Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2694: Heroic sacrifice

The chaotic valley in the dense fog is like a nightmare for mental patients.

The ruins that have collapsed for hundreds of years are still like the tombs of life. In the whiteness, there are fascinating ghosts, like countless pairs of eyes, staring at this isolated reconnaissance company.

The wreckage of the beast, the spar, the battle, and even the starship is full of debris. Most of the ruins were formed hundreds of years ago. They have long been rusty, covered with moss, vines and various suspicious bacteria. The blanket, at first glance, looks like the internal organs of a giant beast, and it smells disgusting in thick fog.

Even the crystal shovel and the spar chariot can't stop this taste from invading. Perhaps this is called fear.

Gao Huan Duan sits in the center of a reconnaissance vehicle and buckles his head in a dark gold metal cover. He uses the talent of the "Super Sensitive" to release the brain waves to the limit and perceive the unusual magnetic fluctuations in the depths of the fog. .

"How, drunk cat?"

The company commander did not roar, but whispered, "Do you have the same dog nose in your head as it used to be?"

"of course."

Gao Huan squinted and entered a state of sorrow and gloom, muttering. "There is really no right here. There is an intermittent strong magnetic field. In the past week, it has repeatedly shot into the sky. The intermittent rhythm is very regular. Unlike natural formation, it is like an artificial signal, and the fog around it exists to cover up the signal.

"It’s strange, this signal is too strong. I can even perceive a beam of light that goes straight into the sky. Even if there is fog, the military’s magneto-opposed forces, and the fleet on the synchronous track should not be unresponsive. They should have been aware of it long ago."

"Hah, this is a coincidence!"

Even in the long run, "the commander of the military's direct magnetic confrontation unit is just a 'four big family Yu Yu', which has just been suppressed this week, as well as inside the synchronized orbital fleet. In order to welcome the new emperor to the throne, a The field was vigorously cleaned, and many officers were quarantined and censored, and the troops were ruined, and the chickens and dogs jumped. Who had the time to study a negligible signal?

"Forget it, it doesn't help to tell me, in which direction is the signal source?"

"should be……"

Gao Huanqiang endured the pain in the brain, and identified the source of the signal.

Just as he was about to find the answer, a sudden voice came from the communication channel.

"Boss, the bluish spot is thunder!"

When the company commander and Gao Huan rushed to the front of the team, the atmosphere was quite relaxed. Even if the unfortunate step on the mine, the unstoppable hapless "green spot" still smiled indifferently, and he accepted the fall of his companions. Still keep on whispering.

Although the sacred people are almost full of mines in every inch of every planet when they are evacuated, the mine itself is not a magic weapon that is too powerful. In particular, the warrior of the blade has at least a high-end period in the refining period. The low-level strength, and the crystal defensive, the most blown off half a foot, even if it blows up a leg, it will not cry like a girl, as if the end of the day.

What's more, the blade has the best engineers and 99% of the mines can be safely excluded.

At this moment, an engineer was wearing protective clothing and squatting at the foot of the green spot to study the mine. He carefully cut half of the ground, revealing a rusty, pitted shell that looked like an old-fashioned Rainbow II. The power is huge, but the elimination is not difficult.

However, Gao Huan, who is a hypersensitivity, smells a strange smell from the air.

This is why the company commander is going to take him to see it.

"Wait, this mine is not right."

Gao Huan prevented the demining operations of the engineers. "It is like the Tianhong-1 shell, which is equipped with the Tianhong-3 combat components."

In a word, everyone around them took a breath of air, and they stepped back a dozen steps to open the Psionic Shield to the highest intensity.

Just now, the smile of the thunderbolt "Bleu" is even more stunned, such as being struck by lightning.

"Really, it is a rainbow type-3!"

The engineer was reminded by Gao Huan that he carefully perceived the internal structure of the mine, and his face was instantly white, and he was sentenced to death.

Tianhong-3 anti-infantry armored mines, more accurately, "anti-crystal smash mines", is the most powerful type of mines in the sacred alliance, the most powerful to the imperial infantry, once detonated, not only trampled, but also smashed the square A hundred meters, it is simply not a grass, the companions who did not raise the psionic shield in time will be affected, and the standard crystal scorpion used by the infantry grassroots infantry can't resist the violent storm attack!

"Engineer, come back, bluish, don't move!"

The company's face became extraordinarily ugly, staring at the "green spots" on the mines, biting the teeth, "you won the prize, the power of the Rainbow-3 is very clear, we don't have enough technology and tools to mine. You can't hold on for a long time. As long as your heartbeat, pulse or psionic fluctuations change slightly, the mines will explode. We can't do anything, and the gods can't do anything."


