Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2682: After distraction!

"What, what!"

Li Yao stuttered again. "How does the sacred alliance and the tomb of the gods have a relationship?"

"What is called 'and the relationship' and the opening of the tomb of the gods is originally the purpose of the establishment of the sacred alliance!"

Li Linghai said, "If you think about it, all the sacred sects are the beliefs of the 'goodness', and they are deeply bound by the 'three fundamental principles'. People without souls and thoughts regard themselves as pure tools. It is a slave to the ancient civilization. The only meaning of their existence is to awaken or resurrect the flood civilization.

"And the tomb of the gods is very likely to be a refuge for the devastated and powerful people. As long as the tomb of the gods is opened, the glory of the ruins will be restored. When the sacred people collected the legends of the emperors, they found the existence of the tombs of the gods. How could they not be interested in the tomb of the gods?"

"This is true."

Li Yao scratched his hair. "That is to say, for the sacred alliance, their ultimate goal is to open the tomb of the gods and awaken the ruins of the ruins. As long as this goal can be achieved, it does not matter whether the war does not defeat the empire, even if it is Both the sacred alliance and the empire are both devastated and annihilated, but as long as the savage and sturdy people can be resurrected, their purpose will be reached!"

"Yeah, this is the terrible thing about the sacred alliance."

Li Linghai smiled bitterly. "If you are a normal country like the Starry Federation, even if it is a hundred times stronger, I will not be afraid. At least everyone is a normal person. They can understand each other's goals and strategies. They all need territories, population, and a stable society. And an ever-developing civilization.

"But the way of thinking of the sacred people is totally different from ours. They are more fanatical than the most extreme fundamentalists. They are willing to resurrect the lives of hundreds of millions of people and resurrect the ancient civilizations. They don't care about their own territory, population, resources or the future. How can such a madman deal with it?"

Li Yaoxin has a lingering voice: "Fortunately, the key to the door of the tomb of the tomb is in the hands of us."

"This may not be the case."

Li Linghaidao, "The key to opening the tomb of the gods may not be the only one. The tomb of the **** does not necessarily have only one door or a way of opening. Even when a certain time comes, the tomb of the **** can be opened from the inside. It can be known that if the tomb of the gods is not only a tomb, but also a refuge in the wild, is it true that the hunger and the strong will not set a 'wake time' before the long sleep?"

Li Yao was shocked.

When I think of myself for a long hibernation, I do set a wake-up time every ten or eight years. If nothing happens, I must force myself to wake up once.

Similar equipment of the ancient civilization, of course, has similar functions.

"Our time should be no more."

Li Linghai said, "At least, the information Wu Yingqi got from the blood god, there is a hint of urgent taste - if it is not time-critical, there is no choice, the blood **** can not risk all the inheritance to Wu Yingqi, Therefore, I highly doubt that the purpose of this sacred decisive battle is not simply to completely conquer the empire. With the current mass of the sacred alliance, it is impossible to eat the entire empire by a war, but to create an empire. At the same time, eating the emperor's tomb may be possible."

"Yes, if this is the case, the sacred alliance will lose its arrogance in the empire's counterattack, and it will make sense to lose the strategy of a large territory."

Li Yao muttered to himself, "The Covenant Alliance cannot be treated as a normal country. It is purely a collection of madmen. The territory and the people are not important. It is most important to open the tomb of the gods... **** it!"

Li Yao felt that the situation that was gradually becoming clear was confusing.

Fortunately, his personal goals are becoming more and more clear and firm.

The first is to help the reformists to defeat the four families, and in the process, to rebuild the influence of the self-cultivator in the hearts of the lower middle class.

The second is to stop the sacred alliance's strategy against the empire and maintain the strategic balance of the central Xinghai.

Of course, he can't let the sacred people open the tomb of the gods to awaken the horrible savage stalwart. If there is an "external observer", he can only reach the level of distraction!

When he thinks of a way to open the tomb of the gods but does not wake up the savage and strong, and after getting all the gods, it is perhaps time to cross the black wall and explore the vast world beyond the Pangu universe.

I believe that at that moment, the mysterious earth will also surface, showing the true face!

If it is said that Pangu represents conservative, the son-in-law represents radicalism, the emperor represents stability, and the blood **** represents the impatience of rushing out of all, then Li Yao is more inclined to the side of the son-in-law and the blood god.

This is not because he is too impulsive, not that he is influenced by the blood god, but from a calm and rational analysis.

The biggest reason for favoring conservatives and security is that the tide of terror is very likely to be outside the black wall. It must not be discovered by the Pan Gu universe. Even if a seesaw is put out, it will lead to the destruction of the Pangu universe.

The problem is that the existence of Li Yi, a heterogeneous one, has proved that the black wall is not insurmountable. The information, ripples or living bodies of the external universe can be traversed!

Since Li Yao can cross the earth from the earth to the 40,000-year-old comprehension of the Pangu universe, can the Hongchao never find it here?

Hiding here, can only sit and wait, in addition to facing the challenge, human civilization has no choice!

"Even if the foundation is not stable, I must shock my distraction!"

