Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2670: The dust settles!

Li Yao galloped in the dark and deep martyrdom.

The twists and turns of the Jinjing Tower are complicated like a labyrinth. In the depths of his eyes, it becomes very clear, as if there is a crystal clear hologram, covering his retina.

The gift from Wu Yingqi 3.0 was flooded in his brain in the form of information flow. All kinds of overloaded information, whether he was willing or not, slammed together and splashed a colorful wave.


In front of Li Yao, reality and illusion are intertwined.

He seems to see how Wu Yingqi has transformed Jinjing Tower on a large scale in the past few months.

I also saw how the **** of the last days of the madness and blood of more than a thousand years ago, how to upgrade and transform the Jinjing Tower, how to rebuild the ruins of the gods and gods left behind by the female Yi people.

Even, time is like going back hundreds of thousands of years ago, he saw countless black beetles, forming a group of life forms like a jellyfish growing with numerous tentacles, grinding boulder, building high towers, engraving the array, building their last Secret weapon.

The genetic information of Wu Yingqi, the blood god, the female Yi and the later Yi people, blew deep in the brain of Li Yao, making him feel that his home is his castle!

The entire Golden Crystal Tower is an extension of his body and will, part of him, he is the master of the Golden Crystal Tower!

In just half a minute, he found a secret passage that went straight to the control center and appeared in front of the **** demons.

Lianlong Yangjun and Li Jialing couldn't keep up with his footsteps. I don't know how he was so familiar with Jinjing Tower, and they were surprised to express their surprises.

The exclamation of the **** demons is more acute than the two of them.

It is not because Li Yao is familiar with this place, but because the **** demons have perceived the abnormal energy that exists in the depths of Li Yao’s brain.

As one of Li Yao's dual personalities, the **** demons are always very sensitive to the abnormal energy that invades the depths of the brain.

"what happened to you?"

A stream of blood was drilled from the main control crystal brain of the Jinjing Tower. It condensed into a blood chain in midair and re-drilled back into Li Yao’s brain. "I am not there, so many messy things have been drilled." You - my mind!"

"There is no itch, and there are not many debts."

Li Yaodao, "There are people who have been taken away anyway, possession, upper body, so many times, get used to it on the upside, wait for time to slowly digest and absorb it, first tell me the situation of Jinjingta, Can you shut it down immediately by your own power?"


The **** demons stimulated Li Yao’s retina, presenting thousands of data and structure drawings in front of his eyes. “Look, the core database of Jinjing Tower is guarded by a dozen very tight virtual defensive walls. I must once Sex guess a dozen passwords to unlock, as long as there is a password error, more than a dozen passwords will be replaced at the same time, and repeated attempts three times are not successful, it will be completely locked, can not reverse the state of 'irritating the sun' !

"At the same time, I have not completely found the core components of the Golden Crystal Tower. Even if I found it, I think there must have been some kind of mechanical solid defense system, completely isolated from the periphery, unless a super arsenal is mobilized. It’s been insulting for half an hour, otherwise it’s extremely difficult to break it!

"But we don't have time. The Jinjing Tower has continued to emit too strong magnetic ripples to the sun. The intensity of the solar storm has gradually reached a critical point. From these data, if it is impossible to close the Jinjing Tower within half an hour, The intensity of solar activity will exceed the critical point, triggering a series of chain reactions that will allow the sun to enter an unstoppable violent period and kill all living beings within the range of radiation. This doomsday state will last for five years, ten years, or Five hundred years or a thousand years? No one knows!"

"is it?"

Li Yao scratched his two white hairs and sighed. "There is no way, and the future things will be solved later. Now, it can only be like this!"

Li Yao closes the index finger and the **** and gently touches the eyebrow to completely unlock the gift that Wu Yingqi 3.0 has just implanted in his brain.

This time, the active unlocking was a hundred times more violent than the passive absorption. Li Yao’s face showed a painful expression, and the roots were erected, and the whole body was surrounded by a faint mist. After a while, the fog was again Turned into countless runes, attached to him.

In front of him, the Houyi people who had been left behind hundreds of thousands of years ago were all shining, and there were countless runes. Every rune on the crystal brain seemed to correspond to every rune in his body. A virtual bridge of crystal lines was built between them.

Li Yao turned himself into the core of Jinjing Tower's master of the crystal brain.

His brain is the key to unlocking the highest control of the Golden Crystal Tower.

Li Yao’s expression instantly became extremely serious, even to the extent of ethereality.

His eyes are spinning fast, and it is clear that ultra-high speed calculations are taking place.

