Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2685: Heaven drops Mingjun!

The news that Emperor Wu’s accession to the throne was transmitted to the Imperial Capital three days ago.

Along with the news, there was a grand video of the throne and military parade.

Under the horror of the fear of the demise of the four major electors, they broke out the cost of the final pressure box and formed a new "orthodox real human empire to protect the national army". Although it does not reproduce the prestige of the Royal Fleet and the King Kong Fleet, At first glance, it is also strong and strong.

The blood of the "Emperor of Emperor Wu" should be the brother of Emperor Shenwu. The bloodline is not noble, but it is also an uncompromising straw bag, just the embarrassment of the four major families.

The so-called "commissioning martial arts" is naturally the four major families who hope that he can inherit the martial arts of the Emperor Shenwu and once again unite the empire.

The four major families spread the news of the new emperor's enthronement and the grand scene of the military parade through the spiritual network throughout the empire as a very effective psychological offensive.

The millennial empire is deeply rooted, and the idea that "there is no day when the country can't be without the king." Even if it is known that the Emperor Wu is only a singer, even the grand ceremony is not held in the Imperial Capital. The so-called "Supreme Throne" is also temporary. Refining, but sitting on the throne, naturally has the sacred and inviolable glory, so that the middle and lower layers of the immortal heart have set off a different wave.

Especially today, when the situation of the empire is so chaotic, the emperor’s righteousness is a more powerful weapon than a joint fleet.

"I naturally know this."

Li Yao nodded. "What is the Emperor Wu, but it is a new one."

“Oh, it’s awkward, but in many cases, the power of habit is extremely powerful. For a thousand years, the imperial people have always been influenced by the ideology of “loyalty and patriotism”. Many concepts are deeply rooted in the bone marrow, and they can be changed overnight.”

Li Jialington had a meal, said, "It’s been a year since the emperor’s death. Now the pseudo-emperors of the four major families have already crowned the monkeys, and they have been crowned with the land. The reformists used to call for the battle of the heroes. On the flag, there are eight words, the last four are 'innovation empire', the first four are 'respecting the emperor', and now there is no 'imperial', no name, no words, and how to fight rebellion, What about the unified empire?"

"Yeah, this is indeed a very big headache. General Lei Chenghu has not been examining the new Emperor's candidates recently. He has also dragged me over and examined it many times. The result is really unsatisfactory."

Li Yao is now regarded as a real power figure in the empire. He is not mentioned in the support of the Xingyao Federation. He is the "King of the Black Wind", and the arsonist united the fleet, or saved the number one hero of the Imperial Capital, and The extremely powerful contenders of "the strongest warrior of the empire", even if the combat power is not the first, at least the top three and the top five can still fight together, and will not fall out of the top ten.

This comprehensive strength, looking at the entire empire, in addition to the "God of War" Lei Chenghu can also compete with him, the rest of the small and medium warlords, there is no opponent.

Therefore, the current Li Yao, not the election of the emperor, is better than the election of the emperor, whether it is the old reformist leader Li Linghai, or the new reformist leader Lei Chenghu, to choose a new emperor, have to respect his opinion .

However, the royal family has been for thousands of years. After a period of deliberate laissez-faire and distortion, it has already become a barren wasteland. The new generation of royal families that grow here is not only "good and bad", but also a bunch of squash, no half. "Good".

"I didn't have much opinion about the emperor's candidate. I have said it to General Lei Chenghu several times. This is the internal affairs of the empire. My position is not unreasonable, and I am rashly interfering. It is easy to leave a mouthful."

Li Yao sighed and frowned slightly. "But those candidates are too unfamiliar. It’s not even a half-faced Zhou Zheng’s. It’s not an eagle-eyed wolf, it’s a scorpion, the strength and ambition are not in line, and the mind is not clear. Chu, in a word, is the 'insufficient things, more than a loss of things'!

"You know, even if you are just awkward, you should have a self-cultivation. I really don't care who is the emperor. I just hope that it is a clear-headed mind, a little longer in the eyes, knowing that there is no eternal friend, only eternal interests. 'The simple reasoning guy can temporarily put down the differences between comprehension and cultivation, hold the nose and communicate and cooperate - but such a simple request can't be found!"

Li Jialing smiled: "Looks, Yao Ge is really dissatisfied with those candidates?"

“What is dissatisfaction?”

Li Yaodao, "I helped General Lei Chenghu to design a few small test sessions. I immediately tried out the ambitions of those guys. Those guys were too hostile to the comprehension. I can’t wait for the next second. Eat the Arsenal Joint Fleet and the Stars Federation!

