Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2667: The battle of the two brothers!

He wakes up from the tens of thousands of years of sleep, just like the skeleton of the celestial magic star slowly floats from the thick, oily black swamp. The memory fragments of the past are like a shiny butterfly in the depths of the brain. Hey, the past 100 years and the past thousand years and the past 10,000 years of the butterfly collided with each other, colliding with a faint and faint flame, the wings of this flame have penetrated into each of his brain cells, over and over again. Reorganized his soul.

His mouth evokes a mysterious smile, which contains indescribable blackmail, indescribable ferocity, and unstoppable ambition.

He slowly opened his eyes, and two vortexes in the depths of his eyes gradually stopped turning, mixing from the original black, white and red, into a mysterious gray.

After a long sleep in his throat, he gradually awakened his whisper, and the gray vortex condensed a sense of unfathomable. He came back and he finally came back!

Then he saw that a crystal-clear palm was getting bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger, until the end, and the fan was on his face.


He was drawn to the position of the five senses, the teeth danced, the volley rotated seven hundred and twenty degrees, and there was no pain in the middle of the rotation. He was slap in the other hand and turned back in the opposite direction.

These two slaps took him a spirit, and pulled back from the lost abyss. He felt that he was neither like the madness of the sacred war of the sea of ​​stars a million years ago, nor the Wu Xing, the black star of the unified universe of the millennium. Like a huge gyro.

"Lee Yao, wake up!"

He heard a powerful voice, accompanied by repeated attacks and strong attacks on the mountains and rivers, screaming in his ear, "Don't lose yourself, don't be fooled by Wu Yingqi's power! Hear me Is it your voice, I am your best friend Long Yangjun, I must wake you up, even if I burn my soul and life today, I will overwhelm you with overdraft of 120,000 points!"

"Hey, hey!"

The hurricane-like fists, slaps, knees, and big-legged scorpions, unrelenting, continually sinister, fell on his face and body.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

He has a heart to resist, but unfortunately, Wu Yingqi did not know that the **** god's remnant soul had made a thrilling avenue of arrogance. He had exhausted all his powers. He only felt that the thief went to the building and was weak. When it comes to nothing, where can still stand the madness of Long Yangjun, he can only hold his head and send out a scream called killing pigs.

"Get away, whether you are Wu Yingqi or something more evil, get away from my best friend, Li Yao!"

Long Yangjun screamed and screamed, and the big-footed scorpion rushed to Li Yao’s body. He immediately took Li Yao’s Niuhuang dog treasure out. “Li Yao, hold on, I am trying to save you, you must be strong. One point, all the will, and fight with me!"

"Don't, don't worry, it's me!"

He finally screamed with grief and indignation, and the tears of grievances swelled on the face of the pig's head. "I am Li Yao, I am Li Yao, what are you doing!"

"Less nonsense, I don't believe it!"

Long Yangjun is still using force and force, "You must be the soul of Wu Yingqi on the body of Li Yao, it is not so easy to be defeated. In short, I must kill you today!"

"It’s awkward, it’s crazy!”

Li Yao felt that the whole celestial star was pressed against him, rolling back and forth dozens of times, hundreds of times, thousands of times.

Even the fierce battle with Wu Yingqi was not so painful.

"You are crossing the river to break the bridge, the communion is privately vengeful!"

Li Yao yelled at the scorpion. "I am really, don't fight. I have already fixed Wu Yingqi's remnant. It's me, and then I hit my face again. I really turned your face with you!"

"What is it... you, Li Yao?"

Long Yangjun slammed his foot on Li Yao, and he was satisfied with his strength, but he still stared at him with vigilance. Ten fingers were eager to move, and he was going to **** the guy with a little wind and grass.

"Crap, you know it!"

Li Yao pain grimace in pain, clutching his cheek roar, "You want to beat my meal simmering effort, you'd want to see I do not pleasing to the eye hit me right, you are burning bridges, elixir, a position of vulnerability, ah, too Excessive, hey, too much!"

"Hey, don't take the heart of a gentleman's heart. I really don't see you very pleasing to the eye. I often give birth to the impulse to use your fist to touch your face, but for no reason, you don't have to have no brains. You are a pig."

Long Yangjun gently moved his fists, which were swollen, and enjoyed his masterpiece with satisfaction. "You just wrestled with Li Jialing and Wu Yingqi's remnant, and Wu Yingqi's remnant suddenly Burst, turned into a black and a gray light, broke into the depths of your two eyebrows, and then you two became very wrong, you seem to become a stiff statue, a gray glimpse Fog, there is a crack like glass, and I still talk to myself, I don’t know what to say, it’s like a evil.

