Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2695: Infatuated

When the secret base was discovered by the knife, the "ceremony" of the sacred people was nearing completion.

Countless arcs slammed into the sky like inverted waterfalls, tearing open the fog and clouds, presenting a chaotic super-mega vortex, as if going straight to another terrible world.

Something that exudes a powerful psionic wave is coming to the Black Nest through the gaps and whirlpools!

Now, even if it is not a "super-sensitive person" like Gao Huan, you can smell the transmission array, space 涟漪, positioning beacons and even the door of the starry sky from the air.

"This hybrid of the bitch, even in the depths of the Black Nest, secretly hides a super transmission array, or something else!"

The company commander again issued a series of curses. "How is it possible, what kind of super-transmission array is this, or is it simply a new type of star gate? Why can the signal be directly transmitted into the Xinghai through the atmosphere, and the gangsters of the military department actually Didn't find it!"

"What to do, boss, can't fight?"

Gao Huan heard the sound of fleas trembled. Indeed, the warriors of the blade are the murderers who are not afraid of death, but they are only a reconnaissance squad, and the number of sacred people who are waking up from hibernation is ten times more than them. The rash attack is tantamount to suicide.

After all, their mission is simply to scout, not to destroy the enemy's important facilities!


The company commander glanced at the flea and pointed at the growing arc vortex in midair. "Do you see the space cracks in the air in your eyes? If you don't stop the call of the other party in time, the ghost knows what will happen. Any big things are sent to the Black Nest Star, and by then, everyone will die!

"Hit, beat me, shatter this ghost thing into pieces, and drive all these hybrids back home!"

The company commander personally copied two crystal magnetic guns that were thicker than his thighs. It was like a steel orangutan with a mad hair. The other warriors of the blade also screamed like a tiger, playing the sacred people. One was caught off guard.

However, in the dictionary of the sacred people, there is no such thing as "panic". They immediately counterattacked by the number of people and the advantage of the defensive squad. For a time, the fog was shattered by the flames, and the whole chaotic valley was swept by the war.

For Gao Huan, a natural “super-sensitive person”, the perception of psionic ability is both a gift and a burden. Usually, this ability can help them perceive the magnetic fluctuations dozens of miles away, but on the battlefield. They will also make them suffer a hundred times more shock and pain than ordinary people.

At this moment, the whole battlefield has turned into a very gorgeous oil painting on the retina of Gao Huan. Everyone is like a colorful, burning torch. The spirit can stir up and make waves in his brain. It’s like a lonely boat that is about to sink.

Just then, like a bolt of lightning in his mind, he suddenly saw her among thousands of enemies.

Although his face blindness has gone deep into the bone marrow, seeing everyone is the same.

Although his optic nerves and even brain cells are stunned by the intense psionic energy, the whole world is spinning, smashing, condensing, burning, and exploding.

But he won't admit his mistakes, and he will not admit the mistake of Yin Hong. It is his wife, Xiaoxue!

"Little snow!"

Gao Huan’s brain was blank and screamed with ecstasy.

The sound of the guns was rumbling, and the bullets flew. The altar of a sacred ally also did not know that the members of the squadron collapsed, and even the earth would collapse, and the scene was chaotic.

Gao Huan didn't know how to cross the fire line, but he didn't know how many times he had been hit, and he was not fatally wounded. His eyes only had that touch of red. After stumbling and rolling for more than a dozen laps, he finally lived and rushed. To the other side.

It was a female warrior with a red-browed eyebrow. The muscles were stiff and indifferent, and the eyes were full of mechanical light, exactly the same as all the sacred people around.

Gao Huan looked at her, but couldn't help but cry out: "Little snow, I know you are not dead, I know I can find you, it is me, it is me, it is me!"

The female warrior with a red eyebrow in her eyebrows was unmoved, and she raised a double knife and pointed it at Gao Huan’s neck.

But Gao Huan’s tears were deep in her frozen eyes, and she burst into a subtle luster, making her sword a little hesitant for a moment.

It was this moment of hesitation that saved the life of Gao Huan.

When the luster of the female soldier’s eyes disappeared and she was once again prepared to smash the head of Gao Huan’s head, a shell exploded around the two people. The strong air wave flew the two at the same time and fell out in different directions.

"Retreat, retreat!"

Gao Huan heard a strange call in the middle of nowhere. "The enemy's super transmission array has been completely formed. It is useless to destroy the ground facilities. Go back and report to the military, fast!"

Gao Huan thought that he had slept for a long time.

I have spent the rest of my life with my wife in my sleep.

