Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2683: The little lion turned!

When Li Yao saw Li Jialing, the boy had just completed a daily training under twenty times gravity.

The First Military Hospital of the Empire is not a sanatorium that shines with holy light. The patients who undergo restorative treatment here do not care to input more pain into their bodies to stimulate cell growth and recover or even exceed the limit as soon as possible.

However, even if the first military hospital has the most advanced facilities and the most difficult one can bring the most painful gravity training room, it can not fully meet the needs of Li Jialing.

This little lion is like not eating enough, pacing back and forth between the arc and the flames, every inch of skin is hungering.

For the past two months, Li Yao has been busy with the transformation of Jinjing Tower. I haven't seen my little brother for a long time. Today, I saw him, but he felt that he was growing up a lot of unknowingly. The stone bomb-like muscles are full of stuff, the shoulders are wide enough to pick up the battleship, and the big hands and feet are like the ones that can crush the spar in one hand. The body is full of tears that can tear the air, especially hidden under the skin. The golden lines that shine when the lights just shine, add a bit of domineering domineering, just like the young boy is about to break out and complete the evolution from boy to man.

The vast No. 1 cultivation hall was empty, only Li Jialing was alone, and ... the wreckage and debris.

Li Yao quietly scanned the ground and the data of the main control crystal brain. It was found that in the past five minutes, Li Jialing had removed hundreds of psionics and more than twenty in one breath under the constraint of twenty times gravity. The Taiwanese Crystal Chariots - the heavy armored fighting vehicles that were able to hold back the main artillery bombardment, were punched and beaten by him.

At this moment, there are still dozens of flying swords controlled by the miniature crystal brain. They are rushing around Li Jialing. From time to time, they send a sharp scream to him, and they are sent to him with no mercy.

However, Li Jialing looks like a sturdy figure, but it turns into a group of vaguely swaying Jinmang. In the sword-like array of dozens of flying swords and butterflies, he walks in a leisurely pace.

Looking at the little brother who was rescued from the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" more than a year ago, he grew up to the realm of today at an incredible speed. Li Yaozhen was very impressed.

He thought that his cultivation speed was amazing enough. When he saw Li Jialing, he knew what was called a mountain outside the mountain, and there were people outside.

No way, although he was on the road to growth, his cultivation was not crazy. However, in the early cultivation career before the age of eighteen, there was neither a teacher nor a sufficient resource, but he could only say that he was practicing. - The righteous father is a superb refiner, but the road to battle is unremarkable. His foundation is only in the tomb of the magic weapon, and the killing of the garbage worm.

Li Jialing is different. He was taken care of by Wu Xing's Wu Yingqi before he was born. I don't know how Li Linghai used to modulate this life seed. After the birth, he was also trained by Li Lingfeng and Wu Yingxi. Many methods of concocting are cruel, but it does inject incomparable power into the depths of his cells. These forces eventually encounter the inheritance of "Wu Yingqi 2.0", and a wonderful reaction occurs, which makes such a rare one. Strong existence!

"Not that I am not a genius, but Jialing is too **** mad!"

Li Yao can only comfort himself.

"Yao Ge?"

Li Jialing's perception is extremely keen. Although Li Yao did not make any sound, he found Li Yao's arrival and looked back with great surprise.

This time, the impeccable dodge of the moment broke, and seeing dozens of flying swords have to poke his key points.

The eyes of the youngsters flashed a touch of golden mans, and the whole body swelled out a circle of pale gold psionic shields. The hard-boiled dozens of flying swords were locked in the air, and the sword tip could not be deeper than half an inch.

"it is good!"

Li Yao couldn't stand it anymore, shouted, stepped into the gravity training room, and acted with his wrists and ankles. He laughed. "Come, Yao brother will accompany you to practice and see how much you have improved in the past few months. !"


Li Jialing’s eyes were bright, and her nostrils were a little bigger. She shouted. "Okay, Yao brother is careful, I am coming!"

The golden flames of the whole body skyrocketed, and dozens of flying swords that had been attacked by him were all wrapped up by him, gathering together into a golden rapids, but instead rushed to Li Yao, and the body shape of Li Jialing was covered by the torrent of flying swords. Grab a few claw marks on the hard and iron ground and scream toward Li Yao!

Li Yao’s retina is full of the illusion of a golden flying sword.

The corner of his mouth also evoked a hunger-like thirst, and the shirt was slightly moved. It was instantly shattered by the flying sword, but the real body in the robes flashed to the back of Li Jialing with an incredible angle. The barrel of the wreckage of the spar chariot.


Li Yaojing was in the upper body, and a violent vascular storm was prominent. The wreckage of dozens of tons of chariots was smashed faster than the flying sword. The skull was bombarded on Li Jialing and the little lion was bombarded in the air. .

This is far from over. Just when Li Jialing lost his weight, Li Yao took a heavy step on the ground and stirred up the momentum of shaking the ground. Under the psionic explosion, the wreckage of the remaining seven or eight crystal spams was also smashed. He flew into the air, and then he jumped up, and then sent the first move, inciting the wreckage of one and the other chariots, and smashing toward Jialing.

