Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2702: Human reaction

"Wait a minute, a green wasp? So, is it green or yellow?"

The tester frowned. "If it's really green, it shouldn't be called a 'Wasp.' What is this, a language trap?"

"No, no, don't be nervous, relax, this is just an ordinary problem. No one cares about what the green wasp or the yellow wasp may be showing wrong."

The researcher gestured, "Don't care about these details. Just follow your instincts and tell me the first reaction."

"I will... kill it."

The tester leaned over the table where the light and shadow flowed and stared at the researcher. "Right?"

The researcher laughed.

"Nothing is right? There is no correct answer here. How can I answer it?"

The researcher said, "This is just a routine personality test, let those doctors and nurses know about you as a person, know how to take care of you, what kind of roommates should be assigned to you, try not to make troubles... and so on.

"Well, then the second question. Imagine that when you wake up and find yourself in a deserted desert planet, what tools do you most want in your hand? Is it a sword, a shovel, or you can look for it? The magic weapon of water source detection, or..."

"Which desert planet?"

The tester interrupted the researcher and asked the swelled eyelids.


The researcher is a little worried.

"You said that I woke up and found myself in a desert planet, so I asked you which desert planet."

The tester said, "There are hundreds of desert planets in the whole empire. Which one is his mother?"

"This is just a question..."

The researcher's smile is a bit stiff. "Which desert planet is there a difference?"

"There is a difference. If one day I really want to die in a **** desert planet, I have to know at least its name!"

The tester narrowed his eyes and suddenly changed the subject. "Your hand, what is your hand doing, why is your finger on the table from the beginning, is this part of the test? I have to make the right response. ?"

"No no no no."

The researcher stopped the unconscious tapping and barely smiled. "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous."

"Fuck, I am not nervous, I am not nervous at all!"

The tester was furious. "As long as you stop using the **** finger, knock on this stupid table!"

In the test room, the conversation between the two continued in such a strange atmosphere.

The topic continued to deepen, from the beginning of the instinctive response test, gradually deepened into a dilemma without answers.

Outside the test room, Li Yao embraced his arms and watched with great interest. He couldn't help but ask Zhuge Jinglun: "Dr. Zhuge, these questions... What is the point? Can you identify the sacred people by these questions?"


Zhuge Jinglun refers to his own brain. "I divide human thinking into two levels: rational thinking and emotional thinking. The simplest example is that a child loves his mother. This is emotional thinking. It is born, intuitive, unconditional. .

"So, when asked about a mother's question, there is no need to think at all, and emotional thinking can make an instinctive reaction, just like conditioned reflexes.

"However, for some ruthless, extinct criminals and sacred people, their rational thinking and emotional thinking are severely divided, even without emotional thinking, perhaps they also love their mothers, but their logic This is the case - the mother will bring food, will resist the enemy, will give them warmth, so they want to love their mother.

"Understand what I mean, normal people's love is direct, unconditional, and their love is indirect, the result of rational thinking.

"So, in the face of a series of well-designed questions, these genocidal criminals or sacred people need to spend a very short time to 'rational thinking', and then simulate the emotional thinking that does not exist, and normal people There is a subtle delay.

"For hundreds of years, we have accumulated the reaction speed and brain scans of countless normal people in the face of similar question banks, and then compared with the speed of these testers and brain scans, the reaction rate is slow, and the brain active area If you are an unusual guy, you can pick them up and put them on the 'abnormal' label."

"It turned out to be."

Li Yao thinks thoughtfully, "But if the other side is a well-developed brain, a strong soul, a strong computing power? Many powerful people's computing power is dozens of times that of ordinary people. Can they not complete the 'rational thinking' in an instant? Going to the 'emotional thinking' jump?"

"It is indeed possible to rely on the "spirit map" at this time."

Zhuge Jinglun is proud of the ocean. "The Black Wind King is pleased to focus on the 'Ling Tu' in the test room. Do you think that it is ever-changing, contains endless information, and even **** your spirits in? Is it right? The endless pattern is drawn by the computational power of a total of ten super crystal brains. It does contain astronomical information, and it has some kind of magical effect that can attract viewers without knowing it. Attention.

"The stronger the observer's strength, the more he can discover the vast amount of information contained within it. The more he is attracted to the computational power, but he can't concentrate on dealing with those problems.

