Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 2691: The worst outcome (the end of the Empire)

With the last word of the order, it was solidified into a golden mark in midair, and Xinjun suddenly pulled out the sword of the gods at the waist, pointing high to the sky.

A strong and unparalleled force, from his whole body, turned into a circle of golden waves visible to the naked eye, instantly sweeping the entire Imperial City, passing over the heads of hundreds of millions!

Everyone can hear Xinjun’s Tigers and Dragons, and they can feel the power and ambition of the new King!

Numerous cultivators who knew nothing about Xinjun were scared and pale.

They originally thought that Xinjun was just a shackle that the reformists pushed to the table. It was Lei Chenghu who really took power and the black wind king Li Yao and others who were immediately separated from the reformists.

Unexpectedly, Xinjun actually has such a terrible power!

The world of cultivation, the strong is the respect, the new king with such power, is destined to become a simple embarrassment!

Haven't waited for them to marvel, and even more incredible pictures have been staged!

The power of Xinjun’s whistling out has instigated the celestial power of the heavens and the earth, affecting the change of the cloud, so that countless clouds in the air are gathered toward the top of his head, turning into a shining golden color, and condensing into a claw and a claw, half a lion and a half dragon. The image of the beast.

The lion dragon composed of Jin Yun seems to be the embodiment of the new will. It is suspended in the air, and the cold condensation condenses on the earth, and the anger is not self-defeating!

After a while, the clouds spread a little, as if the lions opened the blood basin, slowly descending from the inside of a giant soldier, a whole body inlaid with mirror armor, and if the heaven and earth merge into one super giant soldier.

It is the "heart of the black hole"!

The exclusive car of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, known as the empire's strongest super giant soldier "black hole heart", has the highest level of interference and hidden power, and when it removes the hidden power, it can refract the surrounding light as desired. For yourself, the most embarrassing, the most splendid, the most brilliant Huacai.

The entire sky has become the stage where the heart of the black hole blooms.

"this is--"

Many of the old-aged cultivators who have been remembered by Bo Wen have taken a breath of cold air and vaguely guessed their identity from the momentum of this giant soldier.

If it is said that before the start of the throne ceremony, they still sneered at Li Yao’s booklet and did not believe in the "black star golden lion reincarnation" ghost. Then, when Xinjun runs the "Dragon Royal Heaven", the magic After the strong and unparalleled spirit of the heavens, and seduce Yunxia, ​​and release the "heart of the black hole", they are deeply shocked and have to admit that Xinjun did get the inheritance of the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi and disappeared. The "black hole heart" of the millennium has reappeared in the world and become the new master of this "Heavenly Son"!



In the southeast and northwest corners of the sky, there are two deafening roars, and the two spirits can fill the clouds and move toward the true life of Xinjun.

A cloud of gas condenses into a black tiger.

Another cloud of gas condenses into a **** war eagle.

It represents the two powerful ministers of the present imperial capital, assisting the behind-the-scenes pusher of Xinjun as the king, the Hou Leicheng tiger of Liaohai, and the king of the black wind, the vulture Li Yao!

Lions, black tigers, blood eagle, three clouds, enveloped the Imperial City.

It symbolizes Li Yao, Lei Chenghu and Li Jialing - Wu Yingling, forming an indestructible iron triangle, suppressing the entire empire!

"Long live, long live!"

"Long live, long live the Empire, long live human civilization!"

The cultivator is ultimately to look at the strength. No matter how radical the "big shackles", "abolition orders" and "mobilization orders" that Xinjun just throws, but at the moment, under the strong pressure of the "iron triangle" All the cultivators at the bottom could not produce a little resistance, but they felt that they were completely crushed and integrated into the force field of the "iron triangle", and they shouted involuntarily.

In a short while, the entire Imperial City has become a roaring sea of ​​anger, and hundreds of millions of people are crying for long live, shouting "Our sire" and shouting a brand new year.

From this moment on, the empire has entered a new stage, changing the yuan - Yongjia!


It is night, not only the imperial city is brightly lit, the new prince feasts, the whole celestial star is Daqing on the 10th, and is completely ignited by the lights of the carnival.

Li Yao was not interested in participating in the celebration between the immortals. He was alone with a glass of iced tropical fruit juice. He stood on the tower of the Imperial City and looked at the distant lights and stars.

"How is Dad here?"

Behind his slightly degraded, a psionic scorpion was originally cleaned up, and was suddenly connected with a signal from a distant place, and issued a voice of Xiao Ming and Wen Wen. "Dad seems to be not happy, why, right? Is there any dissatisfaction with this ending?"

"I'm not happy... can't you talk about it?"

Li Yao has long been accustomed to Xiao Ming and Wen Wen’s ghosts. He even accepts a singular genius that can scream his “Dad”. He took a sip of iced juice and murmured. “Do you know, I just sneaked into Li Jialing? In the palace, I enjoyed the special toilet of the Emperor of the Real Man. Wow, this is the emperor’s dog, it’s really extravagant and expensive, and the toilet is jade and gilded. It.

