Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2687: Wu Yingling!

The juvenile screamed out, and two purple flames burst out in the open palm. The flame condensed into two purple dragons, hovering over his arm, and infiltrated into his skin and blood vessels, along the blood vessels all the way up, through the carotid artery. Straight to the brain, on his temples became a crown of blue veins.

At this moment, the young man seems to float an illusory figure, just like the blood god, Wu Yingqi and Li Jialing, together, can not tell who he is.

But in the next second, he changed back to himself and changed back to the little lion that Li Yao is familiar with. No, maybe he is no longer so familiar...

"You are very dangerous, Jialing."

Li Yao was deeply burned by the momentum of the young man. He couldn’t help but say, "You want to do something with your own strength. This is of course good, but I am worried that you will be lost in this power, knowing the moment, Do you look like who? Like another Wu Yingqi! This is too dangerous, this power is too dangerous, I can't tell, and you are still not possessed by Wu Yingqi."

"Yeah, this power is really dangerous. Every time, when I feel the purple arc and the golden flame flowing between each of my cells, it seems like there is a voice. There is a lot like Wu Yingqi. The voice of 2.0, whispering in my ear, I don’t know if I am 100% Li Jialing, or something else."

The teenager smiled slightly, staring at the flames and arcs of the palms, watching them play their teeth for a while, then slowly took them back, and the dark golden eyes were projected on Li Yao. "So, you, Yao. Isn't your current situation dangerous? To absorb the full power of Wu Yingqi 3.0 and become the master of the Golden Crystal Tower, are you not dangerous? You don't have to worry about sitting on this throne in this thorns day after day. On the other side, acting as the only deterrent and balance between the empire and the federation, will not be lost, not frenzied, not going crazy, not becoming another Wu Yingqi, a dragon with black scales and blood-colored wings? If you are aware of the danger, why do you still have to do this?"

"Because I have no choice!"

Li Yao Shen said: "Besides me, there is no second person who can be the master of the Golden Crystal Tower. I don't want others to bear this pain, to risk becoming a dragon - especially you!"

"That's right, this is also my answer. I have no choice but to you."

Li Jialing's speech rate is extremely fast, but the separation between each word is extremely clear, like a nail and a nail shot: "First, the relationship between the empire and the federation, the comprehension and the immortal is very delicate. You said, every candidate of Xinjun’s candidates will never trust the comprehens and the federation, and even can’t wait to swallow you up. Even General Lei Chenghu, can you really let go of all the mustys and work with you?

"No, now they have a good understanding of each other, let go of their differences and concentrate on fighting against the four major families and the Holy Alliance. But one day, the common enemy will be destroyed. At that time, the empire and the federation really want to meet each other. Is the war rekindled?

"There is no emperor who can restrain his dislike of the self-cultivator and the vigilance against the federation. Only I can do it. Only when I am an emperor can I treat all the self-cultivators and the immortals in the same way, and it is possible to strongly suppress those who are guilty of the Federation. The main war faction can bring real peace to the empire and the federation!

"And, you have not always been thinking about reforming in the empire. Do you want to reform the empire according to the ideas of your comprehensions. I know your way. You want to be bottom-up, slowly changing from the bottom. Step up.

"But this is impossible. The empire is so large and so chaotic. It is soaked in Xixian Avenue for thousands of years. It is hard to go to heaven to change the customs! Your bottom-up innovation is bound to encounter all kinds of troubles. It takes a lot of time to consume, a little carelessness, and it is easy to create new confusion, providing an excuse for friction between the Empire and the Federation!

"Today's empire can't afford a bottom-up innovation. It's only top-down, starting with the top-level design, breaking the old architecture with new authority, and stepping into the bottom layer step by step. This is the only way. !

"His Royal Highness and General Lei Chenghu are of course true innovators, but on the one hand they are old, and they are destined to lead the reformists for many years to complete the entire revolutionary cause. On the other hand, these old people’s ideas are too The rigidity is limited to the small circle inherent in the cultivation of immortals. The so-called innovation is just tinkering and it is impossible to make a big move.

"Even if they are all the same, those in your mouth, ‘ 歪 裂 ’ ’ ’ , , , , , , , , , ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’

"I don't think that I am very self-satisfied. I don't think that I am better than the Queen, General Lee, than you or the Dragon Sister. No, I am far worse than you, but you can't be an emperor! Compared with the Wuying patriarchs who are qualified to become emperors, I am one hundred times stronger than any of them!

"If the garbage, one of the **** that can't help the wall, really climbed to the supreme throne and became the emperor. You guess what they will do? How will they treat the comprehens and the federation, how will they face Jin Jing? As a deterrent in the tower, will they carry out the great cause of the revolutionary empire, instead of being swallowed up by the suddenly expanding position and ambition to become an unscrupulous dragon?

"No, no, you know very well the catastrophic consequences of being an emperor. These are the reasons why you and General Lei have been unable to pick a shackle. Even if you have a pleasing eye, you have already taken him. Brought to the stage!

