Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 7 Chapter 3144: The weakness has been found!

Li Jialing is a man who dares to sprint toward hundreds of millions of stars. He deeply believes that he has seized the throat of fate.

"Oh, never bow!"

Every velvet in the golden lion is suddenly erected. The golden flame is like a 10,000-pointed sharp blade. The young emperor of the real human empire does not hesitate to display his most powerful magical power. The domineering of the Five Respects is undoubted.


Li Linghai loves his son, and also releases the magical power of "Ziyan Zhenlong, Emperor Flames" to the limit. The aftermath of Long Yangjun's field has not dissipated. The imperial emperor and the Empress Dowager are like a huge wave.

The rest of the empire's cultivators are also closely followed, killing the ancients.

Their last glimpse of luck is crushed by the powerful enemy. When the dog jumps to the wall and the cultivator has no way to go, he will also be eager to take care of it.

However, the number of advantages did not allow them to achieve better results than the white boss, Yan Yiren, Long Yangjun and Ding Ling.

There is a huge bubble in the sea of ​​cells under the feet of the ancient heart, and the explosions are repeated between many giant soldiers. The strong magnetic field interference is like a hurricane on the cell level, carrying the flesh and blood of all the cultivators. Destroy their genes.

Many people's internal organs are directly disturbed by magnetic fields.

Their cells are dying or even rot at a hundredfold speed, but new cells are severely inhibited, growth rates are extremely slow, and the rhythm of metabolism is disrupted.

Not to mention their giant soldiers, all the data on the control interface is like crazy.

The ancient heartless, like a hungry tiger, plunged into the battlefield formed by dozens of giant gods, and the two arms turned into two gray trajectories. Wherever they went, the giant gods swayed to the west and made a deafening sound. Broken fractures, but the Lingfu burst, even the drivers inside were beaten to vomit blood, and even burst into a plasma.

Li Jialing only supported for a second in the face of ancient innocence, and paid the price of a left-legged giant soldier. It fell out, and the golden lion swept the ground, and the purple flame was eclipsed.

Li Linghai also did not have the advantage. Although the giant soldiers were all well-rounded, the core transmission structure between the lumbosacrals was severely damaged in the violent shock, and the spark of “噼噼啪啪” emerged, uncontrollably twitching, right The impact of maneuvering and combat effectiveness is enormous.


Seeing that the cultivators are like the eggplants that are frosted, they have been smashed by the ancients. The battles controlled by the champions, Xiaoming and Wenwen, and the giant drones have rushed to fill the gap between them. It is a huge wave of life, and it overlaps.


I didn’t look at them like the old ones. Suddenly, the literally large **** mouth was completely torn, and the corners of the mouth were torn open to the hindbrain. The lower jaw and even the chest were merged together, in order to reveal the black hole as much as possible. No, not so much as the throat, it is better to say that it is a kind of output channel that destroys the ripples. With an earth-shattering loud noise, the ripples from the ancient heartless chest and abdomen are instantly spread by the visible shape of the naked eye. Within a few dozen miles.

Not only the battle squad and the mini-UAV army were seriously disturbed, but they all fell down. The main control crystals of the boxing champions, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen screamed. The three "people" suddenly sluggish and solidified, even All the self-cultivators and the immortals around them are all in a headache, and they are burning in the five, and they are caught in the torment of life.

In just three or five minutes, the forerunners of the new generation of human civilization suffered the biggest setbacks and the strongest shocks in their lifetime.

"Ancient unintentional super-body", with one's own strength, suppressing Ding Ling, White Boss, Yan Liren, Li Jialing, Li Linghai, Long Yangjun, Boxing, etc., the Federation, the Empire and the Holy League can be called The strong name of the name, let these self-important strong people deeply understand the horror of the word "the wild".

Everyone is very bitter and recognizes a fact.

If it is said that this is really a "siege", it is not them who occupy the advantage of the number.

At first they thought that they were dozens of Yuan Ying, the gods and the distracted ones on the side of the enemy.

Now it seems that it is the thousands of people who joined the "super-body" in the past and besieged dozens of people in their area.

However, thousands of ghosts of people share a body with an unintentional heart. However, with the constant support of the sea of ​​cells, how powerful, horrible and weird this body can become!

At the time of the trepidation, there was a strong whistling in the minds of everyone.

It is not the sound wave that shocks the eardrum, but the speed of the rippled sound source that directly stimulates the brain cells is too fast. It is not the sound wave that can catch up, the arrogance to the limit, but the speed of light, first of all, the soul of all the strong.