Li Yao’s eyes shot a flame that could penetrate the black wall and clenched his fists. He said, “I will break through the realm of distraction!”

"Even in the empire, there is no one who can break through the realm of distraction for a long time, especially the fighting distraction!"

Li Linghai looked at Li Yao complexly and hesitated for a while. He couldn’t help but point to Li Yao. "Your courage is commendable, but the distraction and the gods are only a word difference, the requirements of the soul and even the essence of life. The understanding, but it has changed dramatically.

"When I was possessed by Wu Yingqi, I also had a slight glimpse into the path of distraction. It is really... the mystery that can't be described by pen and ink. It can even be said that it is from 'individual wisdom' to 'cluster wisdom'. Difficult to cross."

Li Yao’s heart was moving and he was eager to listen.

"You know, we humans are the descendants of thirteen carbon-based lives. Our genes condense the essence of thirteen carbon-based life genes, but these thirteen carbon-based lives are not all individual wisdom, and there are also post-mortems. The cluster wisdom of the family is similar to bee colony or insect tide."

Li Linghai said, “A single insect or a bee has no wisdom, only a simple stimulus, but with the accumulation of quantity, reaching the limit, after breaking through the threshold, they have something that can be called 'wisdom', and with With the constant division and cohesion of the cluster, wisdom can spread between them and flow like water.

"The life form does not have the concept of 'individual'. Individuals form small groups, small groups form large groups, large groups form a total group, and the total group sublimates into 'super group', just as our body is composed of infinite cells, and the loss is a few A cell is not the annihilation of life. For a cluster of intelligent civilization, even if it loses more than half of the individual, it does not represent the end of life.

"Individual wisdom and cluster wisdom, each with advantages and disadvantages, are choices for survival, and there is no distinction between them. We humans are individual wisdom in the general state, but our genes are also inlaid with gene fragments of the Houyi people. To cultivate to a certain extent, it can also stimulate some magical powers of 'cluster wisdom', which is the mystery of the realm of distraction.

"You are in the Seven Seas Star Field, the headquarters of the Wanshang Commercial League, had encountered Wu Yingqin's attack. This Wu Yingqin heart is, in a sense, a avatar controlled by Wu Yingqi, I, Wu Yingqi, Wu Yingqin. There are other people who have formed a 'small group'.

"Of course, the deployment of cluster wisdom is also like the field, there is a certain distance limit, or it depends on the spiritual network to transmit brain waves to achieve, and Wu Yingqi has only one residual soul, and can not spread the mystery of distraction. To the fullest, otherwise, if he can completely control the hundreds of bald heads in the Golden Crystal Tower and form a life together, become a 'big group', do you think that you can defeat him?"


Li Yao originally wanted to say "disgusting", and when he said it, he changed it to "magic?"

“Do you feel too mysterious and some can’t stand it?”

Li Linghai saw through his real psychological activities at a glance and smiled. "It is true that repairing to reach the realm of Yuan Ying, the strength of the human body and even the strength of the spirit, almost reached the limit, and then impacted the new realm, more on the essence of life. The understanding, even the understanding of the universe, does have many unacceptable concepts. After all, human beings are nothing but the dust of the universe. How can a dust want to understand everything?

"Distraction is the gene that activates the 'cluster wisdom' in the body, splitting its own soul into thousands, and 'fitting' is to bring together all the individuals in the cluster and return thousands of them to 'one'. Going up, it is the legendary realm of 'refining the virtual' or 'dongxu'. It is said that we must see through the false nature of the universe, but we must find the truth in the false, oh, it is even more mysterious, incomprehensible, not even known. Is there anymore!"

Li Yao listened to God and could not help but ask: "So, after the hole?"

"After the hole?"

Li Linghai smiled and said, "The refining, building the foundation, the knotting of the Dan, the Yuan Ying together, is a level that reaches the level of human limits. The gods, the gods, the fit, the three realms are a level, beyond humanity. The level of the hole; the hole is a level. It is an insight into the reality of the universe and the real and false levels of life. As for the hole, this universe, I am afraid it will not be able to accommodate you.

"This is the blood god, Wu Yingqi including me, summed up the boundaries of the real world after the practice of many classics. As for other ferries, the opening, the Mahayana, etc., either the ancients exaggerated, or reached a certain level. The various inconsistencies and tests that occur at the time are either rumors in the process of circulation. In fact, how exaggerated?

"In short, it has been so difficult to transcend humanity. The wisdom of dust, how to describe the new world after the hole, the world is too much, and it adds a lot of incredible aliens and abilities, but it is a cultivator. The troubles of the time."


Li Yao Chang Shu breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't think so much, it is hard to practice, I will be a shining dust, wherever it floats, it will illuminate where it is, so it is very good!"

"If this is your true heart, I believe that one day, you will surpass the distraction and even illuminate the secrets of the universe."

Li Linghai gave a splendid look at the bottom of his eyes and smiled. "But now, I still practice it honestly. Right, you may wish to go to the recovery room at the back and look for Jialing to practice. He has some very important words and wants to tell you personally."

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