you understand that you live in rivers and all year round. In the ocean, even the spirits of the co-workers can be placed on the jellyfish and the fish and shrimp; and the half-plant and half-animal Kuafu can understand the post-Yu people like the insects.

"At the same time, the leader of the alliance, Pangu, can also transmit the next development direction and specific instructions of civilization to the depths of every citizen's brain through the 'Psychic Temple', including later 'eliminating emotions and suppressing The commands of Lingnet and Crystal Brain Technology, which ruin all ultra-long-range deep space exploration ships, are issued and executed through the 'Psychic Temple'."

"I understand."

Li Yao snorted, "What is the 'Psychic Temple', it turned out to be the 'brain-washing center'. It seems that the thirteen wilderness races have different racial talents, and the ethnic talent of the Pangu people is interfering with brain waves. Others are best at brainwashing."

"You have to say that this advanced communication method can be used to 'brainwash', and I don't object."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 is calm and calm. "However, brainwashing may not be the only way to "psychic". I have seen countless corrupt members of the Xinghai Republic. Through various sophistry techniques, I can still incite thousands of people and bring these people Playing tricks, including myself - the despicable Wu Yingqi 2.0, is also the best instigating expert, brainwashing expert, without the existence of a spiritual temple, as long as a few words can incite thousands of people to his ambitions dead.

“Technology is just technology. If you want to brainwash, you can do whatever you want. You don’t have to rely on ‘psychic’.

"Of course, at the end of the floods, the Temple of Psychic has indeed become a new servant race, which is an indispensable 'temple' for human beings, whether it is a large-scale cultivation of humans in the factory or breeding in a natural environment. The human beings, from the very beginning, must be regularly sent to the 'Psychic Temple' to accept the infusion of various knowledge and branded with absolute loyalty. Many times, the 'Psychic Temple' is the 'manufacturing factory' The supporting facilities, the two often coexist."

Li Yao remembered that they were in the man-made factory in Kunlun's secret environment. In the depths of the black city constructed with linear geometry, there was indeed a discovery of a similar "temple". At that time, research experts also speculated that this style was extremely strong. What is the use of "religious architecture" can not help but at the moment.

"Blood God knows the existence of many 'manufacturing factories' and 'psychic temples' through the literary books of the women's people. Then, if you find these places, you can create a pair of me-- For his loyal army, although the Ladies advocate absolute freedom and chaos, this does not seem to be in line with their philosophy, but whether I am a blood god, not a female Yi who was hundreds of thousands of years ago, The power is not enough."

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "After ten years of practicing with the blood god, I got all his inheritance and set off with the mission.

"At that time, although the Xinghai Republic, which is the capital of the extreme heavens, has gone downhill and gradually became poor, but after all, it is a veteran power that has developed for thousands of years. It has a deep root. I have heard about its name in the peripheral world. I can single-handedly overturn the forces.

"So, I did not rush into the sphere of influence of the Xinghai Republic, but it was all the way to explore the stars, until today belonged to several great worlds of the sacred alliance. Of course, at that time, the 'covenant alliance' did not exist, there was still a resource in poverty. The backcountry of the mountains and high roads is occupied by countless warlords, killing each other and fighting endlessly. It is a **** on earth that no one wants to touch.

“However, I am very clear that there are several ‘building factories’ and ‘psychic temples’, there are there!”

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