"I don't mean that the emperor can't be hostile to the Xingyao Federation. But you have to look at your own strength and distinguish the enemy's priorities. Now the four major families are not destroyed. You will be eager to smash the heroes after the ascension, cleanse all the self-cultivators, swallow the arsonist unit fleet, and then go to the federal government to find the death of the singer, and find it, not to find it!

"If these guys' temperament can be somewhat tolerant, even if they can wait for the four major families and the sacred alliance, and then move the knife to the cultivator, I will give them a little higher evaluation. Now, let me not say it. Even General Lei Chenghu is extremely dissatisfied."

"Yeah, I am accompanying the Queen's Highness in the hospital these days. I can often see General Lei to come to her to discuss the candidates of Xinjun, and often listen to him complaining."

Li Jialing smiled and said, "In fact, General Lei’s selection of Xinjun is more than a hundred times more than Yaoge. He never wants to choose a new one."


Li Yao gave a slight glimpse and couldn’t help but smile. "Don’t you, Lei Chenghu still wants to get a 'Ming Jun'?"

"General Ray really thinks so."

Li Jialing nodded. "General Lei believes that the source of the ruin of the empire in the past hundreds of years is that the monarch is weak, and the ministers are too strong, and the two sides have not been able to form effective checks and balances.

"If now, the reformists also choose a new embarrassment, and what is the difference between the four major families? What is the so-called "renovation" and the "new"?

"Yes, when General Lei Chenghu and His Royal Highness are at the same time, they can use their iron fists and lofty prestige to suppress the warlords of all parties and ensure that the concept of innovation remains unchanged, but General Ray will eventually have a high age and may be in a hundred years. Fallen, and the Queen's Highness is now lost, whether it can be transformed into a ghost repair is also unknown, they can not keep that sly forever.

"If one day, General Lei and the Queen's Highness are falling, the new generation of warlords are full-fledged, how can the emperor behave himself? Even then, when the reformists defeated the four families, it would not become a new one. Is the four big family of generations?"

Li Jialing’s remarks made Li Yao awe-inspiring to Lei Chenghu: “This is true. General Lei Chenghu’s long-term thinking, no matter if I am an enemy or a friend, I have to admit that he does It is a purely military soldier who never seeks personal gain and is dedicated to the country and is doing its best!

"But, then again, there is a clear-minded Mingjun instead of awkwardness, of course it is very good, but Mingjun is not a leek in the ground. How can it be so easy to find? These days, General Lei Chenghu I didn’t turn over the ancestral halls on the celestial stars. I have seen the materials on the books. I really have nothing to hold on to the table. There are not many people who can barely make up. It’s not always possible to find a few three-five-year-old dolls and train them into 'Ming Jun' in decades. No, according to the strict standards of General Lei Chenghu, it is estimated that they should be cultivated from the mother’s womb. Meet his requirements, hahahaha!"

Li Yaogan laughed a few times, but Li Jialing did not respond. The atmosphere was awkward and somewhat strange.

"No, you asked me what to do?"

Li Yao felt that Li Jialing’s expression was a bit strange. He poured a strong potion on his head and said, “The matter of choosing the emperor is still handed over to His Royal Highness and General Lei Chenghu. It’s a good headache. What are you talking about? Do you still have to get my support?"

"Yao Ge -"

Li Jialing was silent for a long time, finally made up his mind, took the courage, took a deep breath, and said, "If General Lei Chenghu and His Royal Highness all belong to me, I will become a new imperial emperor. Do you support it?"


Li Yao's intensive medicinal spray was sprayed on the opposite wall, then coughed up loudly, coughing out of breath, and even coughing out tears, "cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, you, you open What kind of joke? Cough and cough, are you saying the wrong or am I getting it wrong? Are Li Linghai and Lei Chenghu both in the water? You, when the emperor? You are not a royal family at all, you are not surnamed Wu Ying!"

"This is a small matter."

Li Jialing’s face is expressionless and faint. “Yao Ge should not think that General Lei Chenghu is the kind of foolish loyalty. Do you have to stumble at the foot of the Wuying family? Today’s empire is no longer an empire of a single surname. General Lei is loyal to the empire belonging to all mankind, not to the loyalty of Wu Yingqi and his descendants.

"Of course, for the vast majority of the imperial people, for the time being, it is certainly impossible to accept an emperor of different surnames. It doesn't matter. I was originally a nameless pawn, and not many people know my true origins.

"I am not only the lord of the Queen's Highness, but also the Queen's Highness, 'God of War' Lei Chenghu and Yao Ge, the 'King of the Wind', to prove that I am the thirteenth son of the Emperor, in order to escape The court struggle, the invasion of the demon and the assassination of the sacred alliance... These reasons were secretly sent out of the palace, and they grew up in the name of Lijia, and now they are returning to the emperor, and the dragon is in the celestial pole. What can't it be?"

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