Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2703: Natural killer

"This one……"

Li Yao frowned and looked at the beast-like man in the test room to launch a fierce and aggressive attack. The researcher couldn’t just dodge, but he was hit by a metal chair and slammed into the hands of Zhuge Jinglun. The dancing brain scans the picture. "Can you explain what the problem is?"

"Looking here, it’s really deep, but he still shows flaws on the last few issues."

Zhuge Jinglun pointed to the spotted light spots on the brain's plain image, and then zoomed in and magnified, and called up some normal human brain scans to compare the two. "Is there any difference?" ”

Looking at his proud party, it is not like the black wind king who faces the right to face the ruling. It is like a primary school teacher facing an ignorant child.

"The light spots in the normal human brain are dense, and the light spots in this picture have just been scanned out, and there are obvious boundaries in the middle."

Fortunately, Li Yao is not a person who cares too much about identity and rules. After careful study for a long time, he honestly replied, "And then, what does this mean?"

"In medicine, we divide the brain into three parts, the brain nucleus, the brain system and the cerebral cortex. The brain nucleus is the basic physiological parameter responsible for breathing, heartbeat, awakening, exercise, sleep, balance, etc., maintaining human animal instinct. Can be ignored for the time being.

"And the brain system is responsible for the ‘emotional thinking’ that I just said, emotions, memories, gland activities, and so on.

"The cerebral cortex, the outer brain that people usually see in the gully, is the area responsible for rational thinking and advanced perception.

"When the normal human brain begins to be active, the connection between his three major regions, especially the brain system and the cerebral cortex, is very close. Look at the black wind king. This is a brain when a normal person is furious. Scanning the picture, see it, from the brain system to the cerebral cortex, full of stars, the brightness of the two is almost the same, and there is no obvious boundary between the middle, it can be said that his entire brain is burning It is.

"Look at the scans we just got. See, the light point of the brain system is relatively faint, and the light spots in the cerebral cortex are very dazzling. The two sides are far apart, and there is a very clear boundary between them, just like..."

“It’s like his brain system and cerebral cortex are cut out, each forming an isolated system.”

Li Yaodao, "When this person thinks and acts, he uses more of the cerebral cortex, which is rational thinking, but rarely uses the brain system, which is emotional thinking."

"Yes, that's it!"

Zhuge Jinglun said with a smile, "We have encountered some very unfortunate patients who have suffered severe brain trauma and have to isolate their left and right hemispheres for treatment. Do you know, even if you put people around the brain? All the nerves are cut off, and people will not die, and will not even affect the ability of normal life. Instead, they will strengthen their mathematical or artistic abilities, but their personality will become very... odd.

“The same is true of these people. You can simply understand that they are between the brain system and the cerebral cortex. They also have a small operation that cuts off most of the neural connections between each other, cutting off the relationship between emotion and reason. Pathway.

"Only the brains of two kinds of people will have this kind of situation. One is the cold-blooded killer who is extinct humanity, and the other is the sacred genus. What kind of consequences will this kind of brain mutation have?"

Li Yaodao: "What consequences?"

"Lack of empathy."

Zhuge Jing Lun said, "Emotional ability is almost innate instinct for everyone. I am a person, you are also a person. I don't want to be hurt myself, so I don't want to hurt you. Everyone has childhood, maybe there is My own children, people want to protect their children, so seeing other children will be particularly pity; even seeing kittens and puppies will give birth to a protective desire, can not bear to kill these animals.

"The more we are close to us and the similar species, the more we will have a strong empathy. This instinct is the foundation of the life of intelligent life, not the cultivation can be erased, so even the tyrannical savvy When the opponent has no ordinary people, there will be empathy and will not be able to bear.

“Why do immortals want to publicize that ordinary people are just 'original people', are low-class 'human subspecies', are human-born pigs that are inferior, squat, lazy, useless, and even evil? Because they also have deep insiders. The ability of 'emotionality' will appear 'unbearable' and 'guilty feeling' when starting with the same kind. Therefore, we have to label ordinary people with 'original people' or even 'non-human' in order to be a little calm. Go to kill them.

"In other words, even for the coldest cultivators, killing the same kind will cause a touch on the mind.

"But for those who lack empathy, they don't care at all.

"They don't care about the feelings of others. They don't care about the life and death of an innocent and cute little girl. They don't care about their own loved ones, not even their own lives."

"A lot of serial killers are like this. They often kill people for a few dollars or even for no reason. They don't feel guilty or fear. They don't care that they are caught after they are caught. Life is an item in their eyes. , including themselves.

