Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2690: The emperor!


In the underground delegation, Bing Bing and other young boys and girls who had contacted Li Jialing were amazed. "That is our majesty, how is it completely different from the past?"

The faces of these new generations of underground people are filled with fascinating expressions, completely conquered by the charm of Li Jialing, Wu Yingling.

Xu Zhicheng heard a bitter smile, what should I say? These little guys really lacked a little resistance to the will, clearly taught them so long independence, stubbornness and unyielding, so soon we "kick".

However, it is no wonder that the little guys, even Xu Zhicheng himself, are not in such a frenzied atmosphere, the mind is swaying, can't you be yourself?

In the eyes of the public, Xinjun finally stepped on the high platform.

On the top of the platform, there were several priests and princes in the guise-dressing costumes waiting for them. They held the plaques and crowns in their hands, and they also said that they had been passed down from the Xinghai Empire, and they did not know the true and false "Guo Yuyu". With.

Xu Zhicheng, the ceremonial officials repeatedly taught the process of the ceremony in the past few days. After knowing that Xinjun came to power, the clerk still had to do a piece of flowers, a four-six-six article, and a set of red tape ancestral rituals. Finally, the priest will wear the crown representing the imperial power to the new prince, and the prince will hand over the jade on behalf of the country to the new prince.

But at this time, Xinjun did something unexpected.

The clerk gently coughed and had not officially started. Xu Zhicheng had already prepared for a sleepy day and listened to an hour long story. Xinjun actually took two steps and took the crown from the hands of the ceremonial officer. Go to your head!

In order to echo the rumors of the "black star golden lion reincarnation", this new refining crown is like a male lion opening a large mouth, with gold dragons hovering to the forehead on both sides, and two golden dragons holding a pimple. The shining pearl, the center of the bead is a looming black star, and it also sets off the domineering power of the new king!

In an instant, the entire imperial city was silent, and everyone was shocked by the unexpected action of Xinjun, and could not speak for a long time.

When Xinjun did not do it, and the end of the day, when the clerk and the ancestral hall were dumbfounded, they took the passing of the country from the hands of the princely prince and covered it on the first will of his upcoming release. All the red tape, issued a voice to the entire empire!

Along with the vibrating and screaming, the thundering and tumultuous sounds, a series of shining golden characters, appeared above the Scorpio, under the starship, so that all the people in the world can see clearly, even more shocked to add!

"This, this, this -"

Xu Zhicheng listened to the voice of Xinjun, and saw a row of scrolling gold characters, can't believe his eyes and ears.

The impact that Xinjun brought to him was almost the first time he climbed out of the ground. He saw the real sun and was even more shocking!

"What do you mean?"

Ice and ice, from the bottom of the juvenile, do not know what Xinjun’s aggressive posture on the throne ceremony is what they mean. They only curious about what Xinjun said. “Xu Dashu, what do we mean, we don’t understand, you Help us translate translations? Why do you listen to it, it seems to be very excited? It’s not a good thing to squat in the world, and I’ve heard that all the new kings are going to be in a big position, this time, Is it different from the past?"

"Of course it is different."

Xu Zhicheng resisted dizziness and patiently explained to the young people from the underground. "Yes, all the new kings in the past have to be in the world, but the pardons are often criminals, at most the guys who failed in the struggle." Do not touch the roots.

"But this time, the new king is in the throne, and the world is dominated by three people.

"The first is the self-cultivator in the empire. Xinjun said that these comprehensions are 'nothing to be guilty and justifiable'. Many people are under the brutal exploitation and crush of the four major families. The camp of the self-cultivators, and in the Battle of the Seven Seas and the Battle of the Emperor, these comprehensions have proved their loyalty to the Empire - the self-cultivator can also be patriotic! So, for such a comprehension, you can open one side, Give them the power to express patriotic enthusiasm.

"Second, it is the star thief headed by the white boss. In the same way, these star thieves were forced by the four major families. They had no choice but to sneak into the mountains and forests. Now Xinjun succeeds in order to bring order out of chaos. The emperor's capital is already a blue sky, a singularity, and the sturdy and powerful of these grassy mountains and forests can completely wash the heart and become the most loyal warrior of the empire. What can't be forgiven?

"Third, the four major family members of the fleet who had just surrendered in the Battle of the Emperor, Xinjun said that these officers and men were tempted by four 'pseudo-hou's, deceived and forced to attack the capital, but in Under the assistance of the black wind king Li Yao and Liao Hai Hou Lei Chenghu and other loyal ministers, he finally smashed the ambitions of the four major families and did not cause too much damage to the emperor. Then he gave these royal fleet officers and men a chance to let them Take sin and make a contribution, counterattack the four major families!"