It is Li Yao!

He finally recovered from the violent turmoil.

The giant **** "Sun Holocaust" is like the catastrophe brought by the arrival of stars, appearing on the top of the ancient heartless.

With both hands holding up the sword, falling from the sky, the image of the fallen, just like the time of 10,000 years, overlaps with the figure of the emperor, the supreme human civilization, thousands of years ago, deeply imprinted in the void, also Branded in the heart of every strong person.


Li Yao’s knife has been infiltrated from the center of the ancient unintentional Tianling, and it’s like a broken bamboo. If you enter the uninhabited territory, you will split the enemy in half.

Not as much as he expected, the seemingly horrible wounds or "cross-sections" were neither **** nor violent, and there was no white bones. Only a lot of flesh-like tissues like skinned pythons were Slowly creeping.

Not so much, Li Yao opened a "giant" from head to toe, but it is better to say that he opened a huge humanoid starfish.

And this is far from over.


Just as Li Yao’s knife rips the unintentional body, when the shocking wound just appeared, hundreds of granulations were drilled from the cross-sections on both sides, like a telescopic spring, which was split towards the opposite side and split into two. Half of the body is connected again.

It seems that this new structure of flesh and blood has an extremely powerful self-healing ability, which is like the tentacles of a starfish or the internal organs of a sea cucumber. If it is not interfered, it can even recover its original state in just half a minute.

Can Li Yaozhen let him do what he wants?

In the mind, Ding Ling was once again a picture of blood falling out of the broken Lingfu of the Great Fire Dragon. The flame emerging from Li Yao’s nose instantly rose to thousands of degrees of high temperature. The “Sun Holocaust” had already shot all of it. The long-range weapon does not prevent him from splitting his fingers, and his palms are deeply embedded in the ancient heartless torn body, releasing the most violent and purest destruction energy.

The two glareous light **** instantly appeared from the palm of the "Sun Holocaust" and expanded to a range of 100 meters in diameter in 0.1 second.

Despite the protection of giant warriors, crystal scorpions and mustard battle suits, all human powers involuntarily raised their eyes, and their muscles and nerves contracted to the extreme. They were naturally in the face of powerful forces that they could not imagine. Protection instinct.

"Is this the strongest strength that can be exerted when the distracted strong is furious?"

"It's really an asteroid that can be easily destroyed!"

"What kind of monster Li Yao is, his strength seems to be stronger than before entering the Taikoo ruins. Even the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi may not be able to concentrate the horrible destructive power in such a small space during his heyday. what!"

"More than the Black Star Emperor, such a high-energy reaction, such a power, such a breath, is the emperor, the emperor ten thousand years ago, he really got the inheritance of the emperor!"

At this moment, Li Yao has become the last hope of everyone's heart.

Don't look at the light **** and shock waves that he made only cover the range of a hundred meters. All the super-class players who surpass Yuan Ying know that the so-called "destruction range" is the same as the sound and photoelectric effect. It's easy, the smaller and the more silent, but it's hard to get to the sky.

A palm of your hand thundered, covering a radius of a thousand meters, is something that Yuan Ying’s monks can do. If there is an increase in the number of crystals, even Jin Dan’s strong can try it out but average it to within every cubic meter of space. How much damage is there, it is necessary to follow.

And Li Yao, in the 100-meter radius, created a temperature and high-energy reaction above the sun, and even involved the fission of nuclear fission and fusion, is really strong!

Within the red light ball, there was finally a low-lying pain that was unintentional.

Even the sea of ​​the surrounding cells, the screams of "squeaky", rushing and shrinking, the tentacles of the wildly dancing, a pen reaching straight into the sky, like a strong arc attack At the end, the cockroaches burst and squirted a thick, rancid juice.

Soon, the gray cells above the ocean, there are large pieces of dark spots, where the black spots go, all the cells have withered and withered, even the four heads of glory, the magical monsters It was also sucked up by all vitality and turned into a skinny zombie.

It is like, like... the sea of ​​cells, is dying.

It seems that although the ancient unintentional boast of "super network" and "cloud computing" for a long time, their little super body still has a master brain, which exists in the body of the ancient innocent.

Losing the control of the main brain, the whole sea of ​​cells immediately lost control, and all the cells fell apart and instantly annihilated.

Perhaps the true super-body in the multi-universe sea is not so unbearable, but the so-called "super-body" in front of everyone is just a small, ill-conceived "imitation". Will it really have no weaknesses and cannot be defeated?

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