Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 2996: Hundreds of fierce battles at the same time!

Rao is the unyielding heart of many of the most powerful, and they are all shocked by the fire of the vultures of Li Yao. When they expand their perception to the limit, they are horrified to discover that their perception is completely suppressed in diameter. Within a hundred meters of space, all sides are flaming fire walls. They are trapped inside a hollow fireball, and then they can't perceive the breath of others. In the flames, only oneself - Li Yao!

Li Yao also launched an offensive against hundreds of strong people.

First and foremost, it is Ding Ling.

This is the real avenue of the avenue, the boxing to the flesh, flesh and blood, and hearty.

Li Yao and Ding Ling's gaze collide in a vacuum, entanglement, blending with each other, and lingering, conveying the hottest will of each other.

"I love you!"

Li Yao’s heavy punches contain a very deep whisper. “Our love is not the kind of ordinary people, the chickens, the rice, the salt and the superficial love, but it is far beyond these. It is the strongest trust, the most joyful blend. The deepest exploration!

"I would like to work with you, and I only want to join hands with you to enter the peak of evolution, to break through the limits of the human body, to explore the mystery of every cell in the flesh and blood, to discover the possibilities and possibilities of everything, to be brave before the ancients involved. To break through the frontiers of the universe!

"I would like to be the first fish to jump ashore with you, the first pair of apes walking upright. If this ape first discovers the magic of using flames, I would also like to share with you the first one, even if we are The road to evolution has gone astray, and I can no longer return to the unrecognizable and strange monsters, but as long as you are with me, I have no regrets and no regrets!

"Wife, do you think so?"

"Can you forgive me for being so alone for so many years, can't you grow up with your children? You are willing to continue this kind of gathering, just to one day I can pick the crown of evolution and wear it to you. Is it on the head? Even, can you accept my battlefield at the end of the universe and fall down violently?"

"Yes, I think so too!"

Under the stimulation of Li Yaoqiang's unparalleled spiritual pressure, Ding Ling's unyielding and fierce spiritual flames further soared. Her eyes overflowed with crystal clear teardrops. This teardrop evaporated in 0.1 seconds and turned into two. Bright red marks, her heavy fists rushed toward Li Yao’s chest and responded enthusiastically. “I can forgive, I can accept, but I don’t need you to pick the crown of evolution for me because I I will pick it up! Also, if you really fall down at the end of the universe, you must be in Jiuyou Huangquan, patiently waiting for me for a while, because I will definitely cultivate to be stronger than you, Kill your enemies and unload eight pieces, then remove the entire nine secluded yellow springs, kill all the evil spirits, demons and kings there, and rescue you, dear husband!"


The love of the two people was accompanied by a heavy punch, and the tricks poured into the other side.

They beat their skins and blood, and the blood that spattered them all melted into a fog of blood, wrapping them in.

Blood and blood, flesh and flesh, bones and bones, soul and soul, are almost perfectly blended together.


At the same time, another piece of flame in the battlefield.

Li Jialing’s black hair almost turned into gold, and the fundus was full of gold and white, and he could not see black or white.

He clenched his fists and stared at the inflated figure across the police with vigilance.

"Yao Ge?"

He tried to radiate out a ripple.

Of course it is Li Yao, no doubt.

But it is completely different from the temperament of Li Yao in his memory, and there have been earth-shaking changes.

How to say it, the past Li Yao is a very easygoing, and even easygoing to some wretched people, but even if Li Yaozhen is really flamboyant and blasts the momentum of "vulture" and "black wind king", it is only a simple tyrannical Overbearing, not like today, is full of ... the taste of the ninety-five, the star of the Galaxy.

In the meantime, Li Jialing actually had the illusion that he was not facing Li Yao, but the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi!

No, it’s not Wu Yingqi. Although it also contains a bit of “truthfulness”, Li Yao’s breath is more primitive, barbaric and wild. It’s like a human slash and burn, the hegemon of the blue road, one – the wild Son of Heaven!

"Little emperor, your recent performance is really good, even Yao Ge can not help but applaud for you, although it is to catch the ducks on the shelves, but with your courage, sweat and timidity, has become a qualified emperor!"

Li Yao smiled, revealing white teeth, nostrils and every pore spewed out of boundless domineering. The big eyes were exposed on the skin in the vacuum, and there was a quaint blood pattern. The blood lines of the claws seemed to be countless. The abstract pattern of the beasts is still squirming in a vivid way. In a moment, they merge together and turn into a dragon that wraps around the sky and flies.

"However, if your ideal is not just to be a 'qualified' emperor, but to be an emperor of the ages, to be above the black star or even the emperor, the words of the most powerful king of mankind in 100,000 years. Then you are still far away!"