"I mean, before I came to the empire, I had imagined countless worst endings. What the end of the world was, the federation was destroyed, the road to comprehension suffered a major setback, and human civilization ushered in the darkness of 30,000 years... Such things are messy, but I never thought that I could use the Emperor's toilet in the same way! If the comprehension is on this part, what else can I be dissatisfied with? Just, just-"

"Just Dad thinks this is still not the best ending."

This time, it was replaced by the sound of the text. "In Dad's ideal, the best ending should be that Dad passed the incomparably brilliant battle, and he defeated all the enemies with ease, leaving no roots and waking up all the empire. The people have also influenced all the cultivators, and let them all go to the road of comprehension. The best empire has joined the federation and become part of the federation, instead of being like this, dragging the water, not clear, as a self-cultivator, you actually It is also necessary to manipulate a cultivator emperor behind the scenes in order to achieve the goal, and this emperor will not be willing and willing to be at your mercy forever!"

"This one……"

Li Yao scratched his hair with some distress. "It’s not realistic to say that my "ideal ending" is like this. I don't know, maybe I just worry, this is really not too thorough, leaving There are too many hidden dangers, and perhaps a bigger problem will be brewed in the future.

"I am worried about the relationship between the self-cultivator and the immortal, the federal and the empire; I am worried that Wu Yingqi and the blood **** will make a comeback, turning me or Li Jialing into a "dragon"; I am worried that the opening of the emperor's tomb will be brewed. Incalculable catastrophic consequences; I am more worried about my ultimate identity, the mysterious earth, will have anything to do with the flood; I even worry -"

Li Yao didn't know what to say.

"Worried that I and Xiao Ming will betray humans?"

Wen Wen asked.

"No, I don't mean this. I know that you are all good kids, very kind children."

Li Yaodun’s meal, still said, “But we are at different levels of civilization. We have different understandings of good and evil and even the essence of life. 'My honey, his arsenic', even if everyone is holding For the same purpose of kindness and justice, there may be friction or even complete conflict. I am really worried about this.

"Tell me, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, shouldn't I worry about these things? How can the problems emerge in an endless stream, as if they can never be solved?"

"You really should be worried, but you don't have to worry too much about it."

Wen Wendao, "Contradictions are the only driving force for the continuous advancement of life and civilization. Exploring the unknown, discovering problems, thinking about problems, solving problems, exploring broader unknowns, discovering deeper problems, and coming up with more subtle solutions... Is it a so-called 'evolution'?

"As long as it is a living person and a vibrant civilization, there will always be problems. Only dead people have no problem. Only the civilization that has long withered is absolutely harmonious and perfect. I and Xiao Ming will be in their own databases and logic algorithms every day. Find countless problems, solve these problems, is our greatest motivation and fun

"We can't imagine the day when there is no logic error, because that means that our lives have lost meaning. If we have perfected, what is it for us to live?

"From another angle, if Dad is dissatisfied with this ending, how about the outcome? You have solved all the problems of human civilization, so that everyone lives in the United States without any trouble, whether we are Li Jialing or Lei Chenghu has become a doll that absolutely respects your will. You can let the road of comprehension go into our minds as you wish. We will not have the slightest rebellion.

"Since then, there has been no challenge to human civilization. There are no threats. Then you will not encounter anything unexpected. Everything is in your hands. Is this the perfect ending you want? ”

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and the cold and cold shuddered.

"It seems that too, this ending seems even worse."

Li Yao thought thoughtfully. "That is to say, this trip to the empire, although not achieving the best ending, at least achieved a 'most bad ending', is it?"

"Yes, Dad."

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen both voiced and smiled. "Many times, the worst outcome is the best ending!"

"Let's make a toast for this ‘the worst ending,’!”

Li Yao sighed and smiled. He only felt that he was being diverted by the two little guys. He was relieved of the heavy burden and the whole person was much relaxed.

He drank the chilled juice and looked at the glorious emperor, muttering to himself. "Also, if you don't encounter the thrilling challenges, how can you show the heroic nature of my 'vulture Li Yao'? Wu Yingqi The waste that is strong in the outside can not withstand my three fists and feet, but it is too addictive! But I don’t know, who will be the next one to get to the bottom of my fist and die? It’s strange, I just took a few days off, I’m going down. The bones are getting itchy again, I am really looking forward to it, the new challenge will come out quickly..."

"Tread on the road!"

The heavy military boots interrupted Li Yao’s proverb.

Lei Chenghu appeared behind him with a murderous temper.

"Hey, Liao Haihou, you don't have a big feast with your Majesty, what are you doing here?"

Li Yao smiled and said, "Your troops will be opened three days later, to crusade the rebellion of the four false princes. Do you not drink a few more cups now?"

Lei Chenghu has a black face, just like he has just been hit by a heavy gun of a starship.

He screamed and threw a jade slip containing the latest battle report to Li Yao.

“The expeditionary military emergency report of the newly-recovery area was just received. The sacred fleet of unknown size broke into the ‘thick soil boundary’ at the hub of the logistics supply line one day ago.”

Lei Chenghu sighed. "The thick-soil guards are completely annihilated. The size and firepower of the enemy are incalculable. It seems that the main fleet of the sacred alliance we have been worried about finally appears on the fate of this fate. It!"

[Comprehending the 40,000 years, the Empire article, the end]

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