Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3142: The purest violence!

The voice has not fallen, the ancient unskilled arm has suddenly shined dozens of spiral spots, each spot is like a living thing of the claws, and the violent destructive power is continuously sent to the palm, "咔嚓", It’s hard to crush the right fist of the big dragon!

At this moment, not only Ding Ling and Li Yao, even all the human powers who are familiar with Ding Ling, almost stopped breathing.

It should be known that although the giant squadron of Ding Ling's squad is named "Dayan Dragonfinch", it is completely different from the ancient giant soldiers who have been excavated from the Kunlun secrets hundreds of years ago.

As the former federal speaker, one of the most powerful fighters in the Xingyao Federation, the most important is the wife of Li Yao, the hostess who enjoys the shares and profits of Yaoshi Group. The resources that Ding Ling can use are usually strong. In terms of the standards of the empire, those who dreamed of dreams, even if they were more than the four major electors, did not give up.

It is also called "Great Fire Dragon Bird" in name, but after dozens of years of numerous overhauls and upgrades, almost all core components and magic weapons units have been replaced with the most sophisticated models, even condensed by the Yao Shi Group. Yaofang's most cutting-edge laboratory and magic weapon refining factory, according to the characteristics of Ding Lingyu, tailored a large number of components and weapons for her. This red-hot, flaming giant soldier has a comprehensive operational performance. Even if you have not yet reached the emperor's giant **** "Golden Sun", the blood god's giant **** "end of the world" and the black star of the great hero Wu Yingqi's "black hole heart" such a level of legend, at least, one row The latest version of the Great Fire Dragon, the latest version of the "Top Ten Giants", is still very competitive.

According to Ding Ling's personal characteristics, even the sword is rarely used, let alone the remote weapon such as the crystal cannon and the sagittial gun. Her favorite weapon is her own fist, so the most powerful part of the big dragon That is, the super alloy creates and uses the arm and iron fist of the new double helix psionic channel design.

Pure combat power values ​​cannot be accurately assigned to every part, but in the last ten years, 50% of the upgrades and intensive funds invested in the Great Fire Dragon are used for both arms and iron fists, according to federal military R&D expenses. Computation, enough to arm a whole fleet of Xinghai, see Ding Ling's attention to his "main weapon."

The so-called "double-spiral psionic channel" is inspired by the double-helix of the gene chain when designing the dual-function psionic loop. It can bring the anger and war of Ding Ling, all without loss, 100% to the boxing. Above the front, let the iron fist of the giant soldier become her hands.

Not to mention that before the departure to explore the ruins of the Taikoo, Li Yao also personally led the adaptation of the "Great Yan Longque", and adjusted the giant soldiers to his wife, which is more than just to adjust the giant soldiers. Even a piece of magic weapon that is as fine as sand, all adjusted to the extent of perfection and harmony.

In short, Ding Ling's iron fist and Yan's sword are the same as the swords of the empire of the gods.

Originally thought that condensing Ding Bell's tens of thousands of tons of angry punches, even if the enemy can not be thoroughly penetrated and blown, at least can force the enemy to dodge or condense the spiritual shield to resist.

I didn't expect the enemy to resist it, but it was in such an incredible way!

Hey! Hey!

Under the gaze of the people's horror, the almost stagnant time finally passed 0.1 seconds.

Not only the fists of the big dragons, but even the arms behind the fists, under the strange power of the ancient heartless, the pieces shattered, starting from the deepest skeleton, gears, transmission structure, all the way to burst .

It would be like having an invisible super ore crusher, using the hardest teeth, to bite the right arm of the Great Fire Dragon, and smash it.

The boring of Ding Ling was heard in the communication channel.


Li Yao whispered, and the corner of his eye instantly penetrated the thick blood beads.

He is very clear about Ding Ling's character. The most powerful female warrior in the Xinghai, even if she suffers from the pain of the knives, she will never cry for a long time.

Unexpectedly, even Ding Ling couldn't help but reveal such a weak side, showing that the other party really caused a devastating blow to her.

Although the smashing is only the right arm of the giant **** soldier, the spirit of the driver and the master crystal brain of the giant soldier are originally connected together. The sensor chip of the giant soldier is equivalent to the nerve ending of the driver. Precise control and ultimate release, I don’t know how many sensor chips are embedded in the right arm of the Great Fire Dragon, the right arm of the Great Fire Dragon is bursting, and the right arm of the hard-boiled Ding Bell is not much different. Maybe It will have an extremely serious impact on the future cultivation career.

Of course, the premise is that they still have "future" at all.

