Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2663: Factory settings

Li Yao took a deep breath and took a deep breath.

I also think of the big ironworks with a depth of nearly 10,000 meters deep, those who are not as good as death.

Perhaps, Long Yangjun is right. The first group of sacred people were not created by the Pangu people. On the contrary, the people who made them were human beings.

"Why are you alone, how can you discover the 'manufacturing factory' or the 'psychic temple'?"

Li Yao heard himself crying in a cold voice. "Isn't the local warlord found your conspiracy?"

"Wrong, they found it in the first place, or I took the initiative to tell them part of the plot."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 has a mysterious and awkward smile on his face. He said, "Do you still understand? The invasion of thousands of years of war has completely distorted the hearts of the sturdy people of the Xinghai. The name of the person, but they are not the self-cultivators like you, just the insects in the skin of the self-cultivation.

"These insects kill each other and fight you to death. They have already become wild beasts like crazy. Their desire for new weapons and new resources is extremely strong. Anyone who can kill the enemy can pay for it at any cost.

"When I told them that there is a way to continually create a large number of 'super slaves' and 'super warriors', who do you think will not be rushed?

"I hide my strength from the blood god, an archaeologist who pretends to be a hand-free chicken, and 'inadvertently' unearthed some relics of the psychic temple and the man-made factory, and was 'inadvertently' local. One of the warlords knew that the idiot was fooled, and held me up, asking me to work for him, creating an invincible army to help him unify the dozens of worlds nearby.

"Of course, he also provided me with a lot of resources to allow me to further study and repair the 'Psychic Temple' and the 'Building Factory'.

“It’s not necessary to say more about the twists and turns in the process. In short, I have spent a few years really repairing a 'manufacturing factory’ and supporting the 'Psychic Temple'. In fact, the 'manufacturing factory' can have Nothing, because human beings have very strong reproductive ability. It is too resource-consuming to use the artificial factory to cultivate new human beings from the embryo. The time is too long. It is better to catch a large number of ordinary people and enter the 'Psychic Temple'. It is convenient to wash away their seven emotions and the gods and souls. Although the quality of the slaves and soldiers made in this way is not stable and the quality is not good, but the quantity is sufficient and the cost is low. Until today, it is the routine of the Holy Alliance to make fresh blood. the way.

"This warlord has received a large number of slaves who have no emotions and are willing to work hard, even if they vomit blood, they will die in the workplace. They will also get a team of soldiers who are not afraid of death, have no progress, and even complete the mission with the enemy. The forces suddenly expanded, and they really swallowed up several big worlds.

"But it didn't last long. Just as he triumphed and triumphed, his enemies also got this technique, and discovered his own "Psychic Temple", which made countless people under the rule. Emotions, absolutely loyal slaves and soldiers - smart as you, naturally can think, this is my secret in the dark, I secretly released news, even disguised as other identities, to guide those warlords, to establish their own 'psychic holy temple'."

"I know that the slaves and soldiers who have been brainwashed through these psychic temples are loyal to the local warlords. In fact, in their genes, brains and even deep souls, there are hidden underlying instructions that enable them to In the moment 'activate', become loyal to you!"

Li Yao coldly said, "Unfortunately, your plan is still flawed. You think you can play all the warlords in the applause. I didn't expect to trigger the most primitive functions of the Psychic Temple. The object of allegiance of the brainwashed person became the Pangu of the past!",

"Yeah, you are not wrong at all, but the problem is not with the warlords - those idiots, I can easily deal with 10% of the computing power."

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "The problem lies in the blood god, it is the conflict between me and the blood god, which led to the loss of control of the whole thing."

"Do you have a conflict with the blood god?"

Li Yaoqi said, "What serious conflicts do you have with the blood god, so that in the end you actually killed him?"

"Everything is my fault. It is the fault of the despicable, weak, evil, childish, ridiculous Wu Yingqi 2.0."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 muttered, "You have to know that at that time, no matter how many adventures I got, how powerful it is, in essence, it is still a weak person. It is a common man who is deeply immersed in the seven passions and desires. Poor insects.

"Emperor and blood god, whether they are evil, good or evil, they are all avenues of the road, considering the human civilization, and even the ultimate mystery of the universe beyond human civilization, it is tens of thousands of miles. The thing of the year is that the problem of exhausting millions of people may not be able to find an answer in their lifetime.

