Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2684: Yao Ge's support!


Every inch of Li Yao’s skin has been attacked by Li Jialing’s blast, like a tens of thousands of golden needles.

His eyes were almost bursting, and his bloodshot eyes were like two spar bombs, radiating an unbelievable light. "Too handsome, tell me, how do you cultivate, why can you cultivate so cool?" Hyun’s transformation is more handsome than my realm of “polarizing the gods”. How can this be, this is never allowed!”


Li Jialing thought about it, and some embarrassedly said, "In fact, I didn't really practice it. I just practiced it casually, and naturally it became so handsome."


Li Yao screamed, his left eye burned the blood of the demon, and the whole body lingered with the **** awns. This blood stalk was turned into countless tentacles, and the wreckage of the earth was swept up and condensed into a super-powerful superman. Giant sword.


The wrecked knives smashed into Li Jialing, accompanied by the knife and the voice of Li Yao’s heartache: "Jialing, you are misguided, so precious spiritual power should be used to enrich your cells and spirits. Instead of engaging in these cool sound and light effects - men still have to rely on strength, handsome and can not eat!"

"I don't want to!"

Li Jialing's hands crossed, Jin Yan and Zilong entangled together, like two long swords intertwined, protecting the face door, even hard to resist the sniper of Li Yao's powerful and savage, even the wrecked sword , and then shattered into pieces.

The young boy whispered. "I also feel that this is too eye-catching. If you change on the battlefield, it will definitely become the focus of attention. However, I can’t control myself. Every time I upgrade to the ultimate form, some of the psionics will naturally The overflow overflows, make me like this, what can I do!"

"It doesn't matter, let Yao brother help you!"

Li Yaoxiao smiled, and the blood vessels in the whole body showed an incomparable shape. On the chest, it was like nine blood dragons slowly flowing. In the back, it seemed like a pair of blood wings gradually opened, and the two palms once again highlighted two geese. The crystal of the egg size, the crystal contains the squeaky arc of the "squeaky" sound. "In fact, before Yao brother, it is ten times more handsome than you are now, but after practicing today, it has reached the point of returning to the truth and not competing with the world. Let Yao Ge will pass on such valuable combat experience to you!"

boom! Booming and banging!

Li Yao's electric light stone stepped out ten steps.

At each step, the large cultivation hall was shaken on the ground, as if to collapse, and in the end, his whole person seemed to disappear, replaced by endless blood waves!

Li Jialing is like a **** sea, a rising golden volcano, constantly releasing its own light and heat.

The two men staggered hundreds of rounds in an instant. This time, they even had a chance to play. Li Jialing was smashed out by Li Yaozhen dozens of times, but Li Yao also ate the Li Jialing. It’s awesome, the two are of course thick and thin, but they suffer from the walls, floors, gravity control units and even the defensive arrays around the cultivation hall – where are the two Master cultivation, it is basically two super arsenal ships, huddled in a small cultivation room, with the main gun against the bomb!

For a moment, on the super-alloy floor, there were a series of shocking footprints, gullies and cracks, which were as soft as mud.

On the walls around, there were also huge human figures, some of which were as deep as half a meter!

In all directions, there are "squeaky" sounds everywhere. The gravity control unit and the defensive array have reached the limit of strength, and will be destroyed by the aftermath of the two people.

The lights were also flickering. At the end of the bang, all the lighting arrays exploded, and the entire training room was dark, leaving only a golden stream of fire and a red blood wave intertwined. They dragged long tails. Flame, the change of the complex and complicated form, like the two groups of chaotic lines entangled together.


An earth-shattering gorgeous collision, a deafening roar, the defensive array finally completely smashed, and the large steel structure ceiling was also dropped on the dome.

The entire cultivation hall is as soft as three days and three nights in the flood, and there is always the possibility of collapse.

"Whirring whirring……"

Li Yao and Li Jialing both rushed to breathe in the darkness.

"Over, enjoyable!"

Li Yao’s voice can’t hide the excitement of war. “This is like the brother of my ‘vulture Li Yao’, and it’s a bit like the taste of “Wu Yingqi 2.0 Chuanren!”

"Me too, I have never felt so addicted!"

Li Jialing was more excited than him, and his voice shook. "It seems that only Yao Ge can force my potential out. I feel very happy. I seem to be able to fight! Yao Ge, I know you still have Keep, you haven't made all your efforts, right? Come on, don't be afraid to hurt me, I can!"


Li Yao’s voice has some doubts. “In the past few months, I have made some breakthroughs. I really provoked all the power, and I can’t control myself!”

"Nothing, I can stand it!"

