Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2688: Imperial spring

The spring of the empire is coming.

In the underground world of the celestial star, the spring that has never been seen in tens of thousands of years is earlier than the surface.

The best mining worker in the former big iron factory, Xu Zhicheng, a worries-free big protector, stood in front of a big iron factory that was both familiar and unfamiliar. He couldn’t believe that his native place would become like this today...It’s like a mirage and a beautiful wheel. Beautiful paradise!

The original hot and boring factory has undergone a new transformation, adding countless automated production lines and psionics, becoming the most advanced unmanned mining, smelting and even finishing one-stop equipment, looking at the entire empire is second to none, saving More than 85% of the manpower, to avoid the precious life in vain in the most dangerous positions.

The manpower saved was not wasted, but after a simple training, it became a new construction worker. With the big iron factory as the center, the surrounding rock formations were continuously explored, and a new piece of living space was excavated. The towns and industrial parks, which are beautiful like gardens, turn the slave factory of the past into a "model underground city" that is enough to shine the entire empire.

Even though Xu Zhicheng personally participated in the construction of a brick and a tile, watching all the beautiful changes happen, today, the new "photoelectric information industrial park" was completed in the southern part of the big iron factory, and the whole underground city was decorated with lights. In the days of Qinglian, he still felt a lot of emotions, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

This is like a dream, a dream that will last for half a year!

Originally, when Li Yao, Long Yangjun, Li Jialing, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen left, these underground people had already prepared for ten years, twenty years or even fifty years of hard work. Their The ancestors have been lingering in the dark for tens of thousands of years, and waiting for another hundred or two years, what can't it be?

Unexpectedly, the victory came so fast, but only for a short period of six months, I heard that Li Yao had a big victory on the ground, captured the entire celestial star, and even won the entire empire!

At the beginning, some people in the underground had some doubts.

No way, fate really brings them too much torture and bad news. In the past all the resistance has become ruin, all hopes have become desperate, they really dare not ask for too much good news.

But soon, the precious materials that were transported from the ground to a container and received a container, let them really taste the victory.

When a team of reinforced steel bones and cold sensational spirits came to the underground towns, they also had a moment of panic, and thought that these cold machines were the instructions to execute the killing.

However, the psionic hand is not holding a sword, but a **** and a shovel, not to create a killing, but to help them repair refuge, expand the underground city, and open up the traffic between the underground towns. Even expand the connection between the ground and the ground!

From that day on, the days of the underground people have become better and better.

In particular, it is the worry-free believer who has become the leader of Xu Zhi. As the old knowledge of Li Yao and the confidant of Long Yangjun, it is natural to be the core force to innovate the underground world, and to bear the brunt of the benefits brought about by innovation.

Li Yao first recruited a large number of underground elites through Xu Zhicheng, enriching them into the "Golden Crystal Tower Guard" - because the Jinjing Tower is a "demilitarized zone", no matter whether the thundering fleet or the arsonist joint fleet is directly dispatched, the underground People become the best guards.

Li Yao pays more attention not only to the **** work, but through this **** work, it can enable the best young people in the underground to receive more education and see the wider world. It will take a long time to return to the depths of the earth and go. Engage in more important work and bring more light to their compatriots.

As for other worry-free believers, they will return to the big ironworks and devote themselves to reconstruction and expansion. According to the plan, they will build a large iron plant with Xiaoming and Wenwen’s construction engineering team. It has a sophisticated technical content and a beautiful environment. It is like a garden-like "future industrial complex", a city that represents the future!

This is not only a revolutionary experiment, but also a powerful weapon for propagating the offensive.

The whole process of transforming and expanding the big iron factory was made into various propaganda videos, which were secretly placed in the spiritual network of the four family-controlled areas, allowing the original people to remain under the four family terror. You can see that this is the appearance of the future empire, that is, they can also live a good life!

Now, some of the worry-free people have participated in the construction of the “Future City”, and the other part of the worry-free people took the skills they have explored, constantly getting more traffic between the refuge and the dungeons, and then carrying the government census and data. The work of the statistician has brought more underground people, such as weeds and ants, into the effective rule of the empire, giving them sufficient supplies, constantly improving their lives, and allowing more and more underground people to join. To their ranks, at an exponential rate of growth, expand in all directions and all layers and gaps.

In terms of materials, there is no shortage for the time being.

The four major families have left a large number of industries throughout the extreme heavens and celestial stars, and the four major family empire fleets have also brought a lot of resources when they invaded the Imperial Capital. These things are all revolutionary trophies.

The trade route between the Imperial Capital and the Seven Seas Star Field has been opened up, and a steady stream of supplies has been transported to support the post-disaster reconstruction of the Tianji Star, which is not a problem.