But when he opened his eyes, he found himself still in a light assault car with a canned bacon, and he was filled with a ruinous defeat.

Through the three-dimensional light curtain, Gao Huan quickly figured out their current situation.

At the time of departure, there were fifteen heavily armed assault vehicles, but only three of them escaped without chaos.

Behind them, the sky has been torn apart, and numerous sacred starships slowly appear in the low-altitude orbit of the Black Nest through the wormhole. Even a number of elite commandos directly traverse the ground, like the tide. Spread to the entire planet.

"The black nest star is over, maybe the entire thick soil world is over."

The flea's left eye turned into a messy blood hole, but he even laughed. "The sacred people seem to have mastered some new type of star-gate technology, summoning a large force in a more secret way, coming to this one. On the **** planet, there are not only chaotic valleys, but there are also many places where the sacred people landed. The number of them is ten times that of the thick-stay garrison, so there is no way to fight."


Gao Huanqiang resisted nausea. "What do we do, return to the Ministry of Military Affairs?"

"The brigade and the military are the key targets of the enemy's low-Earth orbital forces. They are all finished!"

The flea told Gao Huan, "Now the whole planet is full of sacred people. Our reconnaissance mission has no meaning. I still want to save my life!"


Gao Huan wants to ask, since the whole planet is a sacred ally, even the military department has been bombarded and bombed, where can they escape?

"Let's go to the 'Changfeng Gorge', where there is a Star Harbor abandoned for decades, the cloud brigade and the four family embers who are preparing to defect, where they have hidden three fast-speed shuttles, fuel everything. Ready to be a 'backup plan'."

The company commander smiled and covered his face with blood. It was more like a gorilla with a grin. He was very proud. "The dog of the military department did not dig out the news from the mouth of Laozi!" ”

"We are this..."

Gao Huan thought about it, "Is it going to escape?"

"Of course not!"

The company commander smiled very shamelessly, and the bad breath was even worse. "The thick-soil garrison army is going to be wiped out by the whole army. The culprit is the new transmission matrix of the sacred people or the messy things like the star-gate activation. We are the only ones." People who have seen it, this is extremely important information. Do you understand? We are not fleeing, but to send such precious information back to the emperor, to our great emperor and Liao Haihou and the black wind king. Three dog hybrids know, so we are all heroes, just waiting for the emperor to accept the emperor's reward, enjoy it!"

Gao Huan was speechless and his brain was a mess.

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly there was a roaring sound behind him. The seven or eight group fireballs vacated, and the air waves were like a beast opening a **** mouth. Three assault vehicles danced on the rugged mountain road.

"Damn, the low-altitude hunting ship has caught up!"

The gunner roared. "The bumps are too strong. I can't lock it at all, and our tank guns are too weak. Unless you stop and transport all the psionics into the turret, don't try to knock it down! It keeps following. We can't reach the 'Changfeng Canyon'!"

There was a silence in the carriage, leaving only the sound of the soldiers gnashing their teeth.

"I will stay."

Gao Huan stared at the burning horizon behind him. Suddenly, "Leave this chariot for me, you squeeze into the other two cars, I will give you a break."

"You are crazy!"

The jump is anxious, "Leave is death, go walk together!"

"No, I can't go."

Gao Huan smiled. "I just saw Xiaoxue. It’s really her. I didn’t read it wrong. I didn’t go crazy. I can’t leave Xiaoxue alone.”

These words made all the soldiers stunned and confronted, but no one dared to ask a half-question - after seeing the light from Gao Huan's eyes.

"You are awake to me!"

Only the best friends are still trying to persuade him. "Even, even if you are not mistaken, it is really snow, what about it? All the planets are sacred people, how can you save your wife alone?" She has been brainwashed by the Holy League, and washed away all the emotions and even memories of you. How can she go with you?

"You have only two possibilities to stay, either dead or worse. You are also captured by the Holy Alliance and brainwashed into a new sacred man. Then, you and your wife become sacred people, there are Meaning, does it make sense!"


Gao Huan’s eyes are filled with crazy flames. "Even if I am really brainwashed and become a sacred person, I will not forget who my wife is. Similarly, I believe that even if Xiaoxue is now a sacred sect, she will not Will forget me.

"Do you know, she just recognized me, really, I am not drunk, this is not my delusion, I saw the light in her eyes, she really recognized me, she was not thoroughly brainwashed!

"So, as long as I enter the Holy League and then have the opportunity to find her, I will restore her emotions and memories, and at the same time restore my emotions and memories, we will escape together!"

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