Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2689: To the throne ceremony!

Seven days later, the celestial star, the imperial city, the red sun sprayed, and the cloudless.

Although it has been on the ground for almost a week, and gradually got used to the blue sky and white clouds, it will not make a fuss about the hot sun, but in the face of innocent squares, as well as the crowded scenes, including Xu Zhicheng and Bingbing, all the underground people The representative still felt dizzy, shrouded in huge shock, and the brain was blank.

space! So vast, so extravagant, almost unlimited space!

This is their experience in the darkness of the darkness, never perceived.

All the representatives of the underground people are like “re-emerging people” and come to another completely different world.

In addition to space, there are people, millions, tens of millions, and even countless people.

The space here is already vast enough, but it seems that no matter how vast the space is, the emperor has the means to get enough people to crowd it, streets, buildings, squares, and VIP viewing platforms suspended in midair by anti-gravity units. Not to mention that there is another ship that has torn the scorpio, coming from outside the atmosphere!

The square of the underground delegation walked on the main road for more than three hours. From the dark night when dawn had not yet arrived, through the morning of the red glow, and when the sun changed from red to gold, I found myself. The location, like a small black dot, is embedded in a dot matrix of countless black dots.

Picking up the tiptoe and looking far away, the head is moving, like a black ocean, spreading all the way to the horizon.

The crowd’s incitement does not have to be said, but it is suspended in the air, and it is decorated with a splendid big horn. It is a wave of high-pitched screaming, sometimes playing an impassioned march, and sometimes “wow wow” announced one after another. The new decrees and policies, and sometimes the news that the thirteenth ceremony has begun, all the sounds are like a golden torrent of rushing together, which is not clear at all, but makes the underground people more and more dizzy.

Xu Zhicheng picked up his toes and squatted in the direction of the Imperial City for a long time. He couldn't see the picture of the new King on the high platform. He simply retracted his neck and flipped through several beautifully printed flyers and poorly crafted brochures.

Although the spiritual network of the empire is extremely developed, the news of the new king's ascension has spread all over the place, but in the end there are some places - such as the depths of the earth, the remote resource planet, the territory of the four families, and the forefront of the expeditionary army. It may not be the first time to get the news on the Ling Online. These officially printed leaflets are used to make up for the lack of Lingwang. After the ceremony, they will be brought back to their hometown and spread to the empire. Go to the thinnest nerve endings of each bundle.

The leaflet is the introduction of Xinjun, and the evaluation of Xinjun by Emperor Shenwu. What is “the value of the people is precious, the depth is deep, and the system can be accepted”.

The emperor of the real human empire, after all, is different from the emperor of the ancient dynasty.

The emperor of the ancient dynasty succeeded to the position, regardless of the people's perception, and did not need to care about the influence of the society. Anyway, the monarchical authority granted it, as long as a few nobles and warlords recognized it.

But what the real human empire says is a modern country. In recent centuries, it has been a virtual junta route. It is a bit of a "constitutional monarchy". The emperor is the representative of the country, the idol of the whole people, not just simple and rude. The dictator.

Especially now, the new prince elected by the reformists has to compete with the "commissioned emperors" selected by the four families - the emperor of the gods has been in danger for a year, the legitimacy and legitimacy of the two new monarchs. They are all suspicious, and they must pay more attention to image creation.

This leaflet, which is beautifully printed and extremely luxurious, can write the original plain of Xinjun. The thirteenth son of the emperor is afraid of being victimized by the traitor, deliberately crouching on the folk, and so on. I told Xu Zhicheng.

Xu Zhicheng is not interested in this leaflet that fully represents the official position and is therefore well-regulated and tastes like wax.

He studied the volume of poorly printed brochures.

The booklet is also the origin of Xinjun, but the content is too much, and I don't know who made it. How to spread it to the market, and the guests who came to the ceremony, almost one hand.

According to the booklet, when the emperor had not yet died, one day he was in a state of affairs, and actually slept on the main hall. When he was asleep, he suddenly saw a ribbed wing and a golden lion flying. Into the hall, flying around him three times, and the golden lion's forehead, even inlaid with a brilliant black star!

The black star Golden Lion looked at him deeply and jumped again, flew out of the hall and turned into the harem!

When the Emperor woke up from his dream, he got the news that the Queen gave birth to the thirteenth son.

Because of this strangeness in the dream, the Emperor first valued the thirteen emperors, and then decided to let the thirteen emperors inherit the Datong.

It’s a pity that the palace’s minions in the palace were so close, and the news of the emperor’s dreams was not known. The four “pseudo-hou” naturally did not allow the “black star golden lion to reincarnate” the plump plump, but It is the first to be strong, to murder the thirteen princes.