Every muscle on the bluish face is shaking, "following exercises!"

"If you are unlucky, you must take a step first, but it is not now."

Even the company said, "You have to wait until the brothers are out of safe distance, raise the psionic shield, and you have to die soarly, understand?"


The bluish face was completely wrinkled together.

"Look at me, listen to me, you are not saved, you are very clear, everyone is very clear, but you still have a wife and children in your hometown, you have to leave something for them, each of us will record Under the battle video, I can use the crystal damage as a reason to delete some videos, but I can't make it out of nothing - it will be discovered."

The company commander is resistant to the temperament. "So, you must yourself... to die a little. The new emperor is about to become a king. He definitely needs some heroic fighting heroes, and he will not reward the families of the martyrs, if you can On the battle hero, your wife and children will definitely be better, right?"

"Go to the **** fighting hero, go to the **** dog emperor!"

The blue spot is crying and tears, and the whole person is shaking. "How can you count it vigorously? Fuck!"

"Don't tremble, don't cry like a girl."

The company commander whispered, "Tighten your waist, say a little bit of rhetoric, knock down the pseudo-emperor, and let Long Live, and so on. Don't say, 'Long live the revolution,' the ghost knows who will finally gain power? To the Pseudo-Emperor, Long Live Your Majesty' is very good, whoever **** will not regard himself as a 'pseudo-emperor'! If you dare not do it, I can help you, rest assured, the old assembly will help you, I will count One, two, three, we are good to count three, there will be no pain, I promise, come on, one..."

"What the **** is this fucking?"

The bluish trembles, "Down with the pseudo-Emperor, Long live the majesty, Long live the Empire! Just like this-"

The last "?" word has not been exported yet, and even the chief suddenly flicked the gun and blew the head of the bluish spot.

The headless body has not yet fallen, and the "bang" sounds like a rainbow fountain from the bottom of his feet, covering a space of hundreds of meters.

Fortunately, all the soldiers retreated to a safe distance of 100 meters, and the protection work was done to the extreme, except for the slamming of the Psionic Shield, which did not cause even greater losses.

The bleu disappeared completely, and only a uniform blood spot proved his existence.

"No pain, right?"

The company commander gloomy face and asked the soldiers around.

"No pain."

The soldiers were silent for a moment and nodded.

"It seems that we are looking for the right place."

The company commander glanced at Gao Huan. "The high-quality goods of 'Tianhong-3' are not prepared for us dirty and stinky big soldiers. It seems that there must be something vital behind this minefield. , engineering, large-scale mine clearance, the rest, polishing your scorpions, polishing your claws, ready to fight!"

"Booming and banging!"

The mine-sweeping chariot sprayed a large number of submunitions, which ignited a glaring arc, simulating the life magnetic field of the immortal, and detonating a large number of mines, just like a gorgeous fireworks display.

The flame over the minefield has not been extinguished, and the blade can't wait to enter the depths of the minefield.

The loss of a companion just lost, did not add much repression, but made these sturdy soldiers become more angry.

After Gao Huan has been cultivated for half a year, he seems to be finding more and more instinct as a "super-sensitive person". He is keenly aware of every abnormal magnetic fluctuation in the air, fine-tuning the direction again and again. Locked in the center of the dense fog, where the signal source is located.

Until now, the depths of the fog continue to release a strong signal to the sky, like a burning torch.

Even Gao Huan feels that this signal source is like a blooming flame flower, which has reached an unscrupulous level and does not care about the extent of being discovered.

When the blade was under his guidance and finally arrived at the destination, everyone was deeply shocked by the scene.

Deep in the valley, it is a long and narrow crack. The crack is about 100 meters deep underground, but it highlights a kind of high-pitched cone-shaped magic weapon. The four sharp cones form an array, and the arcs are entangled with each other. Ringing, forming a super magnetic field visible to the naked eye!

What is even more frightening is that in the depths of the gap, under the strange array of unknown use, it is like a worm egg, which is packed with countless hibernation bins. Every hibernation bin is sleeping with a cold sacred gang. Numerous sacred people have been awakened, climbed out of the hibernation warehouse and manipulated the big array, and the remaining sacred people also opened their eyes under the glass mask, releasing the eyes without emotion.

This planet, which has been occupied by the Empire for more than three years and is regarded as a "recovery zone", is still deeply buried in such a secret base of the sacred alliance!

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