Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2669: Life is a constant battle!

Only a unique magical power can present such a hegemonic form of the flames, that is, the "Dragon Royal Heavenly Emperor" of the most powerful human civilization 10,000 years ago!

The emperor's supernatural power, the blood **** is naturally mastered, and after 10,000 years, he passed to the black star emperor Wu Yingqi. When Li Yao met the Li Linghai for the first time in the Shaman world, he saw this violent and overbearing power, and At that time, I thought that Li Linghai was a descendant of the emperor and cooperated with her.

Unexpectedly, today, in Li Jialing's body, I feel the same power.

It seems that Li Jialing has swallowed up the power of Wu Yingqi 2.0, and the control of the psionic power can be upgraded to such a sublime level.

Li Yao looked at Li Jialing's hand and looked at his hand like a chicken paw. He suddenly grabbed his wrist and shook it hard.

Long Yangjun was so easy to suppress the blood waves that tumbling in the body, swaying and swaying, just to see Li Yao shaking like an electric shock, could not help but wonder: "What are you doing?"

"I am trying to see if I can shake off such a splendid flame, and get some of the domineering of "True Dragons, Emperor Flames."

Li Yao shakes for a long time, and the palm of his hand rises with a tremor, like a diseased fog. A little distraction, "噗" disappears and disappears into nothingness, making him very depressed. "Is there any mistake? Ming Ming has been passed down by Wu Yingqi, but Wu Yingqi has left his ninety-nine strength and combat experience to Jialing, leaving me only inexplicable... the opportunity to become a dragon! Too eccentric!"


Li Jialing looked at the palm of his hand in the palm of his hand for a long time. The sharp blade of the purple flame suddenly burst into pieces, turned into a purple flame, annihilated in the void, and he also seemed to be drained in an instant. All the strength, his face pale, fell to the ground, vomited and vomited, spit out a deep purple blood, and a black silk in the blood clot, like countless black nematodes crouching in the body, spit it out. .

As the blood was spit out, Li Jialing completely recovered his mind, but it became more and more languid.

After all, he is a teenager in his early twenties. He first fought with Wu Yingqi, and then inherited the enormous power. How can he be controlled in a moment, how can he control it?

Li Yao hurriedly helped him to get a weak psionic power into his body.

Both of them have absorbed the enormous energy of the Emperor Flames, and they have also swallowed up the inheritance of Wu Yingqi. To a certain extent, they are all in one continuous line. The strength of each other is easy to digest and absorb.

Li Jialing whispered, his eyelids trembled and muttered: "I, what happened to me, I seem to have made a long, long dream, so it hurts, my head hurts."

"Yes, we all had a long nightmare, but now, the dream woke up."

Li Yao said, "Remember who you are, who am I?"

"I am... Li Jialing."

The teenager looked at Li Linghai lying not far away, and the confused eyes became firm again. "You are Yao Ge, we are fighting Wu Yingqi, we have defeated Wu Yingqi!"

He was so happy that he wanted to jump up and pull the wound again. He couldn't help but scream, and couldn't help but reach out and touch the wound, but he felt his skin as delicate as a newborn baby.

"I, the golden hair on my body is gone?"

The boy suddenly reacted, and the smile gradually expanded, and he couldn’t stop being ecstatic. "We not only defeated Wu Yingqi, but I also returned to the original! No, the hair grows a lot, and it is mixed with a blond hair. This is a 'golden lion.' 'The last trace? Oh, Yao Ge is also, your hair is also mixed with a lot of gray!"


Li Yao grabbed a piece of his own hair and said, "This year's pop highlights."

"I'm still a little dizzy, there are a lot of things in my mind, a lot of mess, grotesque, incredible things."

Li Jialing took her own head and curled up into the shape of a baby, muttering. "I remember, I remember that I was swindling Wu Yingqi with Yao and my sister, and then I was fainted by him, and then it seems to happen. A lot of things, I saw a violent black sun, and saw a rising red star, followed by...

"After that, the black sun shattered, and countless pieces gathered into a black magma river, poured into the depths of my brain, burning my soul!

"I broke into a place like the nine secluded Huangquan. I saw Wu Yingqi in the past in the abyss of black flames. I saw him step by step from the comprehension to the cultivation of the immortal. During this period, there was another The tempting voice chattered in my ear, trying to convince me that the Xiuxian Avenue was correct.

"I almost got stuck. I really have to get stuck in it, but at the most critical juncture, I vaguely heard someone screaming like a pig, where 'Ah, ah' Calling, I have never heard such a ugly voice, the kind of tearing of the soul, the taste of life is not as good as death, even in the past in the 'city of the sky, Manzhu Shahua' tortured, not so difficult."