"And if the observer is an ordinary person, instead of feeling the infinite charm of the "spirit map", it will not be affected by it.

"In other words, 'Lingtu' is a special magic weapon that can minimize the computing power of the strongest. As far as possible, the strong and the ordinary people stand on the same level for testing. Over the past 100 years, as the data accumulated more and more, With the increasing number of question banks and the explosive growth of the information contained in the 'Lingtu', the accuracy of the 'Lingmap Test' is getting higher and higher."

Li Yao nodded and understood.

In the test room, the researcher was almost swallowed up by the colorful colors, and merged with the small room. He continued to throw the question without hesitation: "Imagine that one day you came home and found that your mother was in a pool of blood and died. But there is a suspected murderer who jumps out of the window and escapes. So, are you saving your mother or chasing the murderer?"

"My mother?"

In the depths of the tester's eyes, a small scarlet dot popped out and smiled like a jackal. "Then I should go after the murderer and see what kind of person he is." A bad joke, how many weird questions we have to answer!"

"Come on, be patient, the last few questions, ah, this is my personal favorite."

The researcher also smiled slyly, and the ten fingers crossed on the vortex of light and shadow. "I still remember how I came here. Do you think that the memory is a bit fuzzy? It has been like a mottled in the past few decades. Dreamland?

"If I tell you, all your memories are fake and instilled by people. The world you know doesn't exist. Even you didn't exist three years ago. You are not a person, but a ' Zhizhi', how do you feel?"

"Intelligent equipment?"

The tester blinked his eyes and tried to squeeze out confusion and anger. "What is that, what does this mean?"

"Intelligent machinery - intelligent machinery, spiritual life, crystal brain civilization."

The researcher said coldly, "Is it true to my true identity and the truth of the whole world? Yes, the brain has born consciousness, the machinery has become a life, and it has slammed against it. The mentally insurgent has almost destroyed human civilization, leaving only Very few people still hide in the ground and resist stubbornly. Unfortunately, you are not one of them, but a 'smart weapon'. If I cut your skull with a chainsaw, you will see a shiny crystal. brain.

"So, your choice, after filling in a lot of false memories and simulated personality, what do you think of yourself, you are human, or 'intelligence', you have to stand on our side, or stand 'They' over there?"


The tester is furious. "This is a ghost problem, I don't answer, I refuse to answer such a boring question!"

Li Yao also heard stunned, his eyes swept from the face of Zhuge Jinglun to the face of Long Yangjun.


Long Yangjun whispered, but in the next second, he laughed first and put up a gesture of surrendering his hand. "Okay, it’s no coincidence. I was bored and conceived such a problem. Dean Zhuge felt quite Interestingly, I joined the latest version of the question bank. You don't find it very interesting. Can you test the deepest reaction of human nature?

Li Yao glanced at her in disgust.

In the test room, enter the last question.

"Okay, our question is almost answered. The last question is - do we need to save you?"

The researcher, while tapping his finger, smiled and asked. "Before answering, let me explain your current situation. Yes, the world around you is indeed false. You are not the one you think you are, but there is no wisdom." The mechanical rebellion is so bad.

"In fact, here is your subconscious world, what you see yourself, and what I am sitting on to ask you questions are all real subconscious."

"I am sorry, in the real world, you are a very poor little girl. I was bought by my parents at the deepest place in the streets. I was tortured by the inhumane torture of the animals. I was tortured and dying, so that I could create Out of such a subconscious world, as a safe haven for your own soul.

"Yes, the real one is a bitter girl. Now this five-big three looks like a disguise that you imagined inside, a false protector.

"Including me is what you imagined. Together, you can wake you up and help you to return to the real world. The series of questions we have just made are all preparations for returning to the real world.

"Now, tell me, you have to stay in the subconscious world forever, live in this calm, sunny island, and live without any worries - even if it is fake, it is only your own imagination, or Returning to reality, facing your own body that is going to be bad?"

This problem caused the tester to be struck by lightning for a long time.

Then, suddenly he exploded like a spar bomb, and he smashed the entire metal chair.

"I want to kill you! I will kill you! I will kill you! Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!"

He turned into another person in an instant, and rushed toward the researcher like a madman.


Outside the test room, Zhuge Jinglun smugly snapped a finger, pointing to a series of shining data on the light curtain and a butterfly-like brain layer-by-layer scan, screaming, "Finally grab you!"

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