Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2995: Only I am alone!

In the depths of the rugged meteorite, the place covered by the shadows is still silent, as if it is empty, and no one is there.

Long Yang Jun Qi knot, swearing: "Lee Yao, don't hide, I clearly see you, you sneak up there, like a watermelon worm!" What, cloaking, I thought that as long as I don’t say a word, I will let you go? Don’t dream, today’s run-in training, half of it is set for you, everyone wants to know, the legendary distraction What is the strength of the strong!"

In the depths of the meteorites, there is still no sound. If the eyes of the dragons are not locked, the gaze of the dragons is firmly locked in every gully of the meteorite. Under the optical camouflage, the faint metallic light is almost completely mixed by Li Yaomeng. The leak has passed.


Long Yangjun stared at it for a while, almost suspecting that his eyes had problems. She saw it with great enthusiasm. Li Yao manipulated the super-heavy crystal scorpion, used both hands and feet, and slowly squirmed, and even slipped away from his own eyes!


Long Yangjun really does not know, what kind of vocabulary should be used to accurately describe Li Yao’s insignificance.

With a light tick on his toes, Long Yangjun picked up a piece of gravel and shot it out in the depths of the meteorite.

This time, Li Yao, who is creeping and crawling, can’t help but react.

Instead of dodging, he stretched out **** and underestimated the gravel that was caught by Long Yangjun. He smiled and said: "What do you do, why can't you let me rest slowly?"

"Isn't you hiding?"

Long Yangjun sneered in a sneer. "What are you resting, you don't even have a good move!"

"Oh... I’ve been busy planning and catching plans a few days ago, including building the entire team, the archaeologists, refiners, adventurers, doctors, etc., and the selection of non-combat occupations, as well as the choice of starships. The preparation of the backup plan, and so on, is really a matter of course!"

Li Yaoqi's eyes are wide open and he complains. "I am so busy that my brain is almost broken. No, it is the waist that is almost exhausted. It is not that the brain is almost exhausted. I have a chance to take a breather. Why are you? Just don't let me go?"

"I don't want to let you go, but everyone is not willing to let you go."

Long Yang Jundao, "You are the main force of this arrest and exploration. It is no exaggeration to say that the lives of countless people may be maintained on you alone. Don't you think that it should be great, let us open Open your eyes?"

"Is this necessary?"

Li Yao said very sincerely, "Look, the purpose of this training is to enhance the understanding of all parties, understand each other's strengths and weaknesses, and determine who is the person who is authorized to issue orders. wrong?"


Long Yangjun nodded. "How about that?"

"Is that not finished?"

Li Yao said, "You, Ding Ling, Li Jialing, Li Linghai, Yan Liren, Bai Boss, Boxing, and so on, etc., your strength is not high, naturally you need to compete to confirm the seat, But I am a unique distraction. I am the first master of the Pangu universe. With so many efforts to save the world and save the world, I think everyone should be convinced of my invincible strength, and listen to my command. So, what else do I need to do more to participate in this melee?"

Long Yangjun: "..."

Li Yao: "How, if you have nothing to say, I think this logic is perfect!"

"Perhaps, your current realm is a little higher than ours, but I feel that many of the friends present have the power to ignore the realm, and the superiority and interest of the superpowers. Even everyone is strong and strong. The type, and the fight against a distracting eccentric, may be the most perfect opportunity to stimulate everyone to break through their limits."

Long Yangjun smiled, "Like what you just said, Ding Ling, Li Jialing, Li Linghai, Yan Liren, Bai Boss, Boxing, and of course, including me, we are really curious and very reluctant, so-called 'distraction ', is it really so powerful?"

Long Yangjun’s voice has not fallen, and he has reached out and grabbed a fist. He has grabbed a fist-sized meteorite in his palm, smashed it into a powder, and in a super-high-speed friction, he formed a shiny arrow. Refers to Li Yao.

"Li Yao is here!"

Long Yangjun’s thoughts, through the ripples of spiritual energy, spread to a few dozen miles.

For a moment, the melee of the strong men came to an abrupt end.

They are not a life-and-death struggle. They just understand each other's strengths and improve their cooperation.

What's more, no matter which side, Li Yaocai is the target they are most interested in.

After being awakened by Long Yangjun, many powerful people were greatly embarrassed. Why did they forget the existence of Li Yao just now?

Now, a pair of sharp eyes like eagle eyes are staring at the meteorites pointed by the flashing arrows.

The top 100 people gathered around Li Yao.