Li Jialing is still unfinished and can't wait to say, "I have confidence in my ultimate form!"

"okay then!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and closed his eyes in the dark.

Then, a burst of thunder and huge waves of music, from his abdomen, brain and the air in his body, stirred up at the same time.


Li Jialing sucked in a cold air. "What is this?"


Li Yaoli said of course, "Do you not know, my field is triggered by music, the more violent the background music, the stronger my strength, and the mental attack that I use to sing the song as a medium, wow, it’s a godsend. Kill God, Buddha blocks the Buddha!

"Especially in recent months, I have summed up the last battle experience with Wu Yingqi, and found that the practice of singing and singing is really very good, so I have cultivated a few new songs, and I am not able to appreciate them." - Long Yangjun, Bai Laoda and Chuan Wang. They seem to be very busy. When I heard that I had a new song, I was horrified. Even Xiao Ming and Wen Wen didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have time to listen to me. You, my good brother!

"Are you ready? If you are ready, try to pick up the sound power of my twelve successes!"


Li Jialing squatted for half a second, and suddenly a blood spurted out. "Hey - painful and painful, painful and painful, no, Yao, I can't hold it. I just had an internal injury. I am going to be unable to control the power of the body, and I am going to go into flames. If I don’t fight, I will vomit blood. I admit defeat!"


Li Yao was somewhat disappointed. "No, isn't this ‘the ultimate transformation?’ not such a sloppy flower shelf?”

"It was originally, Yao Ge said yes, handsome can not eat as a meal, men still rely on strength, my strength ... after all, it is still too weak."

Li Jialing flew quickly. "It seems that no matter how strong I am, Yao Ge is always my Yao Ge. I am not your opponent. So far, I am going to heal, I can't stand it. Yao Ge, you are too heavy to start, really!"

"is it?"

Li Yao suspiciously said, "I am really heavy at the start?"

"Of course, the whole workshop will be blown up by you, but it is not heavy?"

Li Jialing was busy running out. "It’s just a small training game. It’s so exaggerated to break the house. I really can’t do it, or Yao is the best!”

The boy instantly changed back to his original appearance. Unlike a little lion, he ran out like a weasel.

Five minutes later, the medical room next to the cultivation hall.

Both of them are veterans who have been through the battlefield, and they have skin and skin wounds. They naturally do not need a doctor to help, but they are taking medicine on each other. They are sitting on the top cover of the medical cabin and grabbed two bottles of medical drugs. Iced drinks are just like a small mouth.

Looking at each other's disappointing appearance, the two couldn't help but laugh, and this laugh involved the wound and became a strange scream.


After laughing for a long time, Li Yao smashed Jialing, said, "The Queen's Highness said, "You have a very important thing to tell me. I haven't listened to you for a long time. What exactly is so mysterious?"

Li Jialing coughed a little, and some embarrassedly bowed his head and didn't say anything for a long time.


Li Yao said, "This reaction is very rare. It seems that it is very important. It is a very special thing. Come and come and talk to Yao Ge!"

"Yao Ge -"

Li Jialing looked at his palms and faintly emerged, such as Qianlong’s palm prints, and finally made up his mind: "After the war, you should see it, I have... no longer a Boy, but a man who stands tall, if I make a tough decision as a man, will Yao brother support me?"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Li Yaobiao had a half-day eyes, and he was excited in an instant. He crossed his fingers and slammed the back of Li Jialing. "Understand, understand, understand, hahahaha, congratulations. Well, this is indeed a very important thing, worthy of being with you. Dearest big brother shared, who the girl is, oh, no matter who it is, Yao Ge absolutely supports you!"


Li Jialing stunned and stammered. "Why, what girl, what girl, what are you talking about?"

"It's the girl who turned you from boy to man!"

Li Yao is also very strange. "Are you just looking for me to share this thing? Without a girl, how do you change from a boy to a man? Is it, oh, oh, let me say, I understand, no wonder you are doing this. Tangled, looking for me to discuss and stop, and vomiting, I still have to support you, this one, in fact, it does not matter, I understand, I support, really, the times are different, men and women are the same, This is an era when human beings are about to get rid of their bodies. They pay more attention to the communication of the mind, not just the collision of the flesh. It may not take long for humans and information life to fall in love, so I absolutely support your choice!"

Li Jialing crossed the fingers and buried her face deeply.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't say it so complicated."

Some teenagers are powerless. "Let's just say, does Yaoge know that the pseudo-emperors selected by the four electorate families - what is the "commissioned emperor", has already been enthroned in the Song family's main star ‘Tianxiangxing’?”

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