Li Yao: "Well, the details don't need to be said, let's talk about how you feel now?"

Li Jialing took a deep breath and reached out to the palm again.

The eyes of Li Yao and Long Yangjun are all focused on his palm.

This time, no matter how Li Jialing is so concentrated, he can no longer stir up the true dragon purple flame.

However, there is a faint purple dragon-shaped psionic power. Under his palm skin, he claws and dances slowly, like a dragon crawling under the ice.

Suddenly, the purple mangling flashed.


Li Jialing’s palm seemed to be branded, and it was called, and the instinct reacted.

When he spread his palm again, he found that the purple dragon of the claws had merged with his palm print, turning his palm print into a new form, and a faint purple awn.


Li Jialing quickly blinked and confused. "I remember that my palm print is obviously not like this. It’s so arrogant, so overbearing, I can’t help it... I can’t help but want to grab something, go and grab something. Grab all the stars..."

Looking at the various dissimilarities that Li Jialing had just presented, and then thinking about what Wu Yingqi said before he annihilated, Li Yao’s mouth twitched a few times.

The coming, always come, **** fate, how to hide can not hide, can only courage, face the challenge!

"Yao Ge, what happened to me?"

Li Jialing clenched his palms and his face was confused.

"Yeah, Li Yao, what happened to you and Li Jialing in a five-minute coma and struggle, Wu Yingqi - is it really dead?"

Long Yangjun is also full of confusion.

"This is a very mysterious thing. We have limited time and a long story!"

Li Yao indulged for a moment, said, "When I, Jialing and Wu Yingqi fell into the final fight, Wu Yingqi detonated his spirit and split two different personalities. The personality of light justice invaded my brain. The dark and evil personality invades the brains of Jialing, in an attempt to erode our spirits and turn us into his inheritors."

"and many more--"

Long Yangjun raised his hand and said, "What do you say? The light and justice personality invades your brain, chooses to be a descendant, and the dark and evil personality invades the domain of Li Jialing, chooses the little lion to inherit those insidious, despicable and shameless. What is dark and degraded? Are you sure that you have not made a mistake, shouldn't it be counter-intuitive?"


Li Yao screamed like Long Yangjun, and he screamed, "Of course I am not mistaken, because this so-called "light justice" is simply an illusion, actually more despicable than despicable, more evil than evil!

"In short, now I and Jialing have swallowed some of Wu Yingqi's personality, spirit and strength. As for the consequences, I think that we have completely killed him and got his legacy, and at no cost, the world once again. Restore peace!"

Li Jialing thought for a moment and said, "Well, what do you think of the bad?"

"Thinking of the bad, although we have destroyed his soul, but still will be affected by the personality of others in the subtle, gradually into the dark and do not know, until finally, become another Wu Yingqi, and even another... blood Son of God."

Li Yao spread his hand. "Of course, there is a worse possibility. In fact, we have been completely swallowed up by Wu Yingqi or the blood god, but they have simulated our way of speaking to deceive others. I may not be Real Li Yao, you may not be the real Li Jialing, or even, Li Yao and Li Jialing are all blind, in fact, the real Wu Yingqi or blood **** has long ran to Long Yangjun?"


Li Jialing was shocked. "This is too exaggerated. How do you verify it?"

"Don't be afraid, it's a little exaggerated. I just said it to open up everyone's ideas."

Li Yao also laughed and laughed. "The question of the imaginary ultimate problem of 'who am I' is impossible to verify, and I can never find an answer.

"What's more, it is not necessary for Wu Yingqi or the blood **** to do bad things. Even if we are not eroded by the power of Wu Yingqi or the blood god, don't we get lost and fallen step by step? Many times, Wu Yingqi or blood god, but It is an excuse for our own evil thoughts."


Li Jialing heard a glimpse of it. "After I felt that Yao and Wu Yingqi had a battle, they had a lot of talks, and the temperament and realm have improved a lot!"

"That is required."

Li Yao crossed the five fingers and combed the gray hair of the combing corner very slyly, grinning. "So, don't be so entangled, life is a constant battle. At least the battle is in front of us. How will we win in the future? Then the soldiers will stop, the water will cover the land, and see the move."

During the speech, there was a violent shock in the depths of the Golden Crystal Tower.

"Not good, Jinjing Tower is still running!"

Long Yangjun exclaimed, "But our giant soldiers have been damaged. It is impossible to destroy its core at a time. What should I do?"

"It doesn't matter, I can control it."

Li Yao gently patted Li Jialing's shoulders, and Huo Ran got up. The bottom of his eyes burst into a shimmering light. He walked toward the depths of the Golden Crystal Tower and walked away. He used a voice that he could only hear, and he smashed it. Tao, "I must, I will certainly control it!"

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