"In order to save you, I will not hesitate to drag the exhausted body, overdraw the spirit and life, and make twelve successes wake you up. Even if you can't wake you up, you can at least kill the evil forces that are in your body." In the end, you not only don't thank me, but also question my motives. It's too... Hey, hahahahaha, sorry, sorry, hahahahaha, I didn't mean to be so heavy, oh oh hahahahaha!"

The face of Long Yangjun’s righteousness was instantly collapsed, and he laughed so fast.

"If you don't laugh at the end"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and stared at Long Yangjun. He said, "I almost believed it!"

"it is true."

Long Yangjun smoked his shoulders for a long time, and he found a piece of twilight armored debris, which was placed in front of Li Yao as a mirror. "Do not believe, look at what you are now."

"this is"

Li Yao fixed his eyes and suddenly widened his eyes and took a breath.

In the mirror, his face was beaten beyond the face by Long Yangjun, but the black hair was covered with a glimpse of gray, especially near the two places. Gray is like a pattern, but also like a Top... mysterious crown!

"How can I become like this?"

Li Yao touched his hair and shouted. "How can I grow such a mysterious gray hair? It shows me that I am super dusty and singular, making me look unfathomable." The deputy is highly respected, the appearance of the world's high-ranking people, this, this, this is not okay, it seems too chic, will lose the kind of approachable affinity of the past!"

Long Yangjun showed an incredible expression: "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, I am testing my sense of humor."

Li Yao looked at himself in the mirror and smiled aloud. "Fortunately, it seems that I still maintain a basic sense of humor. If it is really contaminated by Wu Yingqi's remnant, I should not be able to say what I said now?" ”

"... well, if you replace the word 'humour' with ‘no shame,’ you are right.”

Long Yangjun thought about it and took back half of the guard. "Looking at the whole universe, only you vulture Li Yao Li Lao Mo can be so shameless. If you occupy this body at this moment, it is really the soul of Wu Yingqi, absolutely not so shameless. So, you are Li Yao, welcome back! By the way, you really smashed the last smash of Wu Yingqi?"

"Oh, should, let's talk about it later."

Li Yao hurriedly said, "How long have I been in a coma, Jialing?"

"Five minutes, you were in a coma for five minutes. Li Jialing was still lying there. His situation didn't seem so serious to you. He was always sleeping, so I will come to 'wake up'."

Long Yangjun slammed his fist.

"Only five minutes?"

Li Yao did not think of the long indoctrination and devouring in the memory palace. The real world is just a short moment.

However, Li Jialing has been crying all the time, but it is not "not so serious", on the contrary, the little lion is very likely to be in a state of utmost danger!

At this moment, along the direction of Long Yangjun’s fingers, Li Jialing’s painful low voice was heard.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and both of them showed their eyes that "the big things are not good."

When he flew past, Li Jialing was like a prawn that fell into the oil pan and jumped up.

The golden hair on his body was once again swayed by black mist, which was like a venom that eroded his hair and skin, and even eroded all the way to his flesh and bones.

Under the pain, he started his own transformation, muscles torn, and the bones soared. It was like a lion who stood up and became a huge monster!


Li Jialing's claws are deeply embedded in the head, and a black flame is spewing out in the mouth of the blood basin. There are two armys in the eyes that are killing. It hurts him to roll on the ground. On the hard and iron ground, he grabs a road. Deep gully.


Li Yao is anxious. No one knows more about Li Jialing’s situation at this moment. Can this young boy, who is only in his early twenties, really defeat the "Wu Yingqi 2.0" remnant soul with his strong will?

Li Yao rushed to everything and wanted to awaken Li Jialing with a strong brotherhood. "Listen to me, I am Li Yao, your big brother!"


Li Jialing, who was caught in madness, did not listen to him at all. As a black whirlwind slammed into his chest, he almost completely tore his entire chest with his claws and smashed Li Yao directly.

This is not the power that Li Jialing can have, but the huge legacy that Wu Yingqi 2.0 gave to Li Jialing!


Li Yao once fell down again and again, a blood spurt out, and when he sat up, he found that Li Jialing, who was surrounded by black mist, was not far away, and looked at it with a very cruel eyes. he.

"Don't, don't be impulsive, have something to say!"

Li Yao was staring at him with horror, and hurriedly opened his hands to show that he was absolutely not malicious. He said sincerely, "Who are the two brothers, who are you, if you are happy, or you will be a big brother!"

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