Perceived the murderous murderousness of the army, and saw the flames of the claws and claws, Li Yao screamed.

"No, even you are coming up to join in the fun?"

Li Yao looked at Li Jialing. "What evil do we have?"

"Of course, no, you are the first master of the Pangu universe. The absolute main force of our arrest and exploration this time is really a fierce battle to overcome difficulties. It is up to you to support the dignity of human civilization for us."

Li Jialing has an excited glow at the bottom of his eyes. "I really admire you, please show me the invincible power, give us more confidence!"

"And you!"

Li Yao slammed Xiao Ming and Wen Wen. "You two are not going to join the ranks of the coffers. This is to fight the thunder!"

"According to our calculations, if you can have a detailed understanding of Dad's strength before starting the operation, it can greatly improve the success rate of the action."

Xiao Ming took a look at the board, "At least one to three percentage points!"

"What about you, my wife?"

Li Yao stared at Ding Ling, and the voice was very resentful. "Even if you want to join the ranks of the cofferdam?"

"I am confident in you. I believe that my husband is the strongest man in the universe. Even if all the gods are resurrected, it is not your opponent!"

Ding Lingqi waved his fist and shouted. "You are still far from reaching your limit. You have not exhausted your potential. You can, Li Yao, blast your strong destructive power and knock us all down. !"

Li Yao: "..."

Long Yangjun: "That, I confess, I don't have any good intentions, I don't expect anything from you. I just want to slap you a very simple malicious."

Li Yao: "I didn't ask you again!"

Long Yangjun: "It doesn't matter, are you ready, give you three seconds, we have to go!"

"Okay, since that..."

Li Yao muttered, the tone was still a little cynical, but the expression on his face gradually became bloodthirsty, and the eyes also swayed out of a circle of war and arrogance. "Let you see, I am in the world of three thousand, rolling red dust. The cultivation results in it!"


For a moment, the inside of the indestructible super-heavy crystal crucible seemed to be wrapped in the flesh and blood of Li Yao, but wrapped a whole ton of spar bombs, and all the spar bombs were detonated.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

Li Yao made a deafening arrogance, screaming in the ripples of the spirit, ignoring the vacuum barrier, stinging the eardrum of every strong person present.

Rubbing! Hey!

The ultra-heavy crystal crucible suddenly expands, and the joints of all the active parts can not withstand the explosive power of the inside and outside, and spurt out.

Then, even the composite armor of the whole body was like a piece of paper and a tear of tears, turning into a scrap of copper and iron, and a splash of the flower of the goddess.

In just 0.1 seconds, the super-heavy crystal shovel was actually smashed by Li Yao’s arrogant flames.

It seems that this super-heavy crystal scorpion, which is enough to resist the frontal bombardment of the main gun of the starship, not only does not enhance Li Yao’s defense, but is his **** and cumbersomeness. It is a ban on the power of his monsters!

At this moment, the ban is broken, the seal is untied, and the horror strength of Li Yao’s distraction is like a volcanic eruption, flooding, turbulent waves, and unstoppable!

The original shape and slackness of the body have been skyrocketing, reaching a height of nearly two meters. Each muscle, blood vessel and nerves are condensed together in the most perfect way. It is clearly the flesh and blood, but it faintly emits a million handles. The sword melts into one, as if each muscle fiber is like a flying sword, it can break the enemy's crystal.

"Do you know why I have been forbearing all the time?"

Li Yao’s eyes, the red-colored mans with blood, the voice became extremely majestic and tyrannical. “It’s not because I have a soft back, weak body, weak body, shortness of breath, neurasthenia and night sweats. It’s not at all!


"The war is just around the corner. I really don't want to hurt some of you at this time, so that everyone can't go to the tomb to explore. It's not good, right!"

The voice did not fall, and all the meteorites within a dozen miles were engulfed by Li Yao’s magnetic field and spiritual flames, as if a spar bomb was installed inside.

The smashed meteorite was directly pressed into powder by Li Yao's powerful spiritual pressure, and burned in super-high-speed friction. It turned into countless flame torrents and gathered behind him to form a vulture that fluttered and swallowed the world. .

The wings of the vultures continued to expand, and they quickly turned into two fire walls of more than ten miles. They shook their heads over the heads of many powerful people, and locked everyone in it!

Under the stellar light, above the planet's aura, between the burning stars and debris, the bloodthirsty vultures rise, and hundreds of the most powerful people are caught in the field of Li Yao. This small universe is Li Yao. Only the world I am alone!

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