"And these problems, these seemingly illusory pursuits, was that Wu Yingqi 2.0 could not understand at that time.

"In Wu Yingqi 2.0's view, the pursuit of the blood **** is really ridiculous to the extreme. Even if the multiverse exists, crossing the black wall is a life of extreme danger, even if it jumps out, who knows what the outer universe is like? , knowing how, uncertainty is too much, too illusory!

"Even if the blood gods are right, if human civilization does not jump out, sooner or later, it will go to the old road of the Pangu and the Nuwa and countless ancient civilizations, and annihilate it in this small universe, but this is 'soon sooner', at least There are still tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years, then, such a small weak person like Wu Yingqi 2.0, why should we break the heart for people after hundreds of thousands of years?

"If Wu Yingqi 2.0 really uses the blood **** to control an invincible army of iron and blood, he has a lot of things to do - he can revenge with enthusiasm, he can trample the comprehension and ordinary people under his feet. He can be king in this small universe. He can open a school, create his own thoughts, and transform everyone according to his own will. He can make a name for him. He and his descendants can rule the world at least. a thousand years!

"He has so many things to do, how can he be stupid with the blood god, the madman going crazy, going to the black wall with hopelessness, looking for what the multiverse, in all likelihood, in the storm of the stars and seas The spirit is gone, even half of the cells can't stay?

"The future of mankind is not important, and his present is the most important. This is the idea of ​​Wu Yingqi 2.0. Therefore, when he finds out how powerful he can control, he does not hesitate to betray the blood god.

"In the past, he should be in the temple of the psychic, let those who have been brainwashed by the psychic temple obey the command of the blood god, inherit the will of the blood god, and create the pride of exploring the great universe.

"But he falsified the instructions of the blood god, changed the object of allegiance to himself, but wanted to completely erase all the loyalty, awe and obedience of these brainwashed people to the blood god.

"I didn't expect that his instructions and the instructions of the blood gods were seriously clashed in the brains and brains of the brainwashers. Instead, they caused some kind of "striving, the fisherman's gains", and most of the brainwashed people. Recovered... You are a refiner, you should know that many magic weapons have the concept of 'factory setting'. When the magic weapon has a serious data failure, you can restore the factory settings with a single click.

"The same is true for these brainwashed people, because the instructions of Wu Yingqi 2.0 and the instructions of the blood gods are in serious conflict, leading to confusion in the level of genes and spirits. As a result, a sleep command hidden at the bottom of their genes and spirits is activated, they are all Restored the oldest 'factory setting', which is the absolute loyalty to the Pangu.

"In the end, the situation is completely out of control. These guys who have recovered from the 'factory setting' are neither obeying the local warlords nor obeying Wu Yingqi 2.0. They are not loyal to the blood god, but they are self-determined and set up hundreds of thousands of years ago. Some kind of mysterious model that controls the 'manufacturing factory' and the 'psychic sanctuary', constantly expanding their ethnic groups like viruses, and trying to find and resurrect Pangu.

"The local warlords are simply unable to resist the expansion of these human forms. I don't know how to control this absurd situation.

"Fortunately, I have collected enough experimental data at this time, and I have a deeper understanding of how to improve brainwashing - 醍醐 醍醐 top technology and transformation of the Golden Crystal Tower, so I patted my ass..."

"You patted your **** and left such a mess to get rid of it?"

Li Yao did not dare to talk, "You are really an irresponsible big bastard!"

"Yes, Wu Yingqi 2.0 is indeed an out-and-out bastard, but I still have to defend him with a conscience -"

Wu Yingqi 3.0, "At that time, we didn't have such a deep understanding of the power of the 'Psychic Temple'. No one knows to what extent this chaos will be troubled. After all, it is the backcountry of the Xinghai seaside. It won't take long for these people, who don't have too many resources to use, to be self-defeating.

"With such an idea, Wu Yingqi 2.0 with experimental data and the wealth he searched from the warlords finally came to the Xinghai Republic, and in the next few decades, step by step to develop his own strength.

"Just, with the last lesson, this time he dared not touch the "Psychic Temple" again. After all, this thing is too dangerous, and it will be countered by a little carelessness.

"He spent so many years in the Xinghai Republic, until the news of the sacred alliance attack, he was really shocked and scared a cold sweat.

"However, calm down and think about it, the appearance of the sacred alliance also gave him an opportunity to create an excellent opportunity to let him know the highest power of the stars!"

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