Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2668: True dragon is holy!

Li Jialing stunned, and the faint eyes showed ridiculous brilliance, but the brilliance only shone for a moment, once again covered by cold and cruelty.

He broke the ten toes of the boots, stretched out the sharp claws, and grabbed ten cracks on the ground, and rushed over to Li Yao!

At this moment, Li Yao really exhausted the last force in the last bunch of muscles. The standard "hands are not tied to the power of the chicken", only to watch Li Jialing fly.

Just as Li Jialing’s claws were about to cut his neck, a crystal clear stream of light slammed from the side and suddenly flew out of the hundreds of meters.

The crystal streamer rolled up hundreds of magic weapons and fragments of the crystal scorpion, and the skull covered the brain and shot it on Li Jialing's body. "嗤嗤嗤嗤", all embedded in it.

It is Long Yangjun who once again saved Li Yao’s life!

Among the hundreds of magic weapons and the fragments of the crystal scorpion, the powerful spirit of Long Yangjun is condensed. Her hands are fast-printed, and there are words in her mouth. The translucent blood flows through the eyes and noses, like a bunch of beams. The invisible silk thread pulls the fragments that pierce the wounds of Li Jialing, turning these fragments into a ban, and locking the violent force in Li Jialing.

“Helping you!”

The translucent arc erupted from the debris, and walked around Li Jialing, and he was able to expose his bones.


Li Jialing screamed with tears and screamed in the cage of the arc, and left and right.

"You, what are you doing!"

Li Yao shouted.

"I am saving you, kill him by the way!"

Long Yangjun cold and cold, "Don't you see it, he has been deeply enlightened, no medicine can be saved, I must prevent it from happening, just like attacking you just now - if you have not been awake, I will Will kill you without any mercy, forever!"

"No, you can't do this!"

Li Yao pulled his hair and was confused.

"I know that you treat him as a younger brother, and I like this little guy very much."

Long Yangjun gritted his teeth and said a word, a hard time. "But now is not the time of a woman. You know better than me how terrible Wu Yingqi is. If you don't completely kill him, it will become even more in minutes." The big tragedy! Before the departure, Li Jialing did not say it by himself. If he really wanted to be Wu Yingqi’s embarrassment, would you want to kill him?

"He would rather die than be willing to be swayed by Wu Yingqi, wearing his skin, for the sake of the world!"

"I know, I know, but --"

Li Yao hurriedly gasped and looked at Li Jialing, who was struggling in the crystal arc cage. He was miserable. "You can't kill him. You don't know what he is going through. You can't kill the current Li Jialing, but instead Will inspire the power of Wu Yingqi in his body, so that he completely broke into the dark!"


Long Yangjun’s pupil suddenly shrank.

The crystal arc cage trapped in Li Jialing was also fragmented in a deafening roar. The shape of Li Jialing was once again inflated. The black fog was like inserting wings for him, and it was like shaping a body. Covered with thorny armor, he waved his arms like claws and iron tongs, and attacked Long Yangjun.


Li Jialing and Long Yangjun had no flutter in the air, and both of them were swallowed by the shock wave.

The original Li Jialing was only the cultivation of the Yuan Ying period, while Long Yang Jun had a powerful force above the **** of the gods, and also had a mysterious heritage from the era of the wild, and Li Jialing was not the opponent of Long Yangjun. .

However, at this moment, it was Long Yangjun who was first shocked by the shock wave.

Her right arm folded to an extremely eccentric angle, and then pulled down softly, and like Li Yao, a blood and a blood spurt, falling heavily on the ground!

"This is impossible!"

Long Yangjun held his broken right arm and his face was full of shock. He couldn't believe his eyes and his face was pale. "How can Li Jialing have such a powerful, so horrible, so dark power, he is not strong. Jialing, he is --"


Just devour the shock wave of the two, and was swallowed up by the strong black fog. Then, the black fog turned into the image of Wu Yingqi, and if a transparent armor was placed on the slowly moving Li Jialing.

Li Jialing looked at Li Yao and Long Yangjun with a cold and strange look.

That is the lion's look at the prey.

"Jialing, stop, think about what you are doing!"

Li Yao stood up and screamed. "This is your war. We can't help you. You can only rely on yourself to defeat Wu Yingqi's remnant. I believe you can, you can beat him!"


Li Jialing’s face showed a cruel smile, and a black wave of his paws was swept away. Li Feng’s chest was cut like a blade on Li Yao’s chest, and Li Yao fell again and fell out three or five steps.

But this time, Li Yao did not fall on his back, but he insisted on his teeth and showed a **** smile.