Li Jialing is like a poor flies. He is constantly slap by the swatter and instantly becomes bloody.

However, after the wreckage of six consecutive chariots burst into bursts, the wreckage of the seventh chariot was emptied.

Li Jialing disappeared!

Li Yao floated in the air, narrowed his eyes, scanned the entire gravity training field, and found nothing.

Until the end, just below my own, a wild and fierce animal-like barbaric atmosphere, bursting out!


Li Jialing issued a scream like crazy, split skin, body shape explosion, half-gold and half-black hair roots erected, but turned into a monster with a height of more than four meters, terrible!

Transfiguration - This is the painful concoct of "The City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" for nearly two decades, bringing him a magical power!

At the beginning, in the battle of "Breaking the City of Sky", Li Yao had a three-hundred round of battle with Wu Yingwei after the transformation, and was impressed with this skill.

The transformation of Li Jialing is more brutal and more thorough than that of Wu Yingying. It can even lead to the depths of Li Yao’s brain and a weak warning.

Li Jialing is as thick as a turret. The legs of the turret are heavily slammed on the ground, and the ground is stepped out of a cobweb-like crack. The whole person is like a cannonball, and Li Yao rushes into the air. At the same time, both hands smash two burning wrecks. Forcing Li Yao to be unable to dodge, can only be hard and he is right.


Where the two spirits collided, the blasting wave of the sensation was violently shaken. Li Yao was bounced high by the shock wave. All the way hit the dome. Li Jialing was smashed to the ground and the whole person embedded the super alloy steel. Made in the floor.

"I didn't expect that you were so strong, Jialing!"

Li Yao wiped a wet nosebleed and exclaimed, "I can actually blow me out of my nose! You must know that if you look at the entire Pangu universe, you will not be able to beat me more than ten. You have this strength, the world. You can go!"


Although it turned into an ugly monster, Li Jialing still wanted to take a sip, "Hey!"

But before he even "slammed" the export, he suddenly gave birth to an extremely strong warning sign.

Above the dome, Li Yao’s unspeakable figure gradually dissipated and dissipated, but it was just an illusion.

The real Li Yao, but with the cover of the shock wave that has just exploded, has been converging and hiding behind him!

When Li Jialing reacted, it was too late.

His left ankle was stunned by Li Yao. Li Yao even waved his huge body like a meteor hammer and smashed it on the wall. He hit him hundreds of times before he lost him. Go out.

In the whole process, there is also a line of spurs like a spike, poked into his blood vessels and bone marrow along the ankles, so that he did not have the slightest effort!

"If this is the result of your cultivation for a few months, then I am really disappointed."

Li Yao said faintly, "This ugly appearance should not be your ultimate form. I remember that you can make a ‘three-stage transformation’. Isn’t it, let me see your true style!”

"it is good!"

Li Jialing licked his mouth and groaned, but the war was arrogant with the explosion of pain. The golden rhythm of the circle appeared on the whole body. The huge figure began to shrink, and the fleshy skin condensed the pale golden clam. The clam shell peeled off, and a soft golden hair grew, turning from an ugly monster into a lion-like demon!

However, before he could completely open his posture, there were countless burning wrecks and whistling shock waves, and he came over.

"Let Yao brother teach you a little more fighting experience - if you have to change, you must be fast enough, concealed, on the battlefield, which fool will slow you and wait for you to change!"

Li Yaoqi smirked and smashed all the wreckage that could be used as a weapon to Li Jialing. He whispered and whispered. "It’s so cool, it’s too cool, I’m still playing with him, I’m going to finish the addiction, wait, etc. I can't beat him in two years... then I won't talk to him anymore, hehe!"

In a short time, a lot of wreckage will drown the poor golden lion.

The molten iron and copper juice melted by Li Yao at a high temperature melted together and was cooled down quickly, like a huge iron shovel.

Li Jialing was inside, did not make a slight sound, and even could not perceive his half life magnetic field.

Li Yao is enjoyable, and now I can't help but worry: "No, it is reasonable to say that the little guy is not so beaten. What is the inheritance of 'Wu Yingqi 2.0'? It's too common. Oh, no. This is, this is --"


The shovel that has been condensed by countless wreckage suddenly bursts open. A brand new Li Jialing sinks in the air. He has recovered the human form, but it has undergone earth-shaking changes with the original look. All of them turned into arrogant gold, dragging all the way down to the waist, and the eyes were not divided into pupils and white eyes. All of them were submerged by the golden ocean. The gold looming gold embossed completely, just like a seamless gold armor. A purple arc like a dragon, lingering between the blonde and the golden dragonfly, not only "squeaky", but also faintly emits a tiger screaming dragon!


Li Yao was stunned and only felt that his eyes were to be hedged. "How can it be - so cool!"

"Sorry, Yao Ge."

Li Jialing gently smashed the debris from her body and seriously said, "In the past three months, I have digested and absorbed Wu Yingqi 2.0, and I have cultivated a lot of transformations. The lion demon form just changed. Now Is my perfect ultimate form!"

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