The ice-cold and other underground teenagers are unclear, so in short, it seems to be very powerful.

"More than that, this pardon is enough to shock, but what is even more amazing is the latter 'abolition of slavery!'"

Xu Zhicheng said with a low voice, "You should know that many of the world's empire still have slavery. Those who are unfortunately slaves are as miserable as the past, and Xinjun now declares that the four families and their All the slaves controlled by the vassal family have all obtained his permission to become free people! Even if these people rise up against their former masters, they can get some of the property of the master and become citizens of the empire!"


The ice-cold and other underground teenagers are not happy, and they danced and said, "This is really good. So, the slaves controlled by the four major families will definitely go back to us and help us to fight them together." Master!"

Xu Zhicheng nodded and couldn't help but smile.

Slavery has been in the world of the empire for a thousand years, and is it a piece of paper, "Abolition of Slave" can be abolished?

The subtlety of this matter is that not only the four families have raised a large number of slaves, but even the self-progressive reformists have not had few slaves at home.

In particular, the Bianzhen warlords who turned to the reformists in the late period, the emperor of Shangao, is far away, which family does not have thousands of slaves?

If all the slaves controlled by the four electorate families can regain their freedom, what about the slaves controlled by these reformers?

This matter is no small matter. If it is dealt with a little, it will shake the fundamentals of the reformist.

Therefore, even when Wu Yingqi possessed Li Linghai and took control of the power of the reformists, he did not think about using the abolition of slaves to attack the four major families - because this is a tactic of killing one thousand and losing eight hundred.

In this "Abolition of Slave" issued by Xinjun, the position of slaves outside the four family territories is quite embarrassing. Although it does not force all the immortals to liberate slaves, it does suggest that if someone "voluntarily" The liberation of their own slaves, the state will give very generous compensation, and the sooner the liberation, the more compensation.

Basically, the amount of compensation given by the state is slightly higher than the value created by a slave in ten years. The conditions are not generous. There is only one small problem. The compensation cannot be settled on the spot. It can only be issued in the form of bonds. Only after the four major families can they be honored.

Obviously, Xinjun means to use the four family-filled bodies to enrich the national treasury and vigorously promote a series of innovative policies including abolition.

Therefore, after the "Amnesty Order" and "Abolition of the Slave", it is followed by the "Reversal of Mobilization Order"!

After the throne ceremony, with the thundering fleet and the arsonist fleet as the core, the original four major family of the Royal Fleet and the Deep Sea Fleet as the backbone, the Royal Forest Army and the Expeditionary Army for the flesh and blood, this magnificent, invincible Wang Shi, will be thundering , killing the territory of the four major families, and smashing the "pseudo-hou" and "pseudo-emperor" to completely restore the glory of the empire!

"Really... can't think of it!"

Xu Zhicheng looked at the glorious Xinjun image in midair, and he was filled with emotions. He couldn’t think of the teenager who was still fighting side by side half a year ago and would go to this step today.

Regardless of whether the "Amnesty Order", "Abolition Order" and "Mobilization Order" are the meaning of the youngsters themselves, or the meaning of the young ministers such as Li Yao and Lei Chenghu, at least, the new emperor and the new powers have brought An unprecedented new weather!

The only question is, do they really have enough strength to carry out this new weather?

This is not only the problem of Xu Zhicheng alone, but also the common problem of thousands of immortals who participated in the ceremony.

The shock that Xinjun brought to them was stronger than any other emperor.

The earth-shaking changes brought about by the "Amnesty Order", "Abolition Order" and "Mobilization Order" will touch the deepest part of their flesh and blood and even the soul, and they will all undergo tremendous changes.

Numerous cultivators are hesitating, and in sorrow, they are uncertain, and they are thinking about how to settle.

Some people even yelled at the bottom of their hearts - is this little emperor crazy, but it is a shackle in the district, really regards himself as a saying, a monopoly of arbitrariness? Reconciliation with the comprehension, but also to abolish slaves, but also to be impatient to attack the territory of the four major families? Why?

No wonder many immortals will issue such doubts.

After all, Xinjun was basically a nameless **** before this. Apart from the booklet that Li Yao and Long Yangjun had made with a pen stick, others did not know what the new king had.

But in the next second, they all know!

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