Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3141: The true meaning of the word "human"!

Lv Qingchen’s statement made Li Yao and the **** demons all creepy.

Think carefully, but it makes a lot of sense. Lu Dengchen is also a sinister conspiracy. At a certain stage, he is enough to act as the "extremely demon king". His inference may be more in line with the "unintentional super-body" state.

Li Yao did not know that the original Immortal Researcher accepted the "invitation" of the Hong Chao Army's captives, established his own soul network and constantly invited more people to join. It has been a long time since then, and it is not known for at least a thousand years. How many people have joined this... terrorist groups that cannot be described in terms of pen and ink.

But one thing is certain.

All the people who join the super body are all elites of the ancient and civilized elites. They may not have excellent combat power, but the spiritual strength is absolutely powerful and unimaginable.

Li Yao couldn't help but think of the "resurrection Pangu" that he met in the Kunlun secret.

Even today, he has surpassed the realm of distraction, but when he remembered the first contact with the giant gods and suffered a Pangu war, he still had a lingering fear.

If there is a slight difference in the day, the history of the entire Pangu universe will change.

And this "resurrection Pangu" is full of counts and is the first-class powerhouse in the era of the ruins. It is unlikely that it will rank among the top superpowers. At least, the spiritual power of the people in the fairy palace will never be inferior to him.

Then, how can we condense the spiritual power of a thousand "resurrection Pangu people"? What kind of horror can it provoke a kind of magical power that sweeps away all the land?

Li Yao can't imagine it.

It is no wonder that he is caught in the spirit of "an unintentional super-body", and he is unable to extricate himself. It is necessary to rely on the **** demons and Lv Dengchen to simultaneously attack, in order to slightly disrupt the rhythm of the enemy.

Rao is a natural being, he is a stranger, and he is steadily embarking on the realm of distraction. It is also impossible to compete with a thousand "resurrected Pangu people".

What's more, Lu Qingchen makes sense. The opposite of this monster is not just spiritual power.

Li Yao has long seen the horror of the fierce beast that devours the city of silver and besieged the tower.

Now, all the beasts have collapsed and turned into the most basic cells, but the cells have not lost their vitality very strangely. Instead, they have become a sea of ​​foam that slowly creeps, as if it is a brand new, incomparably evil. And a strong life form.

Who knows how many changes have been made to this overwhelming piece of meat?

Not too much, as long as the "Ancient Heartless Super Body" can mobilize the power of the equivalent of thirty or fifty "Breakfast Dragons", even if it does not need to last for three or five days, at most, as long as one day and one night, the depth of each cell is emanating. The most powerful fighting power, there is no possibility of victory in this battle.

Because now it is not the other party to destroy them, but they are eager to destroy each other and destroy the "Rainbow Bridge" behind them.

The initiative is in the hands of the other party, and the other party is willing to work. They are like tigers facing the hedgehog. They can't find a gap in the hand.

Every second of time passes, the closer the Pangu universe and human civilization are pushed into the "bright abyss".

Li Yao’s heart sank down, and it’s already sinking.

When he cleaned up the chaotic thoughts and scanned the surrounding conditions, the heart fell to the heel.

By circumventing the battlefield, the squad that went to attack the "47th District" all the way was unimpeded and did not encounter effective blocking, but this does not mean that they can successfully complete the mission.

All kinds of splendid, sound and photoelectric effects are extremely exaggerated attacks, like a smashing fireworks show, spilling over the "Forty-seventh District".

However, when the smoke was exhausted, the talents dumbfounded that no matter how many facilities they destroyed in the “Forty-seven Districts”, they could not hurt the “Rainbow Bridge”.

Over time, the “Rainbow Bridge” has become more and more translucent, both like ice cubes melting in the water and projections from another world. The giant soldiers are like a raining attack. In the "projection" directly worn in the past, the most splashes of a few "water splashes", set off a few "涟漪", but neither able to cut off the "Rainbow Bridge" light, nor failed to blow the flood wave battleship, completely useless work.

"How could this be?"

Li Yao thought about electricity, and immediately thought of what the ancient heart had just said.

This Rainbow Bridge uses a very advanced mass-energy transformation and space-jumping technology. It first transforms the mass in the three-dimensional universe into energy, tears the gap in the four-dimensional space, and uses the cutting-edge technology in the field of quantum entanglement and gravitational waves to Send it out directly.

In other words, the space where Rainbow Bridge is now can be regarded as a small four-dimensional space, which is not in the same universe as the surrounding attackers.

It would be like an attacker lifting a 10,000-ton boulders and bombarding the reflections in the pond. Even if the reflections are smashed, they will never be able to condense, and how can they hurt the body?