Li Yao subconsciously wanted to rush to rescue Ding Ling.

However, he was the primary target of thousands of wild ghosts in the "unintentional super-body". At this moment, he has not recovered from the whirlwind of the soul.

Ding Ling's reaction is faster than him. He is still a jade-like smasher. If he smashes his right arm, he will condense all the remaining forces on the left fist of the Great Fire Dragon, and the distance of a few meters. Within the left fist, the left fist rushed to thousands of degrees of high temperature, burning into a crystal clear fireball, and slammed into the ancient heartless chest and abdomen.

The left arm of the Great Fire Dragon Finch is like a broken bamboo, which is devastated and punctured without any hindrance.

Extremely high temperatures have even turned the heartless and crystal-clear body into a reddish-brown, emitting a red-shaped scorpion of human figures.

However, it is enough to burn all the internal organs into ashes, even from the punching of the entire spine into a powder, but it has not changed the sneer of the other side of the mouth. The scene is not like the Ding bell. The unintentional internal organs and the vertebral bones of the opponents were like the ancient inanimates who used their internal organs and vertebrae to bite the left arm of the Great Fire Dragon.

"not good!"

Li Yao’s face suddenly changed, realizing that Ding Ling made a fatal mistake.

The ancient innocence at the moment is just a human form, but it does not mean that he is composed of endless terrorist cells, and he still maintains the internal organs and vertebrae that normal humans should have.

If you think about it, you will know that the current innocence is fifty or sixty meters high, three or five times higher than the average Pangu and Lisu, and even overwhelmed by the heavily armed giants. On the other hand, his quality is at least three to five thousand times that of normal humans. If the density of blood is higher and higher than that of superalloys and reinforced ceramics, his quality is likely to be 10,000 times higher than that of normal humans.

The human internal organs and skeletal support structure are designed for the order of one hundred kilograms, and absolutely cannot support objects of hundreds of tons.

Therefore, the ancient innocent only looks like a human figure that is magnified dozens of times, but his internals can never have normal internal organs and musculoskeletal.

Maybe he is a simple multi-cell aggregate, a super-compact "meat", something like a tough billion-dollar snot, knowing how these cells are brought together.

Li Yao wants to remind Ding Ling, it is too late.

Between the ancient heartless chest and abdomen, flesh and blood squirmed in a strange way, as if turned into a **** mouth, "咔嚓" a bite, even hard to break the left arm of the big fire dragon bird!

The right arm burst, the left arm was torn off, and the big dragon and the dragon that lost the iron fist and the arms were like the brand that lost the wings and pulled out the tyrannosaurus of the minions.


The ancient heartless punched the chest of the big dragon.

Losing the arms of the parry, there is no power to stop the ancient innocent use of urchins and toys, and to destroy the giant soldiers of humanity.

Perhaps, he could have used the more "advanced" supernatural powers, the dazzling sound and light effects to achieve his purpose.

However, he would rather be like a hungry primitive man, in the most direct, savage, cruel and violent way, to show all the human beings around him the power of his super body, the way to blow out the candle with the storm, Destroy the pride of mankind.

Li Yao watched as the big breasted dragon's breastplate collapsed like a paper paste, and the spiritual house where the driver was located was distorted.

If there are blood vessels in his eyes, all the blood vessels will explode.

The big flaming dragons flew out like a kite that had broken the line, and smashed through the three buildings in one breath, until the fourth building was barely embedded, and the building failed to support it for too long. collapse.


Li Yao, despite his wrath in the state of swaying, resisted the pain of the brain bursting, and spurred the psionic power to the extreme. Before the building collapsed completely, the incomplete stag dragon bird was saved.

"Wife, do you have anything, answer me, Ding Ling, answer me!"

Li Yao’s throat was like being torn back and forth by a hacksaw. The sound was hoarse to the extreme. Looking at the breastplate of the big dragon and the dragon’s deep depression, the arms of the sun and the sun’s catastrophe were slightly trembling, and they dared not disassemble the big dragon. The twisted deformed breastplate is so as to avoid secondary damage to the bell.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

In the extremely distorted body of the Great Fire Dragon and the communication channel, there was a hard coughing sound from Ding Ling, "pain, pain, bastard, I will kill him!"

"It's okay."

Li Yao Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and the pores that tightened around him could not be opened slightly.

The repair of Ding Lingyu is not a kind of pus on the spot, and the soul is burned into ashes. As long as it can still gasp, even if the spine bursts, the nerves are seriously damaged, and the body is severely injured, the problem is not Too large to have sufficient medicine and time, plus the right exercises, broken nerves and damaged tissue can always be repaired.

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