Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2671: Deterrent

When the combined fleet of the thundering fleet and the arsonist crossed the vortex of the universe in a staggering manner, and descended to the extreme heaven, the "war of the emperor" entered the end of one side.

At this time, about 20% of the starships of the four major family fleets were directly destroyed by the solar storm and turned into a raging iron coffin. About 30% of the starships died of radiation and fratricidal killing due to a large number of crew members. The power or navigation system is seriously damaged, and it is impossible to move in the Xinghai.

The other half of the starships, even if the crew members are hard to break free from the nightmare, are also in a whirlwind, seriously paralyzed, can not normally fight the stage, even if you want to barely control the starship to escape, it is quite difficult.

The loss of 10% of the general force will collapse. For example, the elite of the four major family fleets will suffer the loss of up to 20% to 30%, but now it is enough to damage more than 50% of the combat power, any will, stimulation and interests. Temptation is not enough to support them to continue fighting.

They completely smashed into a walking dead, waiting for a piece of sand to be captured in the captive land. It was not enough, and there was no will to resist the combined fleet of the thundering fleet and the arson.

For the latter, the most troublesome thing is not to "success" the four major family empire fleets, but how to control all the tragic, tattered, and fearless enemy ships as soon as possible in much less.

They must be fast, because there are still a lot of starships, and they have not suffered substantial damage, only the crew is still in a strong mental shock.

Once these crew members returned to normal, even if they did not dare to attack the Thunder and the Arsenal Joint Fleet, they would surely flee.

Even if the difficulty of the task is estimated in advance, the complicated situation in front of us still makes Lei Chenghu and Bai Lao feel troublesome.

Only Lei Chenghu's stability like a warhammer and the white boss's precision like a scalpel can be smashed, and the singer can solve the impossible task.

They separated the four major family empire fleets at a speed that was too fast, and locked in most of the flagship and combative main battleships. A large number of crystals were installed in the power cabins of these warships. The stone bomb, a large number of jamming bombs were installed between the bridge and the master crystal brain, and all the gun doors were sealed, and the steering unit of the turret was destroyed.

In this way, 90% of the combat power of a warship was sealed, and it was completely "captured" by the other party.

The whole process takes a long time.

Fortunately, the mental impact caused by the solar storm is too strong. Most of the officers and men of the four major family empire fleets have not recovered so quickly, even if one or two barely recover, watching the starry ships around them. Then look at the opposite side of the law, the order of advancement and retreat, you know that the general trend has gone, there is no need to die.

Only a handful of starships on the starships were dead and hard, and they were awake with tenacious willpower. Before the arrival of the thundering fleet and the arsonist unit fleet, they led the starship to escape the battlefield and escape to the edge of the extreme heavens. After regaining strength, I fled back to my hometown.

Lei Chenghu and Bai Boss did not stop these people. On the one hand, their manpower is not enough. It is impossible to catch every fish that slips through the net. As long as they capture one in eight or even more than half of the enemy ships, it is a great victory. The solar storm has caused serious damage to the outer shells of these starships. With these fragmented cracks, the Xinghai jumps, it is very likely to be annihilated in the 4D storm, and the probability of being able to escape to the home is ten.

So, it went with them.

The entire "capture" operation lasted for three days and three nights until the celestial star rotated for a full three and a half days against the gradually calming sun. The revolutionary "Flame Samsung Lightning Flag" was inserted into the four family kings. Every starship of the fleet.

The Battle of the Seven Seas has already subsided, and the Battle of the Emperor is coming to an end, but another, more subtle and intricate war, inadvertently ignited its dark and deep magic fire.


The bottom of the celestial star, in the golden crystal tower.

In the past three days, when the thundering fleet and the arsonist combined fleets were competing for the remnants of the four family empire fleets, Li Yao also constantly absorbed and absorbed all the information about the Golden Crystal Tower, and continued to destroy through the **** demons. The original defense and control module, the reconstruction is completely their own, with their own defensive system and control module.

The old firewall disappeared with the wind, and new, more insidious and safe firewalls stood silently; the dead silence defensive array was activated again, releasing a faint flame, igniting a shining arc; surrounded by the Golden Crystal Tower Around the tens of thousands of battles, the vigilant light in the depths of the crystal eyes reappeared. These battles resumed vigilance and patrol, and escalated to more complex and tighter patrol routes. They were Li Yao. The extension of the will, without the permission of Li Yao, will never put any cultivator into it.