Who knows, the surviving power of the Black Star Emperor, the real human empire's air is not alive, there is a killer actually Tianliang found, experienced a series of raccoon cats for the Prince, Li Dai Tao Zhuang, stealing the dragon to turn the phoenix, he was secretly thirteen emperors Bringing out the palace, and taking into account the "the most dangerous place is safer" considerations, boldly sent to the Li family!

After that, the thirteen emperors naturally experienced a series of wonderful growth stories, and they awakened their blood and identity at the crucial moment. In the big loyal ministers of the two red blood irons, the black wind king Li Yao and the president of the hunter society Under the assistance of the Oriental Mingyue, they smashed the Li family, expedition to the bottom of the land, and then turned to the Seven Seas, eventually killing the Emperor, killing the four families, and winning the brilliant victory, and also regained the throne that was destined to belong to him!

During the period, there were naturally a series of white dragon fish suits, playing pigs and eating tigers, and the wonderful story of Qianlong in the Yuan. There were also dramas such as "probation of the underground, accepting the stars and stealing white bosses" and the likes of the masses.

Xu Zhicheng didn't know which of the high-ranking people had compiled such a booklet, and the words were straightforward and vulgar. The content was too ridiculous, but it did hit the most excited psychology of the public. Living in the bottom of my heart, the shining image of Xinjun’s unborn, young heroes and heroes is in the air. In a word, it’s the real life!

This volume of brochures certainly does not represent an official position.

However, Xu Zhicheng is not a fool. If the official is really opposed, the booklet has been completely banned. Now, the guests who participated in the ceremony have almost one hand, which is a very telling question.

Xu Zhicheng was in the midst of stagnation, and the roar of the head "rumbling" was ten times fierce. When looking up, the blue sky has turned into a golden ocean, but thousands of starships tore open the sky at the same time. The emperor is over the sky!

Thousands of starships are placed in a vacuum of the universe, perhaps just a drop in the ocean.

But in the atmosphere, even down to a low altitude of only a few hundred meters from the ground, the kind of glory is enough to crush everything!

The sun is completely melted in the flame of the starship. The mutual interference of the gravitational fields forms a huge gyromagnetic vortex, and the sunlight is refracted and diffracted by the vortex, which turns into colorful fragments, adding a bit of ambiguity. The feeling of glory is just like the most magnificent fireworks for the new emperor.


Xu Zhicheng couldn't breathe at all. He could only scream with millions of people, tens of millions or even more people around him.

Even as a rebel, he was not proud of his "imperial man" status. At this moment, under the grand scene of thousands of starships tearing the sky, there was a deep wave in the blood vessels. Inexplicably impulsive.

If Xinjun is really the young boy Li Jialing who knows him at the bottom of the earth, and Li Yao and the helpless woman help, then their underground people may really be able to look forward to it, and they can also integrate into this unparalleled power. Really become part of the ... Empire?

boom! Booming!

Suddenly the artillery fire, almost shocked Xu Zhicheng to jump up.

Fortunately, he thought of the courtesy process that the ceremonial officials repeatedly taught them in the past few days. It does say that when Xinjun is enthroned, there will be a "snap and salute" link.

Sure enough, the deafening roar did not cause a little damage. The tens of thousands of ship guns of thousands of starships fired at the same time, but they spurted out the glare of the glare, as if they had paved a golden avenue that descended from the sky. The power of the universe was transmitted to the front of the Imperial City, above the high platform!

Hey! Hey!

Innumerable three-dimensional light curtains are spread out in the sky, showing the picture of Xinjun slowly embarking on the high platform, called tens of millions of people attending the ceremony, nearly 100 billion people in the entire imperial capital, the imperial capital controlled by the reformists, and the new Guangfu area. Bent the world, even the big world under the control of the four major families, can see clearly.

I saw Xinjun, a young and tall-looking young man, dressed in a golden robes that were towed to a dozen meters away. His clothes were embroidered with pale gold scales. At first glance, it was like a golden dragon slowly stretching. With his claws, he stepped on the high platform step by step with the sword of the emperor representing the imperial power.

The waterfall-like black hair is mixed with a few golden silks, like dancing with life; deep in the depths of the eyes, Jin Mang and purple electric wandering around, shooting a hot Mars; every step Just like to embed the footprints deeply in the ground, it’s just an image. I don’t know how many times better than the “Buddhist Emperor” elected by the four major families, so many people who already know his origins in flyers and brochures. Awe-inspiring, faintly aware that this new king is completely different from those of the past few hundred years!

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