The ragged clothes on his body were shredded by the flames, but the flaming flames and the gray fog re-woven a set of armor and a cloak. His hair and cloak were windless and automatic, which gradually made him gradually Get rid of the shackles of gravity and rise to the center of countless ancient crystal brains.

"This kid..."

Long Yangjun is at the bottom, looking at Li Yao with incredible eyes. I don't know if he wants to say that Li Yao is lucky, or that he sees what Li Yao is bearing at the moment.

"Yao Ge..."

Li Jialing also muttered, it seems that Yao Ge, like him, got something remarkable.

"The password and the highest authority of the Jinjingta core database have all been solved!"

The **** demons also exclaimed in the depths of Li Yao’s brain. "It is ours, it is ours now!"


Li Yao smiled tiredly and tiredly. "Now, you have control over all the permissions of the Golden Crystal Tower, stop it!"

"Roger that!"

The blood-colored demons cheered and screamed out again from Li Yao’s brains, following thousands of virtual crystal lines and flowing deep into the crystal-controlled brain of Jinjing Tower.

This time is different from the previous one. This time, it has been automatically recognized as the owner of the Golden Crystal Tower. All the prohibitions and defensive walls that hindered it were all open. All the areas that are not open to it are fully open, and it can reach the Jinjing Tower unimpeded. In one corner, you can also extract all the information as you like.

Close, close, and run at high speed to the module that is about to explode, all off!

The tremors in the depths of the Jinjing Tower have finally subsided, and the light beams that are shot into the sky are first faint, and then shrinking. In the end, like a depleted river, the smoke disappears and disappears.


In the starry battlefield, the dark spots on the raging sun's fangs and claws, after the last attempt to devour the entire sun, were unsuccessful, and finally relentlessly withdrew its power. The spewing fire snakes changed from millions of kilometers to millions of kilometers. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and it has become tens of thousands of kilometers, and the high-energy particle flow and various radiations that are swayed by the flames are also attenuated at an alarming rate.

Many star warships of the four major family empire fleets have been eroded by the psionic shield. The high-energy particle flow is constantly impacting the armor, and the eyes are about to be completely penetrated, so that everyone on the starship is completely destroyed from the genetic level. .

But when the starship reached the critical point of destruction, the anger from the sun subsided a little, and these people saved their lives.

Now, these embarrassed soldiers and cultivators still don’t know that they have just turned back from the gate of Ghost Gate and are still immersed in the brainwave resonance of strong impact, or they are groggy or crazy. Or, in a nightmare, you can't extricate yourself - but the root cause of their problems has been solved. They are destined not to stay in the nightmare for too long, and will eventually wake up.


The same is true of the surface of the celestial star.

Originally, hundreds of meters of turbulent waves have formed on the ocean, and they are trying to invade coastal towns under the ruin of the storm.

In the depths of hundreds of volcanoes, there are also rumbling sounds. Many volcanoes can't wait to eject strong black smoke. They will use magma to cover the entire sky at any time, turning the square miles into a burning hell.

A large number of animals fled from the forest, and many rivers were inexplicably exhausted. Only the dying fish were still slaping their tails. Countless birds ran across the tall buildings in the human city and hit the glass windows. They are all smashed, and they fall down.

Even the most blunt people can see the strangeness of the sun. The ever-expanding dark spots turn the sun into a cold and ruthless giant eye. The eclipse of a thousand years is about to come.

But all this is gradually fading as people reach the peak of despair.

The turbulent waves in the ocean continued to collapse, and the height between the attacking coastal towns was reduced to twenty or thirty meters, and the defensive arrays set on the coastline were shattered.

Most of the volcanoes that are eager to move back to tranquility, only a very small number of volcanic eruptions, but the magma is far from being sprayed hundreds of kilometers away, covering only a few miles of mountains.

The panicked birds re-emerged and returned to their homes like the wolves, tigers and leopards, and the snake worms. The rivers were filled again, and the rivers were first turbid, gradually clear, and the waves were soaring.

In the low-Earth orbit of the celestial star, the information life of the boxing champion, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, also in the continually retreating solar storm disturbance, barely restored the relationship between them, and once again sent to the seven seas of the empire. The signal that "everything is normal, can jump, strengthen magnetic storm protection".

In the vast expanse of the sea, a huge twisting vortex suddenly appeared, just like the three-dimensional universe was twisted by an invisible big hand, and the switch to the four-dimensional world was unscrewed.

The combined fleet of thundering fleets and arsonists finally arrived.

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