"Do you want the core modules of the Golden Crystal Tower to enter the deepest dormancy?"

After the final step of the operation, the **** devil asked Li Yao, "If you go into deep dormancy, it will be good for safety and stability, but if you want to 'irritate the sun' again, you need a long warm-up time, which will lead to... ..."

“Does it lead to 'deficiency’?”

Li Yao instantly understood the meaning of the **** demons.


In these three days, the **** demons also figured out what the so-called "Wu Yingqi 3.0's legacy" is.

Originally belonging to Li Yao’s “dark personality”, it did not resist the identity of the “Golden Crystal Tower Master”. He even became very interested in this role of deterring the entire real human empire, and he could not wait for it. Become a "deterrent".

As for the "Dragon" or something, the **** demons are indifferent at all, but they feel that they are particularly handsome in wearing dragon scales!

It seems that when the soul was divided into two, the dark and evil personality ran to the main crystal of the Jinjing Tower, and only left a relatively bright personality against Wu Yingqi 3.0. Li Yao was the most correct. The decision, otherwise, maybe he couldn’t help but seduce on the spot and was swallowed up by Wu Yingqi 3.0.

"This is indeed a problem, but I will not take the life of all the people of the extreme heavens in any way, even the most crazy, most desperate, most angry time!"

Li Yaozhen nailed the railroad. "Even if I don't destroy the core unit of the Jinjing Tower, I must let them enter the deepest dormancy to avoid accidents."


"Insufficient deterrence is indeed a problem. So, can you virtualize a system? Even if we have completely shut down the core unit of the Golden Crystal Tower, it still seems to be in the most sensitive operation, 'a touch of the way'? ”

“It can be, but it has changed from ‘strategic deterrence’ to ‘strategic fraud’.”

The **** devil screamed, "I feel that the style has dropped a lot, and I want to remind you that the prerequisite for the success of 'strategic deterrence' is that all enemies and even people must believe that deterrence is a madman who is mad. I will not hesitate to use all the deterrent means, and you, how to say it, obviously does not have this convincing power.

"Those spirits such as Lei Chenghu, such as the iron cultivator, as a militarist who is extremely bloody, are very likely to ignore your strategic deterrence, and even interpret your strategic deterrence as strategic fraud, and then ignore any of yours. Shouting, arbitrarily.

"After all, it's not that I said you, you guys have been cheating too much, and there is no credibility at all."

"What is this?"

Li Yao blinked. "What is ‘I’m making too many frauds.’ It’s obvious that we are all working together to make it out!

"However, your words are not unreasonable. The image of this person in front of the public is indeed very bright and stalwart. The heart of the house is so generous and even soft-hearted. Let Lei Chenghu or other cultivators believe that I will take the whole world. Chips, indeed, are really difficult."

"Yes, the so-called "strategic deterrence" is the contest between the will of the two sides. The will here is not the will to fight, but the degree of madness."

The **** demons seriously said, "Obviously, you are absolutely not as crazy as Lei Chenghu, how can you play ‘strategic deterrence’ with him?”

"Well, this is a question. How do you make Lei Chenghu's kind of iron-and-blood militarists believe that this innocent and kind-hearted comprehension will be more crazy, more brutal and more irony than him?"

Li Yao sighed and watched the Scarlet Demon complete the deep sleep of the core unit of Jinjing Tower, scratching his hair and getting out of the control room. "I have to think about it..."

Long Yangjun and Li Jialing both waited anxiously outside. When they saw Li Yao coming out, the two immediately gathered up, and with a kind of care and vigilance, they scanned Li Yao several times.

"What? Do you see if I have become a "dragon"?"

Li Yao frowned, no sound good air.

"Yeah, we all heard you say 'Wu Yingqi 3.0', and have to say that this is a very insidious move!"

Long Yangjun is gearing up and caring, "The situation forces you to become the master of the Golden Crystal Tower, and control the power that can deter the entire empire, but in the face of such a powerful force, will you gradually lose yourself and break into the darkness, who You know, of course, we must keep an eye on you. When you show signs of change, you should start with a strong hand and do everything you can to "wake up"!"

"Yes, Yao Ge, I have been digesting and absorbing the legacy of 'Wu Yingqi 2.0' these few days. I have to say that it is really powerful and incomparably dark!"

Li Jialing also said, "Even if I have a dragon sister to help me, I have almost lost myself a few times. How do you feel now?"

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