"I already know Wu Yingqi's plan. Do you have this ability? Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi!"

Li Yao laughed, the laughter touched the wound, and he hurt his teeth, but no matter how painful his body and mind were, he insisted on yelling at Li Jialing. "Perhaps, this is what Wu Yingqi wants to see. He deliberately I split into two **** 2.0 and 3.0 avatars, and then poured into our bodies, I hope to see our hands and feet, brothers kill!

"If we really do what you want, killing you and killing me, eventually no matter who kills anyone, it will be completely slandered for him, his slave, his sad and fateful inheritor, can never get rid of it!

"But I believe that you will not be fooled, Jialing, now everything is up to you, my life, the life of Long Yangjun, the life of your mother, and even the fate of the whole sea of ​​stars, are determined by you. You won't let us down, you won't let yourself down, I believe, I firmly believe!"


Li Jialing's expression once again became awkward and tangled, sending out a heartbreaking scream, and a strong wind rushed to Li Yao, and Li Yao slammed back step by step, spurting blood, almost no adult.

But no matter how bruised and bruised, Li Yao is still like a nail, firmly nailed to the ground.

"I, I won't fight back."

Li Yao smirked and said intermittently, "Because I believe, huh, Wu Yingqi 2.0, from the beginning to the end you are a weak person with a virtual appearance, the biggest waste, how can your waste beat my dearest brother? My brother, I can never kill me. He will only be with me and blow your dog!"

Li Jialing has red eyes and wheezing like a cow. The face is severely chapped. The black and pale gold flames burned from the deepest part of the bone marrow. He staggered toward Li Yao and left behind a burning flame. Footprints.


In the depths of his throat, he made a ambiguous call sign, trembled and pointed out Li Yao’s claws. He didn’t know if he wanted to tear the heart of Li Yao, or as a younger brother, deep in the black swamp, reaching out to his brother for help. .

"Jialing, I really want to help you, but this time, really can't, but rely on you to help me and help us all."

Li Yao’s face became a ball, but his eyes couldn’t tell the clarity and transparency. He tried to squeeze out an ugly smile. “It seems that you are right to sneak into the emperor. Maybe you are the real war. The protagonist, you will come to a finale, and break the murder of Wu Yingqi 2.0 and save us all!"


Li Jialing’s voice trembled, his expression was painful, and his arm and even the bones of his body made a “beep” sound. “Help... I... Yao brother... help... I...”

He still couldn't control himself, step by step to Li Yao, the claws of black venom flowing away from Li Yao's throat, only the next step.

And Li Yao has already retreated to the wall, and the left and right are not knowing how long the wall is, and there is no way to retreat.

"Well, if even the brothers can't wake you up, we can only ask for the greatest feeling in the world again - ‘mother love’!”

Li Yao sighed. "I have been poor, only to sing a few songs, classic songs of great motherly love, to kill my good brother, ah... ah... ah..."

Li Jialing is a spirit, like a cone of ice that has been deeply stabbed from the celestial cover and penetrated the entire spine.

He is also as awake as Li Yao, who was just violently stunned by Long Yangjun!


Numerous black gas poured out from his seven scorpions and wounds around his body, but before he could escape too far, he was reduced by the pale golden flames that followed, and purified into the most basic information and power. Inhaled into the body.

The body of Li Jialing has undergone a change of life and change of the earth!

The muscles of the cavities, claws and deformed bursts all retracted, and the golden hair of the whole body also fell off. He once again restored the original human form, but there was a small canine on the left side of the lips that came out from below and the eyes were deep. There are still a few light golden lights in the room, and there are also a few golden hairs in the black hair.

He became the first boy Li Yao first saw, the seemingly weak wind.

However, under the tender appearance, it hides the domineering spirit of the ocean and the ambition and determination of deeper than the domineering. The shadow of the Black Star Emperor and his shadow are perfectly integrated, and they are lingering again.

He looked at his delicate palms.

The palm of the hand shook gently, shaking out a black flame of fierce flames, then shaking again, shaking out a golden flame, swallowing the black fierce flame, turned into a fangs, a fierce dragon, and looked carefully, this dragon actually turned There is also a pair of purple eyes, spewing out two purple flames, vivid and vivid, just like a living thing!


Li Jialing turned over and smashed the purple flame golden dragon smashing, and the broken flames spread continuously. In his hand, he condensed into a blazing sword, ruling the sword of the emperor, and Li Yao and Long Yangjun’s brain In the depths, there were two roars, and eight words appeared at the same time:

"The real dragon is holy, the flames are!"

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