"They may not all be 'small beasts'. In fact, many serial killers are highly educated, have a decent identity, and succeed in going to the upper class. They have high emotional intelligence and IQ, and there is no need to kill! They were still taking risks and sent themselves to the execution ground, but just as the bullets opened their skulls, they still had no fear, don’t care, just don’t care!

"So, we have designed this series of questions, aside from the false and confusing fake problems. The real problem is to examine what the tester cares about.

"The simplest example, a normal person finds a wasp on his hand and will dodge or drive away in the first place because they care about their body and don't want to be hurt. Who cares about the color of the wasp?

"Similarly, it’s good to be in the desert, the mother is fatally hurt, and the whole world is unrecognizable... These tests are carried out layer by layer, from a deadly threat to themselves, to the family, to the homeland and even the whole world. How can people be indifferent?

"But let's see the brain scan of the tester, whether you are going to die in the desert planet, or if your mother is in a pool of blood, or even the whole world," The 'intellectual rebellion' was destroyed, and even his basic knowledge of human beings was subverted. He didn't care, and he didn't care.

"Irritable, when his cerebral cortex responds positively, apparently when he is thinking positively, his brain system only shows the emotion of 'irritability'. He is indifferent to everything, even if he is really stuffed with skull. The brain's 'intelligence' does not matter, this is the most typical, extremely lack of empathy."

"It turned out that I finally understood."

Li Yao Chang sighed with relief, "So, you can judge Juhe, this priest is a sacred man!"

Zhuge Jinglun smashed Li Yao for a long time and smiled mysteriously.

"No, he is not a sacred man, just a cold and ruthless pervert killer."

Zhuge Jinglun laughed, like a meat buns being flattened by people. "Despite all the problems in front, he seems to be indifferent, but the last question still touches the deepest hidden pain in his heart, which makes him show a little empathy. Ability, in the end, he finally has a little bit like a person!"

Li Yao is stunned and can't figure out the meaning of Zhuge Jinglun: "The last question? That is... here is the subconscious world. He is actually a poor girl who was sold to the depths of the streets and was abused by the parents." Is there anything special about the problem?"

"Of course, our problem is not made up indiscriminately. The poor girl who was sold by my father did have someone, that is his daughter."

Zhuge Jinglun extracted the tester's information. In the past photos, the tester was a gentle and graceful appearance. "Look at his previous appearance. It is a good seller. He is a very popular middle school. teacher."


Li Yao took a look at the photos, and then looked at the beasts in the test room that were pressed to the ground by four or five strong men.

However, if you think about it carefully, when you answered the question just now, although the words were rough, the logical thinking was quite meticulous and it was indeed highly educated.

Such a guy, actually sold his own daughter!

"Before the age of forty, this tester has always been a normal middle school teacher with a basic score. It is no different from a normal person, but unfortunately, he was taken to the casino by a friend and became gambling addiction. All the property products are still owed a lot of usury."

Zhuge Jinglun said with no expression. "Since then, this guy's ruthless personality has gradually awakened. He first sold his biological daughter to the gang to pay the loan shark. After the wife and mother discovered it, he brutally killed two close-knit women. They even shouted their bodies and falsified the scene very calmly. They wanted to pretend that they were gangsters and couldn’t make a debt. They even murdered their anger and anger. He even saved a large amount of personal accident insurance for his mother and wife. A lot of insurance money continues to gamble.

"He is such a demon of extinction, a demon that is not as good as a beast, and even on the issue of 'the mother fell in a pool of blood,' there is no touch.

"But, unfortunately, he is just a demon, but not a sacred person. In the deepest part of his heart, in the subconscious, he still has a slight sense of guilt about his daughter, so when he is accurately hit by the last question, He still collapsed.

"The brain scans and brainwave analysis data are superficial, he is really crashing, not just performance."

Li Yao has nothing to say, just think that the guy who came up with this kind of "spiritual test" is a madman in itself!

"Since he is not a sacred man -"

Long Yangjun suddenly said, "What does it mean to say that Zhuge Dean just said 'grab you?'"

At this time, a small door was opened next to him. The wounded researcher walked out and saw a slight glimpse of Zhuge Jinglun and others. Then he complained loudly: "President, our security measures should be upgraded. At least, you have to change a solid chair - these crazy people are endless!

"It’s bad luck, the sacred people haven’t caught it yet, but I’ve slammed it in a slap, oh!”

The researcher grinned and angered.

"Okay, when I will interrogate you later..."

Zhuge Jinglun Chong researcher smiled and said, "We must change the most sturdy chair."

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