Li Yao laughed wildly. "I was in the virtual world, in the illusion space, I once experienced the taste of an emperor in the chaotic first place of the world. No, at that time, my people who were like blood and blood, and the beasts were no different. Without the concept of 'the emperor', I led them to unite, create a military blade, practice the formation, cut down the forest, burn the wilderness, build a glorious city, defend and kill the most violent wild beasts, killing hundreds of millions of lives. The possibility of evolution, but it is a rise, become the spirit of all things, and become the world, the first emperor!

"If you have ambitions, you should really experience the taste. Perhaps, only by creating a civilization from scratch, can you understand the true meaning of the word "civilized leader" and know that the human empire and even human civilization should be Where to take it.

"Do more to say no benefit, come on, see if you can withstand the test of the ‘the savage son!’”

Li Yao only extended a finger and poked at the forehead of Li Jialing.

Li Jialing has a thousand ways to resist his puncture, but the golden mans in the eyes of the little emperor have been completely taken away by the rainbow vortex in Li Yao’s eyes. He even forgot to dodge, let Li Yao’s finger point to him. On the forehead.


The blood-colored dragon that was originally wrapped around Li Yao’s body was turned into a red mang with his arms and fingers, pouring into the brain of Li Jialing.

In front of the little emperor, there were illusions and ecstasy. If there was a river of mighty time, he really took away his spirit and brought him to the starting point of civilization, the vastness of the sky!


The third battlefield.

Yan is away from the man with a short sword, his eyelids are drooping, and he seems to sleep.

In the opposite of Li Yao, the temperament is quite different from Li Yao, who is facing Ding Ling and Li Jialing.

It seems that he has a thousand different personalities. When faced with different opponents, he can instantly select the most suitable personality to deal with the same.

"I was in the cultivation of the distraction, once -"

Li Yao was faint, but he didn't have time to finish it. There was a fierce sword in front of him, and he was directly split into two.

However, the swallowing of this perfect sword, the face is not the slightest joy, but full of confusion.

Sure enough, Li Yao, who was divided into two halves, split into two different figures in a flash of light and shadow, and became two people.

It’s not Li Yao, but two ancient swordsmen dressed in hard suits and long swords.

The two ancient swordsmen were expressionless. If Li Yao did not finish it, he would continue to say, "I have seen countless sharpest swordsmen, the most fierce swordsmen, and the most obsessed in the three thousand red dust. The martial arts madman, even I have played this kind of role countless times, and the small peak of exploring the martial arts is also very careful, and can be shared with Yandao friends."

The ripples and eyelashes of Yan’s eyes are still moving, and the swordsman is flashing again. The two ancient swordsmen were suddenly cut off by the waist. However, after splitting into four copies, they turned into four different shapes and the same powerful atmosphere. The image of the warrior.


Yan smashed his lips and licked his lips. This time, the sword was turned into a gorgeous light rain, and the head of the skull shrouded the four warriors, and the four warriors were all unloaded.

However, when the light rain ended, the fragments of the four warriors were turned into hundreds of masters with swords, swords, axes, and forks, or glaring at the eyebrows, or screaming, or the color of the haze, fiercely Staring at him.

"It turns out that it is a middle school, and you have your illusion."

Yan was slightly smiling, not panicked, and the warfare in the eyes was even more exciting. "It is also the fighting power of pure flesh and blood. When the peak of the Yuan Ying period is almost reached the limit, then go up, it is the spirit, the soul, The magnetic field of life and even the essence of life, even if you are a distracted strong, it is impossible to deal with dozens of gods and hundreds of Yuan Yingfeng peaks that reach the limits of the human body in one breath - but release tyrannical and unpredictable The spirit of the mind drags us into the illusory whirlpool, but it may not be impossible.

"So, we are all in your illusion, isn't this the real universe vacuum, the aura battlefield, but the illusion space you created?

"Unfortunately, the mental attack is a double-edged sword. As long as it is sneaked, the threat will be greatly reduced. It is also possible to reverse your own soul. Li Yao, Li Yao, you are such a hero, think that I am Can you keep your mental barrier in this sword?"


Obviously it is "the vacuum of the universe", but there is a really roaring roar. Yan is like a toy-like short sword in his arms. He has life in an instant, suddenly expands into a length of seven or eight meters, engraving the mysterious and complicated runes, as if Dragon scales and phoenix-like **** weapons!

"Since it is a spiritual world, let me use this sacred sword to teach, the legendary distraction!"

Yan took a deep breath and felt like he was going to inhale the light of the whole star into the abdomen, and together with the sword of the spirit, turned into a streamer, and rushed to the hundreds of extinct martial artists who had turned out of Li Yao!

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