"So, how can I watch this beach... mud, become an emperor, and then ruin the empire and the federation, ruining everything I really have?

"Finally, there is a small, but not unimportant reason - the Queen's Highness was controlled by Wu Yingqi, and in the 'Tomorrow Plan', it almost became an uncontrollable tragedy, although it was stopped by Yao Ge in time, but it also caused Very serious losses, including countless people have lost precious lives.

"The crimes committed by His Royal Highness, no matter how punishable, cannot be cleansed, and even if she is smashed, the people who died because of her will not be resurrected.

"So, as her son, I will take all her sins and use the rest of my life to slowly repay her, and slowly redeem it!"

Looking at the red-faced, impassioned teenager, Li Yao was lost for a while.

Or, he is about to be melted in the enthusiasm of the teenager.

"Do you really want to be clear?"

Li Yao asked, "Is this your final decision?"


Li Jialing has a word and a word, and he is arrogant. "I have decided, let me be!"

"That looks like-"

Li Yao smiled. "I don't support you, can't you?"

Li Jialing also laughed: "If Yao brother does not support me, then I can only hold your thighs and cry, crying and crying, you must support, and now there are a lot of thighs behind me, but What I need most, or your golden thigh!

"Remember what other words you once said to me in the big iron factory. You said that your strength may not be strong, but even if a small butterfly **** its wings, it may also set off an overwhelming tornado storm. Think carefully. I think, now I am what you created, maybe it is your butterfly, the tornado storm that has been set up? Since you have set off the storm and want the storm to calm down, how is it possible?"

"It sounds very reasonable."

Li Yao thought about it, jumped out of the medical cabin, looked at Li Jialing, and seriously said, "So, answer my last question, what are you doing now, who is still a cultivator?"

"I don't know, I was bullied by the immortal from birth, and I was modulated into a monster by Li Lingfeng and Wu Yingwei. Probably I have never had any good feelings about Xiuxian Avenue?"

Li Jialing said, "However, when it comes to the road to comprehension, no matter how hot you are, and then the sky is full, I always feel a little worse, too idealistic, lack of maneuverability, and need too many chances to achieve. .

"Remember that we have talked about it in the Imperial Tomb. If we can combine the two together, 'repairing the skin and repairing the bones for the bones', it may be almost the same. Of course, my thoughts were still naive at the time, which is the skin, which is For the bones, you need to study it well and slowly explore it in practice. If my luck is good enough, my life is hard enough, and the emperor who can be a few hundred and a hundred years will probably find the answer?"

"Remember that in our federation, there is also a high-ranking man named "Lv Dengchen" who wants to combine the cult of Xiuzhen Avenue and Xiuxian Avenue, and is known as the "True Avenue."

Li Yaodao, "Your thoughts seem to have the same effect as him."

"is it?"

Li Jialing rejoicing, "I didn't expect the federal to have such a high-ranking person, and the insights of the 'Zhenxian Avenue'. Where is this high man now, and where is the federal government? It is necessary to get the empire. Innovation is great!"

"This, I am afraid it is difficult."

Li Yao touched his nose and said, "This 'Lv Zhenren' has been killed by me. Although it seems that he has not been cleaned, he has escaped from his soul for a long while. Now he does not know where the rogue is. It is estimated that there is no way. Come to the empire 'together'."

Li Jialing and Li Yao have been watching for a long time, and the two can't help but laugh at the same time.

"What a pity."

Li Jialing Road, "Zhenxian Avenue, may not be the right path!"

"It is a pity."

Li Yao sighed. "Returning to think about it, including Lu Qingchen, those people's ideas may not have no flash, but why do you always have to meet each other, but you can't sit down and discuss the road calmly? Is there a best solution? I have to fight one or two to die under my knife. I am also very distressed and very guilty. Why bother? Why?"

"We are not talking about the road in peace and mind now?"

Li Jialing said, "I only hope that we can learn from the experience of our predecessors, and don't make mistakes that we have made before, and we will find the most suitable road between the stars and the sea!"

Li Yao stared at the boy for a long time.

"I suddenly thought of one thing."

Li Yaodao, "If you really became an emperor, the name "Li Jialing" can no longer be used?"

This sentence is the meaning of expressing support to Li Jialing.

"I am Li Jialing, always the son of Li Linghai, Li Yao's younger brother Li Jialing."

The young man got the support of Li Yao, but he didn't have a bit of joy, but he was hesitant.

As if this is the case, he will completely cut through the past life and embark on an unknown journey.

But his eyes struggled a few times deep, still ignited the golden war, burning all hesitation and hesitation.

"But on the scene, I really have to change another name, and I want to ‘recognize my ancestors’.”

The young man got up and pushed open the door of the medical room, letting the outside violent sunshine put on him a burning armor. He turned back in the light and gave Li Yao one of the most brilliant smiles. "From today, in In front of the world, I am called 'Wu Yingling'!"

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