Li Yao has a very intuitive understanding of the advanced technology of super body flooding.

Today's human civilization also masters the Xinghai jumping technology, including tearing space and making temporary wormholes.

However, when human warships tear the four-dimensional space and create temporary wormholes, they are the most vulnerable moments. Not to mention the carpet-like indiscriminate bombing, even if a cold gun is cold, it may lead to a main battleship or even a half. The fleet collapsed.

Since the Xinghai Jumping Technology was invented and applied on a large scale, there have been many fascinating fleets that have not been known to be under the sneak attack of the Xinghai Jump. The "Star of the Star Thief" is the expert in this kind of sneak attack.

This is also the reason why Li Yao and other human powers first thought of stabilizing the ancient innocent, quietly bypassing the battlefield and attacking the Rainbow Bridge.

I did not expect that the "super-huge flood" of the Xinghai jumping technology is higher than the human technology and I don't know where to go. I am not afraid of sneak attack.

Is it true that the ancient bridge has risen to the sky, and there is no power to stop him from sending information about the Pangu universe?

"Impossible, there must be a way to cut off the Rainbow Bridge, at least to destroy the floodboat!"

Li Yao said in his heart, "Since the role of the Rainbow Bridge is to transform matter into energy, and energy enters the space, it cannot be destroyed by the physical attack of the three-dimensional universe. It is only with the spirit, with the soul, with the energy of life, Going against its fluctuating frequency, trying to penetrate it and destroy it from the inside."

However, how easy is this to say?

At least Li Yao does not think that "the ancient unintentional super body" will give them this time.

The four giants, the giant giants, who were smashed and clawed, fell into the sea of ​​foam and were wrapped in countless gray and pink foams.

These foams covered them and immediately turned into the freshest cells, squirming and proliferating at an incredibly crazy speed. They repaired their wounds in a short time, and they expanded their body shape one after another. The wheel, even on the surface of their surface, condensed a layer of black shells, and raised hundreds of floating tentacles on the periphery, dancing wildly, beware of human attacks.

For a moment, the black carapace shattered with a "squeaky" sound, a pair of furry claws, tentacles covered with barbs and suckers, and a strange tail that creaked in the arc, all drilled out of the carapace.

Just after the bruises and dying, the dying monsters took only half a minute to reinvent themselves, and Nirvana was born again and became more powerful and embarrassing.

Including Li Yao, all the human powers are disturbed by the sharp brain waves and information torrents released by the "unintentional super-body". No giant soldier can send out even one shot and one shot, the repair of the harassing monster and Rebirth.

Among the four monster-like monsters, the ancient innocence floating in the void, also completed his transformation or "evolution."

He completely got rid of the half-human and half-snake form of the female Yi people, and liberated the powerful legs from the faded snake skin. It looks like a thirty-fifty-meter-high, translucent state, crystal clear. Clear giant.

There is no inch in his body, and even the clothes are not half-baked. The skin that should be as fine as jade is covered with dense synapses, like the nerve endings infinitely proliferating, and they grow to the surface.

These synapses exposed to the air are about a structure similar to an "external antenna" that strengthens the spiritual connection between him and the demon monster and the sea of ​​foam, and enhances his control over the entire battlefield. It also made his last glimpse of the "sacred, just" flames linger, like a demon in the nightmare.

"Dead monster!"

Ding Ling is far from the ancient heartless, and his character is also the most popular. Only when the other side has been transformed several times has changed a few times. The whole person, together with the giant gods, has turned into a flying meteor, dragging a shocking tail flame. In order to destroy and ruin, the momentum of the same will be rushed toward the ancient times. "I don't believe you really can't die, try the human iron fist!"


A boxing out, just like the main gun of the King Kong-class super arsenal, the air in the square circle is red and red, and it is like a magma burst without physical. Even Li Yao feels the fist. Yu Bo, have to admit that his wife's boxing power is getting bigger and bigger, it is really a fist to kill a strange woman of Tyrannosaurus!

However, if the lightning and the momentum of the thunder punch, not only did not cause a little bit of harm to the ancient innocent, even forced the other side to move the footsteps of the power, but was actually unsuccessful in the heart of the palm of the hand.

"Of course I will die, but I can't die in your hands. Just as a dinosaur is weak, it can't be defeated by ants."

The ancient heart is faint, "And, after the transformation of the super body, I have abandoned all the unnecessary impurities in the body, and the entire gene pool has been thoroughly optimized. Now we can only burn for a short time. Hours, but closer to the essence of 'humanity' than you.

"With such a weak fist, is it also qualified to claim to be the "human civilization" that once dominated Xinghai? Now, let me tell you, the real power represented by the word "human"!"

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