The difficulty is how to transport the materials on the ground to the bottom with the highest efficiency and accurately distribute them to everyone in need.

In this respect, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, two information lives, have made great contributions, or they are stretching the tentacles of their lives and building a new, incredible informational world on the ground.

Above the surface, the rule of the cultivator is very mature, and there are too many bottles and cans, and it is impossible to rebuild all the way. The growth of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen is subject to many constraints, and always be cautious.

The underground people are poor and white, and even the basic survival is a problem. Naturally, they don’t care about the problem of “the brain has life and the other way to rule the human beings”. If you can live well, Who can do it, how can I do it!

In the face of unprecedented new technologies, it is the backward regions that are more able to put aside all prejudice and absorb and use them at all costs. In turn, they will go beyond the more advanced areas to achieve "curving overtaking", which is the history of human civilization. A common phenomenon.

The same is true of people living in the bottom of the celestial star, skipping the very mature era of magical industry, and directly entering a new era of super-information!

In a short period of time, they used to be omnipresent in Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, and they were used to working with the psionic brains of the copper heads. Even the children of each babble were followed by a few connected spirits. The net of beasts and beasts, quietly and quietly learn simple manipulation and setting skills.

Looking at the innocent children, playing in the picturesque factory garden, playing with the silvery psionic pets, giving a silver bell-like laugh, Xu Zhicheng feels that his heart is about to melt, melting in this intoxicating In the spring breeze.

He seems to be young for a few decades, and when he was young, his wife and children were there, good days.

The underground people are not fools, especially Xu Zhicheng, the carefree method of worry-free teaching. Naturally, I know that the ground people are worried about the highly developed technology of the crystal brain and the net.

Even the underground people, in the past, faced with the cold and ruthless psionic powers, those reinforced steel bones killing machines, not so scared and shivering, but also hate to gnash their teeth, can't wait to flatten these iron skulls one by one?

But how can the psionics be bad again, and how can they be worse than those who have oppressed them?

Even if one day they are really ruled by the brain and the spiritual network, what is the difference between the darkness they have invaded and the past 10,000 years?

"A new generation of underground people, who have been exposed to the spiritual net and the crystal brain since birth, have always been associated with the psionic brain during their growth. When they grow up, they will definitely undergo unexpected changes and will become The people on the ground are different now."

Xu Zhicheng secretly thought, "But what about it? Our underground people are always different from the ground people. Since the cultivators despise us and don't even regard us as our kind, then we are in harmony with Jingnao, Lingwang and Lingneng. We can treat these cold machines as our compatriots. What can't we do? In the eyes of the immortals, we are just a little temperature machine!"

"Xu Dashu, Xu Dashu!"

Xu Zhicheng was in the sinking, suddenly saw a slender figure, riding on a red lizard, jumping over to him.

Xu Zhicheng recognized that this is a child named "Ice Bing". It was originally a resident of the 10084 refuge in the depths of the earth. Now it is the underground towns, and the liaison between the underground and the surface. They are specially sent to them. What to send.

"Ice ice."

Xu Zhicheng grinned and waved to stop the iced red lizard. "What good things have you brought to the uncle?"

"It’s a gift card, it’s a license for the ceremony!”

Ice and ice were so excited that they were red and red, and they almost danced and danced. They said, "We are going to the Imperial City, Xu Dashu, have you heard that, we are going to the Imperial City!"

"Is Xinjun going to be in the throne?"

Xu Zhicheng muttered a few words, but he was not as excited as a girl. He was not very interested in who was the head of the cultivator. Anyway, it was all the same, whoever was the same.

I just didn't expect that even the people like them... I don't see the "original people" of the day. Today, I am qualified to observe the new emperor's ascension. The world has changed.

"Yeah yeah!"

Ice and ice nodded again and again, and both eyes were on the road. "Who does Xu Dashu know about Xinjun?"

"how could I know?"

Xu Zhicheng was dumbfounded. "We are just wild savages. How can we qualify for the new prince?"

"No, it has already been announced to the world. I believe that it will not take long for the Internet to spread, but I am holding a private invitation card from the Black Wind King, so I am one step faster!"

Ice and ice just want to jump up. "Xinjun is Jialing brother, it is Li Jialing who once fought with us on the ground! Oh, Li Jialing is his fake name. His real name is 'Wu Yingling', it is the Emperor Shenwu. The thirteenth son is also the most favored and valued inheritor. The purest blood of the royal family is only to beware of the slaying of the four major families and the erosion of the extraterrestrial demon. Only then can they hide their names and even live in the folks and meet us!"


Xu Zhicheng was stunned and demented.

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